Abstract:Context. As software systems become more integrated into society's infrastructure, the responsibility of software professionals to ensure compliance with various non-functional requirements increases. These requirements include security, safety, privacy, and, increasingly, non-discrimination. Motivation. Fairness in pricing algorithms grants equitable access to basic services without discriminating on the basis of protected attributes. Method. We replicate a previous empirical study that used black box testing to audit pricing algorithms used by Italian car insurance companies, accessible through a popular online system. With respect to the previous study, we enlarged the number of tests and the number of demographic variables under analysis. Results. Our work confirms and extends previous findings, highlighting the problematic permanence of discrimination across time: demographic variables significantly impact pricing to this day, with birthplace remaining the main discriminatory factor against individuals not born in Italian cities. We also found that driver profiles can determine the number of quotes available to the user, denying equal opportunities to all. Conclusion. The study underscores the importance of testing for non-discrimination in software systems that affect people's everyday lives. Performing algorithmic audits over time makes it possible to evaluate the evolution of such algorithms. It also demonstrates the role that empirical software engineering can play in making software systems more accountable.
Abstract:Behavior-based Driver Identification is an emerging technology that recognizes drivers based on their unique driving behaviors, offering important applications such as vehicle theft prevention and personalized driving experiences. However, most studies fail to account for the real-world challenges of deploying Deep Learning models within vehicles. These challenges include operating under limited computational resources, adapting to new drivers, and changes in driving behavior over time. The objective of this study is to evaluate if Continual Learning (CL) is well-suited to address these challenges, as it enables models to retain previously learned knowledge while continually adapting with minimal computational overhead and resource requirements. We tested several CL techniques across three scenarios of increasing complexity based on the well-known OCSLab dataset. This work provides an important step forward in scalable driver identification solutions, demonstrating that CL approaches, such as DER, can obtain strong performance, with only an 11% reduction in accuracy compared to the static scenario. Furthermore, to enhance the performance, we propose two new methods, SmooER and SmooDER, that leverage the temporal continuity of driver identity over time to enhance classification accuracy. Our novel method, SmooDER, achieves optimal results with only a 2% reduction compared to the 11\% of the DER approach. In conclusion, this study proves the feasibility of CL approaches to address the challenges of Driver Identification in dynamic environments, making them suitable for deployment on cloud infrastructure or directly within vehicles.
Abstract:Deep Reinforcement Learning is gaining increasing attention thanks to its capability to learn complex policies in high-dimensional settings. Recent advancements utilize a dual-network architecture to learn optimal policies through the Q-learning algorithm. However, this approach has notable drawbacks, such as an overestimation bias that can disrupt the learning process and degrade the performance of the resulting policy. To address this, novel algorithms have been developed that mitigate overestimation bias by employing multiple Q-functions. Edge scenarios, which prioritize privacy, have recently gained prominence. In these settings, limited computational resources pose a significant challenge for complex Machine Learning approaches, making the efficiency of algorithms crucial for their performance. In this work, we introduce a novel Reinforcement Learning algorithm tailored for edge scenarios, called Edge Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (EdgeD3). EdgeD3 enhances the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm, achieving significantly improved performance with $25\%$ less Graphics Process Unit (GPU) time while maintaining the same memory usage. Additionally, EdgeD3 consistently matches or surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art methods across various benchmarks, all while using $30\%$ fewer computational resources and requiring $30\%$ less memory.
Abstract:Visual Anomaly Detection (VAD) has gained significant research attention for its ability to identify anomalous images and pinpoint the specific areas responsible for the anomaly. A key advantage of VAD is its unsupervised nature, which eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming labeled data collection. However, despite its potential for real-world applications, the literature has given limited focus to resource-efficient VAD, particularly for deployment on edge devices. This work addresses this gap by leveraging lightweight neural networks to reduce memory and computation requirements, enabling VAD deployment on resource-constrained edge devices. We benchmark the major VAD algorithms within this framework and demonstrate the feasibility of edge-based VAD using the well-known MVTec dataset. Furthermore, we introduce a novel algorithm, Partially Shared Teacher-student (PaSTe), designed to address the high resource demands of the existing Student Teacher Feature Pyramid Matching (STFPM) approach. Our results show that PaSTe decreases the inference time by 25%, while reducing the training time by 33% and peak RAM usage during training by 76%. These improvements make the VAD process significantly more efficient, laying a solid foundation for real-world deployment on edge devices.
Abstract:Detecting objects in mobile robotics is crucial for numerous applications, from autonomous navigation to inspection. However, robots are often required to perform tasks in different domains with respect to the training one and need to adapt to these changes. Tiny mobile robots, subject to size, power, and computational constraints, encounter even more difficulties in running and adapting these algorithms. Such adaptability, though, is crucial for real-world deployment, where robots must operate effectively in dynamic and unpredictable settings. In this work, we introduce a novel benchmark to evaluate the continual learning capabilities of object detection systems in tiny robotic platforms. Our contributions include: (i) Tiny Robotics Object Detection (TiROD), a comprehensive dataset collected using a small mobile robot, designed to test the adaptability of object detectors across various domains and classes; (ii) an evaluation of state-of-the-art real-time object detectors combined with different continual learning strategies on this dataset, providing detailed insights into their performance and limitations; and (iii) we publish the data and the code to replicate the results to foster continuous advancements in this field. Our benchmark results indicate key challenges that must be addressed to advance the development of robust and efficient object detection systems for tiny robotics.
Abstract:Object Detection is a highly relevant computer vision problem with many applications such as robotics and autonomous driving. Continual Learning~(CL) considers a setting where a model incrementally learns new information while retaining previously acquired knowledge. This is particularly challenging since Deep Learning models tend to catastrophically forget old knowledge while training on new data. In particular, Continual Learning for Object Detection~(CLOD) poses additional difficulties compared to CL for Classification. In CLOD, images from previous tasks may contain unknown classes that could reappear labeled in future tasks. These missing annotations cause task interference issues for replay-based approaches. As a result, most works in the literature have focused on distillation-based approaches. However, these approaches are effective only when there is a strong overlap of classes across tasks. To address the issues of current methodologies, we propose a novel technique to solve CLOD called Replay Consolidation with Label Propagation for Object Detection (RCLPOD). Based on the replay method, our solution avoids task interference issues by enhancing the buffer memory samples. Our method is evaluated against existing techniques in CLOD literature, demonstrating its superior performance on established benchmarks like VOC and COCO.
Abstract:While numerous methods achieving remarkable performance exist in the Object Detection literature, addressing data distribution shifts remains challenging. Continual Learning (CL) offers solutions to this issue, enabling models to adapt to new data while maintaining performance on previous data. This is particularly pertinent for edge devices, common in dynamic environments like automotive and robotics. In this work, we address the memory and computation constraints of edge devices in the Continual Learning for Object Detection (CLOD) scenario. Specifically, (i) we investigate the suitability of an open-source, lightweight, and fast detector, namely NanoDet, for CLOD on edge devices, improving upon larger architectures used in the literature. Moreover, (ii) we propose a novel CL method, called Latent Distillation~(LD), that reduces the number of operations and the memory required by state-of-the-art CL approaches without significantly compromising detection performance. Our approach is validated using the well-known VOC and COCO benchmarks, reducing the distillation parameter overhead by 74\% and the Floating Points Operations~(FLOPs) by 56\% per model update compared to other distillation methods.
Abstract:In the following report, we describe the solution we propose for the AI Olympics competition held at IROS 2024. Our solution is based on a Model-free Deep Reinforcement Learning approach combined with an evolutionary strategy. We will briefly describe the algorithms that have been used and then provide details of the approach
Abstract:Autonomous intersection management (AIM) poses significant challenges due to the intricate nature of real-world traffic scenarios and the need for a highly expensive centralised server in charge of simultaneously controlling all the vehicles. This study addresses such issues by proposing a novel distributed approach to AIM utilizing multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). We show that by leveraging the 3D surround view technology for advanced assistance systems, autonomous vehicles can accurately navigate intersection scenarios without needing any centralised controller. The contributions of this paper thus include a MARL-based algorithm for the autonomous management of a 4-way intersection and also the introduction of a new strategy called prioritised scenario replay for improved training efficacy. We validate our approach as an innovative alternative to conventional centralised AIM techniques, ensuring the full reproducibility of our results. Specifically, experiments conducted in virtual environments using the SMARTS platform highlight its superiority over benchmarks across various metrics.
Abstract:This letter presents a novel approach in the field of Active Fault Detection (AFD), by explicitly separating the task into two parts: Passive Fault Detection (PFD) and control input design. This formulation is very general, and most existing AFD literature can be viewed through this lens. By recognizing this separation, PFD methods can be leveraged to provide components that make efficient use of the available information, while the control input is designed in order to optimize the gathering of information. The core contribution of this work is FIERL, a general simulation-based approach for the design of such control strategies, using Constrained Reinforcement Learning (CRL) to optimize the performance of arbitrary passive detectors. The control policy is learned without the need of knowing the passive detector inner workings, making FIERL broadly applicable. However, it is especially useful when paired with the design of an efficient passive component. Unlike most AFD approaches, FIERL can handle fairly complex scenarios such as continuous sets of fault modes. The effectiveness of FIERL is tested on a benchmark problem for actuator fault diagnosis, where FIERL is shown to be fairly robust, being able to generalize to fault dynamics not seen in training.