Abstract:The detection and classification of exfoliated two-dimensional (2D) material flakes from optical microscope images can be automated using computer vision algorithms. This has the potential to increase the accuracy and objectivity of classification and the efficiency of sample fabrication, and it allows for large-scale data collection. Existing algorithms often exhibit challenges in identifying low-contrast materials and typically require large amounts of training data. Here, we present a deep learning model, called MaskTerial, that uses an instance segmentation network to reliably identify 2D material flakes. The model is extensively pre-trained using a synthetic data generator, that generates realistic microscopy images from unlabeled data. This results in a model that can to quickly adapt to new materials with as little as 5 to 10 images. Furthermore, an uncertainty estimation model is used to finally classify the predictions based on optical contrast. We evaluate our method on eight different datasets comprising five different 2D materials and demonstrate significant improvements over existing techniques in the detection of low-contrast materials such as hexagonal boron nitride.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting has recently emerged as a powerful tool for fast and accurate novel-view synthesis from a set of posed input images. However, like most novel-view synthesis approaches, it relies on accurate camera pose information, limiting its applicability in real-world scenarios where acquiring accurate camera poses can be challenging or even impossible. We propose an extension to the 3D Gaussian Splatting framework by optimizing the extrinsic camera parameters with respect to photometric residuals. We derive the analytical gradients and integrate their computation with the existing high-performance CUDA implementation. This enables downstream tasks such as 6-DoF camera pose estimation as well as joint reconstruction and camera refinement. In particular, we achieve rapid convergence and high accuracy for pose estimation on real-world scenes. Our method enables fast reconstruction of 3D scenes without requiring accurate pose information by jointly optimizing geometry and camera poses, while achieving state-of-the-art results in novel-view synthesis. Our approach is considerably faster to optimize than most competing methods, and several times faster in rendering. We show results on real-world scenes and complex trajectories through simulated environments, achieving state-of-the-art results on LLFF while reducing runtime by two to four times compared to the most efficient competing method. Source code will be available at https://github.com/Schmiddo/noposegs .
Abstract:Interactive segmentation has an important role in facilitating the annotation process of future LiDAR datasets. Existing approaches sequentially segment individual objects at each LiDAR scan, repeating the process throughout the entire sequence, which is redundant and ineffective. In this work, we propose interactive 4D segmentation, a new paradigm that allows segmenting multiple objects on multiple LiDAR scans simultaneously, and Interactive4D, the first interactive 4D segmentation model that segments multiple objects on superimposed consecutive LiDAR scans in a single iteration by utilizing the sequential nature of LiDAR data. While performing interactive segmentation, our model leverages the entire space-time volume, leading to more efficient segmentation. Operating on the 4D volume, it directly provides consistent instance IDs over time and also simplifies tracking annotations. Moreover, we show that click simulations are crucial for successful model training on LiDAR point clouds. To this end, we design a click simulation strategy that is better suited for the characteristics of LiDAR data. To demonstrate its accuracy and effectiveness, we evaluate Interactive4D on multiple LiDAR datasets, where Interactive4D achieves a new state-of-the-art by a large margin. Upon acceptance, we will publicly release the code and models at https://vision.rwth-aachen.de/Interactive4D.
Abstract:Recent work showed that large diffusion models can be reused as highly precise monocular depth estimators by casting depth estimation as an image-conditional image generation task. While the proposed model achieved state-of-the-art results, high computational demands due to multi-step inference limited its use in many scenarios. In this paper, we show that the perceived inefficiency was caused by a flaw in the inference pipeline that has so far gone unnoticed. The fixed model performs comparably to the best previously reported configuration while being more than 200$\times$ faster. To optimize for downstream task performance, we perform end-to-end fine-tuning on top of the single-step model with task-specific losses and get a deterministic model that outperforms all other diffusion-based depth and normal estimation models on common zero-shot benchmarks. We surprisingly find that this fine-tuning protocol also works directly on Stable Diffusion and achieves comparable performance to current state-of-the-art diffusion-based depth and normal estimation models, calling into question some of the conclusions drawn from prior works.
Abstract:Autonomous vehicles require a precise understanding of their environment to navigate safely. Reliable identification of unknown objects, especially those that are absent during training, such as wild animals, is critical due to their potential to cause serious accidents. Significant progress in semantic segmentation of anomalies has been driven by the availability of out-of-distribution (OOD) benchmarks. However, a comprehensive understanding of scene dynamics requires the segmentation of individual objects, and thus the segmentation of instances is essential. Development in this area has been lagging, largely due to the lack of dedicated benchmarks. To address this gap, we have extended the most commonly used anomaly segmentation benchmarks to include the instance segmentation task. Our evaluation of anomaly instance segmentation methods shows that this challenge remains an unsolved problem. The benchmark website and the competition page can be found at: https://vision.rwth-aachen.de/oodis .
Abstract:We interact with the world with our hands and see it through our own (egocentric) perspective. A holistic 3D understanding of such interactions from egocentric views is important for tasks in robotics, AR/VR, action recognition and motion generation. Accurately reconstructing such interactions in 3D is challenging due to heavy occlusion, viewpoint bias, camera distortion, and motion blur from the head movement. To this end, we designed the HANDS23 challenge based on the AssemblyHands and ARCTIC datasets with carefully designed training and testing splits. Based on the results of the top submitted methods and more recent baselines on the leaderboards, we perform a thorough analysis on 3D hand(-object) reconstruction tasks. Our analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of addressing distortion specific to egocentric cameras, adopting high-capacity transformers to learn complex hand-object interactions, and fusing predictions from different views. Our study further reveals challenging scenarios intractable with state-of-the-art methods, such as fast hand motion, object reconstruction from narrow egocentric views, and close contact between two hands and objects. Our efforts will enrich the community's knowledge foundation and facilitate future hand studies on egocentric hand-object interactions.
Abstract:This study investigates the application of ordinal regression methods for categorizing disease severity in chest radiographs. We propose a framework that divides the ordinal regression problem into three parts: a model, a target function, and a classification function. Different encoding methods, including one-hot, Gaussian, progress-bar, and our soft-progress-bar, are applied using ResNet50 and ViT-B-16 deep learning models. We show that the choice of encoding has a strong impact on performance and that the best encoding depends on the chosen weighting of Cohen's kappa and also on the model architecture used. We make our code publicly available on GitHub.
Abstract:Current state-of-the-art Video Object Segmentation (VOS) methods rely on dense per-object mask annotations both during training and testing. This requires time-consuming and costly video annotation mechanisms. We propose a novel Point-VOS task with a spatio-temporally sparse point-wise annotation scheme that substantially reduces the annotation effort. We apply our annotation scheme to two large-scale video datasets with text descriptions and annotate over 19M points across 133K objects in 32K videos. Based on our annotations, we propose a new Point-VOS benchmark, and a corresponding point-based training mechanism, which we use to establish strong baseline results. We show that existing VOS methods can easily be adapted to leverage our point annotations during training, and can achieve results close to the fully-supervised performance when trained on pseudo-masks generated from these points. In addition, we show that our data can be used to improve models that connect vision and language, by evaluating it on the Video Narrative Grounding (VNG) task. We will make our code and annotations available at https://pointvos.github.io.
Abstract:Background: Cell segmentation in bright-field histological slides is a crucial topic in medical image analysis. Having access to accurate segmentation allows researchers to examine the relationship between cellular morphology and clinical observations. Unfortunately, most segmentation methods known today are limited to nuclei and cannot segmentate the cytoplasm. Material & Methods: We present a new network architecture Cyto R-CNN that is able to accurately segment whole cells (with both the nucleus and the cytoplasm) in bright-field images. We also present a new dataset CytoNuke, consisting of multiple thousand manual annotations of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells. Utilizing this dataset, we compared the performance of Cyto R-CNN to other popular cell segmentation algorithms, including QuPath's built-in algorithm, StarDist and Cellpose. To evaluate segmentation performance, we calculated AP50, AP75 and measured 17 morphological and staining-related features for all detected cells. We compared these measurements to the gold standard of manual segmentation using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Results: Cyto R-CNN achieved an AP50 of 58.65% and an AP75 of 11.56% in whole-cell segmentation, outperforming all other methods (QuPath $19.46/0.91\%$; StarDist $45.33/2.32\%$; Cellpose $31.85/5.61\%$). Cell features derived from Cyto R-CNN showed the best agreement to the gold standard ($\bar{D} = 0.15$) outperforming QuPath ($\bar{D} = 0.22$), StarDist ($\bar{D} = 0.25$) and Cellpose ($\bar{D} = 0.23$). Conclusion: Our newly proposed Cyto R-CNN architecture outperforms current algorithms in whole-cell segmentation while providing more reliable cell measurements than any other model. This could improve digital pathology workflows, potentially leading to improved diagnosis. Moreover, our published dataset can be used to develop further models in the future.
Abstract:Manually creating 3D environments for AR/VR applications is a complex process requiring expert knowledge in 3D modeling software. Pioneering works facilitate this process by generating room meshes conditioned on textual style descriptions. Yet, many of these automatically generated 3D meshes do not adhere to typical room layouts, compromising their plausibility, e.g., by placing several beds in one bedroom. To address these challenges, we present ControlRoom3D, a novel method to generate high-quality room meshes. Central to our approach is a user-defined 3D semantic proxy room that outlines a rough room layout based on semantic bounding boxes and a textual description of the overall room style. Our key insight is that when rendered to 2D, this 3D representation provides valuable geometric and semantic information to control powerful 2D models to generate 3D consistent textures and geometry that aligns well with the proxy room. Backed up by an extensive study including quantitative metrics and qualitative user evaluations, our method generates diverse and globally plausible 3D room meshes, thus empowering users to design 3D rooms effortlessly without specialized knowledge.