Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract:Transfer learning paradigm has driven substantial advancements in various vision tasks. However, as state-of-the-art models continue to grow, classical full fine-tuning often becomes computationally impractical, particularly in multi-task learning (MTL) setup where training complexity increases proportional to the number of tasks. Consequently, recent studies have explored Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) for MTL architectures. Despite some progress, these approaches still exhibit limitations in capturing fine-grained, task-specific features that are crucial to MTL. In this paper, we introduce Task-Adaptive Dynamic transFormer, termed TADFormer, a novel PEFT framework that performs task-aware feature adaptation in the fine-grained manner by dynamically considering task-specific input contexts. TADFormer proposes the parameter-efficient prompting for task adaptation and the Dynamic Task Filter (DTF) to capture task information conditioned on input contexts. Experiments on the PASCAL-Context benchmark demonstrate that the proposed method achieves higher accuracy in dense scene understanding tasks, while reducing the number of trainable parameters by up to 8.4 times when compared to full fine-tuning of MTL models. TADFormer also demonstrates superior parameter efficiency and accuracy compared to recent PEFT methods.
Abstract:In this work, we dive deep into the impact of additive noise in pre-training deep networks. While various methods have attempted to use additive noise inspired by the success of latent denoising diffusion models, when used in combination with masked image modeling, their gains have been marginal when it comes to recognition tasks. We thus investigate why this would be the case, in an attempt to find effective ways to combine the two ideas. Specifically, we find three critical conditions: corruption and restoration must be applied within the encoder, noise must be introduced in the feature space, and an explicit disentanglement between noised and masked tokens is necessary. By implementing these findings, we demonstrate improved pre-training performance for a wide range of recognition tasks, including those that require fine-grained, high-frequency information to solve.
Abstract:Continual Test Time Adaptation (CTTA) has emerged as a critical approach for bridging the domain gap between the controlled training environments and the real-world scenarios, enhancing model adaptability and robustness. Existing CTTA methods, typically categorized into Full-Tuning (FT) and Efficient-Tuning (ET), struggle with effectively addressing domain shifts. To overcome these challenges, we propose Hybrid-TTA, a holistic approach that dynamically selects instance-wise tuning method for optimal adaptation. Our approach introduces the Dynamic Domain Shift Detection (DDSD) strategy, which identifies domain shifts by leveraging temporal correlations in input sequences and dynamically switches between FT and ET to adapt to varying domain shifts effectively. Additionally, the Masked Image Modeling based Adaptation (MIMA) framework is integrated to ensure domain-agnostic robustness with minimal computational overhead. Our Hybrid-TTA achieves a notable 1.6%p improvement in mIoU on the Cityscapes-to-ACDC benchmark dataset, surpassing previous state-of-the-art methods and offering a robust solution for real-world continual adaptation challenges.
Abstract:Transfer learning based on full fine-tuning (FFT) of the pre-trained encoder and task-specific decoder becomes increasingly complex as deep models grow exponentially. Parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) approaches using adapters consisting of small learnable layers have emerged as an alternative to FFT, achieving comparable performance while maintaining high training efficiency. However, the inflexibility of the adapter with respect to input instances limits its capability of learning task-specific information in diverse downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel PEFT approach, input-Conditioned transFormer, termed iConFormer, that leverages a dynamic adapter conditioned on the input instances. To secure flexible learning ability on input instances in various downstream tasks, we introduce an input-Conditioned Network (iCoN) in the dynamic adapter that enables instance-level feature transformation. To be specific, iCoN generates channel-wise convolutional kernels for each feature and transform it using adaptive convolution process to effectively capture task-specific and fine-grained details tailor to downstream tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that by tuning just 1.6% to 2.8% of the Transformer backbone parameters, iConFormer achieves performance comparable to FFT in monocular depth estimation and semantic segmentation, while outperforming it in image classification and instance segmentation. Also, the proposed method consistently outperforms recent PEFT methods for all the tasks mentioned above.
Abstract:In stereo matching, CNNs have traditionally served as the predominant architectures. Although Transformer-based stereo models have been studied recently, their performance still lags behind CNN-based stereo models due to the inherent data scarcity issue in the stereo matching task. In this paper, we propose Masked Image Modeling Distilled Stereo matching model, termed MaDis-Stereo, that enhances locality inductive bias by leveraging Masked Image Modeling (MIM) in training Transformer-based stereo model. Given randomly masked stereo images as inputs, our method attempts to conduct both image reconstruction and depth prediction tasks. While this strategy is beneficial to resolving the data scarcity issue, the dual challenge of reconstructing masked tokens and subsequently performing stereo matching poses significant challenges, particularly in terms of training stability. To address this, we propose to use an auxiliary network (teacher), updated via Exponential Moving Average (EMA), along with the original stereo model (student), where teacher predictions serve as pseudo supervisory signals to effectively distill knowledge into the student model. State-of-the-arts performance is achieved with the proposed method on several stereo matching such as ETH3D and KITTI 2015. Additionally, to demonstrate that our model effectively leverages locality inductive bias, we provide the attention distance measurement.
Abstract:Unlike other vision tasks where Transformer-based approaches are becoming increasingly common, stereo depth estimation is still dominated by convolution-based approaches. This is mainly due to the limited availability of real-world ground truth for stereo matching, which is a limiting factor in improving the performance of Transformer-based stereo approaches. In this paper, we propose UniTT-Stereo, a method to maximize the potential of Transformer-based stereo architectures by unifying self-supervised learning used for pre-training with stereo matching framework based on supervised learning. To be specific, we explore the effectiveness of reconstructing features of masked portions in an input image and at the same time predicting corresponding points in another image from the perspective of locality inductive bias, which is crucial in training models with limited training data. Moreover, to address these challenging tasks of reconstruction-and-prediction, we present a new strategy to vary a masking ratio when training the stereo model with stereo-tailored losses. State-of-the-art performance of UniTT-Stereo is validated on various benchmarks such as ETH3D, KITTI 2012, and KITTI 2015 datasets. Lastly, to investigate the advantages of the proposed approach, we provide a frequency analysis of feature maps and the analysis of locality inductive bias based on attention maps.
Abstract:Masked Image Modeling (MIM) techniques have redefined the landscape of computer vision, enabling pre-trained models to achieve exceptional performance across a broad spectrum of tasks. Despite their success, the full potential of MIM-based methods in dense prediction tasks, particularly in depth estimation, remains untapped. Existing MIM approaches primarily rely on single-image inputs, which makes it challenging to capture the crucial structured information, leading to suboptimal performance in tasks requiring fine-grained feature representation. To address these limitations, we propose SG-MIM, a novel Structured knowledge Guided Masked Image Modeling framework designed to enhance dense prediction tasks by utilizing structured knowledge alongside images. SG-MIM employs a lightweight relational guidance framework, allowing it to guide structured knowledge individually at the feature level rather than naively combining at the pixel level within the same architecture, as is common in traditional multi-modal pre-training methods. This approach enables the model to efficiently capture essential information while minimizing discrepancies between pre-training and downstream tasks. Furthermore, SG-MIM employs a selective masking strategy to incorporate structured knowledge, maximizing the synergy between general representation learning and structured knowledge-specific learning. Our method requires no additional annotations, making it a versatile and efficient solution for a wide range of applications. Our evaluations on the KITTI, NYU-v2, and ADE20k datasets demonstrate SG-MIM's superiority in monocular depth estimation and semantic segmentation.
Abstract:Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) endeavors to bridge the gap between a model trained on a labeled source domain and its deployment in an unlabeled target domain. However, current high-performance models demand significant resources, resulting in prohibitive deployment costs and highlighting the need for small yet effective models. For UDA of lightweight models, Knowledge Distillation (KD) in a Teacher-Student framework can be a common approach, but we find that domain shift in UDA leads to a significant increase in non-salient parameters in the teacher model, degrading model's generalization ability and transferring misleading information to the student model. Interestingly, we observed that this phenomenon occurs considerably less in the student model. Driven by this insight, we introduce Collaborative Learning, a method that updates the teacher's non-salient parameters using the student model and at the same time enhance the student's performance using the updated teacher model. Experiments across various tasks and datasets show consistent performance improvements for both student and teacher models. For example, in semantic segmentation, CLDA achieves an improvement of +0.7% mIoU for teacher and +1.4% mIoU for student compared to the baseline model in the GTA to Cityscapes. In the Synthia to Cityscapes, it achieves an improvement of +0.8% mIoU for teacher and +2.0% mIoU for student.
Abstract:In the realm of Adversarial Distillation (AD), strategic and precise knowledge transfer from an adversarially robust teacher model to a less robust student model is paramount. Our Dynamic Guidance Adversarial Distillation (DGAD) framework directly tackles the challenge of differential sample importance, with a keen focus on rectifying the teacher model's misclassifications. DGAD employs Misclassification-Aware Partitioning (MAP) to dynamically tailor the distillation focus, optimizing the learning process by steering towards the most reliable teacher predictions. Additionally, our Error-corrective Label Swapping (ELS) corrects misclassifications of the teacher on both clean and adversarially perturbed inputs, refining the quality of knowledge transfer. Further, Predictive Consistency Regularization (PCR) guarantees consistent performance of the student model across both clean and adversarial inputs, significantly enhancing its overall robustness. By integrating these methodologies, DGAD significantly improves upon the accuracy of clean data and fortifies the model's defenses against sophisticated adversarial threats. Our experimental validation on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and Tiny ImageNet datasets, employing various model architectures, demonstrates the efficacy of DGAD, establishing it as a promising approach for enhancing both the robustness and accuracy of student models in adversarial settings.
Abstract:Generating reliable pseudo masks from image-level labels is challenging in the weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) task due to the lack of spatial information. Prevalent class activation map (CAM)-based solutions are challenged to discriminate the foreground (FG) objects from the suspicious background (BG) pixels (a.k.a. co-occurring) and learn the integral object regions. This paper proposes a simple fine-grained background representation (FBR) method to discover and represent diverse BG semantics and address the co-occurring problems. We abandon using the class prototype or pixel-level features for BG representation. Instead, we develop a novel primitive, negative region of interest (NROI), to capture the fine-grained BG semantic information and conduct the pixel-to-NROI contrast to distinguish the confusing BG pixels. We also present an active sampling strategy to mine the FG negatives on-the-fly, enabling efficient pixel-to-pixel intra-foreground contrastive learning to activate the entire object region. Thanks to the simplicity of design and convenience in use, our proposed method can be seamlessly plugged into various models, yielding new state-of-the-art results under various WSSS settings across benchmarks. Leveraging solely image-level (I) labels as supervision, our method achieves 73.2 mIoU and 45.6 mIoU segmentation results on Pascal Voc and MS COCO test sets, respectively. Furthermore, by incorporating saliency maps as an additional supervision signal (I+S), we attain 74.9 mIoU on Pascal Voc test set. Concurrently, our FBR approach demonstrates meaningful performance gains in weakly-supervised instance segmentation (WSIS) tasks, showcasing its robustness and strong generalization capabilities across diverse domains.