Abstract:With the rapid growth in sensor data, effectively interpreting and interfacing with these data in a human-understandable way has become crucial. While existing research primarily focuses on learning classification models, fewer studies have explored how end users can actively extract useful insights from sensor data, often hindered by the lack of a proper dataset. To address this gap, we introduce SensorQA, the first human-created question-answering (QA) dataset for long-term time-series sensor data for daily life monitoring. SensorQA is created by human workers and includes 5.6K diverse and practical queries that reflect genuine human interests, paired with accurate answers derived from sensor data. We further establish benchmarks for state-of-the-art AI models on this dataset and evaluate their performance on typical edge devices. Our results reveal a gap between current models and optimal QA performance and efficiency, highlighting the need for new contributions. The dataset and code are available at: \url{https://github.com/benjamin-reichman/SensorQA}.
Abstract:On-device learning has emerged as a prevailing trend that avoids the slow response time and costly communication of cloud-based learning. The ability to learn continuously and indefinitely in a changing environment, and with resource constraints, is critical for real sensor deployments. However, existing designs are inadequate for practical scenarios with (i) streaming data input, (ii) lack of supervision and (iii) limited on-board resources. In this paper, we design and deploy the first on-device lifelong learning system called LifeHD for general IoT applications with limited supervision. LifeHD is designed based on a novel neurally-inspired and lightweight learning paradigm called Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC). We utilize a two-tier associative memory organization to intelligently store and manage high-dimensional, low-precision vectors, which represent the historical patterns as cluster centroids. We additionally propose two variants of LifeHD to cope with scarce labeled inputs and power constraints. We implement LifeHD on off-the-shelf edge platforms and perform extensive evaluations across three scenarios. Our measurements show that LifeHD improves the unsupervised clustering accuracy by up to 74.8% compared to the state-of-the-art NN-based unsupervised lifelong learning baselines with as much as 34.3x better energy efficiency. Our code is available at https://github.com/Orienfish/LifeHD.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) has gained increasing interest in recent years as a distributed on-device learning paradigm. However, multiple challenges remain to be addressed for deploying FL in real-world Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks with hierarchies. Although existing works have proposed various approaches to account data heterogeneity, system heterogeneity, unexpected stragglers and scalibility, none of them provides a systematic solution to address all of the challenges in a hierarchical and unreliable IoT network. In this paper, we propose an asynchronous and hierarchical framework (Async-HFL) for performing FL in a common three-tier IoT network architecture. In response to the largely varied delays, Async-HFL employs asynchronous aggregations at both the gateway and the cloud levels thus avoids long waiting time. To fully unleash the potential of Async-HFL in converging speed under system heterogeneities and stragglers, we design device selection at the gateway level and device-gateway association at the cloud level. Device selection chooses edge devices to trigger local training in real-time while device-gateway association determines the network topology periodically after several cloud epochs, both satisfying bandwidth limitation. We evaluate Async-HFL's convergence speedup using large-scale simulations based on ns-3 and a network topology from NYCMesh. Our results show that Async-HFL converges 1.08-1.31x faster in wall-clock time and saves up to 21.6% total communication cost compared to state-of-the-art asynchronous FL algorithms (with client selection). We further validate Async-HFL on a physical deployment and observe robust convergence under unexpected stragglers.
Abstract:Unsupervised lifelong learning refers to the ability to learn over time while memorizing previous patterns without supervision. Previous works assumed strong prior knowledge about the incoming data (e.g., knowing the class boundaries) which can be impossible to obtain in complex and unpredictable environments. In this paper, motivated by real-world scenarios, we formally define the online unsupervised lifelong learning problem with class-incremental streaming data, which is non-iid and single-pass. The problem is more challenging than existing lifelong learning problems due to the absence of labels and prior knowledge. To address the issue, we propose Self-Supervised ContrAstive Lifelong LEarning (SCALE) which extracts and memorizes knowledge on-the-fly. SCALE is designed around three major components: a pseudo-supervised contrastive loss, a self-supervised forgetting loss, and an online memory update for uniform subset selection. All three components are designed to work collaboratively to maximize learning performance. Our loss functions leverage pairwise similarity thus remove the dependency on supervision or prior knowledge. We perform comprehensive experiments of SCALE under iid and four non-iid data streams. SCALE outperforms the best state-of-the-art algorithm on all settings with improvements of up to 6.43%, 5.23% and 5.86% kNN accuracy on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SubImageNet datasets.
Abstract:Considering its advantages in dealing with high-dimensional visual input and learning control policies in discrete domain, Deep Q Network (DQN) could be an alternative method of traditional auto-focus means in the future. In this paper, based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, we propose an end-to-end approach that can learn auto-focus policies from visual input and finish at a clear spot automatically. We demonstrate that our method - discretizing the action space with coarse to fine steps and applying DQN is not only a solution to auto-focus but also a general approach towards vision-based control problems. Separate phases of training in virtual and real environments are applied to obtain an effective model. Virtual experiments, which are carried out after the virtual training phase, indicates that our method could achieve 100% accuracy on a certain view with different focus range. Further training on real robots could eliminate the deviation between the simulator and real scenario, leading to reliable performances in real applications.