Microsoft Research Institute, Macquarie University
Abstract:Alignment techniques have become central to ensuring that Large Language Models (LLMs) generate outputs consistent with human values. However, existing alignment paradigms often model an averaged or monolithic preference, failing to account for the diversity of perspectives across cultures, demographics, and communities. This limitation is particularly critical in health-related scenarios, where plurality is essential due to the influence of culture, religion, personal values, and conflicting opinions. Despite progress in pluralistic alignment, no prior work has focused on health, likely due to the unavailability of publicly available datasets. To address this gap, we introduce VITAL, a new benchmark dataset comprising 13.1K value-laden situations and 5.4K multiple-choice questions focused on health, designed to assess and benchmark pluralistic alignment methodologies. Through extensive evaluation of eight LLMs of varying sizes, we demonstrate that existing pluralistic alignment techniques fall short in effectively accommodating diverse healthcare beliefs, underscoring the need for tailored AI alignment in specific domains. This work highlights the limitations of current approaches and lays the groundwork for developing health-specific alignment solutions.
Abstract:Within the machine learning community, reconstruction attacks are a principal concern and have been identified even in federated learning (FL), which was designed with privacy preservation in mind. In response to these threats, the privacy community recommends the use of differential privacy (DP) in the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, termed DP-SGD. However, the proliferation of variants of DP in recent years\textemdash such as metric privacy\textemdash has made it challenging to conduct a fair comparison between different mechanisms due to the different meanings of the privacy parameters $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ across different variants. Thus, interpreting the practical implications of $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ in the FL context and amongst variants of DP remains ambiguous. In this paper, we lay a foundational framework for comparing mechanisms with differing notions of privacy guarantees, namely $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP and metric privacy. We provide two foundational means of comparison: firstly, via the well-established $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP guarantees, made possible through the R\'enyi differential privacy framework; and secondly, via Bayes' capacity, which we identify as an appropriate measure for reconstruction threats.
Abstract:Adversarial examples pose a significant challenge to deep neural networks (DNNs) across both image and text domains, with the intent to degrade model performance through meticulously altered inputs. Adversarial texts, however, are distinct from adversarial images due to their requirement for semantic similarity and the discrete nature of the textual contents. This study delves into the concept of human suspiciousness, a quality distinct from the traditional focus on imperceptibility found in image-based adversarial examples. Unlike images, where adversarial changes are meant to be indistinguishable to the human eye, textual adversarial content must often remain undetected or non-suspicious to human readers, even when the text's purpose is to deceive NLP systems or bypass filters. In this research, we expand the study of human suspiciousness by analyzing how individuals perceive adversarial texts. We gather and publish a novel dataset of Likert-scale human evaluations on the suspiciousness of adversarial sentences, crafted by four widely used adversarial attack methods and assess their correlation with the human ability to detect machine-generated alterations. Additionally, we develop a regression-based model to quantify suspiciousness and establish a baseline for future research in reducing the suspiciousness in adversarial text generation. We also demonstrate how the regressor-generated suspicious scores can be incorporated into adversarial generation methods to produce texts that are less likely to be perceived as computer-generated. We make our human suspiciousness annotated data and our code available.
Abstract:Natural language processing (NLP) models may leak private information in different ways, including membership inference, reconstruction or attribute inference attacks. Sensitive information may not be explicit in the text, but hidden in underlying writing characteristics. Methods to protect privacy can involve using representations inside models that are demonstrated not to detect sensitive attributes or -- for instance, in cases where users might not trust a model, the sort of scenario of interest here -- changing the raw text before models can have access to it. The goal is to rewrite text to prevent someone from inferring a sensitive attribute (e.g. the gender of the author, or their location by the writing style) whilst keeping the text useful for its original intention (e.g. the sentiment of a product review). The few works tackling this have focused on generative techniques. However, these often create extensively different texts from the original ones or face problems such as mode collapse. This paper explores a novel adaptation of adversarial attack techniques to manipulate a text to deceive a classifier w.r.t one task (privacy) whilst keeping the predictions of another classifier trained for another task (utility) unchanged. We propose IDT, a method that analyses predictions made by auxiliary and interpretable models to identify which tokens are important to change for the privacy task, and which ones should be kept for the utility task. We evaluate different datasets for NLP suitable for different tasks. Automatic and human evaluations show that IDT retains the utility of text, while also outperforming existing methods when deceiving a classifier w.r.t privacy task.
Abstract:Within the machine learning community, reconstruction attacks are a principal attack of concern and have been identified even in federated learning, which was designed with privacy preservation in mind. In federated learning, it has been shown that an adversary with knowledge of the machine learning architecture is able to infer the exact value of a training element given an observation of the weight updates performed during stochastic gradient descent. In response to these threats, the privacy community recommends the use of differential privacy in the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, termed DP-SGD. However, DP has not yet been formally established as an effective countermeasure against reconstruction attacks. In this paper, we formalise the reconstruction threat model using the information-theoretic framework of quantitative information flow. We show that the Bayes' capacity, related to the Sibson mutual information of order infinity, represents a tight upper bound on the leakage of the DP-SGD algorithm to an adversary interested in performing a reconstruction attack. We provide empirical results demonstrating the effectiveness of this measure for comparing mechanisms against reconstruction threats.
Abstract:Recent studies have shown that distributed machine learning is vulnerable to gradient inversion attacks, where private training data can be reconstructed by analyzing the gradients of the models shared in training. Previous attacks established that such reconstructions are possible using gradients from all parameters in the entire models. However, we hypothesize that most of the involved modules, or even their sub-modules, are at risk of training data leakage, and we validate such vulnerabilities in various intermediate layers of language models. Our extensive experiments reveal that gradients from a single Transformer layer, or even a single linear component with 0.54% parameters, are susceptible to training data leakage. Additionally, we show that applying differential privacy on gradients during training offers limited protection against the novel vulnerability of data disclosure.
Abstract:The democratization of pre-trained language models through open-source initiatives has rapidly advanced innovation and expanded access to cutting-edge technologies. However, this openness also brings significant security risks, including backdoor attacks, where hidden malicious behaviors are triggered by specific inputs, compromising natural language processing (NLP) system integrity and reliability. This paper suggests that merging a backdoored model with other homogeneous models can remediate backdoor vulnerabilities even if such models are not entirely secure. In our experiments, we explore various models (BERT-Base, RoBERTa-Large, Llama2-7B, and Mistral-7B) and datasets (SST-2, OLID, AG News, and QNLI). Compared to multiple advanced defensive approaches, our method offers an effective and efficient inference-stage defense against backdoor attacks without additional resources or specific knowledge. Our approach consistently outperforms the other advanced baselines, leading to an average of 75% reduction in the attack success rate. Since model merging has been an established approach for improving model performance, the extra advantage it provides regarding defense can be seen as a cost-free bonus.
Abstract:Adversarial examples, deliberately crafted using small perturbations to fool deep neural networks, were first studied in image processing and more recently in NLP. While approaches to detecting adversarial examples in NLP have largely relied on search over input perturbations, image processing has seen a range of techniques that aim to characterise adversarial subspaces over the learned representations. In this paper, we adapt two such approaches to NLP, one based on nearest neighbors and influence functions and one on Mahalanobis distances. The former in particular produces a state-of-the-art detector when compared against several strong baselines; moreover, the novel use of influence functions provides insight into how the nature of adversarial example subspaces in NLP relate to those in image processing, and also how they differ depending on the kind of NLP task.
Abstract:Anomaly detection plays an increasingly important role in various fields for critical tasks such as intrusion detection in cybersecurity, financial risk detection, and human health monitoring. A variety of anomaly detection methods have been proposed, and a category based on the isolation forest mechanism stands out due to its simplicity, effectiveness, and efficiency, e.g., iForest is often employed as a state-of-the-art detector for real deployment. While the majority of isolation forests use the binary structure, a framework LSHiForest has demonstrated that the multi-fork isolation tree structure can lead to better detection performance. However, there is no theoretical work answering the fundamentally and practically important question on the optimal tree structure for an isolation forest with respect to the branching factor. In this paper, we establish a theory on isolation efficiency to answer the question and determine the optimal branching factor for an isolation tree. Based on the theoretical underpinning, we design a practical optimal isolation forest OptIForest incorporating clustering based learning to hash which enables more information to be learned from data for better isolation quality. The rationale of our approach relies on a better bias-variance trade-off achieved by bias reduction in OptIForest. Extensive experiments on a series of benchmarking datasets for comparative and ablation studies demonstrate that our approach can efficiently and robustly achieve better detection performance in general than the state-of-the-arts including the deep learning based methods.
Abstract:Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) is a key method for applying privacy in the training of deep learning models. This applies isotropic Gaussian noise to gradients during training, which can perturb these gradients in any direction, damaging utility. Metric DP, however, can provide alternative mechanisms based on arbitrary metrics that might be more suitable. In this paper we apply \textit{directional privacy}, via a mechanism based on the von Mises-Fisher (VMF) distribution, to perturb gradients in terms of \textit{angular distance} so that gradient direction is broadly preserved. We show that this provides $\epsilon d$-privacy for deep learning training, rather than the $(\epsilon, \delta)$-privacy of the Gaussian mechanism; and that experimentally, on key datasets, the VMF mechanism can outperform the Gaussian in the utility-privacy trade-off.