Abstract:The goal of video moment retrieval and highlight detection is to identify specific segments and highlights based on a given text query. With the rapid growth of video content and the overlap between these tasks, recent works have addressed both simultaneously. However, they still struggle to fully capture the overall video context, making it challenging to determine which words are most relevant. In this paper, we present a novel Video Context-aware Keyword Attention module that overcomes this limitation by capturing keyword variation within the context of the entire video. To achieve this, we introduce a video context clustering module that provides concise representations of the overall video context, thereby enhancing the understanding of keyword dynamics. Furthermore, we propose a keyword weight detection module with keyword-aware contrastive learning that incorporates keyword information to enhance fine-grained alignment between visual and textual features. Extensive experiments on the QVHighlights, TVSum, and Charades-STA benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed method significantly improves performance in moment retrieval and highlight detection tasks compared to existing approaches. Our code is available at: https://github.com/VisualAIKHU/Keyword-DETR
Abstract:Accurate modeling of long-range forces is critical in atomistic simulations, as they play a central role in determining the properties of materials and chemical systems. However, standard machine learning interatomic potentials (MLIPs) often rely on short-range approximations, limiting their applicability to systems with significant electrostatics and dispersion forces. We recently introduced the Latent Ewald Summation (LES) method, which captures long-range electrostatics without explicitly learning atomic charges or charge equilibration. Extending LES, we incorporate the ability to learn physical partial charges, encode charge states, and the option to impose charge neutrality constraints. We benchmark LES on diverse and challenging systems, including charged molecules, ionic liquid, electrolyte solution, polar dipeptides, surface adsorption, electrolyte/solid interfaces, and solid-solid interfaces. Our results show that LES can effectively infer physical partial charges, dipole and quadrupole moments, as well as achieve better accuracy compared to methods that explicitly learn charges. LES thus provides an efficient, interpretable, and generalizable MLIP framework for simulating complex systems with intricate charge transfer and long-range
Abstract:The goal of the multi-sound source localization task is to localize sound sources from the mixture individually. While recent multi-sound source localization methods have shown improved performance, they face challenges due to their reliance on prior information about the number of objects to be separated. In this paper, to overcome this limitation, we present a novel multi-sound source localization method that can perform localization without prior knowledge of the number of sound sources. To achieve this goal, we propose an iterative object identification (IOI) module, which can recognize sound-making objects in an iterative manner. After finding the regions of sound-making objects, we devise object similarity-aware clustering (OSC) loss to guide the IOI module to effectively combine regions of the same object but also distinguish between different objects and backgrounds. It enables our method to perform accurate localization of sound-making objects without any prior knowledge. Extensive experimental results on the MUSIC and VGGSound benchmarks show the significant performance improvements of the proposed method over the existing methods for both single and multi-source. Our code is available at: https://github.com/VisualAIKHU/NoPrior_MultiSSL
Abstract:Channel pruning is widely accepted to accelerate modern convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The resulting pruned model benefits from its immediate deployment on general-purpose software and hardware resources. However, its large pruning granularity, specifically at the unit of a convolution filter, often leads to undesirable accuracy drops due to the inflexibility of deciding how and where to introduce sparsity to the CNNs. In this paper, we propose REPrune, a novel channel pruning technique that emulates kernel pruning, fully exploiting the finer but structured granularity. REPrune identifies similar kernels within each channel using agglomerative clustering. Then, it selects filters that maximize the incorporation of kernel representatives while optimizing the maximum cluster coverage problem. By integrating with a simultaneous training-pruning paradigm, REPrune promotes efficient, progressive pruning throughout training CNNs, avoiding the conventional train-prune-finetune sequence. Experimental results highlight that REPrune performs better in computer vision tasks than existing methods, effectively achieving a balance between acceleration ratio and performance retention.
Abstract:Video stabilization is a longstanding computer vision problem, particularly pixel-level synthesis solutions for video stabilization which synthesize full frames add to the complexity of this task. These techniques aim to stabilize videos by synthesizing full frames while enhancing the stability of the considered video. This intensifies the complexity of the task due to the distinct mix of unique motion profiles and visual content present in each video sequence, making robust generalization with fixed parameters difficult. In our study, we introduce a novel approach to enhance the performance of pixel-level synthesis solutions for video stabilization by adapting these models to individual input video sequences. The proposed adaptation exploits low-level visual cues accessible during test-time to improve both the stability and quality of resulting videos. We highlight the efficacy of our methodology of "test-time adaptation" through simple fine-tuning of one of these models, followed by significant stability gain via the integration of meta-learning techniques. Notably, significant improvement is achieved with only a single adaptation step. The versatility of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by consistently improving the performance of various pixel-level synthesis models for video stabilization in real-world scenarios.
Abstract:The objective of the sound source localization task is to enable machines to detect the location of sound-making objects within a visual scene. While the audio modality provides spatial cues to locate the sound source, existing approaches only use audio as an auxiliary role to compare spatial regions of the visual modality. Humans, on the other hand, utilize both audio and visual modalities as spatial cues to locate sound sources. In this paper, we propose an audio-visual spatial integration network that integrates spatial cues from both modalities to mimic human behavior when detecting sound-making objects. Additionally, we introduce a recursive attention network to mimic human behavior of iterative focusing on objects, resulting in more accurate attention regions. To effectively encode spatial information from both modalities, we propose audio-visual pair matching loss and spatial region alignment loss. By utilizing the spatial cues of audio-visual modalities and recursively focusing objects, our method can perform more robust sound source localization. Comprehensive experimental results on the Flickr SoundNet and VGG-Sound Source datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over existing approaches. Our code is available at: https://github.com/VisualAIKHU/SIRA-SSL
Abstract:Due to the scarcity of video processing methodologies, image processing operations are naively extended to the video domain by processing each frame independently. This disregard for the temporal connection in video processing often leads to severe temporal inconsistencies. State-of-the-art techniques that address these inconsistencies rely on the availability of unprocessed videos to siphon consistent video dynamics to restore the temporal consistency of frame-wise processed videos. We propose a novel general framework for this task that learns to infer consistent motion dynamics from inconsistent videos to mitigate the temporal flicker while preserving the perceptual quality for both the temporally neighboring and relatively distant frames. The proposed framework produces state-of-the-art results on two large-scale datasets, DAVIS and videvo.net, processed by numerous image processing tasks in a feed-forward manner. The code and the trained models will be released upon acceptance.