Abstract:Large language models have high compute, latency, and memory requirements. While specialized accelerators such as GPUs and TPUs typically run these workloads, CPUs are more widely available and consume less energy. Accelerating LLMs with CPUs enables broader AI access at a lower cost and power consumption. This acceleration potential for CPUs is especially relevant during the memory-bound decoding stage of LLM inference, which processes one token at a time and is becoming increasingly utilized with reasoning models. We utilize Advanced Matrix Extensions (AMX) support on the latest Intel CPUs together with unstructured sparsity to achieve a $1.42 \times$ reduction in end-to-end latency compared to the current PyTorch implementation by applying our technique in linear layers. We provide a set of open-source customized sparse kernels that can speed up any PyTorch model by automatically replacing all linear layers with our custom sparse implementation. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time the use of unstructured sparsity in the attention computation achieving a $1.14 \times$ speedup over the current systems without compromising accuracy. Code: https://github.com/IntelLabs/Hardware-Aware-Automated-Machine-Learning/tree/main/SparAMX
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across various machine learning tasks, quickly becoming one of the most prevalent AI workloads. Yet the substantial memory requirement of LLMs significantly hinders their deployment for end users. Post-training quantization (PTQ) serves as one of the most hardware-efficient methods to mitigate the memory and computational demands of LLMs. Although the traditional integer (INT) datatype has received widespread adoption in PTQ methods, floating-point (FP) quantization has emerged as a viable alternative thanks to its effectiveness in fitting LLM numerical distributions. However, the FP datatype in sign-magnitude binary representation contains both positive and negative zero, which constrains its representation capability, particularly under low precision (3 and 4 bits). In this paper, we extend the basic FP datatype to perform Redundant Zero Remapping (RaZeR), which remaps the negative zero FP encoding to a set of pre-defined special values to maximally utilize FP quantization encodings and to better fit LLM numerical distributions. Through careful selection of special values, RaZeR outperforms conventional asymmetric INT quantization while achieving high computational efficiency. We demonstrate that RaZeR can be seamlessly integrated with quantization algorithms for both weights and KV-cache, including advanced methods with clipping and transformations, and consistently achieve better model accuracy. Additionally, we implement a fast GEMV kernel with fused dequantization that efficiently converts the 4-bit RaZeR value to FP16 through novel bit-level manipulation. On modern GPUs, our evaluation shows that RaZeR improves the GEMV speed by up to 7.56$\times$ compared to the FP16 implementation, while achieving up to 2.72$\times$ speedup in the LLM decoding throughput.
Abstract:When predicting the next token in a sequence, vanilla transformers compute attention over all previous tokens, resulting in quadratic scaling of compute with sequence length. State-space models compress the entire sequence of tokens into a fixed-dimensional representation to improve efficiency, while other architectures achieve sub-quadratic complexity via low-rank projections or sparse attention patterns over the sequence. In this paper, we introduce Attamba, a novel architecture that uses state-space models to compress chunks of tokens and applies attention on these compressed key-value representations. We find that replacing key and value projections in a transformer with SSMs can improve model quality and enable flexible token chunking, resulting in 24% improved perplexity with transformer of similar KV-Cache and attention footprint, and ~4 times smaller KV-Cache and Attention FLOPs for 5% perplexity trade-off. Attamba can perform attention on chunked-sequences of variable length, enabling a smooth transition between quadratic and linear scaling, offering adaptable efficiency gains.
Abstract:The high power consumption and latency-sensitive deployments of large language models (LLMs) have motivated techniques like quantization and sparsity. Contextual sparsity, where the sparsity pattern is input-dependent, is crucial in LLMs because the permanent removal of attention heads or neurons from LLMs can significantly degrade accuracy. Prior work has attempted to model contextual sparsity using neural networks trained to predict activation magnitudes, which can be used to dynamically prune structures with low predicted activation magnitude. In this paper, we look beyond magnitude-based pruning criteria to assess attention head and neuron importance in LLMs. We developed a novel predictor called ShadowLLM, which can shadow the LLM behavior and enforce better sparsity patterns, resulting in over 15% improvement in end-to-end accuracy without increasing latency compared to previous methods. ShadowLLM achieves up to a 20\% speed-up over the state-of-the-art DejaVu framework. These enhancements are validated on models with up to 30 billion parameters. Our code is available at \href{https://github.com/abdelfattah-lab/shadow_llm/}{ShadowLLM}.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) often struggle with strict memory, latency, and power demands. To meet these demands, various forms of dynamic sparsity have been proposed that reduce compute on an input-by-input basis. These methods improve over static methods by exploiting the variance across individual inputs, which has steadily grown with the exponential increase in training data. Yet, the increasing depth within modern models, currently with hundreds of layers, has opened opportunities for dynamic layer sparsity, which skips the computation for entire layers. In this work, we explore the practicality of layer sparsity by profiling residual connections and establish the relationship between model depth and layer sparsity. For example, the residual blocks in the OPT-66B model have a median contribution of 5% to its output. We then take advantage of this dynamic sparsity and propose Radial Networks, which perform token-level routing between layers guided by a trained router module. These networks can be used in a post-training distillation from sequential networks or trained from scratch to co-learn the router and layer weights. They enable scaling to larger model sizes by decoupling the number of layers from the dynamic depth of the network, and their design allows for layer reuse. By varying the compute token by token, they reduce the overall resources needed for generating entire sequences. Overall, this leads to larger capacity networks with significantly lower compute and serving costs for large language models.
Abstract:Efficient deployment of neural networks (NN) requires the co-optimization of accuracy and latency. For example, hardware-aware neural architecture search has been used to automatically find NN architectures that satisfy a latency constraint on a specific hardware device. Central to these search algorithms is a prediction model that is designed to provide a hardware latency estimate for a candidate NN architecture. Recent research has shown that the sample efficiency of these predictive models can be greatly improved through pre-training on some \textit{training} devices with many samples, and then transferring the predictor on the \textit{test} (target) device. Transfer learning and meta-learning methods have been used for this, but often exhibit significant performance variability. Additionally, the evaluation of existing latency predictors has been largely done on hand-crafted training/test device sets, making it difficult to ascertain design features that compose a robust and general latency predictor. To address these issues, we introduce a comprehensive suite of latency prediction tasks obtained in a principled way through automated partitioning of hardware device sets. We then design a general latency predictor to comprehensively study (1) the predictor architecture, (2) NN sample selection methods, (3) hardware device representations, and (4) NN operation encoding schemes. Building on conclusions from our study, we present an end-to-end latency predictor training strategy that outperforms existing methods on 11 out of 12 difficult latency prediction tasks, improving latency prediction by 22.5\% on average, and up to to 87.6\% on the hardest tasks. Focusing on latency prediction, our HW-Aware NAS reports a $5.8\times$ speedup in wall-clock time. Our code is available on \href{https://github.com/abdelfattah-lab/nasflat_latency}{https://github.com/abdelfattah-lab/nasflat\_latency}.
Abstract:Predictor-based methods have substantially enhanced Neural Architecture Search (NAS) optimization. The efficacy of these predictors is largely influenced by the method of encoding neural network architectures. While traditional encodings used an adjacency matrix describing the graph structure of a neural network, novel encodings embrace a variety of approaches from unsupervised pretraining of latent representations to vectors of zero-cost proxies. In this paper, we categorize and investigate neural encodings from three main types: structural, learned, and score-based. Furthermore, we extend these encodings and introduce \textit{unified encodings}, that extend NAS predictors to multiple search spaces. Our analysis draws from experiments conducted on over 1.5 million neural network architectures on NAS spaces such as NASBench-101 (NB101), NB201, NB301, Network Design Spaces (NDS), and TransNASBench-101. Building on our study, we present our predictor \textbf{FLAN}: \textbf{Fl}ow \textbf{A}ttention for \textbf{N}AS. FLAN integrates critical insights on predictor design, transfer learning, and \textit{unified encodings} to enable more than an order of magnitude cost reduction for training NAS accuracy predictors. Our implementation and encodings for all neural networks are open-sourced at \href{https://github.com/abdelfattah-lab/flan_nas}{https://github.com/abdelfattah-lab/flan\_nas}.
Abstract:Many hardware-aware neural architecture search (NAS) methods have been developed to optimize the topology of neural networks (NN) with the joint objectives of higher accuracy and lower latency. Recently, both accuracy and latency predictors have been used in NAS with great success, achieving high sample efficiency and accurate modeling of hardware (HW) device latency respectively. However, a new accuracy predictor needs to be trained for every new NAS search space or NN task, and a new latency predictor needs to be additionally trained for every new HW device. In this paper, we explore methods to enable multi-task, multi-search-space, and multi-HW adaptation of accuracy and latency predictors to reduce the cost of NAS. We introduce a novel search-space independent NN encoding based on zero-cost proxies that achieves sample-efficient prediction on multiple tasks and NAS search spaces, improving the end-to-end sample efficiency of latency and accuracy predictors by over an order of magnitude in multiple scenarios. For example, our NN encoding enables multi-search-space transfer of latency predictors from NASBench-201 to FBNet (and vice-versa) in under 85 HW measurements, a 400$\times$ improvement in sample efficiency compared to a recent meta-learning approach. Our method also improves the total sample efficiency of accuracy predictors by over an order of magnitude. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for multi-search-space and multi-task accuracy prediction on 28 NAS search spaces and tasks.
Abstract:Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has significantly improved productivity in the design and deployment of neural networks (NN). As NAS typically evaluates multiple models by training them partially or completely, the improved productivity comes at the cost of significant carbon footprint. To alleviate this expensive training routine, zero-shot/cost proxies analyze an NN at initialization to generate a score, which correlates highly with its true accuracy. Zero-cost proxies are currently designed by experts conducting multiple cycles of empirical testing on possible algorithms, data-sets, and neural architecture design spaces. This lowers productivity and is an unsustainable approach towards zero-cost proxy design as deep learning use-cases diversify in nature. Additionally, existing zero-cost proxies fail to generalize across neural architecture design spaces. In this paper, we propose a genetic programming framework to automate the discovery of zero-cost proxies for neural architecture scoring. Our methodology efficiently discovers an interpretable and generalizable zero-cost proxy that gives state of the art score-accuracy correlation on all data-sets and search spaces of NASBench-201 and Network Design Spaces (NDS). We believe that this research indicates a promising direction towards automatically discovering zero-cost proxies that can work across network architecture design spaces, data-sets, and tasks.
Abstract:Recent Neural Architecture Search (NAS) solutions have produced impressive results training super-networks and then deriving subnetworks, a.k.a. child models that outperform expert-crafted models from a pre-defined search space. Efficient and robust subnetworks can be selected for resource-constrained edge devices, allowing them to perform well in the wild. However, constructing super-networks for arbitrary architectures is still a challenge that often prevents the adoption of these approaches. To address this challenge, we present BootstrapNAS, a software framework for automatic generation of super-networks for NAS. BootstrapNAS takes a pre-trained model from a popular architecture, e.g., ResNet- 50, or from a valid custom design, and automatically creates a super-network out of it, then uses state-of-the-art NAS techniques to train the super-network, resulting in subnetworks that significantly outperform the given pre-trained model. We demonstrate the solution by generating super-networks from arbitrary model repositories and make available the resulting super-networks for reproducibility of the results.