Abstract:Estimating depth from a sequence of posed RGB images is a fundamental computer vision task, with applications in augmented reality, path planning etc. Prior work typically makes use of previous frames in a multi view stereo framework, relying on matching textures in a local neighborhood. In contrast, our model leverages historical predictions by giving the latest 3D geometry data as an extra input to our network. This self-generated geometric hint can encode information from areas of the scene not covered by the keyframes and it is more regularized when compared to individual predicted depth maps for previous frames. We introduce a Hint MLP which combines cost volume features with a hint of the prior geometry, rendered as a depth map from the current camera location, together with a measure of the confidence in the prior geometry. We demonstrate that our method, which can run at interactive speeds, achieves state-of-the-art estimates of depth and 3D scene reconstruction in both offline and incremental evaluation scenarios.
Abstract:Extracting planes from a 3D scene is useful for downstream tasks in robotics and augmented reality. In this paper we tackle the problem of estimating the planar surfaces in a scene from posed images. Our first finding is that a surprisingly competitive baseline results from combining popular clustering algorithms with recent improvements in 3D geometry estimation. However, such purely geometric methods are understandably oblivious to plane semantics, which are crucial to discerning distinct planes. To overcome this limitation, we propose a method that predicts multi-view consistent plane embeddings that complement geometry when clustering points into planes. We show through extensive evaluation on the ScanNetV2 dataset that our new method outperforms existing approaches and our strong geometric baseline for the task of plane estimation.
Abstract:Depth perception is pivotal in many fields, such as robotics and autonomous driving, to name a few. Consequently, depth sensors such as LiDARs rapidly spread in many applications. The 3D point clouds generated by these sensors must often be coupled with an RGB camera to understand the framed scene semantically. Usually, the former is projected over the camera image plane, leading to a sparse depth map. Unfortunately, this process, coupled with the intrinsic issues affecting all the depth sensors, yields noise and gross outliers in the final output. Purposely, in this paper, we propose an effective unsupervised framework aimed at explicitly addressing this issue by learning to estimate the confidence of the LiDAR sparse depth map and thus allowing for filtering out the outliers. Experimental results on the KITTI dataset highlight that our framework excels for this purpose. Moreover, we demonstrate how this achievement can improve a wide range of tasks.
Abstract:The recent pandemic emergency raised many challenges regarding the countermeasures aimed at containing the virus spread, and constraining the minimum distance between people resulted in one of the most effective strategies. Thus, the implementation of autonomous systems capable of monitoring the so-called social distance gained much interest. In this paper, we aim to address this task leveraging a single RGB frame without additional depth sensors. In contrast to existing single-image alternatives failing when ground localization is not available, we rely on single image depth estimation to perceive the 3D structure of the observed scene and estimate the distance between people. During the setup phase, a straightforward calibration procedure, leveraging a scale-aware SLAM algorithm available even on consumer smartphones, allows us to address the scale ambiguity affecting single image depth estimation. We validate our approach through indoor and outdoor images employing a calibrated LiDAR + RGB camera asset. Experimental results highlight that our proposal enables sufficiently reliable estimation of the inter-personal distance to monitor social distancing effectively. This fact confirms that despite its intrinsic ambiguity, if appropriately driven single image depth estimation can be a viable alternative to other depth perception techniques, more expensive and not always feasible in practical applications. Our evaluation also highlights that our framework can run reasonably fast and comparably to competitors, even on pure CPU systems. Moreover, its practical deployment on low-power systems is around the corner.
Abstract:We introduce a novel architecture for neural disparity refinement aimed at facilitating deployment of 3D computer vision on cheap and widespread consumer devices, such as mobile phones. Our approach relies on a continuous formulation that enables to estimate a refined disparity map at any arbitrary output resolution. Thereby, it can handle effectively the unbalanced camera setup typical of nowadays mobile phones, which feature both high and low resolution RGB sensors within the same device. Moreover, our neural network can process seamlessly the output of a variety of stereo methods and, by refining the disparity maps computed by a traditional matching algorithm like SGM, it can achieve unpaired zero-shot generalization performance compared to state-of-the-art end-to-end stereo models.
Abstract:This paper proposes a framework to guide an optical flow network with external cues to achieve superior accuracy either on known or unseen domains. Given the availability of sparse yet accurate optical flow hints from an external source, these are injected to modulate the correlation scores computed by a state-of-the-art optical flow network and guide it towards more accurate predictions. Although no real sensor can provide sparse flow hints, we show how these can be obtained by combining depth measurements from active sensors with geometry and hand-crafted optical flow algorithms, leading to accurate enough hints for our purpose. Experimental results with a state-of-the-art flow network on standard benchmarks support the effectiveness of our framework, both in simulated and real conditions.
Abstract:This paper deals with the scarcity of data for training optical flow networks, highlighting the limitations of existing sources such as labeled synthetic datasets or unlabeled real videos. Specifically, we introduce a framework to generate accurate ground-truth optical flow annotations quickly and in large amounts from any readily available single real picture. Given an image, we use an off-the-shelf monocular depth estimation network to build a plausible point cloud for the observed scene. Then, we virtually move the camera in the reconstructed environment with known motion vectors and rotation angles, allowing us to synthesize both a novel view and the corresponding optical flow field connecting each pixel in the input image to the one in the new frame. When trained with our data, state-of-the-art optical flow networks achieve superior generalization to unseen real data compared to the same models trained either on annotated synthetic datasets or unlabeled videos, and better specialization if combined with synthetic images.
Abstract:Stereo matching is one of the most popular techniques to estimate dense depth maps by finding the disparity between matching pixels on two, synchronized and rectified images. Alongside with the development of more accurate algorithms, the research community focused on finding good strategies to estimate the reliability, i.e. the confidence, of estimated disparity maps. This information proves to be a powerful cue to naively find wrong matches as well as to improve the overall effectiveness of a variety of stereo algorithms according to different strategies. In this paper, we review more than ten years of developments in the field of confidence estimation for stereo matching. We extensively discuss and evaluate existing confidence measures and their variants, from hand-crafted ones to the most recent, state-of-the-art learning based methods. We study the different behaviors of each measure when applied to a pool of different stereo algorithms and, for the first time in literature, when paired with a state-of-the-art deep stereo network. Our experiments, carried out on five different standard datasets, provide a comprehensive overview of the field, highlighting in particular both strengths and limitations of learning-based strategies.
Abstract:In many fields, self-supervised learning solutions are rapidly evolving and filling the gap with supervised approaches. This fact occurs for depth estimation based on either monocular or stereo, with the latter often providing a valid source of self-supervision for the former. In contrast, to soften typical stereo artefacts, we propose a novel self-supervised paradigm reversing the link between the two. Purposely, in order to train deep stereo networks, we distill knowledge through a monocular completion network. This architecture exploits single-image clues and few sparse points, sourced by traditional stereo algorithms, to estimate dense yet accurate disparity maps by means of a consensus mechanism over multiple estimations. We thoroughly evaluate with popular stereo datasets the impact of different supervisory signals showing how stereo networks trained with our paradigm outperform existing self-supervised frameworks. Finally, our proposal achieves notable generalization capabilities dealing with domain shift issues. Code available at https://github.com/FilippoAleotti/Reversing
Abstract:Estimating the confidence of disparity maps inferred by a stereo algorithm has become a very relevant task in the years, due to the increasing number of applications leveraging such cue. Although self-supervised learning has recently spread across many computer vision tasks, it has been barely considered in the field of confidence estimation. In this paper, we propose a flexible and lightweight solution enabling self-adapting confidence estimation agnostic to the stereo algorithm or network. Our approach relies on the minimum information available in any stereo setup (i.e., the input stereo pair and the output disparity map) to learn an effective confidence measure. This strategy allows us not only a seamless integration with any stereo system, including consumer and industrial devices equipped with undisclosed stereo perception methods, but also, due to its self-adapting capability, for its out-of-the-box deployment in the field. Exhaustive experimental results with different standard datasets support our claims, showing how our solution is the first-ever enabling online learning of accurate confidence estimation for any stereo system and without any requirement for the end-user.