Abstract:Photorealistic 3D scene reconstruction plays an important role in autonomous driving, enabling the generation of novel data from existing datasets to simulate safety-critical scenarios and expand training data without additional acquisition costs. Gaussian Splatting (GS) facilitates real-time, photorealistic rendering with an explicit 3D Gaussian representation of the scene, providing faster processing and more intuitive scene editing than the implicit Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). While extensive GS research has yielded promising advancements in autonomous driving applications, they overlook two critical aspects: First, existing methods mainly focus on low-speed and feature-rich urban scenes and ignore the fact that highway scenarios play a significant role in autonomous driving. Second, while LiDARs are commonplace in autonomous driving platforms, existing methods learn primarily from images and use LiDAR only for initial estimates or without precise sensor modeling, thus missing out on leveraging the rich depth information LiDAR offers and limiting the ability to synthesize LiDAR data. In this paper, we propose a novel GS method for dynamic scene synthesis and editing with improved scene reconstruction through LiDAR supervision and support for LiDAR rendering. Unlike prior works that are tested mostly on urban datasets, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to focus on the more challenging and highly relevant highway scenes for autonomous driving, with sparse sensor views and monotone backgrounds.
Abstract:Inverse rendering aims to reconstruct the scene properties of objects solely from multiview images. However, it is an ill-posed problem prone to producing ambiguous estimations deviating from physically accurate representations. In this paper, we utilize Neural Microfacet Fields (NMF), a state-of-the-art neural inverse rendering method to illustrate the inherent ambiguity. We propose an evaluation framework to assess the degree of compensation or interaction between the estimated scene properties, aiming to explore the mechanisms behind this ill-posed problem and potential mitigation strategies. Specifically, we introduce artificial perturbations to one scene property and examine how adjusting another property can compensate for these perturbations. To facilitate such experiments, we introduce a disentangled NMF where material properties are independent. The experimental findings underscore the intrinsic ambiguity present in neural inverse rendering and highlight the importance of providing additional guidance through geometry, material, and illumination priors.
Abstract:Data imbalance is a well-known issue in the field of machine learning, attributable to the cost of data collection, the difficulty of labeling, and the geographical distribution of the data. In computer vision, bias in data distribution caused by image appearance remains highly unexplored. Compared to categorical distributions using class labels, image appearance reveals complex relationships between objects beyond what class labels provide. Clustering deep perceptual features extracted from raw pixels gives a richer representation of the data. This paper presents a novel method for addressing data imbalance in machine learning. The method computes sample likelihoods based on image appearance using deep perceptual embeddings and clustering. It then uses these likelihoods to weigh samples differently during training with a proposed $\textbf{Generalized Focal Loss}$ function. This loss can be easily integrated with deep learning algorithms. Experiments validate the method's effectiveness across autonomous driving vision datasets including KITTI and nuScenes. The loss function improves state-of-the-art 3D object detection methods, achieving over $200\%$ AP gains on under-represented classes (Cyclist) in the KITTI dataset. The results demonstrate the method is generalizable, complements existing techniques, and is particularly beneficial for smaller datasets and rare classes. Code is available at: https://github.com/towardsautonomy/DatasetEquity
Abstract:Neural fields have recently enjoyed great success in representing and rendering 3D scenes. However, most state-of-the-art implicit representations model static or dynamic scenes as a whole, with minor variations. Existing work on learning disentangled world and object neural fields do not consider the problem of composing objects into different world neural fields in a lighting-aware manner. We present Lighting-Aware Neural Field (LANe) for the compositional synthesis of driving scenes in a physically consistent manner. Specifically, we learn a scene representation that disentangles the static background and transient elements into a world-NeRF and class-specific object-NeRFs to allow compositional synthesis of multiple objects in the scene. Furthermore, we explicitly designed both the world and object models to handle lighting variation, which allows us to compose objects into scenes with spatially varying lighting. This is achieved by constructing a light field of the scene and using it in conjunction with a learned shader to modulate the appearance of the object NeRFs. We demonstrate the performance of our model on a synthetic dataset of diverse lighting conditions rendered with the CARLA simulator, as well as a novel real-world dataset of cars collected at different times of the day. Our approach shows that it outperforms state-of-the-art compositional scene synthesis on the challenging dataset setup, via composing object-NeRFs learned from one scene into an entirely different scene whilst still respecting the lighting variations in the novel scene. For more results, please visit our project website https://lane-composition.github.io/.
Abstract:Real-world autonomous driving datasets comprise of images aggregated from different drives on the road. The ability to relight captured scenes to unseen lighting conditions, in a controllable manner, presents an opportunity to augment datasets with a richer variety of lighting conditions, similar to what would be encountered in the real-world. This paper presents a novel image-based relighting pipeline, SIMBAR, that can work with a single image as input. To the best of our knowledge, there is no prior work on scene relighting leveraging explicit geometric representations from a single image. We present qualitative comparisons with prior multi-view scene relighting baselines. To further validate and effectively quantify the benefit of leveraging SIMBAR for data augmentation for automated driving vision tasks, object detection and tracking experiments are conducted with a state-of-the-art method, a Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA) of 93.3% is achieved with CenterTrack on SIMBAR-augmented KITTI - an impressive 9.0% relative improvement over the baseline MOTA of 85.6% with CenterTrack on original KITTI, both models trained from scratch and tested on Virtual KITTI. For more details and SIMBAR relit datasets, please visit our project website (https://simbarv1.github.io/).
Abstract:Deep Learning has seen an unprecedented increase in vision applications since the publication of large-scale object recognition datasets and introduction of scalable compute hardware. State-of-the-art methods for most vision tasks for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) rely on supervised learning and often fail to generalize to domain shifts and/or outliers. Dataset diversity is thus key to successful real-world deployment. No matter how big the size of the dataset, capturing long tails of the distribution pertaining to task-specific environmental factors is impractical. The goal of this paper is to investigate the use of targeted synthetic data augmentation - combining the benefits of gaming engine simulations and sim2real style transfer techniques - for filling gaps in real datasets for vision tasks. Empirical studies on three different computer vision tasks of practical use to AVs - parking slot detection, lane detection and monocular depth estimation - consistently show that having synthetic data in the training mix provides a significant boost in cross-dataset generalization performance as compared to training on real data only, for the same size of the training set.