Abstract:Despite recent advances in learning-based controllers for legged robots, deployments in human-centric environments remain limited by safety concerns. Most of these approaches use position-based control, where policies output target joint angles that must be processed by a low-level controller (e.g., PD or impedance controllers) to compute joint torques. Although impressive results have been achieved in controlled real-world scenarios, these methods often struggle with compliance and adaptability when encountering environments or disturbances unseen during training, potentially resulting in extreme or unsafe behaviors. Inspired by how animals achieve smooth and adaptive movements by controlling muscle extension and contraction, torque-based policies offer a promising alternative by enabling precise and direct control of the actuators in torque space. In principle, this approach facilitates more effective interactions with the environment, resulting in safer and more adaptable behaviors. However, challenges such as a highly nonlinear state space and inefficient exploration during training have hindered their broader adoption. To address these limitations, we propose SATA, a bio-inspired framework that mimics key biomechanical principles and adaptive learning mechanisms observed in animal locomotion. Our approach effectively addresses the inherent challenges of learning torque-based policies by significantly improving early-stage exploration, leading to high-performance final policies. Remarkably, our method achieves zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. Our experimental results indicate that SATA demonstrates remarkable compliance and safety, even in challenging environments such as soft/slippery terrain or narrow passages, and under significant external disturbances, highlighting its potential for practical deployments in human-centric and safety-critical scenarios.
Abstract:The Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problem aims to determine the shortest and collision-free paths for multiple agents in a known, potentially obstacle-ridden environment. It is the core challenge for robotic deployments in large-scale logistics and transportation. Decentralized learning-based approaches have shown great potential for addressing the MAPF problems, offering more reactive and scalable solutions. However, existing learning-based MAPF methods usually rely on agents making decisions based on a limited field of view (FOV), resulting in short-sighted policies and inefficient cooperation in complex scenarios. There, a critical challenge is to achieve consensus on potential movements between agents based on limited observations and communications. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a new framework that applies sheaf theory to decentralized deep reinforcement learning, enabling agents to learn geometric cross-dependencies between each other through local consensus and utilize them for tightly cooperative decision-making. In particular, sheaf theory provides a mathematical proof of conditions for achieving global consensus through local observation. Inspired by this, we incorporate a neural network to approximately model the consensus in latent space based on sheaf theory and train it through self-supervised learning. During the task, in addition to normal features for MAPF as in previous works, each agent distributedly reasons about a learned consensus feature, leading to efficient cooperation on pathfinding and collision avoidance. As a result, our proposed method demonstrates significant improvements over state-of-the-art learning-based MAPF planners, especially in relatively large and complex scenarios, demonstrating its superiority over baselines in various simulations and real-world robot experiments.
Abstract:Autonomous robot exploration requires a robot to efficiently explore and map unknown environments. Compared to conventional methods that can only optimize paths based on the current robot belief, learning-based methods show the potential to achieve improved performance by drawing on past experiences to reason about unknown areas. In this paper, we propose DARE, a novel generative approach that leverages diffusion models trained on expert demonstrations, which can explicitly generate an exploration path through one-time inference. We build DARE upon an attention-based encoder and a diffusion policy model, and introduce ground truth optimal demonstrations for training to learn better patterns for exploration. The trained planner can reason about the partial belief to recognize the potential structure in unknown areas and consider these areas during path planning. Our experiments demonstrate that DARE achieves on-par performance with both conventional and learning-based state-of-the-art exploration planners, as well as good generalizability in both simulations and real-life scenarios.
Abstract:Information sharing is critical in time-sensitive and realistic multi-robot exploration, especially for smaller robotic teams in large-scale environments where connectivity may be sparse and intermittent. Existing methods often overlook such communication constraints by assuming unrealistic global connectivity. Other works account for communication constraints (by maintaining close proximity or line of sight during information exchange), but are often inefficient. For instance, preplanned rendezvous approaches typically involve unnecessary detours resulting from poorly timed rendezvous, while pursuit-based approaches often result in short-sighted decisions due to their greedy nature. We present IR2, a deep reinforcement learning approach to information sharing for multi-robot exploration. Leveraging attention-based neural networks trained via reinforcement and curriculum learning, IR2 allows robots to effectively reason about the longer-term trade-offs between disconnecting for solo exploration and reconnecting for information sharing. In addition, we propose a hierarchical graph formulation to maintain a sparse yet informative graph, enabling our approach to scale to large-scale environments. We present simulation results in three large-scale Gazebo environments, which show that our approach yields 6.6-34.1% shorter exploration paths and significantly improved mapped area consistency among robots when compared to state-of-the-art baselines. Our simulation training and testing code is available at https://github.com/marmotlab/IR2.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce HDPlanner, a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based framework designed to tackle two core and challenging tasks for mobile robots: autonomous exploration and navigation, where the robot must optimize its trajectory adaptively to achieve the task objective through continuous interactions in unknown environments. Specifically, HDPlanner relies on novel hierarchical attention networks to empower the robot to reason about its belief across multiple spatial scales and sequence collaborative decisions, where our networks decompose long-term objectives into short-term informative task assignments and informative path plannings. We further propose a contrastive learning-based joint optimization to enhance the robustness of HDPlanner. We empirically demonstrate that HDPlanner significantly outperforms state-of-the-art conventional and learning-based baselines on an extensive set of simulations, including hundreds of test maps and large-scale, complex Gazebo environments. Notably, HDPlanner achieves real-time planning with travel distances reduced by up to 35.7% compared to exploration benchmarks and by up to 16.5% than navigation benchmarks. Furthermore, we validate our approach on hardware, where it generates high-quality, adaptive trajectories in both indoor and outdoor environments, highlighting its real-world applicability without additional training.
Abstract:Communication bandwidth is an important consideration in multi-robot exploration, where information exchange among robots is critical. While existing methods typically aim to reduce communication throughput, they either require significant computation or significantly compromise exploration efficiency. In this work, we propose a deep reinforcement learning framework based on communication and privileged reinforcement learning to achieve a significant reduction in bandwidth consumption, while minimally sacrificing exploration efficiency. Specifically, our approach allows robots to learn to embed the most salient information from their individual belief (partial map) over the environment into fixed-sized messages. Robots then reason about their own belief as well as received messages to distributedly explore the environment while avoiding redundant work. In doing so, we employ privileged learning and learned attention mechanisms to endow the critic (i.e., teacher) network with ground truth map knowledge to effectively guide the policy (i.e., student) network during training. Compared to relevant baselines, our model allows the team to reduce communication by up to two orders of magnitude, while only sacrificing a marginal 2.4\% in total travel distance, paving the way for efficient, distributed multi-robot exploration in bandwidth-limited scenarios.
Abstract:In recent years, the field of aerial robotics has witnessed significant progress, finding applications in diverse domains, including post-disaster search and rescue operations. Despite these strides, the prohibitive acquisition costs associated with deploying physical multi-UAV systems have posed challenges, impeding their widespread utilization in research endeavors. To overcome these challenges, we present STAR (Swarm Technology for Aerial Robotics Research), a framework developed explicitly to improve the accessibility of aerial swarm research experiments. Our framework introduces a swarm architecture based on the Crazyflie, a low-cost, open-source, palm-sized aerial platform, well suited for experimental swarm algorithms. To augment cost-effectiveness and mitigate the limitations of employing low-cost robots in experiments, we propose a landmark-based localization module leveraging fiducial markers. This module, also serving as a target detection module, enhances the adaptability and versatility of the framework. Additionally, collision and obstacle avoidance are implemented through velocity obstacles. The presented work strives to bridge the gap between theoretical advances and tangible implementations, thus fostering progress in the field.
Abstract:In this work, we propose a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based reactive planner to solve large-scale Lidar-based autonomous robot exploration problems in 2D action space. Our DRL-based planner allows the agent to reactively plan its exploration path by making implicit predictions about unknown areas, based on a learned estimation of the underlying transition model of the environment. To this end, our approach relies on learned attention mechanisms for their powerful ability to capture long-term dependencies at different spatial scales to reason about the robot's entire belief over known areas. Our approach relies on ground truth information (i.e., privileged learning) to guide the environment estimation during training, as well as on a graph rarefaction algorithm, which allows models trained in small-scale environments to scale to large-scale ones. Simulation results show that our model exhibits better exploration efficiency (12% in path length, 6% in makespan) and lower planning time (60%) than the state-of-the-art planners in a 130m x 100m benchmark scenario. We also validate our learned model on hardware.
Abstract:This work focuses on the persistent monitoring problem, where a set of targets moving based on an unknown model must be monitored by an autonomous mobile robot with a limited sensing range. To keep each target's position estimate as accurate as possible, the robot needs to adaptively plan its path to (re-)visit all the targets and update its belief from measurements collected along the way. In doing so, the main challenge is to strike a balance between exploitation, i.e., re-visiting previously-located targets, and exploration, i.e., finding new targets or re-acquiring lost ones. Encouraged by recent advances in deep reinforcement learning, we introduce an attention-based neural solution to the persistent monitoring problem, where the agent can learn the inter-dependencies between targets, i.e., their spatial and temporal correlations, conditioned on past measurements. This endows the agent with the ability to determine which target, time, and location to attend to across multiple scales, which we show also helps relax the usual limitations of a finite target set. We experimentally demonstrate that our method outperforms other baselines in terms of number of targets visits and average estimation error in complex environments. Finally, we implement and validate our model in a drone-based simulation experiment to monitor mobile ground targets in a high-fidelity simulator.
Abstract:In multi-agent informative path planning (MAIPP), agents must collectively construct a global belief map of an underlying distribution of interest (e.g., gas concentration, light intensity, or pollution levels) over a given domain, based on measurements taken along their trajectory. They must frequently replan their path to balance the distributed exploration of new areas and the collective, meticulous exploitation of known high-interest areas, to maximize the information gained within a predefined budget (e.g., path length or working time). A common approach to achieving such cooperation relies on planning the agents' paths reactively, conditioned on other agents' future actions. However, as the agent's belief is updated continuously, these predicted future actions may not end up being the ones executed by agents, introducing a form of noise/inaccuracy in the system and often decreasing performance. In this work, we propose a decentralized deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach to MAIPP, which relies on an attention-based neural network, where agents optimize long-term individual and cooperative objectives by explicitly sharing their intent (i.e., medium-/long-term future positions distribution, obtained from their individual policy) in a reactive, asynchronous manner. That is, in our work, intent sharing allows agents to learn to claim/avoid broader areas of the world. Moreover, since our approach relies on learned attention over these shared intents, agents are able to learn to recognize the useful portion(s) of these (imperfect) predictions to maximize cooperation even in the presence of imperfect information. Our comparison experiments demonstrate the performance of our approach compared to its variants and high-quality baselines over a large set of MAIPP simulations.