Abstract:Exemplar-guided image translation, synthesizing photo-realistic images that conform to both structural control and style exemplars, is attracting attention due to its ability to enhance user control over style manipulation. Previous methodologies have predominantly depended on establishing dense correspondences across cross-domain inputs. Despite these efforts, they incur quadratic memory and computational costs for establishing dense correspondence, resulting in limited versatility and performance degradation. In this paper, we propose a novel approach termed Exemplar-guided Image Translation with Brownian-Bridge Diffusion Models (EBDM). Our method formulates the task as a stochastic Brownian bridge process, a diffusion process with a fixed initial point as structure control and translates into the corresponding photo-realistic image while being conditioned solely on the given exemplar image. To efficiently guide the diffusion process toward the style of exemplar, we delineate three pivotal components: the Global Encoder, the Exemplar Network, and the Exemplar Attention Module to incorporate global and detailed texture information from exemplar images. Leveraging Bridge diffusion, the network can translate images from structure control while exclusively conditioned on the exemplar style, leading to more robust training and inference processes. We illustrate the superiority of our method over competing approaches through comprehensive benchmark evaluations and visual results.
Abstract:Source-Free domain adaptive Object Detection (SFOD) is a promising strategy for deploying trained detectors to new, unlabeled domains without accessing source data, addressing significant concerns around data privacy and efficiency. Most SFOD methods leverage a Mean-Teacher (MT) self-training paradigm relying heavily on High-confidence Pseudo Labels (HPL). However, these HPL often overlook small instances that undergo significant appearance changes with domain shifts. Additionally, HPL ignore instances with low confidence due to the scarcity of training samples, resulting in biased adaptation toward familiar instances from the source domain. To address this limitation, we introduce the Low-confidence Pseudo Label Distillation (LPLD) loss within the Mean-Teacher based SFOD framework. This novel approach is designed to leverage the proposals from Region Proposal Network (RPN), which potentially encompasses hard-to-detect objects in unfamiliar domains. Initially, we extract HPL using a standard pseudo-labeling technique and mine a set of Low-confidence Pseudo Labels (LPL) from proposals generated by RPN, leaving those that do not overlap significantly with HPL. These LPL are further refined by leveraging class-relation information and reducing the effect of inherent noise for the LPLD loss calculation. Furthermore, we use feature distance to adaptively weight the LPLD loss to focus on LPL containing a larger foreground area. Our method outperforms previous SFOD methods on four cross-domain object detection benchmarks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our LPLD loss leads to effective adaptation by reducing false negatives and facilitating the use of domain-invariant knowledge from the source model. Code is available at https://github.com/junia3/LPLD.
Abstract:Open-world semi-supervised learning (OWSSL) extends conventional semi-supervised learning to open-world scenarios by taking account of novel categories in unlabeled datasets. Despite the recent advancements in OWSSL, the success often relies on the assumptions that 1) labeled and unlabeled datasets share the same balanced class prior distribution, which does not generally hold in real-world applications, and 2) unlabeled training datasets are utilized for evaluation, where such transductive inference might not adequately address challenges in the wild. In this paper, we aim to generalize OWSSL by addressing them. Our work suggests that practical OWSSL may require different training settings, evaluation methods, and learning strategies compared to those prevalent in the existing literature.
Abstract:We present a new multi-modal face image generation method that converts a text prompt and a visual input, such as a semantic mask or scribble map, into a photo-realistic face image. To do this, we combine the strengths of Generative Adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion models (DMs) by employing the multi-modal features in the DM into the latent space of the pre-trained GANs. We present a simple mapping and a style modulation network to link two models and convert meaningful representations in feature maps and attention maps into latent codes. With GAN inversion, the estimated latent codes can be used to generate 2D or 3D-aware facial images. We further present a multi-step training strategy that reflects textual and structural representations into the generated image. Our proposed network produces realistic 2D, multi-view, and stylized face images, which align well with inputs. We validate our method by using pre-trained 2D and 3D GANs, and our results outperform existing methods. Our project page is available at https://github.com/1211sh/Diffusion-driven_GAN-Inversion/.
Abstract:This paper introduces VLAP, a novel approach that bridges pretrained vision models and large language models (LLMs) to make frozen LLMs understand the visual world. VLAP transforms the embedding space of pretrained vision models into the LLMs' word embedding space using a single linear layer for efficient and general-purpose visual and language understanding. Specifically, we harness well-established word embeddings to bridge two modality embedding spaces. The visual and text representations are simultaneously assigned to a set of word embeddings within pretrained LLMs by formulating the assigning procedure as an optimal transport problem. We predict the assignment of one modality from the representation of another modality data, enforcing consistent assignments for paired multimodal data. This allows vision and language representations to contain the same information, grounding the frozen LLMs' word embedding space in visual data. Moreover, a robust semantic taxonomy of LLMs can be preserved with visual data since the LLMs interpret and reason linguistic information from correlations between word embeddings. Experimental results show that VLAP achieves substantial improvements over the previous linear transformation-based approaches across a range of vision-language tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, and cross-modal retrieval. We also demonstrate the learned visual representations hold a semantic taxonomy of LLMs, making visual semantic arithmetic possible.
Abstract:Visual scenes are naturally organized in a hierarchy, where a coarse semantic is recursively comprised of several fine details. Exploring such a visual hierarchy is crucial to recognize the complex relations of visual elements, leading to a comprehensive scene understanding. In this paper, we propose a Visual Hierarchy Mapper (Hi-Mapper), a novel approach for enhancing the structured understanding of the pre-trained Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Hi-Mapper investigates the hierarchical organization of the visual scene by 1) pre-defining a hierarchy tree through the encapsulation of probability densities; and 2) learning the hierarchical relations in hyperbolic space with a novel hierarchical contrastive loss. The pre-defined hierarchy tree recursively interacts with the visual features of the pre-trained DNNs through hierarchy decomposition and encoding procedures, thereby effectively identifying the visual hierarchy and enhancing the recognition of an entire scene. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Hi-Mapper significantly enhances the representation capability of DNNs, leading to an improved performance on various tasks, including image classification and dense prediction tasks.
Abstract:Given the inevitability of domain shifts during inference in real-world applications, test-time adaptation (TTA) is essential for model adaptation after deployment. However, the real-world scenario of continuously changing target distributions presents challenges including catastrophic forgetting and error accumulation. Existing TTA methods for non-stationary domain shifts, while effective, incur excessive computational load, making them impractical for on-device settings. In this paper, we introduce a layer-wise auto-weighting algorithm for continual and gradual TTA that autonomously identifies layers for preservation or concentrated adaptation. By leveraging the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM), we first design the learning weight to selectively focus on layers associated with log-likelihood changes while preserving unrelated ones. Then, we further propose an exponential min-max scaler to make certain layers nearly frozen while mitigating outliers. This minimizes forgetting and error accumulation, leading to efficient adaptation to non-stationary target distribution. Experiments on CIFAR-10C, CIFAR-100C, and ImageNet-C show our method outperforms conventional continual and gradual TTA approaches while significantly reducing computational load, highlighting the importance of FIM-based learning weight in adapting to continuously or gradually shifting target domains.
Abstract:Recent DETR-based video grounding models have made the model directly predict moment timestamps without any hand-crafted components, such as a pre-defined proposal or non-maximum suppression, by learning moment queries. However, their input-agnostic moment queries inevitably overlook an intrinsic temporal structure of a video, providing limited positional information. In this paper, we formulate an event-aware dynamic moment query to enable the model to take the input-specific content and positional information of the video into account. To this end, we present two levels of reasoning: 1) Event reasoning that captures distinctive event units constituting a given video using a slot attention mechanism; and 2) moment reasoning that fuses the moment queries with a given sentence through a gated fusion transformer layer and learns interactions between the moment queries and video-sentence representations to predict moment timestamps. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the event-aware dynamic moment queries, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches on several video grounding benchmarks.
Abstract:Aerial-to-ground image synthesis is an emerging and challenging problem that aims to synthesize a ground image from an aerial image. Due to the highly different layout and object representation between the aerial and ground images, existing approaches usually fail to transfer the components of the aerial scene into the ground scene. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to explore the challenges by imposing enhanced structural alignment and semantic awareness. We introduce a novel semantic-attentive feature transformation module that allows to reconstruct the complex geographic structures by aligning the aerial feature to the ground layout. Furthermore, we propose semantic-aware loss functions by leveraging a pre-trained segmentation network. The network is enforced to synthesize realistic objects across various classes by separately calculating losses for different classes and balancing them. Extensive experiments including comparisons with previous methods and ablation studies show the effectiveness of the proposed framework both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Abstract:Compositional zero-shot learning (CZSL) aims to recognize unseen compositions with prior knowledge of known primitives (attribute and object). Previous works for CZSL often suffer from grasping the contextuality between attribute and object, as well as the discriminability of visual features, and the long-tailed distribution of real-world compositional data. We propose a simple and scalable framework called Composition Transformer (CoT) to address these issues. CoT employs object and attribute experts in distinctive manners to generate representative embeddings, using the visual network hierarchically. The object expert extracts representative object embeddings from the final layer in a bottom-up manner, while the attribute expert makes attribute embeddings in a top-down manner with a proposed object-guided attention module that models contextuality explicitly. To remedy biased prediction caused by imbalanced data distribution, we develop a simple minority attribute augmentation (MAA) that synthesizes virtual samples by mixing two images and oversampling minority attribute classes. Our method achieves SoTA performance on several benchmarks, including MIT-States, C-GQA, and VAW-CZSL. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of CoT in improving visual discrimination and addressing the model bias from the imbalanced data distribution. The code is available at https://github.com/HanjaeKim98/CoT.