Abstract:Collaborative filtering (CF) stands as a cornerstone in recommender systems, yet effectively leveraging the massive unlabeled data presents a significant challenge. Current research focuses on addressing the challenge of unlabeled data by extracting a subset that closely approximates negative samples. Regrettably, the remaining data are overlooked, failing to fully integrate this valuable information into the construction of user preferences. To address this gap, we introduce a novel positive-neutral-negative (PNN) learning paradigm. PNN introduces a neutral class, encompassing intricate items that are challenging to categorize directly as positive or negative samples. By training a model based on this triple-wise partial ranking, PNN offers a promising solution to learning complex user preferences. Through theoretical analysis, we connect PNN to one-way partial AUC (OPAUC) to validate its efficacy. Implementing the PNN paradigm is, however, technically challenging because: (1) it is difficult to classify unlabeled data into neutral or negative in the absence of supervised signals; (2) there does not exist any loss function that can handle set-level triple-wise ranking relationships. To address these challenges, we propose a semi-supervised learning method coupled with a user-aware attention model for knowledge acquisition and classification refinement. Additionally, a novel loss function with a two-step centroid ranking approach enables handling set-level rankings. Extensive experiments on four real-world datasets demonstrate that, when combined with PNN, a wide range of representative CF models can consistently and significantly boost their performance. Even with a simple matrix factorization, PNN can achieve comparable performance to sophisticated graph neutral networks.
Abstract:Intuitively, an ideal collaborative filtering (CF) model should learn from users' full rankings over all items to make optimal top-K recommendations. Due to the absence of such full rankings in practice, most CF models rely on pairwise loss functions to approximate full rankings, resulting in an immense performance gap. In this paper, we provide a novel analysis using the multiple ordinal classification concept to reveal the inevitable gap between a pairwise approximation and the ideal case. However, bridging the gap in practice encounters two formidable challenges: (1) none of the real-world datasets contains full ranking information; (2) there does not exist a loss function that is capable of consuming ranking information. To overcome these challenges, we propose a pseudo-ranking paradigm (PRP) that addresses the lack of ranking information by introducing pseudo-rankings supervised by an original noise injection mechanism. Additionally, we put forward a new ranking loss function designed to handle ranking information effectively. To ensure our method's robustness against potential inaccuracies in pseudo-rankings, we equip the ranking loss function with a gradient-based confidence mechanism to detect and mitigate abnormal gradients. Extensive experiments on four real-world datasets demonstrate that PRP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:While deep learning has made remarkable progress in recent years, models continue to struggle with catastrophic forgetting when processing continuously incoming data. This issue is particularly critical in continual learning, where the balance between retaining prior knowledge and adapting to new information-known as the stability-plasticity dilemma-remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we propose SegACIL, a novel continual learning method for semantic segmentation based on a linear closed-form solution. Unlike traditional methods that require multiple epochs for training, SegACIL only requires a single epoch, significantly reducing computational costs. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical analysis demonstrating that SegACIL achieves performance on par with joint learning, effectively retaining knowledge from previous data which makes it to keep both stability and plasticity at the same time. Extensive experiments on the Pascal VOC2012 dataset show that SegACIL achieves superior performance in the sequential, disjoint, and overlap settings, offering a robust solution to the challenges of class-incremental semantic segmentation. Code is available at https://github.com/qwrawq/SegACIL.
Abstract:Community detection plays a pivotal role in uncovering closely connected subgraphs, aiding various real-world applications such as recommendation systems and anomaly detection. With the surge of rich information available for entities in real-world networks, the community detection problem in attributed networks has attracted widespread attention. While previous research has effectively leveraged network topology and attribute information for attributed community detection, these methods overlook two critical issues: (i) the semantic similarity between node attributes within the community, and (ii) the inherent mesoscopic structure, which differs from the pairwise connections of the micro-structure. To address these limitations, we propose HACD, a novel attributed community detection model based on heterogeneous graph attention networks. HACD treats node attributes as another type of node, constructs attributed networks into heterogeneous graph structures and employs attribute-level attention mechanisms to capture semantic similarity. Furthermore, HACD introduces a community membership function to explore mesoscopic community structures, enhancing the robustness of detected communities. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of HACD, outperforming state-of-the-art methods in attributed community detection tasks. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Anniran1/HACD1-wsdm.
Abstract:Gait recognition, which aims at identifying individuals by their walking patterns, has achieved great success based on silhouette. The binary silhouette sequence encodes the walking pattern within the sparse boundary representation. Therefore, most pixels in the silhouette are under-sensitive to the walking pattern since the sparse boundary lacks dense spatial-temporal information, which is suitable to be represented with dense texture. To enhance the sensitivity to the walking pattern while maintaining the robustness of recognition, we present a Complementary Learning with neural Architecture Search (CLASH) framework, consisting of walking pattern sensitive gait descriptor named dense spatial-temporal field (DSTF) and neural architecture search based complementary learning (NCL). Specifically, DSTF transforms the representation from the sparse binary boundary into the dense distance-based texture, which is sensitive to the walking pattern at the pixel level. Further, NCL presents a task-specific search space for complementary learning, which mutually complements the sensitivity of DSTF and the robustness of the silhouette to represent the walking pattern effectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods under both in-the-lab and in-the-wild scenarios. On CASIA-B, we achieve rank-1 accuracy of 98.8%, 96.5%, and 89.3% under three conditions. On OU-MVLP, we achieve rank-1 accuracy of 91.9%. Under the latest in-the-wild datasets, we outperform the latest silhouette-based methods by 16.3% and 19.7% on Gait3D and GREW, respectively.
Abstract:As assembly tasks grow in complexity, collaboration among multiple robots becomes essential for task completion. However, centralized task planning has become inadequate for adapting to the increasing intelligence and versatility of robots, along with rising customized orders. There is a need for efficient and automated planning mechanisms capable of coordinating diverse robots for collaborative assembly. To this end, we propose a Stackelberg game-theoretic learning approach. By leveraging Stackelberg games, we characterize robot collaboration through leader-follower interaction to enhance strategy seeking and ensure task completion. To enhance applicability across tasks, we introduce a novel multi-agent learning algorithm: Stackelberg double deep Q-learning, which facilitates automated assembly strategy seeking and multi-robot coordination. Our approach is validated through simulated assembly tasks. Comparison with three alternative multi-agent learning methods shows that our approach achieves the shortest task completion time for tasks. Furthermore, our approach exhibits robustness against both accidental and deliberate environmental perturbations.
Abstract:Shared control allows the human driver to collaborate with an assistive driving system while retaining the ability to make decisions and take control if necessary. However, human-vehicle teaming and planning are challenging due to environmental uncertainties, the human's bounded rationality, and the variability in human behaviors. An effective collaboration plan needs to learn and adapt to these uncertainties. To this end, we develop a Stackelberg meta-learning algorithm to create automated learning-based planning for shared control. The Stackelberg games are used to capture the leader-follower structure in the asymmetric interactions between the human driver and the assistive driving system. The meta-learning algorithm generates a common behavioral model, which is capable of fast adaptation using a small amount of driving data to assist optimal decision-making. We use a case study of an obstacle avoidance driving scenario to corroborate that the adapted human behavioral model can successfully assist the human driver in reaching the target destination. Besides, it saves driving time compared with a driver-only scheme and is also robust to drivers' bounded rationality and errors.
Abstract:Robot allocation plays an essential role in facilitating robotic service provision across various domains. Yet the increasing number of users and the uncertainties regarding the users' true service requirements have posed challenges for the service provider in effectively allocating service robots to users to meet their needs. In this work, we first propose a contract-based approach to enable incentive-compatible service selection so that the service provider can effectively reduce the user's service uncertainties for precise service provision. Then, we develop a distributed allocation algorithm that incorporates robot dynamics and collision avoidance to allocate service robots and address scalability concerns associated with increasing numbers of service robots and users. We conduct simulations in eight scenarios to validate our approach. Comparative analysis against the robust allocation paradigm and two alternative uncertainty reduction strategies demonstrates that our approach achieves better allocation efficiency and accuracy.
Abstract:Recently, multimodal recommendations have gained increasing attention for effectively addressing the data sparsity problem by incorporating modality-based representations. Although multimodal recommendations excel in accuracy, the introduction of different modalities (e.g., images, text, and audio) may expose more users' sensitive information (e.g., gender and age) to recommender systems, resulting in potentially more serious unfairness issues. Despite many efforts on fairness, existing fairness-aware methods are either incompatible with multimodal scenarios, or lead to suboptimal fairness performance due to neglecting sensitive information of multimodal content. To achieve counterfactual fairness in multimodal recommendations, we propose a novel fairness-aware multimodal recommendation approach (dubbed as FMMRec) to disentangle the sensitive and non-sensitive information from modal representations and leverage the disentangled modal representations to guide fairer representation learning. Specifically, we first disentangle biased and filtered modal representations by maximizing and minimizing their sensitive attribute prediction ability respectively. With the disentangled modal representations, we mine the modality-based unfair and fair (corresponding to biased and filtered) user-user structures for enhancing explicit user representation with the biased and filtered neighbors from the corresponding structures, followed by adversarially filtering out sensitive information. Experiments on two real-world public datasets demonstrate the superiority of our FMMRec relative to the state-of-the-art baselines. Our source code is available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/FMMRec.
Abstract:Guided trajectory planning involves a leader robotic agent strategically directing a follower robotic agent to collaboratively reach a designated destination. However, this task becomes notably challenging when the leader lacks complete knowledge of the follower's decision-making model. There is a need for learning-based methods to effectively design the cooperative plan. To this end, we develop a Stackelberg game-theoretic approach based on Koopman operator to address the challenge. We first formulate the guided trajectory planning problem through the lens of a dynamic Stackelberg game. We then leverage Koopman operator theory to acquire a learning-based linear system model that approximates the follower's feedback dynamics. Based on this learned model, the leader devises a collision-free trajectory to guide the follower, employing receding horizon planning. We use simulations to elaborate the effectiveness of our approach in generating learning models that accurately predict the follower's multi-step behavior when compared to alternative learning techniques. Moreover, our approach successfully accomplishes the guidance task and notably reduces the leader's planning time to nearly half when contrasted with the model-based baseline method.