Abstract:Current Vision Language Models (VLMs) remain vulnerable to malicious prompts that induce harmful outputs. Existing safety benchmarks for VLMs primarily rely on automated evaluation methods, but these methods struggle to detect implicit harmful content or produce inaccurate evaluations. Therefore, we found that existing benchmarks have low levels of harmfulness, ambiguous data, and limited diversity in image-text pair combinations. To address these issues, we propose the ELITE benchmark, a high-quality safety evaluation benchmark for VLMs, underpinned by our enhanced evaluation method, the ELITE evaluator. The ELITE evaluator explicitly incorporates a toxicity score to accurately assess harmfulness in multimodal contexts, where VLMs often provide specific, convincing, but unharmful descriptions of images. We filter out ambiguous and low-quality image-text pairs from existing benchmarks using the ELITE evaluator and generate diverse combinations of safe and unsafe image-text pairs. Our experiments demonstrate that the ELITE evaluator achieves superior alignment with human evaluations compared to prior automated methods, and the ELITE benchmark offers enhanced benchmark quality and diversity. By introducing ELITE, we pave the way for safer, more robust VLMs, contributing essential tools for evaluating and mitigating safety risks in real-world applications.
Abstract:In vision transformers, position embedding (PE) plays a crucial role in capturing the order of tokens. However, in vision transformer structures, there is a limitation in the expressiveness of PE due to the structure where position embedding is simply added to the token embedding. A layer-wise method that delivers PE to each layer and applies independent Layer Normalizations for token embedding and PE has been adopted to overcome this limitation. In this paper, we identify the conflicting result that occurs in a layer-wise structure when using the global average pooling (GAP) method instead of the class token. To overcome this problem, we propose MPVG, which maximizes the effectiveness of PE in a layer-wise structure with GAP. Specifically, we identify that PE counterbalances token embedding values at each layer in a layer-wise structure. Furthermore, we recognize that the counterbalancing role of PE is insufficient in the layer-wise structure, and we address this by maximizing the effectiveness of PE through MPVG. Through experiments, we demonstrate that PE performs a counterbalancing role and that maintaining this counterbalancing directionality significantly impacts vision transformers. As a result, the experimental results show that MPVG outperforms existing methods across vision transformers on various tasks.
Abstract:Channel pruning is widely accepted to accelerate modern convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The resulting pruned model benefits from its immediate deployment on general-purpose software and hardware resources. However, its large pruning granularity, specifically at the unit of a convolution filter, often leads to undesirable accuracy drops due to the inflexibility of deciding how and where to introduce sparsity to the CNNs. In this paper, we propose REPrune, a novel channel pruning technique that emulates kernel pruning, fully exploiting the finer but structured granularity. REPrune identifies similar kernels within each channel using agglomerative clustering. Then, it selects filters that maximize the incorporation of kernel representatives while optimizing the maximum cluster coverage problem. By integrating with a simultaneous training-pruning paradigm, REPrune promotes efficient, progressive pruning throughout training CNNs, avoiding the conventional train-prune-finetune sequence. Experimental results highlight that REPrune performs better in computer vision tasks than existing methods, effectively achieving a balance between acceleration ratio and performance retention.
Abstract:Deep learning has made significant advances in computer vision, particularly in image classification tasks. Despite their high accuracy on training data, deep learning models often face challenges related to complexity and overfitting. One notable concern is that the model often relies heavily on a limited subset of filters for making predictions. This dependency can result in compromised generalization and an increased vulnerability to minor variations. While regularization techniques like weight decay, dropout, and data augmentation are commonly used to address this issue, they may not directly tackle the reliance on specific filters. Our observations reveal that the heavy reliance problem gets severe when slow-learning filters are deprived of learning opportunities due to fast-learning filters. Drawing inspiration from image augmentation research that combats over-reliance on specific image regions by removing and replacing parts of images, our idea is to mitigate the problem of over-reliance on strong filters by substituting highly activated features. To this end, we present a novel method called Catch-up Mix, which provides learning opportunities to a wide range of filters during training, focusing on filters that may lag behind. By mixing activation maps with relatively lower norms, Catch-up Mix promotes the development of more diverse representations and reduces reliance on a small subset of filters. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method in various vision classification datasets, providing enhanced robustness.
Abstract:Assessing the fidelity and diversity of the generative model is a difficult but important issue for technological advancement. So, recent papers have introduced k-Nearest Neighbor ($k$NN) based precision-recall metrics to break down the statistical distance into fidelity and diversity. While they provide an intuitive method, we thoroughly analyze these metrics and identify oversimplified assumptions and undesirable properties of kNN that result in unreliable evaluation, such as susceptibility to outliers and insensitivity to distributional changes. Thus, we propose novel metrics, P-precision and P-recall (PP\&PR), based on a probabilistic approach that address the problems. Through extensive investigations on toy experiments and state-of-the-art generative models, we show that our PP\&PR provide more reliable estimates for comparing fidelity and diversity than the existing metrics. The codes are available at \url{https://github.com/kdst-team/Probablistic_precision_recall}.
Abstract:Data augmentation is now an essential part of the image training process, as it effectively prevents overfitting and makes the model more robust against noisy datasets. Recent mixing augmentation strategies have advanced to generate the mixup mask that can enrich the saliency information, which is a supervisory signal. However, these methods incur a significant computational burden to optimize the mixup mask. From this motivation, we propose a novel saliency-aware mixup method, GuidedMixup, which aims to retain the salient regions in mixup images with low computational overhead. We develop an efficient pairing algorithm that pursues to minimize the conflict of salient regions of paired images and achieve rich saliency in mixup images. Moreover, GuidedMixup controls the mixup ratio for each pixel to better preserve the salient region by interpolating two paired images smoothly. The experiments on several datasets demonstrate that GuidedMixup provides a good trade-off between augmentation overhead and generalization performance on classification datasets. In addition, our method shows good performance in experiments with corrupted or reduced datasets.
Abstract:We introduce NaturalInversion, a novel model inversion-based method to synthesize images that agrees well with the original data distribution without using real data. In NaturalInversion, we propose: (1) a Feature Transfer Pyramid which uses enhanced image prior of the original data by combining the multi-scale feature maps extracted from the pre-trained classifier, (2) a one-to-one approach generative model where only one batch of images are synthesized by one generator to bring the non-linearity to optimization and to ease the overall optimizing process, (3) learnable Adaptive Channel Scaling parameters which are end-to-end trained to scale the output image channel to utilize the original image prior further. With our NaturalInversion, we synthesize images from classifiers trained on CIFAR-10/100 and show that our images are more consistent with original data distribution than prior works by visualization and additional analysis. Furthermore, our synthesized images outperform prior works on various applications such as knowledge distillation and pruning, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Abstract:Network pruning is widely used to lighten and accelerate neural network models. Structured network pruning discards the whole neuron or filter, leading to accuracy loss. In this work, we propose a novel concept of neuron merging applicable to both fully connected layers and convolution layers, which compensates for the information loss due to the pruned neurons/filters. Neuron merging starts with decomposing the original weights into two matrices/tensors. One of them becomes the new weights for the current layer, and the other is what we name a scaling matrix, guiding the combination of neurons. If the activation function is ReLU, the scaling matrix can be absorbed into the next layer under certain conditions, compensating for the removed neurons. We also propose a data-free and inexpensive method to decompose the weights by utilizing the cosine similarity between neurons. Compared to the pruned model with the same topology, our merged model better preserves the output feature map of the original model; thus, it maintains the accuracy after pruning without fine-tuning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach over network pruning for various model architectures and datasets. As an example, for VGG-16 on CIFAR-10, we achieve an accuracy of 93.16% while reducing 64% of total parameters, without any fine-tuning. The code can be found here: https://github.com/friendshipkim/neuron-merging
Abstract:Even though norm-based filter pruning methods are widely accepted, it is questionable whether the "smaller-norm-less-important" criterion is optimal in determining filters to prune. Especially when we can keep only a small fraction of the original filters, it is more crucial to choose the filters that can best represent the whole filters regardless of norm values. Our novel pruning method entitled "REPrune" addresses this problem by selecting representative filters via clustering. By selecting one filter from a cluster of similar filters and avoiding selecting adjacent large filters, REPrune can achieve a better compression rate with similar accuracy. Our method also recovers the accuracy more rapidly and requires a smaller shift of filters during fine-tuning. Empirically, REPrune reduces more than 49% FLOPs, with 0.53% accuracy gain on ResNet-110 for CIFAR-10. Also, REPrune reduces more than 41.8% FLOPs with 1.67% Top-1 validation loss on ResNet-18 for ImageNet.