Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance across a wide range of natural language tasks. However, a critical challenge remains in that they sometimes generate factually incorrect answers. To address this, while many previous work has focused on identifying errors in their generation and further refining them, they are slow in deployment since they are designed to verify the response from LLMs only after their entire generation (from the first to last tokens) is done. Further, we observe that once LLMs generate incorrect tokens early on, there is a higher likelihood that subsequent tokens will also be factually incorrect. To this end, in this work, we propose Streaming-VR (Streaming Verification and Refinement), a novel approach designed to enhance the efficiency of verification and refinement of LLM outputs. Specifically, the proposed Streaming-VR enables on-the-fly verification and correction of tokens as they are being generated, similar to a streaming process, ensuring that each subset of tokens is checked and refined in real-time by another LLM as the LLM constructs its response. Through comprehensive evaluations on multiple datasets, we demonstrate that our approach not only enhances the factual accuracy of LLMs, but also offers a more efficient solution compared to prior refinement methods.
Abstract:Information Retrieval (IR) methods aim to identify relevant documents in response to a given query, which have gained remarkable attention due to their successful application in various natural language tasks. However, existing approaches typically consider only the textual information within the documents, which overlooks the fact that documents can contain multiple modalities, including texts, images, and tables. Further, they often segment each long document into multiple discrete passages for embedding, preventing them from capturing the overall document context and interactions between paragraphs. We argue that these two limitations lead to suboptimal document representations for retrieval. In this work, to address them, we aim to produce more comprehensive and nuanced document representations by holistically embedding documents interleaved with different modalities. Specifically, we achieve this by leveraging the capability of recent vision-language models that enable the processing and integration of text, images, and tables into a unified format and representation. Moreover, to mitigate the information loss from segmenting documents into passages, instead of representing and retrieving passages individually, we further merge the representations of segmented passages into one single document representation, while we additionally introduce a reranking strategy to decouple and identify the relevant passage within the document if necessary. Then, through extensive experiments on diverse information retrieval scenarios considering both the textual and multimodal queries, we show that our approach substantially outperforms relevant baselines, thanks to the consideration of the multimodal information interleaved within the documents in a unified way.
Abstract:Dataset distillation methods have achieved remarkable success in distilling a large dataset into a small set of representative samples. However, they are not designed to produce a distilled dataset that can be effectively used for facilitating self-supervised pre-training. To this end, we propose a novel problem of distilling an unlabeled dataset into a set of small synthetic samples for efficient self-supervised learning (SSL). We first prove that a gradient of synthetic samples with respect to a SSL objective in naive bilevel optimization is \textit{biased} due to the randomness originating from data augmentations or masking. To address this issue, we propose to minimize the mean squared error (MSE) between a model's representations of the synthetic examples and their corresponding learnable target feature representations for the inner objective, which does not introduce any randomness. Our primary motivation is that the model obtained by the proposed inner optimization can mimic the \textit{self-supervised target model}. To achieve this, we also introduce the MSE between representations of the inner model and the self-supervised target model on the original full dataset for outer optimization. Lastly, assuming that a feature extractor is fixed, we only optimize a linear head on top of the feature extractor, which allows us to reduce the computational cost and obtain a closed-form solution of the head with kernel ridge regression. We empirically validate the effectiveness of our method on various applications involving transfer learning.