Technical University of Munich, Imperial College London
Abstract:Machine unlearning refers to removing the influence of a specified subset of training data from a machine learning model, efficiently, after it has already been trained. This is important for key applications, including making the model more accurate by removing outdated, mislabeled, or poisoned data. In this work, we study localized unlearning, where the unlearning algorithm operates on a (small) identified subset of parameters. Drawing inspiration from the memorization literature, we propose an improved localization strategy that yields strong results when paired with existing unlearning algorithms. We also propose a new unlearning algorithm, Deletion by Example Localization (DEL), that resets the parameters deemed-to-be most critical according to our localization strategy, and then finetunes them. Our extensive experiments on different datasets, forget sets and metrics reveal that DEL sets a new state-of-the-art for unlearning metrics, against both localized and full-parameter methods, while modifying a small subset of parameters, and outperforms the state-of-the-art localized unlearning in terms of test accuracy too.
Abstract:Active learning (AL) is a widely used technique for optimizing data labeling in machine learning by iteratively selecting, labeling, and training on the most informative data. However, its integration with formal privacy-preserving methods, particularly differential privacy (DP), remains largely underexplored. While some works have explored differentially private AL for specialized scenarios like online learning, the fundamental challenge of combining AL with DP in standard learning settings has remained unaddressed, severely limiting AL's applicability in privacy-sensitive domains. This work addresses this gap by introducing differentially private active learning (DP-AL) for standard learning settings. We demonstrate that naively integrating DP-SGD training into AL presents substantial challenges in privacy budget allocation and data utilization. To overcome these challenges, we propose step amplification, which leverages individual sampling probabilities in batch creation to maximize data point participation in training steps, thus optimizing data utilization. Additionally, we investigate the effectiveness of various acquisition functions for data selection under privacy constraints, revealing that many commonly used functions become impractical. Our experiments on vision and natural language processing tasks show that DP-AL can improve performance for specific datasets and model architectures. However, our findings also highlight the limitations of AL in privacy-constrained environments, emphasizing the trade-offs between privacy, model accuracy, and data selection accuracy.
Abstract:Generally, the small size of public medical imaging datasets coupled with stringent privacy concerns, hampers the advancement of data-hungry deep learning models in medical imaging. This study addresses these challenges for 3D cardiac MRI images in the short-axis view. We propose Latent Diffusion Models that generate synthetic images conditioned on medical attributes, while ensuring patient privacy through differentially private model training. To our knowledge, this is the first work to apply and quantify differential privacy in 3D medical image generation. We pre-train our models on public data and finetune them with differential privacy on the UK Biobank dataset. Our experiments reveal that pre-training significantly improves model performance, achieving a Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID) of 26.77 at $\epsilon=10$, compared to 92.52 for models without pre-training. Additionally, we explore the trade-off between privacy constraints and image quality, investigating how tighter privacy budgets affect output controllability and may lead to degraded performance. Our results demonstrate that proper consideration during training with differential privacy can substantially improve the quality of synthetic cardiac MRI images, but there are still notable challenges in achieving consistent medical realism.
Abstract:Deep learning holds immense promise for aiding radiologists in breast cancer detection. However, achieving optimal model performance is hampered by limitations in availability and sharing of data commonly associated to patient privacy concerns. Such concerns are further exacerbated, as traditional deep learning models can inadvertently leak sensitive training information. This work addresses these challenges exploring and quantifying the utility of privacy-preserving deep learning techniques, concretely, (i) differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) and (ii) fully synthetic training data generated by our proposed malignancy-conditioned generative adversarial network. We assess these methods via downstream malignancy classification of mammography masses using a transformer model. Our experimental results depict that synthetic data augmentation can improve privacy-utility tradeoffs in differentially private model training. Further, model pretraining on synthetic data achieves remarkable performance, which can be further increased with DP-SGD fine-tuning across all privacy guarantees. With this first in-depth exploration of privacy-preserving deep learning in breast imaging, we address current and emerging clinical privacy requirements and pave the way towards the adoption of private high-utility deep diagnostic models. Our reproducible codebase is publicly available at
Abstract:Machine unlearning is the process of removing the impact of a particular set of training samples from a pretrained model. It aims to fulfill the "right to be forgotten", which grants the individuals such as patients the right to reconsider their contribution in models including medical imaging models. In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness (performance) and computational efficiency of different unlearning algorithms in medical imaging domain. Our evaluations demonstrate that the considered unlearning algorithms perform well on the retain set (samples whose influence on the model is allowed to be retained) and forget set (samples whose contribution to the model should be eliminated), and show no bias against male or female samples. They, however, adversely impact the generalization of the model, especially for larger forget set sizes. Moreover, they might be biased against easy or hard samples, and need additional computational overhead for hyper-parameter tuning. In conclusion, machine unlearning seems promising for medical imaging, but the existing unlearning algorithms still needs further improvements to become more practical for medical applications.
Abstract:Differential privacy (DP) is a widely used approach for mitigating privacy risks when training machine learning models on sensitive data. DP mechanisms add noise during training to limit the risk of information leakage. The scale of the added noise is critical, as it determines the trade-off between privacy and utility. The standard practice is to select the noise scale in terms of a privacy budget parameter $\epsilon$. This parameter is in turn interpreted in terms of operational attack risk, such as accuracy, or sensitivity and specificity of inference attacks against the privacy of the data. We demonstrate that this two-step procedure of first calibrating the noise scale to a privacy budget $\epsilon$, and then translating $\epsilon$ to attack risk leads to overly conservative risk assessments and unnecessarily low utility. We propose methods to directly calibrate the noise scale to a desired attack risk level, bypassing the intermediate step of choosing $\epsilon$. For a target attack risk, our approach significantly decreases noise scale, leading to increased utility at the same level of privacy. We empirically demonstrate that calibrating noise to attack sensitivity/specificity, rather than $\epsilon$, when training privacy-preserving ML models substantially improves model accuracy for the same risk level. Our work provides a principled and practical way to improve the utility of privacy-preserving ML without compromising on privacy.
Abstract:In differentially private (DP) machine learning, the privacy guarantees of DP mechanisms are often reported and compared on the basis of a single $(\varepsilon, \delta)$-pair. This practice overlooks that DP guarantees can vary substantially \emph{even between mechanisms sharing a given $(\varepsilon, \delta)$}, and potentially introduces privacy vulnerabilities which can remain undetected. This motivates the need for robust, rigorous methods for comparing DP guarantees in such cases. Here, we introduce the $\Delta$-divergence between mechanisms which quantifies the worst-case excess privacy vulnerability of choosing one mechanism over another in terms of $(\varepsilon, \delta)$, $f$-DP and in terms of a newly presented Bayesian interpretation. Moreover, as a generalisation of the Blackwell theorem, it is endowed with strong decision-theoretic foundations. Through application examples, we show that our techniques can facilitate informed decision-making and reveal gaps in the current understanding of privacy risks, as current practices in DP-SGD often result in choosing mechanisms with high excess privacy vulnerabilities.
Abstract:Report generation models offer fine-grained textual interpretations of medical images like chest X-rays, yet they often lack interactivity (i.e. the ability to steer the generation process through user queries) and localized interpretability (i.e. visually grounding their predictions), which we deem essential for future adoption in clinical practice. While there have been efforts to tackle these issues, they are either limited in their interactivity by not supporting textual queries or fail to also offer localized interpretability. Therefore, we propose a novel multitask architecture and training paradigm integrating textual prompts and bounding boxes for diverse aspects like anatomical regions and pathologies. We call this approach the Chest X-Ray Explainer (ChEX). Evaluations across a heterogeneous set of 9 chest X-ray tasks, including localized image interpretation and report generation, showcase its competitiveness with SOTA models while additional analysis demonstrates ChEX's interactive capabilities.
Abstract:Image reconstruction attacks on machine learning models pose a significant risk to privacy by potentially leaking sensitive information. Although defending against such attacks using differential privacy (DP) has proven effective, determining appropriate DP parameters remains challenging. Current formal guarantees on data reconstruction success suffer from overly theoretical assumptions regarding adversary knowledge about the target data, particularly in the image domain. In this work, we empirically investigate this discrepancy and find that the practicality of these assumptions strongly depends on the domain shift between the data prior and the reconstruction target. We propose a reconstruction attack based on diffusion models (DMs) that assumes adversary access to real-world image priors and assess its implications on privacy leakage under DP-SGD. We show that (1) real-world data priors significantly influence reconstruction success, (2) current reconstruction bounds do not model the risk posed by data priors well, and (3) DMs can serve as effective auditing tools for visualizing privacy leakage.
Abstract:Direct image-to-graph transformation is a challenging task that solves object detection and relationship prediction in a single model. Due to the complexity of this task, large training datasets are rare in many domains, which makes the training of large networks challenging. This data sparsity necessitates the establishment of pre-training strategies akin to the state-of-the-art in computer vision. In this work, we introduce a set of methods enabling cross-domain and cross-dimension transfer learning for image-to-graph transformers. We propose (1) a regularized edge sampling loss for sampling the optimal number of object relationships (edges) across domains, (2) a domain adaptation framework for image-to-graph transformers that aligns features from different domains, and (3) a simple projection function that allows us to pretrain 3D transformers on 2D input data. We demonstrate our method's utility in cross-domain and cross-dimension experiments, where we pretrain our models on 2D satellite images before applying them to vastly different target domains in 2D and 3D. Our method consistently outperforms a series of baselines on challenging benchmarks, such as retinal or whole-brain vessel graph extraction.