Abstract:Lately, we have observed a growing interest in intent-aware recommender systems (IARS). The promise of such systems is that they are capable of generating better recommendations by predicting and considering the underlying motivations and short-term goals of consumers. From a technical perspective, various sophisticated neural models were recently proposed in this emerging and promising area. In the broader context of complex neural recommendation models, a growing number of research works unfortunately indicates that (i) reproducing such works is often difficult and (ii) that the true benefits of such models may be limited in reality, e.g., because the reported improvements were obtained through comparisons with untuned or weak baselines. In this work, we investigate if recent research in IARS is similarly affected by such problems. Specifically, we tried to reproduce five contemporary IARS models that were published in top-level outlets, and we benchmarked them against a number of traditional non-neural recommendation models. In two of the cases, running the provided code with the optimal hyperparameters reported in the paper did not yield the results reported in the paper. Worryingly, we find that all examined IARS approaches are consistently outperformed by at least one traditional model. These findings point to sustained methodological issues and to a pressing need for more rigorous scholarly practices.
Abstract:In the area of recommender systems, the vast majority of research efforts is spent on developing increasingly sophisticated recommendation models, also using increasingly more computational resources. Unfortunately, most of these research efforts target a very small set of application domains, mostly e-commerce and media recommendation. Furthermore, many of these models are never evaluated with users, let alone put into practice. The scientific, economic and societal value of much of these efforts by scholars therefore remains largely unclear. To achieve a stronger positive impact resulting from these efforts, we posit that we as a research community should more often address use cases where recommender systems contribute to societal good (RS4Good). In this opinion piece, we first discuss a number of examples where the use of recommender systems for problems of societal concern has been successfully explored in the literature. We then proceed by outlining a paradigmatic shift that is needed to conduct successful RS4Good research, where the key ingredients are interdisciplinary collaborations and longitudinal evaluation approaches with humans in the loop.
Abstract:The increasing demand for online fashion retail has boosted research in fashion compatibility modeling and item retrieval, focusing on matching user queries (textual descriptions or reference images) with compatible fashion items. A key challenge is top-bottom retrieval, where precise compatibility modeling is essential. Traditional methods, often based on Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR), have shown limited performance. Recent efforts have explored using generative models in compatibility modeling and item retrieval, where generated images serve as additional inputs. However, these approaches often overlook the quality of generated images, which could be crucial for model performance. Additionally, generative models typically require large datasets, posing challenges when such data is scarce. To address these issues, we introduce the Generative Compatibility Model (GeCo), a two-stage approach that improves fashion image retrieval through paired image-to-image translation. First, the Complementary Item Generation Model (CIGM), built on Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), generates target item images (e.g., bottoms) from seed items (e.g., tops), offering conditioning signals for retrieval. These generated samples are then integrated into GeCo, enhancing compatibility modeling and retrieval accuracy. Evaluations on three datasets show that GeCo outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. Key contributions include: (i) the GeCo model utilizing paired image-to-image translation within the Composed Image Retrieval framework, (ii) comprehensive evaluations on benchmark datasets, and (iii) the release of a new Fashion Taobao dataset designed for top-bottom retrieval, promoting further research.
Abstract:Many modern online services feature personalized recommendations. A central challenge when providing such recommendations is that the reason why an individual user accesses the service may change from visit to visit or even during an ongoing usage session. To be effective, a recommender system should therefore aim to take the users' probable intent of using the service at a certain point in time into account. In recent years, researchers have thus started to address this challenge by incorporating intent-awareness into recommender systems. Correspondingly, a number of technical approaches were put forward, including diversification techniques, intent prediction models or latent intent modeling approaches. In this paper, we survey and categorize existing approaches to building the next generation of Intent-Aware Recommender Systems (IARS). Based on an analysis of current evaluation practices, we outline open gaps and possible future directions in this area, which in particular include the consideration of additional interaction signals and contextual information to further improve the effectiveness of such systems.
Abstract:Recommender Systems (RS) have significantly advanced online content discovery and personalized decision-making. However, emerging vulnerabilities in RS have catalyzed a paradigm shift towards Trustworthy RS (TRS). Despite numerous progress on TRS, most of them focus on data correlations while overlooking the fundamental causal nature in recommendation. This drawback hinders TRS from identifying the cause in addressing trustworthiness issues, leading to limited fairness, robustness, and explainability. To bridge this gap, causal learning emerges as a class of promising methods to augment TRS. These methods, grounded in reliable causality, excel in mitigating various biases and noises while offering insightful explanations for TRS. However, there lacks a timely survey in this vibrant area. This paper creates an overview of TRS from the perspective of causal learning. We begin by presenting the advantages and common procedures of Causality-oriented TRS (CTRS). Then, we identify potential trustworthiness challenges at each stage and link them to viable causal solutions, followed by a classification of CTRS methods. Finally, we discuss several future directions for advancing this field.
Abstract:Over the past few years, deep learning methods have been applied for a wide range of Software Engineering (SE) tasks, including in particular for the important task of automatically predicting and localizing faults in software. With the rapid adoption of increasingly complex machine learning models, it however becomes more and more difficult for scholars to reproduce the results that are reported in the literature. This is in particular the case when the applied deep learning models and the evaluation methodology are not properly documented and when code and data are not shared. Given some recent -- and very worrying -- findings regarding reproducibility and progress in other areas of applied machine learning, the goal of this work is to analyze to what extent the field of software engineering, in particular in the area of software fault prediction, is plagued by similar problems. We have therefore conducted a systematic review of the current literature and examined the level of reproducibility of 56 research articles that were published between 2019 and 2022 in top-tier software engineering conferences. Our analysis revealed that scholars are apparently largely aware of the reproducibility problem, and about two thirds of the papers provide code for their proposed deep learning models. However, it turned out that in the vast majority of cases, crucial elements for reproducibility are missing, such as the code of the compared baselines, code for data pre-processing or code for hyperparameter tuning. In these cases, it therefore remains challenging to exactly reproduce the results in the current research literature. Overall, our meta-analysis therefore calls for improved research practices to ensure the reproducibility of machine-learning based research.
Abstract:The sequential recommendation problem has attracted considerable research attention in the past few years, leading to the rise of numerous recommendation models. In this work, we explore how Large Language Models (LLMs), which are nowadays introducing disruptive effects in many AI-based applications, can be used to build or improve sequential recommendation approaches. Specifically, we design three orthogonal approaches and hybrids of those to leverage the power of LLMs in different ways. In addition, we investigate the potential of each approach by focusing on its comprising technical aspects and determining an array of alternative choices for each one. We conduct extensive experiments on three datasets and explore a large variety of configurations, including different language models and baseline recommendation models, to obtain a comprehensive picture of the performance of each approach. Among other observations, we highlight that initializing state-of-the-art sequential recommendation models such as BERT4Rec or SASRec with embeddings obtained from an LLM can lead to substantial performance gains in terms of accuracy. Furthermore, we find that fine-tuning an LLM for recommendation tasks enables it to learn not only the tasks, but also concepts of a domain to some extent. We also show that fine-tuning OpenAI GPT leads to considerably better performance than fine-tuning Google PaLM 2. Overall, our extensive experiments indicate a huge potential value of leveraging LLMs in future recommendation approaches. We publicly share the code and data of our experiments to ensure reproducibility.
Abstract:In session-based recommendation settings, a recommender system has to base its suggestions on the user interactions that are ob served in an ongoing session. Since such sessions can consist of only a small set of interactions, various approaches based on Graph Neural Networks (GNN) were recently proposed, as they allow us to integrate various types of side information about the items in a natural way. Unfortunately, a variety of evaluation settings are used in the literature, e.g., in terms of protocols, metrics and baselines, making it difficult to assess what represents the state of the art. In this work, we present the results of an evaluation of eight recent GNN-based approaches that were published in high-quality outlets. For a fair comparison, all models are systematically tuned and tested under identical conditions using three common datasets. We furthermore include k-nearest-neighbor and sequential rules-based models as baselines, as such models have previously exhibited competitive performance results for similar settings. To our surprise, the evaluation showed that the simple models outperform all recent GNN models in terms of the Mean Reciprocal Rank, which we used as an optimization criterion, and were only outperformed in three cases in terms of the Hit Rate. Additional analyses furthermore reveal that several other factors that are often not deeply discussed in papers, e.g., random seeds, can markedly impact the performance of GNN-based models. Our results therefore (a) point to continuing issues in the community in terms of research methodology and (b) indicate that there is ample room for improvement in session-based recommendation.
Abstract:Modern Code Review (MCR) is an informal tool-assisted quality assurance practice. It relies on the asynchronous communication among the authors of code changes and reviewers, who are developers that provide feedback. However, from candidate developers, some are able to provide better feedback than others given a particular context. The selection of reviewers is thus an important task, which can benefit from automated support. Many approaches have been proposed in this direction, using for example data from code review repositories to recommend reviewers. In this paper, we propose the use of team-related features to improve the performance of predictions that are helpful to build code reviewer recommenders, with our target predictions being the identification of reviewers that would participate in a review and the provided amount of feedback. We evaluate the prediction power of these features, which are related to code ownership, workload, and team relationship. This evaluation was done by carefully addressing challenges imposed by the MCR domain, such as temporal aspects of the dataset and unbalanced classes. Moreover, given that it is currently unknown how much past data is needed for building MCR prediction models with acceptable performance, we explore the amount of past data used to build prediction models. Our results show that, individually, features related to code ownership have the best prediction power. However, based on feature selection, we conclude that all proposed features together with lines of code can make the best predictions for both reviewer participation and amount of feedback. Regarding the amount of past data, the timeframes of 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of data produce similar results. Therefore, models can be trained considering short timeframes, thus reducing the computational costs with negligible impact in the prediction performance ...
Abstract:Sequential recommendation problems have received increasing attention in research during the past few years, leading to the inception of a large variety of algorithmic approaches. In this work, we explore how large language models (LLMs), which are nowadays introducing disruptive effects in many AI-based applications, can be used to build or improve sequential recommendation approaches. Specifically, we devise and evaluate three approaches to leverage the power of LLMs in different ways. Our results from experiments on two datasets show that initializing the state-of-the-art sequential recommendation model BERT4Rec with embeddings obtained from an LLM improves NDCG by 15-20% compared to the vanilla BERT4Rec model. Furthermore, we find that a simple approach that leverages LLM embeddings for producing recommendations, can provide competitive performance by highlighting semantically related items. We publicly share the code and data of our experiments to ensure reproducibility.