Abstract:Shape abstraction is an important task for simplifying complex geometric structures while retaining essential features. Sweep surfaces, commonly found in human-made objects, aid in this process by effectively capturing and representing object geometry, thereby facilitating abstraction. In this paper, we introduce \papername, a novel approach to shape abstraction through sweep surfaces. We propose an effective parameterization for sweep surfaces, utilizing superellipses for profile representation and B-spline curves for the axis. This compact representation, requiring as few as 14 float numbers, facilitates intuitive and interactive editing while preserving shape details effectively. Additionally, by introducing a differentiable neural sweeper and an encoder-decoder architecture, we demonstrate the ability to predict sweep surface representations without supervision. We show the superiority of our model through several quantitative and qualitative experiments throughout the paper. Our code is available at https://mingrui-zhao.github.io/SweepNet/
Abstract:We present a differentiable rendering framework to learn structured 3D abstractions in the form of primitive assemblies from sparse RGB images capturing a 3D object. By leveraging differentiable volume rendering, our method does not require 3D supervision. Architecturally, our network follows the general pipeline of an image-conditioned neural radiance field (NeRF) exemplified by pixelNeRF for color prediction. As our core contribution, we introduce differential primitive assembly (DPA) into NeRF to output a 3D occupancy field in place of density prediction, where the predicted occupancies serve as opacity values for volume rendering. Our network, coined DPA-Net, produces a union of convexes, each as an intersection of convex quadric primitives, to approximate the target 3D object, subject to an abstraction loss and a masking loss, both defined in the image space upon volume rendering. With test-time adaptation and additional sampling and loss designs aimed at improving the accuracy and compactness of the obtained assemblies, our method demonstrates superior performance over state-of-the-art alternatives for 3D primitive abstraction from sparse views.
Abstract:We introduce the first active learning (AL) framework for high-accuracy instance segmentation of dynamic, interactable parts from RGB images of real indoor scenes. As with most human-in-the-loop approaches, the key criterion for success in AL is to minimize human effort while still attaining high performance. To this end, we employ a transformer-based segmentation network that utilizes a masked-attention mechanism. To enhance the network, tailoring to our task, we introduce a coarse-to-fine model which first uses object-aware masked attention and then a pose-aware one, leveraging a correlation between interactable parts and object poses and leading to improved handling of multiple articulated objects in an image. Our coarse-to-fine active segmentation module learns both 2D instance and 3D pose information using the transformer, which supervises the active segmentation and effectively reduces human effort. Our method achieves close to fully accurate (96% and higher) segmentation results on real images, with 77% time saving over manual effort, where the training data consists of only 16.6% annotated real photographs. At last, we contribute a dataset of 2,550 real photographs with annotated interactable parts, demonstrating its superior quality and diversity over the current best alternative.
Abstract:We present DualCSG, a novel neural network composed of two dual and complementary branches for unsupervised learning of constructive solid geometry (CSG) representations of 3D CAD shapes. Our network is trained to reconstruct a given 3D CAD shape through a compact assembly of quadric surface primitives via fixed-order CSG operations along two branches. The key difference between our method and all previous neural CSG models is that DualCSG has a dedicated branch, the residual branch, to assemble the potentially complex, complement or residual shape that is to be subtracted from an overall cover shape. The cover shape is modeled by the other branch, the cover branch. Both branches construct a union of primitive intersections, where the only difference is that the residual branch also learns primitive inverses while operating in the complement space. With the shape complements, our network is provably general. We demonstrate both quantitatively and qualitatively that our network produces CSG reconstructions with superior quality, more natural trees, and better quality-compactness tradeoff than all existing alternatives, especially over complex and high-genus CAD shapes.
Abstract:We present the first active learning tool for fine-grained 3D part labeling, a problem which challenges even the most advanced deep learning (DL) methods due to the significant structural variations among the small and intricate parts. For the same reason, the necessary data annotation effort is tremendous, motivating approaches to minimize human involvement. Our labeling tool iteratively verifies or modifies part labels predicted by a deep neural network, with human feedback continually improving the network prediction. To effectively reduce human efforts, we develop two novel features in our tool, hierarchical and symmetry-aware active labeling. Our human-in-the-loop approach, coined HAL3D, achieves 100% accuracy (barring human errors) on any test set with pre-defined hierarchical part labels, with 80% time-saving over manual effort.
Abstract:We introduce CAPRI-Net, a neural network for learning compact and interpretable implicit representations of 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models, in the form of adaptive primitive assemblies. Our network takes an input 3D shape that can be provided as a point cloud or voxel grids, and reconstructs it by a compact assembly of quadric surface primitives via constructive solid geometry (CSG) operations. The network is self-supervised with a reconstruction loss, leading to faithful 3D reconstructions with sharp edges and plausible CSG trees, without any ground-truth shape assemblies. While the parametric nature of CAD models does make them more predictable locally, at the shape level, there is a great deal of structural and topological variations, which present a significant generalizability challenge to state-of-the-art neural models for 3D shapes. Our network addresses this challenge by adaptive training with respect to each test shape, with which we fine-tune the network that was pre-trained on a model collection. We evaluate our learning framework on both ShapeNet and ABC, the largest and most diverse CAD dataset to date, in terms of reconstruction quality, shape edges, compactness, and interpretability, to demonstrate superiority over current alternatives suitable for neural CAD reconstruction.
Abstract:We introduce RaidaR, a rich annotated image dataset of rainy street scenes, to support autonomous driving research. The new dataset contains the largest number of rainy images (58,542) to date, 5,000 of which provide semantic segmentations and 3,658 provide object instance segmentations. The RaidaR images cover a wide range of realistic rain-induced artifacts, including fog, droplets, and road reflections, which can effectively augment existing street scene datasets to improve data-driven machine perception during rainy weather. To facilitate efficient annotation of a large volume of images, we develop a semi-automatic scheme combining manual segmentation and an automated processing akin to cross validation, resulting in 10-20 fold reduction on annotation time. We demonstrate the utility of our new dataset by showing how data augmentation with RaidaR can elevate the accuracy of existing segmentation algorithms. We also present a novel unpaired image-to-image translation algorithm for adding/removing rain artifacts, which directly benefits from RaidaR.
Abstract:Deep learning approaches to 3D shape segmentation are typically formulated as a multi-class labeling problem. Existing models are trained for a fixed set of labels, which greatly limits their flexibility and adaptivity. We opt for top-down recursive decomposition and develop the first deep learning model for hierarchical segmentation of 3D shapes, based on recursive neural networks. Starting from a full shape represented as a point cloud, our model performs recursive binary decomposition, where the decomposition network at all nodes in the hierarchy share weights. At each node, a node classifier is trained to determine the type (adjacency or symmetry) and stopping criteria of its decomposition. The features extracted in higher level nodes are recursively propagated to lower level ones. Thus, the meaningful decompositions in higher levels provide strong contextual cues constraining the segmentations in lower levels. Meanwhile, to increase the segmentation accuracy at each node, we enhance the recursive contextual feature with the shape feature extracted for the corresponding part. Our method segments a 3D shape in point cloud into an unfixed number of parts, depending on the shape complexity, showing strong generality and flexibility. It achieves the state-of-the-art performance, both for fine-grained and semantic segmentation, on the public benchmark and a new benchmark of fine-grained segmentation proposed in this work. We also demonstrate its application for fine-grained part refinements in image-to-shape reconstruction.
Abstract:We desgin a novel fully convolutional network architecture for shapes, denoted by Shape Fully Convolutional Networks (SFCN). 3D shapes are represented as graph structures in the SFCN architecture, based on novel graph convolution and pooling operations, which are similar to convolution and pooling operations used on images. Meanwhile, to build our SFCN architecture in the original image segmentation fully convolutional network (FCN) architecture, we also design and implement a generating operation} with bridging function. This ensures that the convolution and pooling operation we have designed can be successfully applied in the original FCN architecture. In this paper, we also present a new shape segmentation approach based on SFCN. Furthermore, we allow more general and challenging input, such as mixed datasets of different categories of shapes} which can prove the ability of our generalisation. In our approach, SFCNs are trained triangles-to-triangles by using three low-level geometric features as input. Finally, the feature voting-based multi-label graph cuts is adopted to optimise the segmentation results obtained by SFCN prediction. The experiment results show that our method can effectively learn and predict mixed shape datasets of either similar or different characteristics, and achieve excellent segmentation results.
Abstract:We present a semi-supervised co-analysis method for learning 3D shape styles from projected feature lines, achieving style patch localization with only weak supervision. Given a collection of 3D shapes spanning multiple object categories and styles, we perform style co-analysis over projected feature lines of each 3D shape and then backproject the learned style features onto the 3D shapes. Our core analysis pipeline starts with mid-level patch sampling and pre-selection of candidate style patches. Projective features are then encoded via patch convolution. Multi-view feature integration and style clustering are carried out under the framework of partially shared latent factor (PSLF) learning, a multi-view feature learning scheme. PSLF achieves effective multi-view feature fusion by distilling and exploiting consistent and complementary feature information from multiple views, while also selecting style patches from the candidates. Our style analysis approach supports both unsupervised and semi-supervised analysis. For the latter, our method accepts both user-specified shape labels and style-ranked triplets as clustering constraints.We demonstrate results from 3D shape style analysis and patch localization as well as improvements over state-of-the-art methods. We also present several applications enabled by our style analysis.