Abstract:Within the machine learning community, reconstruction attacks are a principal concern and have been identified even in federated learning (FL), which was designed with privacy preservation in mind. In response to these threats, the privacy community recommends the use of differential privacy (DP) in the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, termed DP-SGD. However, the proliferation of variants of DP in recent years\textemdash such as metric privacy\textemdash has made it challenging to conduct a fair comparison between different mechanisms due to the different meanings of the privacy parameters $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ across different variants. Thus, interpreting the practical implications of $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ in the FL context and amongst variants of DP remains ambiguous. In this paper, we lay a foundational framework for comparing mechanisms with differing notions of privacy guarantees, namely $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP and metric privacy. We provide two foundational means of comparison: firstly, via the well-established $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP guarantees, made possible through the R\'enyi differential privacy framework; and secondly, via Bayes' capacity, which we identify as an appropriate measure for reconstruction threats.
Abstract:A key task in managing distributed, sensitive data is to measure the extent to which a distribution changes. Understanding this drift can effectively support a variety of federated learning and analytics tasks. However, in many practical settings sharing such information can be undesirable (e.g., for privacy concerns) or infeasible (e.g., for high communication costs). In this work, we describe novel algorithmic approaches for estimating the KL divergence of data across federated models of computation, under differential privacy. We analyze their theoretical properties and present an empirical study of their performance. We explore parameter settings that optimize the accuracy of the algorithm catering to each of the settings; these provide sub-variations that are applicable to real-world tasks, addressing different context- and application-specific trust level requirements. Our experimental results confirm that our private estimators achieve accuracy comparable to a baseline algorithm without differential privacy guarantees.
Abstract:Decentralized learning (DL) is an emerging technique that allows nodes on the web to collaboratively train machine learning models without sharing raw data. Dealing with stragglers, i.e., nodes with slower compute or communication than others, is a key challenge in DL. We present DivShare, a novel asynchronous DL algorithm that achieves fast model convergence in the presence of communication stragglers. DivShare achieves this by having nodes fragment their models into parameter subsets and send, in parallel to computation, each subset to a random sample of other nodes instead of sequentially exchanging full models. The transfer of smaller fragments allows more efficient usage of the collective bandwidth and enables nodes with slow network links to quickly contribute with at least some of their model parameters. By theoretically proving the convergence of DivShare, we provide, to the best of our knowledge, the first formal proof of convergence for a DL algorithm that accounts for the effects of asynchronous communication with delays. We experimentally evaluate DivShare against two state-of-the-art DL baselines, AD-PSGD and Swift, and with two standard datasets, CIFAR-10 and MovieLens. We find that DivShare with communication stragglers lowers time-to-accuracy by up to 3.9x compared to AD-PSGD on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Compared to baselines, DivShare also achieves up to 19.4% better accuracy and 9.5% lower test loss on the CIFAR-10 and MovieLens datasets, respectively.
Abstract:Decentralized learning (DL) is an emerging approach that enables nodes to collaboratively train a machine learning model without sharing raw data. In many application domains, such as healthcare, this approach faces challenges due to the high level of heterogeneity in the training data's feature space. Such feature heterogeneity lowers model utility and negatively impacts fairness, particularly for nodes with under-represented training data. In this paper, we introduce \textsc{Facade}, a clustering-based DL algorithm specifically designed for fair model training when the training data exhibits several distinct features. The challenge of \textsc{Facade} is to assign nodes to clusters, one for each feature, based on the similarity in the features of their local data, without requiring individual nodes to know apriori which cluster they belong to. \textsc{Facade} (1) dynamically assigns nodes to their appropriate clusters over time, and (2) enables nodes to collaboratively train a specialized model for each cluster in a fully decentralized manner. We theoretically prove the convergence of \textsc{Facade}, implement our algorithm, and compare it against three state-of-the-art baselines. Our experimental results on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of model accuracy and fairness compared to all three competitors. Compared to the best-performing baseline, \textsc{Facade} on the CIFAR-10 dataset also reduces communication costs by 32.3\% to reach a target accuracy when cluster sizes are imbalanced.
Abstract:Within the machine learning community, reconstruction attacks are a principal attack of concern and have been identified even in federated learning, which was designed with privacy preservation in mind. In federated learning, it has been shown that an adversary with knowledge of the machine learning architecture is able to infer the exact value of a training element given an observation of the weight updates performed during stochastic gradient descent. In response to these threats, the privacy community recommends the use of differential privacy in the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, termed DP-SGD. However, DP has not yet been formally established as an effective countermeasure against reconstruction attacks. In this paper, we formalise the reconstruction threat model using the information-theoretic framework of quantitative information flow. We show that the Bayes' capacity, related to the Sibson mutual information of order infinity, represents a tight upper bound on the leakage of the DP-SGD algorithm to an adversary interested in performing a reconstruction attack. We provide empirical results demonstrating the effectiveness of this measure for comparing mechanisms against reconstruction threats.
Abstract:Decentralized learning (DL) faces increased vulnerability to privacy breaches due to sophisticated attacks on machine learning (ML) models. Secure aggregation is a computationally efficient cryptographic technique that enables multiple parties to compute an aggregate of their private data while keeping their individual inputs concealed from each other and from any central aggregator. To enhance communication efficiency in DL, sparsification techniques are used, selectively sharing only the most crucial parameters or gradients in a model, thereby maintaining efficiency without notably compromising accuracy. However, applying secure aggregation to sparsified models in DL is challenging due to the transmission of disjoint parameter sets by distinct nodes, which can prevent masks from canceling out effectively. This paper introduces CESAR, a novel secure aggregation protocol for DL designed to be compatible with existing sparsification mechanisms. CESAR provably defends against honest-but-curious adversaries and can be formally adapted to counteract collusion between them. We provide a foundational understanding of the interaction between the sparsification carried out by the nodes and the proportion of the parameters shared under CESAR in both colluding and non-colluding environments, offering analytical insight into the working and applicability of the protocol. Experiments on a network with 48 nodes in a 3-regular topology show that with random subsampling, CESAR is always within 0.5% accuracy of decentralized parallel stochastic gradient descent (D-PSGD), while adding only 11% of data overhead. Moreover, it surpasses the accuracy on TopK by up to 0.3% on independent and identically distributed (IID) data.
Abstract:Decentralized learning (DL) enables collaborative learning without a server and without training data leaving the users' devices. However, the models shared in DL can still be used to infer training data. Conventional privacy defenses such as differential privacy and secure aggregation fall short in effectively safeguarding user privacy in DL. We introduce Shatter, a novel DL approach in which nodes create virtual nodes (VNs) to disseminate chunks of their full model on their behalf. This enhances privacy by (i) preventing attackers from collecting full models from other nodes, and (ii) hiding the identity of the original node that produced a given model chunk. We theoretically prove the convergence of Shatter and provide a formal analysis demonstrating how Shatter reduces the efficacy of attacks compared to when exchanging full models between participating nodes. We evaluate the convergence and attack resilience of Shatter with existing DL algorithms, with heterogeneous datasets, and against three standard privacy attacks, including gradient inversion. Our evaluation shows that Shatter not only renders these privacy attacks infeasible when each node operates 16 VNs but also exhibits a positive impact on model convergence compared to standard DL. This enhanced privacy comes with a manageable increase in communication volume.
Abstract:This paper introduces ZIP-DL, a novel privacy-aware decentralized learning (DL) algorithm that relies on adding correlated noise to each model update during the model training process. This technique ensures that the added noise almost neutralizes itself during the aggregation process due to its correlation, thus minimizing the impact on model accuracy. In addition, ZIP-DL does not require multiple communication rounds for noise cancellation, addressing the common trade-off between privacy protection and communication overhead. We provide theoretical guarantees for both convergence speed and privacy guarantees, thereby making ZIP-DL applicable to practical scenarios. Our extensive experimental study shows that ZIP-DL achieves the best trade-off between vulnerability and accuracy. In particular, ZIP-DL (i) reduces the effectiveness of a linkability attack by up to 52 points compared to baseline DL, and (ii) achieves up to 37 more accuracy points for the same vulnerability under membership inference attacks against a privacy-preserving competitor
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is a framework for training machine learning models in a distributed and collaborative manner. During training, a set of participating clients process their data stored locally, sharing only the model updates obtained by minimizing a cost function over their local inputs. FL was proposed as a stepping-stone towards privacy-preserving machine learning, but it has been shown vulnerable to issues such as leakage of private information, lack of personalization of the model, and the possibility of having a trained model that is fairer to some groups than to others. In this paper, we address the triadic interaction among personalization, privacy guarantees, and fairness attained by models trained within the FL framework. Differential privacy and its variants have been studied and applied as cutting-edge standards for providing formal privacy guarantees. However, clients in FL often hold very diverse datasets representing heterogeneous communities, making it important to protect their sensitive information while still ensuring that the trained model upholds the aspect of fairness for the users. To attain this objective, a method is put forth that introduces group privacy assurances through the utilization of $d$-privacy (aka metric privacy). $d$-privacy represents a localized form of differential privacy that relies on a metric-oriented obfuscation approach to maintain the original data's topological distribution. This method, besides enabling personalized model training in a federated approach and providing formal privacy guarantees, possesses significantly better group fairness measured under a variety of standard metrics than a global model trained within a classical FL template. Theoretical justifications for the applicability are provided, as well as experimental validation on real-world datasets to illustrate the working of the proposed method.
Abstract:Federated learning is a type of collaborative machine learning, where participating clients process their data locally, sharing only updates to the collaborative model. This enables to build privacy-aware distributed machine learning models, among others. The goal is the optimization of a statistical model's parameters by minimizing a cost function of a collection of datasets which are stored locally by a set of clients. This process exposes the clients to two issues: leakage of private information and lack of personalization of the model. On the other hand, with the recent advancements in techniques to analyze data, there is a surge of concern for the privacy violation of the participating clients. To mitigate this, differential privacy and its variants serve as a standard for providing formal privacy guarantees. Often the clients represent very heterogeneous communities and hold data which are very diverse. Therefore, aligned with the recent focus of the FL community to build a framework of personalized models for the users representing their diversity, it is also of utmost importance to protect against potential threats against the sensitive and personal information of the clients. $d$-privacy, which is a generalization of geo-indistinguishability, the lately popularized paradigm of location privacy, uses a metric-based obfuscation technique that preserves the spatial distribution of the original data. To address the issue of protecting the privacy of the clients and allowing for personalized model training to enhance the fairness and utility of the system, we propose a method to provide group privacy guarantees exploiting some key properties of $d$-privacy which enables personalized models under the framework of FL. We provide with theoretical justifications to the applicability and experimental validation on real-world datasets to illustrate the working of the proposed method.