Abstract:Training Large Language Models (LLMs) demand significant time and computational resources due to their large model sizes and optimizer states. To overcome these challenges, recent methods, such as BAdam, employ partial weight updates to enhance time and memory efficiency, though sometimes at the cost of performance. Others, like GaLore, focus on maintaining performance while optimizing memory usage through full parameter training, but may incur higher time complexity. By leveraging the low-rank structure of the gradient and the Grassmannian geometry, we propose SubTrack-Grad, a subspace tracking-based optimization method that efficiently tracks the evolving gradient subspace by incorporating estimation errors and previously identified subspaces. SubTrack-Grad delivers better or on-par results compared to GaLore, while significantly outperforming BAdam, which, despite being time-efficient, compromises performance. SubTrack-Grad reduces wall-time by up to 20.57% on GLUE tasks (15% average reduction) and up to 65% on SuperGLUE tasks (22% average reduction) compared to GaLore. Notably, for a 3B parameter model, GaLore incurred a substantial 157% increase in wall-time compared to full-rank training, whereas SubTrack-Grad exhibited a 31% increase, representing a 49% reduction in wall-time, while enjoying the same memory reductions as GaLore.
Abstract:Unique player identification is a fundamental module in vision-driven sports analytics. Identifying players from broadcast videos can aid with various downstream tasks such as player assessment, in-game analysis, and broadcast production. However, automatic detection of jersey numbers using deep features is challenging primarily due to: a) motion blur, b) low resolution video feed, and c) occlusions. With their recent success in various vision tasks, masked autoencoders (MAEs) have emerged as a superior alternative to conventional feature extractors. However, most MAEs simply zero-out image patches either randomly or focus on where to mask rather than how to mask. Motivated by human vision, we devise a novel domain-guided masking policy for MAEs termed d-MAE to facilitate robust feature extraction in the presence of motion blur for player identification. We further introduce a new spatio-temporal network leveraging our novel d-MAE for unique player identification. We conduct experiments on three large-scale sports datasets, including a curated baseball dataset, the SoccerNet dataset, and an in-house ice hockey dataset. We preprocess the datasets using an upgraded keyframe identification (KfID) module by focusing on frames containing jersey numbers. Additionally, we propose a keyframe-fusion technique to augment keyframes, preserving spatial and temporal context. Our spatio-temporal network showcases significant improvements, surpassing the current state-of-the-art by 8.58%, 4.29%, and 1.20% in the test set accuracies, respectively. Rigorous ablations highlight the effectiveness of our domain-guided masking approach and the refined KfID module, resulting in performance enhancements of 1.48% and 1.84% respectively, compared to original architectures.
Abstract:Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to bridge the gap between source and target domains in the absence of target domain labels using two main techniques: input-level alignment (such as generative modeling and stylization) and feature-level alignment (which matches the distribution of the feature maps, e.g. gradient reversal layers). Motivated from the success of generative modeling for image classification, stylization-based methods were recently proposed for regression tasks, such as pose estimation. However, use of input-level alignment via generative modeling and stylization incur additional overhead and computational complexity which limit their use in real-world DA tasks. To investigate the role of input-level alignment for DA, we ask the following question: Is generative modeling-based stylization necessary for visual domain adaptation in regression? Surprisingly, we find that input-alignment has little effect on regression tasks as compared to classification. Based on these insights, we develop a non-parametric feature-level domain alignment method -- Implicit Stylization (ImSty) -- which results in consistent improvements over SOTA regression task, without the need for computationally intensive stylization and generative modeling. Our work conducts a critical evaluation of the role of generative modeling and stylization, at a time when these are also gaining popularity for domain generalization.
Abstract:Domain generalization (DG) focuses on transferring domain-invariant knowledge from multiple source domains (available at train time) to an, a priori, unseen target domain(s). This requires a class to be expressed in multiple domains for the learning algorithm to break the spurious correlations between domain and class. However, in the real-world, classes may often be domain-linked, i.e. expressed only in a specific domain, which leads to extremely poor generalization performance for these classes. In this work, we aim to learn generalizable representations for these domain-linked classes by transferring domain-invariant knowledge from classes expressed in multiple source domains (domain-shared classes). To this end, we introduce this task to the community and propose a Fair and cONtrastive feature-space regularization algorithm for Domain-linked DG, FOND. Rigorous and reproducible experiments with baselines across popular DG tasks demonstrate our method and its variants' ability to accomplish state-of-the-art DG results for domain-linked classes. We also provide practical insights on data conditions that increase domain-linked class generalizability to tackle real-world data scarcity.
Abstract:Egocentric 3D human pose estimation (HPE) from images is challenging due to severe self-occlusions and strong distortion introduced by the fish-eye view from the head mounted camera. Although existing works use intermediate heatmap-based representations to counter distortion with some success, addressing self-occlusion remains an open problem. In this work, we leverage information from past frames to guide our self-attention-based 3D HPE estimation procedure -- Ego-STAN. Specifically, we build a spatio-temporal Transformer model that attends to semantically rich convolutional neural network-based feature maps. We also propose feature map tokens: a new set of learnable parameters to attend to these feature maps. Finally, we demonstrate Ego-STAN's superior performance on the xR-EgoPose dataset where it achieves a 30.6% improvement on the overall mean per-joint position error, while leading to a 22% drop in parameters compared to the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Vast amount of data generated from networks of sensors, wearables, and the Internet of Things (IoT) devices underscores the need for advanced modeling techniques that leverage the spatio-temporal structure of decentralized data due to the need for edge computation and licensing (data access) issues. While federated learning (FL) has emerged as a framework for model training without requiring direct data sharing and exchange, effectively modeling the complex spatio-temporal dependencies to improve forecasting capabilities still remains an open problem. On the other hand, state-of-the-art spatio-temporal forecasting models assume unfettered access to the data, neglecting constraints on data sharing. To bridge this gap, we propose a federated spatio-temporal model -- Cross-Node Federated Graph Neural Network (CNFGNN) -- which explicitly encodes the underlying graph structure using graph neural network (GNN)-based architecture under the constraint of cross-node federated learning, which requires that data in a network of nodes is generated locally on each node and remains decentralized. CNFGNN operates by disentangling the temporal dynamics modeling on devices and spatial dynamics on the server, utilizing alternating optimization to reduce the communication cost, facilitating computations on the edge devices. Experiments on the traffic flow forecasting task show that CNFGNN achieves the best forecasting performance in both transductive and inductive learning settings with no extra computation cost on edge devices, while incurring modest communication cost.
Abstract:As countries look towards re-opening of economic activities amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring public health has been challenging. While contact tracing only aims to track past activities of infected users, one path to safe reopening is to develop reliable spatiotemporal risk scores to indicate the propensity of the disease. Existing works which aim to develop risk scores either rely on compartmental model-based reproduction numbers (which assume uniform population mixing) or develop coarse-grain spatial scores based on reproduction number (R0) and macro-level density-based mobility statistics. Instead, in this paper, we develop a Hawkes process-based technique to assign relatively fine-grain spatial and temporal risk scores by leveraging high-resolution mobility data based on cell-phone originated location signals. While COVID-19 risk scores also depend on a number of factors specific to an individual, including demography and existing medical conditions, the primary mode of disease transmission is via physical proximity and contact. Therefore, we focus on developing risk scores based on location density and mobility behaviour. We demonstrate the efficacy of the developed risk scores via simulation based on real-world mobility data. Our results show that fine-grain spatiotemporal risk scores based on high-resolution mobility data can provide useful insights and facilitate safe re-opening.
Abstract:We consider the problem of factorizing a structured 3-way tensor into its constituent Canonical Polyadic (CP) factors. This decomposition, which can be viewed as a generalization of singular value decomposition (SVD) for tensors, reveals how the tensor dimensions (features) interact with each other. However, since the factors are a priori unknown, the corresponding optimization problems are inherently non-convex. The existing guaranteed algorithms which handle this non-convexity incur an irreducible error (bias), and only apply to cases where all factors have the same structure. To this end, we develop a provable algorithm for online structured tensor factorization, wherein one of the factors obeys some incoherence conditions, and the others are sparse. Specifically we show that, under some relatively mild conditions on initialization, rank, and sparsity, our algorithm recovers the factors exactly (up to scaling and permutation) at a linear rate. Complementary to our theoretical results, our synthetic and real-world data evaluations showcase superior performance compared to related techniques. Moreover, its scalability and ability to learn on-the-fly makes it suitable for real-world tasks.
Abstract:Deepfake is one notorious application of deep learning research, leading to massive amounts of video content on social media ridden with malicious intent. Therefore detecting deepfake videos has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges in AI research. Most state-of-the-art deepfake solutions are based on black-box models that process videos frame-by-frame for inference, and they do not consider temporal dynamics, which are key for detecting and explaining deepfake videos by humans. To this end, we propose Dynamic Prototype Network (DPNet) - a simple, interpretable, yet effective solution that leverages dynamic representations (i.e., prototypes) to explain deepfake visual dynamics. Experiment results show that the explanations of DPNet provide better overlap with the ground truth than state-of-the-art methods with comparable prediction performance. Furthermore, we formulate temporal logic specifications based on these prototypes to check the compliance of our model to desired temporal behaviors.
Abstract:Machine learning transparency calls for interpretable explanations of how inputs relate to predictions. Feature attribution is a way to analyze the impact of features on predictions. Feature interactions are the contextual dependence between features that jointly impact predictions. There are a number of methods that extract feature interactions in prediction models; however, the methods that assign attributions to interactions are either uninterpretable, model-specific, or non-axiomatic. We propose an interaction attribution and detection framework called Archipelago which addresses these problems and is also scalable in real-world settings. Our experiments on standard annotation labels indicate our approach provides significantly more interpretable explanations than comparable methods, which is important for analyzing the impact of interactions on predictions. We also provide accompanying visualizations of our approach that give new insights into deep neural networks.