Abstract:Reconstructing the geometry and appearance of objects from photographs taken in different environments is difficult as the illumination and therefore the object appearance vary across captured images. This is particularly challenging for more specular objects whose appearance strongly depends on the viewing direction. Some prior approaches model appearance variation across images using a per-image embedding vector, while others use physically-based rendering to recover the materials and per-image illumination. Such approaches fail at faithfully recovering view-dependent appearance given significant variation in input illumination and tend to produce mostly diffuse results. We present an approach that reconstructs objects from images taken under different illuminations by first relighting the images under a single reference illumination with a multiview relighting diffusion model and then reconstructing the object's geometry and appearance with a radiance field architecture that is robust to the small remaining inconsistencies among the relit images. We validate our proposed approach on both synthetic and real datasets and demonstrate that it greatly outperforms existing techniques at reconstructing high-fidelity appearance from images taken under extreme illumination variation. Moreover, our approach is particularly effective at recovering view-dependent "shiny" appearance which cannot be reconstructed by prior methods.
Abstract:Novel-view synthesis techniques achieve impressive results for static scenes but struggle when faced with the inconsistencies inherent to casual capture settings: varying illumination, scene motion, and other unintended effects that are difficult to model explicitly. We present an approach for leveraging generative video models to simulate the inconsistencies in the world that can occur during capture. We use this process, along with existing multi-view datasets, to create synthetic data for training a multi-view harmonization network that is able to reconcile inconsistent observations into a consistent 3D scene. We demonstrate that our world-simulation strategy significantly outperforms traditional augmentation methods in handling real-world scene variations, thereby enabling highly accurate static 3D reconstructions in the presence of a variety of challenging inconsistencies. Project page: https://alextrevithick.github.io/simvs
Abstract:We propose a generative model that, given a coarsely edited image, synthesizes a photorealistic output that follows the prescribed layout. Our method transfers fine details from the original image and preserves the identity of its parts. Yet, it adapts it to the lighting and context defined by the new layout. Our key insight is that videos are a powerful source of supervision for this task: objects and camera motions provide many observations of how the world changes with viewpoint, lighting, and physical interactions. We construct an image dataset in which each sample is a pair of source and target frames extracted from the same video at randomly chosen time intervals. We warp the source frame toward the target using two motion models that mimic the expected test-time user edits. We supervise our model to translate the warped image into the ground truth, starting from a pretrained diffusion model. Our model design explicitly enables fine detail transfer from the source frame to the generated image, while closely following the user-specified layout. We show that by using simple segmentations and coarse 2D manipulations, we can synthesize a photorealistic edit faithful to the user's input while addressing second-order effects like harmonizing the lighting and physical interactions between edited objects.
Abstract:Motion magnification helps us visualize subtle, imperceptible motion. However, prior methods only work for 2D videos captured with a fixed camera. We present a 3D motion magnification method that can magnify subtle motions from scenes captured by a moving camera, while supporting novel view rendering. We represent the scene with time-varying radiance fields and leverage the Eulerian principle for motion magnification to extract and amplify the variation of the embedding of a fixed point over time. We study and validate our proposed principle for 3D motion magnification using both implicit and tri-plane-based radiance fields as our underlying 3D scene representation. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method on both synthetic and real-world scenes captured under various camera setups.
Abstract:The reflective nature of the human eye is an underappreciated source of information about what the world around us looks like. By imaging the eyes of a moving person, we can collect multiple views of a scene outside the camera's direct line of sight through the reflections in the eyes. In this paper, we reconstruct a 3D scene beyond the camera's line of sight using portrait images containing eye reflections. This task is challenging due to 1) the difficulty of accurately estimating eye poses and 2) the entangled appearance of the eye iris and the scene reflections. Our method jointly refines the cornea poses, the radiance field depicting the scene, and the observer's eye iris texture. We further propose a simple regularization prior on the iris texture pattern to improve reconstruction quality. Through various experiments on synthetic and real-world captures featuring people with varied eye colors, we demonstrate the feasibility of our approach to recover 3D scenes using eye reflections.
Abstract:Smartphone cameras today are increasingly approaching the versatility and quality of professional cameras through a combination of hardware and software advancements. However, fixed aperture remains a key limitation, preventing users from controlling the depth of field (DoF) of captured images. At the same time, many smartphones now have multiple cameras with different fixed apertures -- specifically, an ultra-wide camera with wider field of view and deeper DoF and a higher resolution primary camera with shallower DoF. In this work, we propose $\text{DC}^2$, a system for defocus control for synthetically varying camera aperture, focus distance and arbitrary defocus effects by fusing information from such a dual-camera system. Our key insight is to leverage real-world smartphone camera dataset by using image refocus as a proxy task for learning to control defocus. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on real-world data demonstrate our system's efficacy where we outperform state-of-the-art on defocus deblurring, bokeh rendering, and image refocus. Finally, we demonstrate creative post-capture defocus control enabled by our method, including tilt-shift and content-based defocus effects.