Abstract:We introduce a learning-guided motion planning framework that provides initial seed trajectories using a diffusion model for trajectory optimization. Given a workspace, our method approximates the configuration space (C-space) obstacles through a key-configuration representation that consists of a sparse set of task-related key configurations, and uses this as an input to the diffusion model. The diffusion model integrates regularization terms that encourage collision avoidance and smooth trajectories during training, and trajectory optimization refines the generated seed trajectories to further correct any colliding segments. Our experimental results demonstrate that using high-quality trajectory priors, learned through our C-space-grounded diffusion model, enables efficient generation of collision-free trajectories in narrow-passage environments, outperforming prior learning- and planning-based baselines. Videos and additional materials can be found on the project page: https://kiwi-sherbet.github.io/PRESTO.
Abstract:We present DEF-oriCORN, a framework for language-directed manipulation tasks. By leveraging a novel object-based scene representation and diffusion-model-based state estimation algorithm, our framework enables efficient and robust manipulation planning in response to verbal commands, even in tightly packed environments with sparse camera views without any demonstrations. Unlike traditional representations, our representation affords efficient collision checking and language grounding. Compared to state-of-the-art baselines, our framework achieves superior estimation and motion planning performance from sparse RGB images and zero-shot generalizes to real-world scenarios with diverse materials, including transparent and reflective objects, despite being trained exclusively in simulation. Our code for data generation, training, inference, and pre-trained weights are publicly available at: https://sites.google.com/view/def-oricorn/home.
Abstract:Nonprehensile manipulation is essential for manipulating objects that are too thin, large, or otherwise ungraspable in the wild. To sidestep the difficulty of contact modeling in conventional modeling-based approaches, reinforcement learning (RL) has recently emerged as a promising alternative. However, previous RL approaches either lack the ability to generalize over diverse object shapes, or use simple action primitives that limit the diversity of robot motions. Furthermore, using RL over diverse object geometry is challenging due to the high cost of training a policy that takes in high-dimensional sensory inputs. We propose a novel contact-based object representation and pretraining pipeline to tackle this. To enable massively parallel training, we leverage a lightweight patch-based transformer architecture for our encoder that processes point clouds, thus scaling our training across thousands of environments. Compared to learning from scratch, or other shape representation baselines, our representation facilitates both time- and data-efficient learning. We validate the efficacy of our overall system by zero-shot transferring the trained policy to novel real-world objects. Code and videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/contact-non-prehensile.
Abstract:Robot navigation has transitioned from prioritizing obstacle avoidance to adopting socially aware navigation strategies that accommodate human presence. As a result, the recognition of socially aware navigation within dynamic human-centric environments has gained prominence in the field of robotics. Although reinforcement learning technique has fostered the advancement of socially aware navigation, defining appropriate reward functions, especially in congested environments, has posed a significant challenge. These rewards, crucial in guiding robot actions, demand intricate human-crafted design due to their complex nature and inability to be automatically set. The multitude of manually designed rewards poses issues with hyperparameter redundancy, imbalance, and inadequate representation of unique object characteristics. To address these challenges, we introduce a transformable gaussian reward function (TGRF). The TGRF significantly reduces the burden of hyperparameter tuning, displays adaptability across various reward functions, and demonstrates accelerated learning rates, particularly excelling in crowded environments utilizing deep reinforcement learning (DRL). We introduce and validate TGRF through sections highlighting its conceptual background, characteristics, experiments, and real-world application, paving the way for a more effective and adaptable approach in robotics.The complete source code is available on https://github.com/JinnnK/TGRF
Abstract:Large, high-capacity models trained on diverse datasets have shown remarkable successes on efficiently tackling downstream applications. In domains from NLP to Computer Vision, this has led to a consolidation of pretrained models, with general pretrained backbones serving as a starting point for many applications. Can such a consolidation happen in robotics? Conventionally, robotic learning methods train a separate model for every application, every robot, and even every environment. Can we instead train generalist X-robot policy that can be adapted efficiently to new robots, tasks, and environments? In this paper, we provide datasets in standardized data formats and models to make it possible to explore this possibility in the context of robotic manipulation, alongside experimental results that provide an example of effective X-robot policies. We assemble a dataset from 22 different robots collected through a collaboration between 21 institutions, demonstrating 527 skills (160266 tasks). We show that a high-capacity model trained on this data, which we call RT-X, exhibits positive transfer and improves the capabilities of multiple robots by leveraging experience from other platforms. More details can be found on the project website $\href{https://robotics-transformer-x.github.io}{\text{robotics-transformer-x.github.io}}$.
Abstract:We propose a learning-based system for enabling quadrupedal robots to manipulate large, heavy objects using their whole body. Our system is based on a hierarchical control strategy that uses the deep latent variable embedding which captures manipulation-relevant information from interactions, proprioception, and action history, allowing the robot to implicitly understand object properties. We evaluate our framework in both simulation and real-world scenarios. In the simulation, it achieves a success rate of 93.6 % in accurately re-positioning and re-orienting various objects within a tolerance of 0.03 m and 5 {\deg}. Real-world experiments demonstrate the successful manipulation of objects such as a 19.2 kg water-filled drum and a 15.3 kg plastic box filled with heavy objects while the robot weighs 27 kg. Unlike previous works that focus on manipulating small and light objects using prehensile manipulation, our framework illustrates the possibility of using quadrupeds for manipulating large and heavy objects that are ungraspable with the robot's entire body. Our method does not require explicit object modeling and offers significant computational efficiency compared to optimization-based methods. The video can be found at https://youtu.be/fO_PVr27QxU.
Abstract:We present a system for non-prehensile manipulation that require a significant number of contact mode transitions and the use of environmental contacts to successfully manipulate an object to a target location. Our method is based on deep reinforcement learning which, unlike state-of-the-art planning algorithms, does not require apriori knowledge of the physical parameters of the object or environment such as friction coefficients or centers of mass. The planning time is reduced to the simple feed-forward prediction time on a neural network. We propose a computational structure, action space design, and curriculum learning scheme that facilitates efficient exploration and sim-to-real transfer. In challenging real-world non-prehensile manipulation tasks, we show that our method can generalize over different objects, and succeed even for novel objects not seen during training. Project website: https://sites.google.com/view/nonprenehsile-decomposition
Abstract:Our goal is to develop an efficient contact detection algorithm for large-scale GPU-based simulation of non-convex objects. Current GPU-based simulators such as IsaacGym and Brax must trade-off speed with fidelity, generality, or both when simulating non-convex objects. Their main issue lies in contact detection (CD): existing CD algorithms, such as Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK), must trade off their computational speed with accuracy which becomes expensive as the number of collisions among non-convex objects increases. We propose a data-driven approach for CD, whose accuracy depends only on the quality and quantity of offline dataset rather than online computation time. Unlike GJK, our method inherently has a uniform computational flow, which facilitates efficient GPU usage based on advanced compilers such as XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra). Further, we offer a data-efficient solution by learning the patterns of colliding local crop object shapes, rather than global object shapes which are harder to learn. We demonstrate our approach improves the efficiency of existing CD methods by a factor of 5-10 for non-convex objects with comparable accuracy. Using the previous work on contact resolution for a neural-network-based contact detector, we integrate our CD algorithm into the open-source GPU-based simulator, Brax, and show that we can improve the efficiency over IsaacGym and generality over standard Brax. We highly recommend the videos of our simulator included in the supplementary materials.
Abstract:We present a framework for learning to guide geometric task and motion planning (GTAMP). GTAMP is a subclass of task and motion planning in which the goal is to move multiple objects to target regions among movable obstacles. A standard graph search algorithm is not directly applicable, because GTAMP problems involve hybrid search spaces and expensive action feasibility checks. To handle this, we introduce a novel planner that extends basic heuristic search with random sampling and a heuristic function that prioritizes feasibility checking on promising state action pairs. The main drawback of such pure planners is that they lack the ability to learn from planning experience to improve their efficiency. We propose two learning algorithms to address this. The first is an algorithm for learning a rank function that guides the discrete task level search, and the second is an algorithm for learning a sampler that guides the continuous motionlevel search. We propose design principles for designing data efficient algorithms for learning from planning experience and representations for effective generalization. We evaluate our framework in challenging GTAMP problems, and show that we can improve both planning and data efficiency
Abstract:We present a framework for solving long-horizon planning problems involving manipulation of rigid objects that operates directly from a point-cloud observation, i.e. without prior object models. Our method plans in the space of object subgoals and frees the planner from reasoning about robot-object interaction dynamics by relying on a set of generalizable manipulation primitives. We show that for rigid bodies, this abstraction can be realized using low-level manipulation skills that maintain sticking contact with the object and represent subgoals as 3D transformations. To enable generalization to unseen objects and improve planning performance, we propose a novel way of representing subgoals for rigid-body manipulation and a graph-attention based neural network architecture for processing point-cloud inputs. We experimentally validate these choices using simulated and real-world experiments on the YuMi robot. Results demonstrate that our method can successfully manipulate new objects into target configurations requiring long-term planning. Overall, our framework realizes the best of the worlds of task-and-motion planning (TAMP) and learning-based approaches. Project website: https://anthonysimeonov.github.io/rpo-planning-framework/.