Abstract:Motivated by multi-task and meta-learning approaches, we consider the problem of learning structure shared by tasks or users, such as shared low-rank representations or clustered structures. While all previous works focus on well-specified linear regression, we consider more general convex objectives, where the structural low-rank and cluster assumptions are expressed on the optima of each function. We show that under mild assumptions such as \textit{Hessian concentration} and \textit{noise concentration at the optimum}, rank and clustered regularized estimators recover such structure, provided the number of samples per task and the number of tasks are large enough. We then study the problem of recovering the subspace in which all the solutions lie, in the setting where there is only a single sample per task: we show that in that case, the rank-constrained estimator can recover the subspace, but that the number of tasks needs to scale exponentially large with the dimension of the subspace. Finally, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm via nuclear norm constraints for learning a shared linear representation in the context of convex learning objectives.
Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of long-context linear system identification, where the state $x_t$ of a dynamical system at time $t$ depends linearly on previous states $x_s$ over a fixed context window of length $p$. We establish a sample complexity bound that matches the i.i.d. parametric rate up to logarithmic factors for a broad class of systems, extending previous works that considered only first-order dependencies. Our findings reveal a learning-without-mixing phenomenon, indicating that learning long-context linear autoregressive models is not hindered by slow mixing properties potentially associated with extended context windows. Additionally, we extend these results to (i) shared low-rank representations, where rank-regularized estimators improve rates with respect to dimensionality, and (ii) misspecified context lengths in strictly stable systems, where shorter contexts offer statistical advantages.
Abstract:The Procrustes-Wasserstein problem consists in matching two high-dimensional point clouds in an unsupervised setting, and has many applications in natural language processing and computer vision. We consider a planted model with two datasets $X,Y$ that consist of $n$ datapoints in $\mathbb{R}^d$, where $Y$ is a noisy version of $X$, up to an orthogonal transformation and a relabeling of the data points. This setting is related to the graph alignment problem in geometric models. In this work, we focus on the euclidean transport cost between the point clouds as a measure of performance for the alignment. We first establish information-theoretic results, in the high ($d \gg \log n$) and low ($d \ll \log n$) dimensional regimes. We then study computational aspects and propose the Ping-Pong algorithm, alternatively estimating the orthogonal transformation and the relabeling, initialized via a Franke-Wolfe convex relaxation. We give sufficient conditions for the method to retrieve the planted signal after one single step. We provide experimental results to compare the proposed approach with the state-of-the-art method of Grave et al. (2019).
Abstract:Decentralized learning (DL) enables collaborative learning without a server and without training data leaving the users' devices. However, the models shared in DL can still be used to infer training data. Conventional privacy defenses such as differential privacy and secure aggregation fall short in effectively safeguarding user privacy in DL. We introduce Shatter, a novel DL approach in which nodes create virtual nodes (VNs) to disseminate chunks of their full model on their behalf. This enhances privacy by (i) preventing attackers from collecting full models from other nodes, and (ii) hiding the identity of the original node that produced a given model chunk. We theoretically prove the convergence of Shatter and provide a formal analysis demonstrating how Shatter reduces the efficacy of attacks compared to when exchanging full models between participating nodes. We evaluate the convergence and attack resilience of Shatter with existing DL algorithms, with heterogeneous datasets, and against three standard privacy attacks, including gradient inversion. Our evaluation shows that Shatter not only renders these privacy attacks infeasible when each node operates 16 VNs but also exhibits a positive impact on model convergence compared to standard DL. This enhanced privacy comes with a manageable increase in communication volume.
Abstract:Decentralized and asynchronous communications are two popular techniques to speedup communication complexity of distributed machine learning, by respectively removing the dependency over a central orchestrator and the need for synchronization. Yet, combining these two techniques together still remains a challenge. In this paper, we take a step in this direction and introduce Asynchronous SGD on Graphs (AGRAF SGD) -- a general algorithmic framework that covers asynchronous versions of many popular algorithms including SGD, Decentralized SGD, Local SGD, FedBuff, thanks to its relaxed communication and computation assumptions. We provide rates of convergence under much milder assumptions than previous decentralized asynchronous works, while still recovering or even improving over the best know results for all the algorithms covered.
Abstract:In this paper, we provide a novel framework for the analysis of generalization error of first-order optimization algorithms for statistical learning when the gradient can only be accessed through partial observations given by an oracle. Our analysis relies on the regularity of the gradient w.r.t. the data samples, and allows to derive near matching upper and lower bounds for the generalization error of multiple learning problems, including supervised learning, transfer learning, robust learning, distributed learning and communication efficient learning using gradient quantization. These results hold for smooth and strongly-convex optimization problems, as well as smooth non-convex optimization problems verifying a Polyak-Lojasiewicz assumption. In particular, our upper and lower bounds depend on a novel quantity that extends the notion of conditional standard deviation, and is a measure of the extent to which the gradient can be approximated by having access to the oracle. As a consequence, our analysis provides a precise meaning to the intuition that optimization of the statistical learning objective is as hard as the estimation of its gradient. Finally, we show that, in the case of standard supervised learning, mini-batch gradient descent with increasing batch sizes and a warm start can reach a generalization error that is optimal up to a multiplicative factor, thus motivating the use of this optimization scheme in practical applications.
Abstract:We study a variation of vanilla stochastic gradient descent where the optimizer only has access to a Markovian sampling scheme. These schemes encompass applications that range from decentralized optimization with a random walker (token algorithms), to RL and online system identification problems. We focus on obtaining rates of convergence under the least restrictive assumptions possible on the underlying Markov chain and on the functions optimized. We first unveil the theoretical lower bound for methods that sample stochastic gradients along the path of a Markov chain, making appear a dependency in the hitting time of the underlying Markov chain. We then study Markov chain SGD (MC-SGD) under much milder regularity assumptions than prior works. We finally introduce MC-SAG, an alternative to MC-SGD with variance reduction, that only depends on the hitting time of the Markov chain, therefore obtaining a communication-efficient token algorithm.
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the impact of stochasticity and large stepsizes on the implicit regularisation of gradient descent (GD) and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) over diagonal linear networks. We prove the convergence of GD and SGD with macroscopic stepsizes in an overparametrised regression setting and characterise their solutions through an implicit regularisation problem. Our crisp characterisation leads to qualitative insights about the impact of stochasticity and stepsizes on the recovered solution. Specifically, we show that large stepsizes consistently benefit SGD for sparse regression problems, while they can hinder the recovery of sparse solutions for GD. These effects are magnified for stepsizes in a tight window just below the divergence threshold, in the ``edge of stability'' regime. Our findings are supported by experimental results.
Abstract:The existing analysis of asynchronous stochastic gradient descent (SGD) degrades dramatically when any delay is large, giving the impression that performance depends primarily on the delay. On the contrary, we prove much better guarantees for the same asynchronous SGD algorithm regardless of the delays in the gradients, depending instead just on the number of parallel devices used to implement the algorithm. Our guarantees are strictly better than the existing analyses, and we also argue that asynchronous SGD outperforms synchronous minibatch SGD in the settings we consider. For our analysis, we introduce a novel recursion based on "virtual iterates" and delay-adaptive stepsizes, which allow us to derive state-of-the-art guarantees for both convex and non-convex objectives.
Abstract:Decentralized optimization is increasingly popular in machine learning for its scalability and efficiency. Intuitively, it should also provide better privacy guarantees, as nodes only observe the messages sent by their neighbors in the network graph. But formalizing and quantifying this gain is challenging: existing results are typically limited to Local Differential Privacy (LDP) guarantees that overlook the advantages of decentralization. In this work, we introduce pairwise network differential privacy, a relaxation of LDP that captures the fact that the privacy leakage from a node $u$ to a node $v$ may depend on their relative position in the graph. We then analyze the combination of local noise injection with (simple or randomized) gossip averaging protocols on fixed and random communication graphs. We also derive a differentially private decentralized optimization algorithm that alternates between local gradient descent steps and gossip averaging. Our results show that our algorithms amplify privacy guarantees as a function of the distance between nodes in the graph, matching the privacy-utility trade-off of the trusted curator, up to factors that explicitly depend on the graph topology. Finally, we illustrate our privacy gains with experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets.