Abstract:We introduce SceneScript, a method that directly produces full scene models as a sequence of structured language commands using an autoregressive, token-based approach. Our proposed scene representation is inspired by recent successes in transformers & LLMs, and departs from more traditional methods which commonly describe scenes as meshes, voxel grids, point clouds or radiance fields. Our method infers the set of structured language commands directly from encoded visual data using a scene language encoder-decoder architecture. To train SceneScript, we generate and release a large-scale synthetic dataset called Aria Synthetic Environments consisting of 100k high-quality in-door scenes, with photorealistic and ground-truth annotated renders of egocentric scene walkthroughs. Our method gives state-of-the art results in architectural layout estimation, and competitive results in 3D object detection. Lastly, we explore an advantage for SceneScript, which is the ability to readily adapt to new commands via simple additions to the structured language, which we illustrate for tasks such as coarse 3D object part reconstruction.
Abstract:Humans can orient themselves in their 3D environments using simple 2D maps. Differently, algorithms for visual localization mostly rely on complex 3D point clouds that are expensive to build, store, and maintain over time. We bridge this gap by introducing OrienterNet, the first deep neural network that can localize an image with sub-meter accuracy using the same 2D semantic maps that humans use. OrienterNet estimates the location and orientation of a query image by matching a neural Bird's-Eye View with open and globally available maps from OpenStreetMap, enabling anyone to localize anywhere such maps are available. OrienterNet is supervised only by camera poses but learns to perform semantic matching with a wide range of map elements in an end-to-end manner. To enable this, we introduce a large crowd-sourced dataset of images captured across 12 cities from the diverse viewpoints of cars, bikes, and pedestrians. OrienterNet generalizes to new datasets and pushes the state of the art in both robotics and AR scenarios. The code and trained model will be released publicly.
Abstract:This paper presents a framework that combines traditional keypoint-based camera pose optimization with an invertible neural rendering mechanism. Our proposed 3D scene representation, Nerfels, is locally dense yet globally sparse. As opposed to existing invertible neural rendering systems which overfit a model to the entire scene, we adopt a feature-driven approach for representing scene-agnostic, local 3D patches with renderable codes. By modelling a scene only where local features are detected, our framework effectively generalizes to unseen local regions in the scene via an optimizable code conditioning mechanism in the neural renderer, all while maintaining the low memory footprint of a sparse 3D map representation. Our model can be incorporated to existing state-of-the-art hand-crafted and learned local feature pose estimators, yielding improved performance when evaluating on ScanNet for wide camera baseline scenarios.
Abstract:As autonomous driving and augmented reality evolve, a practical concern is data privacy. In particular, these applications rely on localization based on user images. The widely adopted technology uses local feature descriptors, which are derived from the images and it was long thought that they could not be reverted back. However, recent work has demonstrated that under certain conditions reverse engineering attacks are possible and allow an adversary to reconstruct RGB images. This poses a potential risk to user privacy. We take this a step further and model potential adversaries using a privacy threat model. Subsequently, we show under controlled conditions a reverse engineering attack on sparse feature maps and analyze the vulnerability of popular descriptors including FREAK, SIFT and SOSNet. Finally, we evaluate potential mitigation techniques that select a subset of descriptors to carefully balance privacy reconstruction risk while preserving image matching accuracy; our results show that similar accuracy can be obtained when revealing less information.