Abstract:Lifelong mapping is crucial for the long-term deployment of robots in dynamic environments. In this paper, we present ELite, an ephemerality-aided LiDAR-based lifelong mapping framework which can seamlessly align multiple session data, remove dynamic objects, and update maps in an end-to-end fashion. Map elements are typically classified as static or dynamic, but cases like parked cars indicate the need for more detailed categories than binary. Central to our approach is the probabilistic modeling of the world into two-stage $\textit{ephemerality}$, which represent the transiency of points in the map within two different time scales. By leveraging the spatiotemporal context encoded in ephemeralities, ELite can accurately infer transient map elements, maintain a reliable up-to-date static map, and improve robustness in aligning the new data in a more fine-grained manner. Extensive real-world experiments on long-term datasets demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of our system. The source code is publicly available for the robotics community: https://github.com/dongjae0107/ELite.
Abstract:We often encounter limited FOV situations due to various factors such as sensor fusion or sensor mount in real-world robot navigation. However, the limited FOV interrupts the generation of descriptions and impacts place recognition adversely. Therefore, we suffer from correcting accumulated drift errors in a consistent map using LiDAR-based place recognition with limited FOV. Thus, in this paper, we propose a robust LiDAR-based place recognition method for handling narrow FOV scenarios. The proposed method establishes spatial organization based on the range-elevation bin and azimuth-elevation bin to represent places. In addition, we achieve a robust place description through reweighting based on vertical direction information. Based on these representations, our method enables addressing rotational changes and determining the initial heading. Additionally, we designed a lightweight and fast approach for the robot's onboard autonomy. For rigorous validation, the proposed method was tested across various LiDAR place recognition scenarios (i.e., single-session, multi-session, and multi-robot scenarios). To the best of our knowledge, we report the first method to cope with the restricted FOV. Our place description and SLAM codes will be released. Also, the supplementary materials of our descriptor are available at \texttt{\url{https://sites.google.com/view/lidar-solid}}.
Abstract:Recent advancements in Bird's Eye View (BEV) fusion for map construction have demonstrated remarkable mapping of urban environments. However, their deep and bulky architecture incurs substantial amounts of backpropagation memory and computing latency. Consequently, the problem poses an unavoidable bottleneck in constructing high-resolution (HR) BEV maps, as their large-sized features cause significant increases in costs including GPU memory consumption and computing latency, named diverging training costs issue. Affected by the problem, most existing methods adopt low-resolution (LR) BEV and struggle to estimate the precise locations of urban scene components like road lanes, and sidewalks. As the imprecision leads to risky self-driving, the diverging training costs issue has to be resolved. In this paper, we address the issue with our novel Trumpet Neural Network (TNN) mechanism. The framework utilizes LR BEV space and outputs an up-sampled semantic BEV map to create a memory-efficient pipeline. To this end, we introduce Local Restoration of BEV representation. Specifically, the up-sampled BEV representation has severely aliased, blocky signals, and thick semantic labels. Our proposed Local Restoration restores the signals and thins (or narrows down) the width of the labels. Our extensive experiments show that the TNN mechanism provides a plug-and-play memory-efficient pipeline, thereby enabling the effective estimation of real-sized (or precise) semantic labels for BEV map construction.
Abstract:Place recognition is crucial for robotic localization and loop closure in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Recently, LiDARs have gained popularity due to their robust sensing capability and measurement consistency, even in the illumination-variant environment, offering an advantage over traditional imaging sensors. Spinning LiDARs are widely accepted among many types, while non-repetitive scanning patterns have recently been utilized in robotic applications. Beyond the range measurements, some LiDARs offer additional measurements, such as reflectivity, Near Infrared (NIR), and velocity (e.g., FMCW LiDARs). Despite these advancements, a noticeable dearth of datasets comprehensively reflects the broad spectrum of LiDAR configurations optimized for place recognition. To tackle this issue, our paper proposes the HeLiPR dataset, curated especially for place recognition with heterogeneous LiDAR systems, embodying spatial-temporal variations. To the best of our knowledge, the HeLiPR dataset is the first heterogeneous LiDAR dataset designed to support inter-LiDAR place recognition with both non-repetitive and spinning LiDARs, accommodating different field of view (FOV) and varying numbers of rays. Encompassing the distinct LiDAR configurations, it captures varied environments ranging from urban cityscapes to high-dynamic freeways over a month, designed to enhance the adaptability and robustness of place recognition across diverse scenarios. Notably, the HeLiPR dataset also includes trajectories that parallel sequences from MulRan, underscoring its utility for research in heterogeneous LiDAR place recognition and long-term studies. The dataset is accessible at https: //sites.google.com/view/heliprdataset.
Abstract:A recent sensor fusion in a Bird's Eye View (BEV) space has shown its utility in various tasks such as 3D detection, map segmentation, etc. However, the approach struggles with inaccurate camera BEV estimation, and a perception of distant areas due to the sparsity of LiDAR points. In this paper, we propose a broad BEV fusion (BroadBEV) that addresses the problems with a spatial synchronization approach of cross-modality. Our strategy aims to enhance camera BEV estimation for a broad-sighted perception while simultaneously improving the completion of LiDAR's sparsity in the entire BEV space. Toward that end, we devise Point-scattering that scatters LiDAR BEV distribution to camera depth distribution. The method boosts the learning of depth estimation of the camera branch and induces accurate location of dense camera features in BEV space. For an effective BEV fusion between the spatially synchronized features, we suggest ColFusion that applies self-attention weights of LiDAR and camera BEV features to each other. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that BroadBEV provides a broad-sighted BEV perception with remarkable performance gains.
Abstract:Radar sensors are emerging as solutions for perceiving surroundings and estimating ego-motion in extreme weather conditions. Unfortunately, radar measurements are noisy and suffer from mutual interference, which degrades the performance of feature extraction and matching, triggering imprecise matching pairs, which are referred to as outliers. To tackle the effect of outliers on radar odometry, a novel outlier-robust method called \textit{ORORA} is proposed, which is an abbreviation of \textit{Outlier-RObust RAdar odometry}. To this end, a novel decoupling-based method is proposed, which consists of graduated non-convexity~(GNC)-based rotation estimation and anisotropic component-wise translation estimation~(A-COTE). Furthermore, our method leverages the anisotropic characteristics of radar measurements, each of whose uncertainty along the azimuthal direction is somewhat larger than that along the radial direction. As verified in the public dataset, it was demonstrated that our proposed method yields robust ego-motion estimation performance compared with other state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/url-kaist/outlier-robust-radar-odometry.
Abstract:Using publicly accessible maps, we propose a novel vehicle localization method that can be applied without using prior light detection and ranging (LiDAR) maps. Our method generates OSM descriptors by calculating the distances to buildings from a location in OpenStreetMap at a regular angle, and LiDAR descriptors by calculating the shortest distances to building points from the current location at a regular angle. Comparing the OSM descriptors and LiDAR descriptors yields a highly accurate vehicle localization result. Compared to methods that use prior LiDAR maps, our method presents two main advantages: (1) vehicle localization is not limited to only places with previously acquired LiDAR maps, and (2) our method is comparable to LiDAR map-based methods, and especially outperforms the other methods with respect to the top one candidate at KITTI dataset sequence 00.
Abstract:Accurate 3D point cloud map generation is a core task for various robot missions or even for data-driven urban analysis. To do so, light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology have been elaborated. To compose a full SLAM system, many odometry and place recognition methods have independently been proposed in academia. However, they have hardly been integrated or too tightly combined so that exchanging (upgrading) either single odometry or place recognition module is very effort demanding. Recently, the performance of each module has been improved a lot, so it is necessary to build a SLAM system that can effectively integrate them and easily replace them with the latest one. In this paper, we release such a front-end agnostic LiDAR SLAM system, named SC-LiDAR-SLAM. We built a complete SLAM system by designing it modular, and successfully integrating it with Scan Context++ and diverse existing opensource LiDAR odometry methods to generate an accurate point cloud map
Abstract:Place recognition is a key module in robotic navigation. The existing line of studies mostly focuses on visual place recognition to recognize previously visited places solely based on their appearance. In this paper, we address structural place recognition by recognizing a place based on structural appearance, namely from range sensors. Extending our previous work on a rotation invariant spatial descriptor, the proposed descriptor completes a generic descriptor robust to both rotation (heading) and translation when roll-pitch motions are not severe. We introduce two sub-descriptors and enable topological place retrieval followed by the 1-DOF semi-metric localization thereby bridging the gap between topological place retrieval and metric localization. The proposed method has been evaluated thoroughly in terms of environmental complexity and scale. The source code is available and can easily be integrated into existing LiDAR simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).
Abstract:Long-term 3D map management is a fundamental capability required by a robot to reliably navigate in the non-stationary real-world. This paper develops open-source, modular, and readily available LiDAR-based lifelong mapping for urban sites. This is achieved by dividing the problem into successive subproblems: multi-session SLAM (MSS), high/low dynamic change detection, and positive/negative change management. The proposed method leverages MSS and handles potential trajectory error; thus, good initial alignment is not required for change detection. Our change management scheme preserves efficacy in both memory and computation costs, providing automatic object segregation from a large-scale point cloud map. We verify the framework's reliability and applicability even under permanent year-level variation, through extensive real-world experiments with multiple temporal gaps (from day to year).