Abstract:The ability to perceive and comprehend a traffic situation and to predict the intent of vehicles and road-users in the surrounding of the ego-vehicle is known as situational awareness. Situational awareness for a heavy-duty autonomous vehicle is a critical part of the automation platform and is dependent on the ego-vehicle's field-of-view. But when it comes to the urban scenario, the field-of-view of the ego-vehicle is likely to be affected by occlusion and blind spots caused by infrastructure, moving vehicles, and parked vehicles. This paper proposes a framework to improve situational awareness using set-membership estimation and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. This framework provides safety guarantees and can adapt to dynamically changing scenarios, and is integrated into an existing complex autonomous platform. A detailed description of the framework implementation and real-time results are illustrated in this paper.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms can achieve state-of-the-art performance in decision-making and continuous control tasks. However, applying RL algorithms on safety-critical systems still needs to be well justified due to the exploration nature of many RL algorithms, especially when the model of the robot and the environment are unknown. To address this challenge, we propose a data-driven safety layer that acts as a filter for unsafe actions. The safety layer uses a data-driven predictive controller to enforce safety guarantees for RL policies during training and after deployment. The RL agent proposes an action that is verified by computing the data-driven reachability analysis. If there is an intersection between the reachable set of the robot using the proposed action, we call the data-driven predictive controller to find the closest safe action to the proposed unsafe action. The safety layer penalizes the RL agent if the proposed action is unsafe and replaces it with the closest safe one. In the simulation, we show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art safe RL methods on the robotics navigation problem for a Turtlebot 3 in Gazebo and a quadrotor in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4).
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) is capable of sophisticated motion planning and control for robots in uncertain environments. However, state-of-the-art deep RL approaches typically lack safety guarantees, especially when the robot and environment models are unknown. To justify widespread deployment, robots must respect safety constraints without sacrificing performance. Thus, we propose a Black-box Reachability-based Safety Layer (BRSL) with three main components: (1) data-driven reachability analysis for a black-box robot model, (2) a trajectory rollout planner that predicts future actions and observations using an ensemble of neural networks trained online, and (3) a differentiable polytope collision check between the reachable set and obstacles that enables correcting unsafe actions. In simulation, BRSL outperforms other state-of-the-art safe RL methods on a Turtlebot 3, a quadrotor, and a trajectory-tracking point mass with an unsafe set adjacent to the area of highest reward.
Abstract:This paper proposes a data-driven set-based estimation algorithm for a class of nonlinear systems with polynomial nonlinearities. Using the system's input-output data, the proposed method computes in real-time a set that guarantees the inclusion of the system's state. Although the system is assumed to be polynomial type, the exact polynomial functions and their coefficients need not be known. To this end, the estimator relies on offline and online phases. The offline phase utilizes past input-output data to estimate a set of possible coefficients of the polynomial system. Then, using this estimated set of coefficients and the side information about the system, the online phase provides a set estimate of the state. Finally, the proposed methodology is evaluated through its application on SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered) epidemic model.
Abstract:This paper presents algorithms for performing data-driven reachability analysis under temporal logic side information. In certain scenarios, the data-driven reachable sets of a robot can be prohibitively conservative due to the inherent noise in the robot's historical measurement data. In the same scenarios, we often have side information about the robot's expected motion (e.g., limits on how much a robot can move in a one-time step) that could be useful for further specifying the reachability analysis. In this work, we show that if we can model this side information using a signal temporal logic (STL) fragment, we can constrain the data-driven reachability analysis and safely limit the conservatism of the computed reachable sets. Moreover, we provide formal guarantees that, even after incorporating side information, the computed reachable sets still properly over-approximate the robot's future states. Lastly, we empirically validate the practicality of the over-approximation by computing constrained, data-driven reachable sets for the Small-Vehicles-for-Autonomy (SVEA) hardware platform in two driving scenarios.
Abstract:We consider the problem of computing reachable sets directly from noisy data without a given system model. Several reachability algorithms are presented, and their accuracy is shown to depend on the underlying system generating the data. First, an algorithm for computing over-approximated reachable sets based on matrix zonotopes is proposed for linear systems. Constrained matrix zonotopes are introduced to provide less conservative reachable sets at the cost of increased computational expenses and utilized to incorporate prior knowledge about the unknown system model. Then we extend the approach to polynomial systems and under the assumption of Lipschitz continuity to nonlinear systems. Theoretical guarantees are given for these algorithms in that they give a proper over-approximative reachable set containing the true reachable set. Multiple numerical examples show the applicability of the introduced algorithms, and accuracy comparisons are made between algorithms.
Abstract:We present a robust data-driven control scheme for unknown linear systems with a bounded process and measurement noise. Instead of depending on a system model as in traditional predictive control, a controller utilizing data-driven reachable regions is proposed. The data-driven reachable regions are based on a matrix zonotope recursion and are computed based on only noisy input-output data of a trajectory of the system. We assume that measurement and process noise are contained in bounded sets. While we assume knowledge of these bounds, no knowledge about the statistical properties of the noise is assumed. In the noise-free case, we prove that the presented purely data-driven control scheme results in an equivalent closed-loop behavior to a nominal model predictive control scheme. In the case of measurement and process noise, our proposed scheme guarantees robust constraint satisfaction, which is essential in safety-critical applications. Numerical experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed data-driven controller in comparison to model-based control schemes.
Abstract:One of the main challenges in developing autonomous transport systems based on connected and automated vehicles is the comprehension and understanding of the environment around each vehicle. In many situations, the understanding is limited to the information gathered by the sensors mounted on the ego-vehicle, and it might be severely affected by occlusion caused by other vehicles or fixed obstacles along the road. Situational awareness is the ability to perceive and comprehend a traffic situation and to predict the intent of vehicles and road users in the surrounding of the ego-vehicle. The main objective of this paper is to propose a framework for how to automatically increase the situational awareness for an automatic bus in a realistic scenario when a pedestrian behind a parked truck might decide to walk across the road. Depending on the ego-vehicle's ability to fuse information from sensors in other vehicles or in the infrastructure, shared situational awareness is developed using a set-based estimation technique that provides robust guarantees for the location of the pedestrian. A two-level information fusion architecture is adopted, where sensor measurements are fused locally, and then the corresponding estimates are shared between vehicles and units in the infrastructure. Thanks to the provided safety guarantees, it is possible to appropriately adjust the ego-vehicle speed to maintain a proper safety margin. It is also argued that the framework is suitable for handling sensor failures and false detections in a systematic way. Three scenarios of growing information complexity are considered throughout the study. Simulations show how the increased situational awareness allows the ego-vehicle to maintain a reasonable speed without sacrificing safety.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a data-driven reachability analysis approach for an unknown control system. Reachability analysis is an essential tool for guaranteeing safety properties. However, most current reachability analysis heavily relies on the existence of a suitable system model, which is often not directly available in practice. We instead propose a reachability analysis approach based on noisy data. More specifically, we first provide an algorithm for over-approximating the reachable set of a linear time-invariant system using matrix zonotopes. Then we introduce an extension for nonlinear systems. We provide theoretical guarantees in both cases. Numerical examples show the potential and applicability of the introduced methods.
Abstract:Set-based estimation has gained a lot of attention due to its ability to guarantee state enclosures for safety-critical systems. However, it requires computationally expensive operations, which in turn often requires outsourcing of these operations to cloud-computing platforms. Consequently, this raises some concerns with regard to sharing sensitive information and measurements. This paper presents the first privacy-preserving set-based estimation protocols using partially homomorphic encryption in which we preserve the privacy of the set of all possible estimates and the measurements. We consider a linear discrete-time dynamical system with bounded modeling and measurement uncertainties without any other statistical assumptions. We represent sets by zonotopes and constrained zonotopes as they can compactly represent high-dimensional sets and are closed under linear maps and Minkowski addition. By selectively encrypting some parameters of the used set representations, we are able to intersect sets in the encrypted domain, which enables guaranteed state estimation while ensuring the privacy goals. In particular, we show that our protocols achieve computational privacy using formal cryptographic definitions of computational indistinguishability. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach by localizing a mobile quadcopter using custom ultra-wideband wireless devices. Our code and data are available online.