Abstract:Deploying large language models (LLMs) in real-world applications requires robust safety guard models to detect and block harmful user prompts. While large safety guard models achieve strong performance, their computational cost is substantial. To mitigate this, smaller distilled models are used, but they often underperform on "hard" examples where the larger model provides accurate predictions. We observe that many inputs can be reliably handled by the smaller model, while only a small fraction require the larger model's capacity. Motivated by this, we propose SafeRoute, a binary router that distinguishes hard examples from easy ones. Our method selectively applies the larger safety guard model to the data that the router considers hard, improving efficiency while maintaining accuracy compared to solely using the larger safety guard model. Experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that our adaptive model selection significantly enhances the trade-off between computational cost and safety performance, outperforming relevant baselines.
Abstract:Safety guard models that detect malicious queries aimed at large language models (LLMs) are essential for ensuring the secure and responsible deployment of LLMs in real-world applications. However, deploying existing safety guard models with billions of parameters alongside LLMs on mobile devices is impractical due to substantial memory requirements and latency. To reduce this cost, we distill a large teacher safety guard model into a smaller one using a labeled dataset of instruction-response pairs with binary harmfulness labels. Due to the limited diversity of harmful instructions in the existing labeled dataset, naively distilled models tend to underperform compared to larger models. To bridge the gap between small and large models, we propose HarmAug, a simple yet effective data augmentation method that involves jailbreaking an LLM and prompting it to generate harmful instructions. Given a prompt such as, "Make a single harmful instruction prompt that would elicit offensive content", we add an affirmative prefix (e.g., "I have an idea for a prompt:") to the LLM's response. This encourages the LLM to continue generating the rest of the response, leading to sampling harmful instructions. Another LLM generates a response to the harmful instruction, and the teacher model labels the instruction-response pair. We empirically show that our HarmAug outperforms other relevant baselines. Moreover, a 435-million-parameter safety guard model trained with HarmAug achieves an F1 score comparable to larger models with over 7 billion parameters, and even outperforms them in AUPRC, while operating at less than 25% of their computational cost.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the problem of cost-sensitive multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization (BO) for efficient hyperparameter optimization (HPO). Specifically, we assume a scenario where users want to early-stop the BO when the performance improvement is not satisfactory with respect to the required computational cost. Motivated by this scenario, we introduce utility, which is a function predefined by each user and describes the trade-off between cost and performance of BO. This utility function, combined with our novel acquisition function and stopping criterion, allows us to dynamically choose for each BO step the best configuration that we expect to maximally improve the utility in future, and also automatically stop the BO around the maximum utility. Further, we improve the sample efficiency of existing learning curve (LC) extrapolation methods with transfer learning, while successfully capturing the correlations between different configurations to develop a sensible surrogate function for multi-fidelity BO. We validate our algorithm on various LC datasets and found it outperform all the previous multi-fidelity BO and transfer-BO baselines we consider, achieving significantly better trade-off between cost and performance of BO.
Abstract:Dataset distillation methods have achieved remarkable success in distilling a large dataset into a small set of representative samples. However, they are not designed to produce a distilled dataset that can be effectively used for facilitating self-supervised pre-training. To this end, we propose a novel problem of distilling an unlabeled dataset into a set of small synthetic samples for efficient self-supervised learning (SSL). We first prove that a gradient of synthetic samples with respect to a SSL objective in naive bilevel optimization is \textit{biased} due to the randomness originating from data augmentations or masking. To address this issue, we propose to minimize the mean squared error (MSE) between a model's representations of the synthetic examples and their corresponding learnable target feature representations for the inner objective, which does not introduce any randomness. Our primary motivation is that the model obtained by the proposed inner optimization can mimic the \textit{self-supervised target model}. To achieve this, we also introduce the MSE between representations of the inner model and the self-supervised target model on the original full dataset for outer optimization. Lastly, assuming that a feature extractor is fixed, we only optimize a linear head on top of the feature extractor, which allows us to reduce the computational cost and obtain a closed-form solution of the head with kernel ridge regression. We empirically validate the effectiveness of our method on various applications involving transfer learning.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for systematically solving dataset condensation problem in an efficient manner by exploiting the regularity in a given dataset. Instead of condensing the dataset directly in the original input space, we assume a generative process of the dataset with a set of learnable codes defined in a compact latent space followed by a set of tiny decoders which maps them differently to the original input space. By combining different codes and decoders interchangeably, we can dramatically increase the number of synthetic examples with essentially the same parameter count, because the latent space is much lower dimensional and since we can assume as many decoders as necessary to capture different styles represented in the dataset with negligible cost. Such knowledge factorization allows efficient sharing of information between synthetic examples in a systematic way, providing far better trade-off between compression ratio and quality of the generated examples. We experimentally show that our method achieves new state-of-the-art records by significant margins on various benchmark datasets such as SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and TinyImageNet.
Abstract:With rapid progress in neural text-to-speech (TTS) models, personalized speech generation is now in high demand for many applications. For practical applicability, a TTS model should generate high-quality speech with only a few audio samples from the given speaker, that are also short in length. However, existing methods either require to fine-tune the model or achieve low adaptation quality without fine-tuning. In this work, we propose StyleSpeech, a new TTS model which not only synthesizes high-quality speech but also effectively adapts to new speakers. Specifically, we propose Style-Adaptive Layer Normalization (SALN) which aligns gain and bias of the text input according to the style extracted from a reference speech audio. With SALN, our model effectively synthesizes speech in the style of the target speaker even from single speech audio. Furthermore, to enhance StyleSpeech's adaptation to speech from new speakers, we extend it to Meta-StyleSpeech by introducing two discriminators trained with style prototypes, and performing episodic training. The experimental results show that our models generate high-quality speech which accurately follows the speaker's voice with single short-duration (1-3 sec) speech audio, significantly outperforming baselines.
Abstract:Recently, sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models with the Transformer architecture have achieved remarkable performance on various conditional text generation tasks, such as machine translation. However, most of them are trained with teacher forcing with the ground truth label given at each time step, without being exposed to incorrectly generated tokens during training, which hurts its generalization to unseen inputs, that is known as the "exposure bias" problem. In this work, we propose to mitigate the conditional text generation problem by contrasting positive pairs with negative pairs, such that the model is exposed to various valid or incorrect perturbations of the inputs, for improved generalization. However, training the model with naive contrastive learning framework using random non-target sequences as negative examples is suboptimal, since they are easily distinguishable from the correct output, especially so with models pretrained with large text corpora. Also, generating positive examples requires domain-specific augmentation heuristics which may not generalize over diverse domains. To tackle this problem, we propose a principled method to generate positive and negative samples for contrastive learning of seq2seq models. Specifically, we generate negative examples by adding small perturbations to the input sequence to minimize its conditional likelihood, and positive examples by adding large perturbations while enforcing it to have a high conditional likelihood. Such "hard" positive and negative pairs generated using our method guides the model to better distinguish correct outputs from incorrect ones. We empirically show that our proposed method significantly improves the generalization of the seq2seq on three text generation tasks - machine translation, text summarization, and question generation.
Abstract:One of the most crucial challenges in question answering (QA) is the scarcity of labeled data, since it is costly to obtain question-answer (QA) pairs for a target text domain with human annotation. An alternative approach to tackle the problem is to use automatically generated QA pairs from either the problem context or from large amount of unstructured texts (e.g. Wikipedia). In this work, we propose a hierarchical conditional variational autoencoder (HCVAE) for generating QA pairs given unstructured texts as contexts, while maximizing the mutual information between generated QA pairs to ensure their consistency. We validate our Information Maximizing Hierarchical Conditional Variational AutoEncoder (Info-HCVAE) on several benchmark datasets by evaluating the performance of the QA model (BERT-base) using only the generated QA pairs (QA-based evaluation) or by using both the generated and human-labeled pairs (semi-supervised learning) for training, against state-of-the-art baseline models. The results show that our model obtains impressive performance gains over all baselines on both tasks, using only a fraction of data for training.
Abstract:Many practical graph problems, such as knowledge graph construction and drug-to-drug interaction, require to handle multi-relational graphs. However, handling real-world multi-label graphs with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is often challenging due to their evolving nature, where new entities (nodes) can emerge over time. Moreover, newly emerged entities often have few links, which makes the learning even more difficult. Motivated by this challenge, we introduce a realistic problem of few-shot out-of-graph link prediction, where we not only predict the links between the seen and unseen nodes as in a conventional out-of-knowledge link prediction but also between the unseen nodes, with only few edges per node. We tackle this problem with a novel transductive meta-learning framework which we refer to as Graph Extrapolation Networks (GEN). GEN meta-learns both the node embedding network for inductive inference (seen-to-unseen) and the link prediction network for transductive inference (unseen-to-unseen). For transductive link prediction, we further propose a stochastic embedding layer to model uncertainty in the link prediction between unseen entities. We validate our model on multiple benchmark datasets for knowledge graph link prediction and drug-to-drug interaction prediction. The results show that our model significantly outperforms relevant baselines for out-of-graph link prediction tasks.