Abstract:We study Federated Causal Inference, an approach to estimate treatment effects from decentralized data across centers. We compare three classes of Average Treatment Effect (ATE) estimators derived from the Plug-in G-Formula, ranging from simple meta-analysis to one-shot and multi-shot federated learning, the latter leveraging the full data to learn the outcome model (albeit requiring more communication). Focusing on Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), we derive the asymptotic variance of these estimators for linear models. Our results provide practical guidance on selecting the appropriate estimator for various scenarios, including heterogeneity in sample sizes, covariate distributions, treatment assignment schemes, and center effects. We validate these findings with a simulation study.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce a data augmentation approach specifically tailored to enhance intersectional fairness in classification tasks. Our method capitalizes on the hierarchical structure inherent to intersectionality, by viewing groups as intersections of their parent categories. This perspective allows us to augment data for smaller groups by learning a transformation function that combines data from these parent groups. Our empirical analysis, conducted on four diverse datasets including both text and images, reveals that classifiers trained with this data augmentation approach achieve superior intersectional fairness and are more robust to ``leveling down'' when compared to methods optimizing traditional group fairness metrics.
Abstract:Machine learning models can be trained with formal privacy guarantees via differentially private optimizers such as DP-SGD. In this work, we study such privacy guarantees when the adversary only accesses the final model, i.e., intermediate model updates are not released. In the existing literature, this hidden state threat model exhibits a significant gap between the lower bound provided by empirical privacy auditing and the theoretical upper bound provided by privacy accounting. To challenge this gap, we propose to audit this threat model with adversaries that craft a gradient sequence to maximize the privacy loss of the final model without accessing intermediate models. We demonstrate experimentally how this approach consistently outperforms prior attempts at auditing the hidden state model. When the crafted gradient is inserted at every optimization step, our results imply that releasing only the final model does not amplify privacy, providing a novel negative result. On the other hand, when the crafted gradient is not inserted at every step, we show strong evidence that a privacy amplification phenomenon emerges in the general non-convex setting (albeit weaker than in convex regimes), suggesting that existing privacy upper bounds can be improved.
Abstract:We study conformal prediction in the one-shot federated learning setting. The main goal is to compute marginally and training-conditionally valid prediction sets, at the server-level, in only one round of communication between the agents and the server. Using the quantile-of-quantiles family of estimators and split conformal prediction, we introduce a collection of computationally-efficient and distribution-free algorithms that satisfy the aforementioned requirements. Our approaches come from theoretical results related to order statistics and the analysis of the Beta-Beta distribution. We also prove upper bounds on the coverage of all proposed algorithms when the nonconformity scores are almost surely distinct. For algorithms with training-conditional guarantees, these bounds are of the same order of magnitude as those of the centralized case. Remarkably, this implies that the one-shot federated learning setting entails no significant loss compared to the centralized case. Our experiments confirm that our algorithms return prediction sets with coverage and length similar to those obtained in a centralized setting.
Abstract:Decentralized Gradient Descent (D-GD) allows a set of users to perform collaborative learning without sharing their data by iteratively averaging local model updates with their neighbors in a network graph. The absence of direct communication between non-neighbor nodes might lead to the belief that users cannot infer precise information about the data of others. In this work, we demonstrate the opposite, by proposing the first attack against D-GD that enables a user (or set of users) to reconstruct the private data of other users outside their immediate neighborhood. Our approach is based on a reconstruction attack against the gossip averaging protocol, which we then extend to handle the additional challenges raised by D-GD. We validate the effectiveness of our attack on real graphs and datasets, showing that the number of users compromised by a single or a handful of attackers is often surprisingly large. We empirically investigate some of the factors that affect the performance of the attack, namely the graph topology, the number of attackers, and their position in the graph.
Abstract:The popularity of federated learning comes from the possibility of better scalability and the ability for participants to keep control of their data, improving data security and sovereignty. Unfortunately, sharing model updates also creates a new privacy attack surface. In this work, we characterize the privacy guarantees of decentralized learning with random walk algorithms, where a model is updated by traveling from one node to another along the edges of a communication graph. Using a recent variant of differential privacy tailored to the study of decentralized algorithms, namely Pairwise Network Differential Privacy, we derive closed-form expressions for the privacy loss between each pair of nodes where the impact of the communication topology is captured by graph theoretic quantities. Our results further reveal that random walk algorithms tends to yield better privacy guarantees than gossip algorithms for nodes close from each other. We supplement our theoretical results with empirical evaluation on synthetic and real-world graphs and datasets.
Abstract:Pufferfish privacy is a flexible generalization of differential privacy that allows to model arbitrary secrets and adversary's prior knowledge about the data. Unfortunately, designing general and tractable Pufferfish mechanisms that do not compromise utility is challenging. Furthermore, this framework does not provide the composition guarantees needed for a direct use in iterative machine learning algorithms. To mitigate these issues, we introduce a R\'enyi divergence-based variant of Pufferfish and show that it allows us to extend the applicability of the Pufferfish framework. We first generalize the Wasserstein mechanism to cover a wide range of noise distributions and introduce several ways to improve its utility. We also derive stronger guarantees against out-of-distribution adversaries. Finally, as an alternative to composition, we prove privacy amplification results for contractive noisy iterations and showcase the first use of Pufferfish in private convex optimization. A common ingredient underlying our results is the use and extension of shift reduction lemmas.
Abstract:The Gaussian Mechanism (GM), which consists in adding Gaussian noise to a vector-valued query before releasing it, is a standard privacy protection mechanism. In particular, given that the query respects some L2 sensitivity property (the L2 distance between outputs on any two neighboring inputs is bounded), GM guarantees R\'enyi Differential Privacy (RDP). Unfortunately, precisely bounding the L2 sensitivity can be hard, thus leading to loose privacy bounds. In this work, we consider a Relative L2 sensitivity assumption, in which the bound on the distance between two query outputs may also depend on their norm. Leveraging this assumption, we introduce the Relative Gaussian Mechanism (RGM), in which the variance of the noise depends on the norm of the output. We prove tight bounds on the RDP parameters under relative L2 sensitivity, and characterize the privacy loss incurred by using output-dependent noise. In particular, we show that RGM naturally adapts to a latent variable that would control the norm of the output. Finally, we instantiate our framework to show tight guarantees for Private Gradient Descent, a problem that naturally fits our relative L2 sensitivity assumption.
Abstract:This paper presents a new generalization error analysis for the Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent (D-SGD) algorithm based on algorithmic stability. The obtained results largely improve upon state-of-the-art results, and even invalidate their claims that the communication graph has a detrimental effect on generalization. For instance, we show that in convex settings, D-SGD has the same generalization bounds as the classical SGD algorithm, no matter the choice of graph. We exhibit that this counter-intuitive result comes from considering the average of local parameters, which hides a final global averaging step incompatible with the decentralized scenario. In light of this observation, we advocate to analyze the supremum over local parameters and show that in this case, the graph does have an impact on the generalization. Unlike prior results, our analysis yields non-vacuous bounds even for non-connected graphs.
Abstract:In this work, we tackle the problem of intersectional group fairness in the classification setting, where the objective is to learn discrimination-free models in the presence of several intersecting sensitive groups. First, we illustrate various shortcomings of existing fairness measures commonly used to capture intersectional fairness. Then, we propose a new framework called the $\alpha$ Intersectional Fairness framework, which combines the absolute and the relative performances between sensitive groups. Finally, we provide various analyses of our proposed framework, including the min-max and efficiency analysis. Our experiments using the proposed framework show that several in-processing fairness approaches show no improvement over a simple unconstrained approach. Moreover, we show that these approaches minimize existing fairness measures by degrading the performance of the best of the group instead of improving the worst.