Abstract:Linear temporal logic (LTL) and, more generally, $\omega$-regular objectives are alternatives to the traditional discount sum and average reward objectives in reinforcement learning (RL), offering the advantage of greater comprehensibility and hence explainability. In this work, we study the relationship between these objectives. Our main result is that each RL problem for $\omega$-regular objectives can be reduced to a limit-average reward problem in an optimality-preserving fashion, via (finite-memory) reward machines. Furthermore, we demonstrate the efficacy of this approach by showing that optimal policies for limit-average problems can be found asymptotically by solving a sequence of discount-sum problems approximately. Consequently, we resolve an open problem: optimal policies for LTL and $\omega$-regular objectives can be learned asymptotically.
Abstract:Safety guard models that detect malicious queries aimed at large language models (LLMs) are essential for ensuring the secure and responsible deployment of LLMs in real-world applications. However, deploying existing safety guard models with billions of parameters alongside LLMs on mobile devices is impractical due to substantial memory requirements and latency. To reduce this cost, we distill a large teacher safety guard model into a smaller one using a labeled dataset of instruction-response pairs with binary harmfulness labels. Due to the limited diversity of harmful instructions in the existing labeled dataset, naively distilled models tend to underperform compared to larger models. To bridge the gap between small and large models, we propose HarmAug, a simple yet effective data augmentation method that involves jailbreaking an LLM and prompting it to generate harmful instructions. Given a prompt such as, "Make a single harmful instruction prompt that would elicit offensive content", we add an affirmative prefix (e.g., "I have an idea for a prompt:") to the LLM's response. This encourages the LLM to continue generating the rest of the response, leading to sampling harmful instructions. Another LLM generates a response to the harmful instruction, and the teacher model labels the instruction-response pair. We empirically show that our HarmAug outperforms other relevant baselines. Moreover, a 435-million-parameter safety guard model trained with HarmAug achieves an F1 score comparable to larger models with over 7 billion parameters, and even outperforms them in AUPRC, while operating at less than 25% of their computational cost.
Abstract:With the advancement of multimedia technologies, news documents and user-generated content are often represented as multiple modalities, making Multimedia Event Extraction (MEE) an increasingly important challenge. However, recent MEE methods employ weak alignment strategies and data augmentation with simple classification models, which ignore the capabilities of natural language-formulated event templates for the challenging Event Argument Extraction (EAE) task. In this work, we focus on EAE and address this issue by introducing a unified template filling model that connects the textual and visual modalities via textual prompts. This approach enables the exploitation of cross-ontology transfer and the incorporation of event-specific semantics. Experiments on the M2E2 benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. Our system surpasses the current SOTA on textual EAE by +7% F1, and performs generally better than the second-best systems for multimedia EAE.
Abstract:This paper explores the improvement of post-training quantization (PTQ) after knowledge distillation in the Whisper speech foundation model family. We address the challenge of outliers in weights and activation tensors, known to impede quantization quality in transformer-based language and vision models. Extending this observation to Whisper, we demonstrate that these outliers are also present when transformer-based models are trained to perform automatic speech recognition, necessitating mitigation strategies for PTQ. We show that outliers can be reduced by a recently proposed gating mechanism in the attention blocks of the student model, enabling effective 8-bit quantization, and lower word error rates compared to student models without the gating mechanism in place.
Abstract:In this work, we optimize speculative sampling for parallel hardware accelerators to improve sampling speed. We notice that substantial portions of the intermediate matrices necessary for speculative sampling can be computed concurrently. This allows us to distribute the workload across multiple GPU threads, enabling simultaneous operations on matrix segments within thread blocks. Additionally, we use fast on-chip memory to store intermediate results, thereby minimizing the frequency of slow read and write operations across different types of memory. This results in profiling time improvements ranging from 6% to 13% relative to the baseline implementation, without compromising accuracy. To further accelerate speculative sampling, probability distributions parameterized by softmax are approximated by sigmoid. This approximation approach results in significantly greater relative improvements in profiling time, ranging from 37% to 94%, with a slight decline in accuracy. We conduct extensive experiments on both automatic speech recognition and summarization tasks to validate the effectiveness of our optimization methods.
Abstract:Accurately detecting dysfluencies in spoken language can help to improve the performance of automatic speech and language processing components and support the development of more inclusive speech and language technologies. Inspired by the recent trend towards the deployment of large language models (LLMs) as universal learners and processors of non-lexical inputs, such as audio and video, we approach the task of multi-label dysfluency detection as a language modeling problem. We present hypotheses candidates generated with an automatic speech recognition system and acoustic representations extracted from an audio encoder model to an LLM, and finetune the system to predict dysfluency labels on three datasets containing English and German stuttered speech. The experimental results show that our system effectively combines acoustic and lexical information and achieves competitive results on the multi-label stuttering detection task.
Abstract:Interactions with virtual assistants typically start with a predefined trigger phrase followed by the user command. To make interactions with the assistant more intuitive, we explore whether it is feasible to drop the requirement that users must begin each command with a trigger phrase. We explore this task in three ways: First, we train classifiers using only acoustic information obtained from the audio waveform. Second, we take the decoder outputs of an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, such as 1-best hypotheses, as input features to a large language model (LLM). Finally, we explore a multimodal system that combines acoustic and lexical features, as well as ASR decoder signals in an LLM. Using multimodal information yields relative equal-error-rate improvements over text-only and audio-only models of up to 39% and 61%. Increasing the size of the LLM and training with low-rank adaption leads to further relative EER reductions of up to 18% on our dataset.
Abstract:It is well-known that the reparameterisation gradient estimator, which exhibits low variance in practice, is biased for non-differentiable models. This may compromise correctness of gradient-based optimisation methods such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We introduce a simple syntactic framework to define non-differentiable functions piecewisely and present a systematic approach to obtain smoothings for which the reparameterisation gradient estimator is unbiased. Our main contribution is a novel variant of SGD, Diagonalisation Stochastic Gradient Descent, which progressively enhances the accuracy of the smoothed approximation during optimisation, and we prove convergence to stationary points of the unsmoothed (original) objective. Our empirical evaluation reveals benefits over the state of the art: our approach is simple, fast, stable and attains orders of magnitude reduction in work-normalised variance.
Abstract:Interactions with virtual assistants typically start with a trigger phrase followed by a command. In this work, we explore the possibility of making these interactions more natural by eliminating the need for a trigger phrase. Our goal is to determine whether a user addressed the virtual assistant based on signals obtained from the streaming audio recorded by the device microphone. We address this task by combining 1-best hypotheses and decoder signals from an automatic speech recognition system with acoustic representations from an audio encoder as input features to a large language model (LLM). In particular, we are interested in data and resource efficient systems that require only a small amount of training data and can operate in scenarios with only a single frozen LLM available on a device. For this reason, our model is trained on 80k or less examples of multimodal data using a combination of low-rank adaptation and prefix tuning. We compare the proposed system to unimodal baselines and show that the multimodal approach achieves lower equal-error-rates (EERs), while using only a fraction of the training data. We also show that low-dimensional specialized audio representations lead to lower EERs than high-dimensional general audio representations.
Abstract:Cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks have been widely used in non-parallel voice conversion (VC). Their ability to learn mappings between source and target features without relying on parallel training data eliminates the need for temporal alignments. However, most methods decouple the conversion of acoustic features from synthesizing the audio signal by using separate models for conversion and waveform synthesis. This work unifies conversion and synthesis into a single model, thereby eliminating the need for a separate vocoder. By leveraging cycle-consistent training and a self-supervised auxiliary training task, our model is able to efficiently generate converted high-quality raw audio waveforms. Subjective listening tests show that our method outperforms the baseline in whispered speech conversion (up to 6.7% relative improvement), and mean opinion score predictions yield competitive results in conventional VC (between 0.5% and 2.4% relative improvement).