Abstract:Human emotions entail a complex set of behavioral, physiological and cognitive changes. Current state-of-the-art models fuse the behavioral and physiological components using classic machine learning, rather than recent deep learning techniques. We propose to fill this gap, designing the Multimodal for Video and Physio (MVP) architecture, streamlined to fuse video and physiological signals. Differently then others approaches, MVP exploits the benefits of attention to enable the use of long input sequences (1-2 minutes). We have studied video and physiological backbones for inputting long sequences and evaluated our method with respect to the state-of-the-art. Our results show that MVP outperforms former methods for emotion recognition based on facial videos, EDA, and ECG/PPG.
Abstract:Deep learning models, in particular \textit{image} models, have recently gained generalisability and robustness. %are becoming more general and robust by the day. In this work, we propose to exploit such advances in the realm of \textit{video} classification. Video foundation models suffer from the requirement of extensive pretraining and a large training time. Towards mitigating such limitations, we propose "\textit{Attention Map (AM) Flow}" for image models, a method for identifying pixels relevant to motion in each input video frame. In this context, we propose two methods to compute AM flow, depending on camera motion. AM flow allows the separation of spatial and temporal processing, while providing improved results over combined spatio-temporal processing (as in video models). Adapters, one of the popular techniques in parameter efficient transfer learning, facilitate the incorporation of AM flow into pretrained image models, mitigating the need for full-finetuning. We extend adapters to "\textit{temporal processing adapters}" by incorporating a temporal processing unit into the adapters. Our work achieves faster convergence, therefore reducing the number of epochs needed for training. Moreover, we endow an image model with the ability to achieve state-of-the-art results on popular action recognition datasets. This reduces training time and simplifies pretraining. We present experiments on Kinetics-400, Something-Something v2, and Toyota Smarthome datasets, showcasing state-of-the-art or comparable results.
Abstract:In recent advancements in novel view synthesis, generalizable Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) based methods applied to human subjects have shown remarkable results in generating novel views from few images. However, this generalization ability cannot capture the underlying structural features of the skeleton shared across all instances. Building upon this, we introduce HFNeRF: a novel generalizable human feature NeRF aimed at generating human biomechanic features using a pre-trained image encoder. While previous human NeRF methods have shown promising results in the generation of photorealistic virtual avatars, such methods lack underlying human structure or biomechanic features such as skeleton or joint information that are crucial for downstream applications including Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR). HFNeRF leverages 2D pre-trained foundation models toward learning human features in 3D using neural rendering, and then volume rendering towards generating 2D feature maps. We evaluate HFNeRF in the skeleton estimation task by predicting heatmaps as features. The proposed method is fully differentiable, allowing to successfully learn color, geometry, and human skeleton in a simultaneous manner. This paper presents preliminary results of HFNeRF, illustrating its potential in generating realistic virtual avatars with biomechanic features using NeRF.
Abstract:Recent advances in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have demonstrated promising results in 3D scene representations, including 3D human representations. However, these representations often lack crucial information on the underlying human pose and structure, which is crucial for AR/VR applications and games. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach, termed GHNeRF, designed to address these limitations by learning 2D/3D joint locations of human subjects with NeRF representation. GHNeRF uses a pre-trained 2D encoder streamlined to extract essential human features from 2D images, which are then incorporated into the NeRF framework in order to encode human biomechanic features. This allows our network to simultaneously learn biomechanic features, such as joint locations, along with human geometry and texture. To assess the effectiveness of our method, we conduct a comprehensive comparison with state-of-the-art human NeRF techniques and joint estimation algorithms. Our results show that GHNeRF can achieve state-of-the-art results in near real-time.
Abstract:Skeleton-based action segmentation requires recognizing composable actions in untrimmed videos. Current approaches decouple this problem by first extracting local visual features from skeleton sequences and then processing them by a temporal model to classify frame-wise actions. However, their performances remain limited as the visual features cannot sufficiently express composable actions. In this context, we propose Latent Action Composition (LAC), a novel self-supervised framework aiming at learning from synthesized composable motions for skeleton-based action segmentation. LAC is composed of a novel generation module towards synthesizing new sequences. Specifically, we design a linear latent space in the generator to represent primitive motion. New composed motions can be synthesized by simply performing arithmetic operations on latent representations of multiple input skeleton sequences. LAC leverages such synthesized sequences, which have large diversity and complexity, for learning visual representations of skeletons in both sequence and frame spaces via contrastive learning. The resulting visual encoder has a high expressive power and can be effectively transferred onto action segmentation tasks by end-to-end fine-tuning without the need for additional temporal models. We conduct a study focusing on transfer-learning and we show that representations learned from pre-trained LAC outperform the state-of-the-art by a large margin on TSU, Charades, PKU-MMD datasets.
Abstract:This work explores various ways of exploring multi-task learning (MTL) techniques aimed at classifying videos as original or manipulated in cross-manipulation scenario to attend generalizability in deep fake scenario. The dataset used in our evaluation is FaceForensics++, which features 1000 original videos manipulated by four different techniques, with a total of 5000 videos. We conduct extensive experiments on multi-task learning and contrastive techniques, which are well studied in literature for their generalization benefits. It can be concluded that the proposed detection model is quite generalized, i.e., accurately detects manipulation methods not encountered during training as compared to the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Self-supervised video representation learning aimed at maximizing similarity between different temporal segments of one video, in order to enforce feature persistence over time. This leads to loss of pertinent information related to temporal relationships, rendering actions such as `enter' and `leave' to be indistinguishable. To mitigate this limitation, we propose Latent Time Navigation (LTN), a time-parameterized contrastive learning strategy that is streamlined to capture fine-grained motions. Specifically, we maximize the representation similarity between different video segments from one video, while maintaining their representations time-aware along a subspace of the latent representation code including an orthogonal basis to represent temporal changes. Our extensive experimental analysis suggests that learning video representations by LTN consistently improves performance of action classification in fine-grained and human-oriented tasks (e.g., on Toyota Smarthome dataset). In addition, we demonstrate that our proposed model, when pre-trained on Kinetics-400, generalizes well onto the unseen real world video benchmark datasets UCF101 and HMDB51, achieving state-of-the-art performance in action recognition.
Abstract:Spatio-temporal coherency is a major challenge in synthesizing high quality videos, particularly in synthesizing human videos that contain rich global and local deformations. To resolve this challenge, previous approaches have resorted to different features in the generation process aimed at representing appearance and motion. However, in the absence of strict mechanisms to guarantee such disentanglement, a separation of motion from appearance has remained challenging, resulting in spatial distortions and temporal jittering that break the spatio-temporal coherency. Motivated by this, we here propose LEO, a novel framework for human video synthesis, placing emphasis on spatio-temporal coherency. Our key idea is to represent motion as a sequence of flow maps in the generation process, which inherently isolate motion from appearance. We implement this idea via a flow-based image animator and a Latent Motion Diffusion Model (LMDM). The former bridges a space of motion codes with the space of flow maps, and synthesizes video frames in a warp-and-inpaint manner. LMDM learns to capture motion prior in the training data by synthesizing sequences of motion codes. Extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis suggests that LEO significantly improves coherent synthesis of human videos over previous methods on the datasets TaichiHD, FaceForensics and CelebV-HQ. In addition, the effective disentanglement of appearance and motion in LEO allows for two additional tasks, namely infinite-length human video synthesis, as well as content-preserving video editing.
Abstract:This work focuses on unsupervised representation learning in person re-identification (ReID). Recent self-supervised contrastive learning methods learn invariance by maximizing the representation similarity between two augmented views of a same image. However, traditional data augmentation may bring to the fore undesirable distortions on identity features, which is not always favorable in id-sensitive ReID tasks. In this paper, we propose to replace traditional data augmentation with a generative adversarial network (GAN) that is targeted to generate augmented views for contrastive learning. A 3D mesh guided person image generator is proposed to disentangle a person image into id-related and id-unrelated features. Deviating from previous GAN-based ReID methods that only work in id-unrelated space (pose and camera style), we conduct GAN-based augmentation on both id-unrelated and id-related features. We further propose specific contrastive losses to help our network learn invariance from id-unrelated and id-related augmentations. By jointly training the generative and the contrastive modules, our method achieves new state-of-the-art unsupervised person ReID performance on mainstream large-scale benchmarks.
Abstract:Deep neural networks have become prevalent in human analysis, boosting the performance of applications, such as biometric recognition, action recognition, as well as person re-identification. However, the performance of such networks scales with the available training data. In human analysis, the demand for large-scale datasets poses a severe challenge, as data collection is tedious, time-expensive, costly and must comply with data protection laws. Current research investigates the generation of \textit{synthetic data} as an efficient and privacy-ensuring alternative to collecting real data in the field. This survey introduces the basic definitions and methodologies, essential when generating and employing synthetic data for human analysis. We conduct a survey that summarises current state-of-the-art methods and the main benefits of using synthetic data. We also provide an overview of publicly available synthetic datasets and generation models. Finally, we discuss limitations, as well as open research problems in this field. This survey is intended for researchers and practitioners in the field of human analysis.