Abstract:Automated decision-making is a fundamental topic that spans multiple sub-disciplines in AI: reinforcement learning (RL), AI planning (AP), foundation models, and operations research, among others. Despite recent efforts to ``bridge the gaps'' between these communities, there remain many insights that have not yet transcended the boundaries. Our goal in this paper is to provide a brief and non-exhaustive primer on ideas well-known in AP, but less so in other sub-disciplines. We do so by introducing the classical AP problem and representation, and extensions that handle uncertainty and time through the Markov Decision Process formalism. Next, we survey state-of-the-art techniques and ideas for solving AP problems, focusing on their ability to exploit problem structure. Lastly, we cover subfields within AP for learning structure from unstructured inputs and learning to generalise to unseen scenarios and situations.
Abstract:This paper presents $\forall$uto$\exists$$\lor\!\land$L, a novel benchmark for scaling Large Language Model (LLM) assessment in formal tasks with clear notions of correctness, such as truth maintenance in translation and logical reasoning. $\forall$uto$\exists$$\lor\!\land$L is the first benchmarking paradigm that offers several key advantages necessary for scaling objective evaluation of LLMs without human labeling: (a) ability to evaluate LLMs of increasing sophistication by auto-generating tasks at different levels of difficulty; (b) auto-generation of ground truth that eliminates dependence on expensive and time-consuming human annotation; (c) the use of automatically generated, randomized datasets that mitigate the ability of successive LLMs to overfit to static datasets used in many contemporary benchmarks. Empirical analysis shows that an LLM's performance on $\forall$uto$\exists$$\lor\!\land$L is highly indicative of its performance on a diverse array of other benchmarks focusing on translation and reasoning tasks, making it a valuable autonomous evaluation paradigm in settings where hand-curated datasets can be hard to obtain and/or update.
Abstract:Re-identification (ReID) is a critical challenge in computer vision, predominantly studied in the context of pedestrians and vehicles. However, robust object-instance ReID, which has significant implications for tasks such as autonomous exploration, long-term perception, and scene understanding, remains underexplored. In this work, we address this gap by proposing a novel dual-path object-instance re-identification transformer architecture that integrates multimodal RGB and depth information. By leveraging depth data, we demonstrate improvements in ReID across scenes that are cluttered or have varying illumination conditions. Additionally, we develop a ReID-based localization framework that enables accurate camera localization and pose identification across different viewpoints. We validate our methods using two custom-built RGB-D datasets, as well as multiple sequences from the open-source TUM RGB-D datasets. Our approach demonstrates significant improvements in both object instance ReID (mAP of 75.18) and localization accuracy (success rate of 83% on TUM-RGBD), highlighting the essential role of object ReID in advancing robotic perception. Our models, frameworks, and datasets have been made publicly available.
Abstract:Planning in real-world settings often entails addressing partial observability while aligning with users' preferences. We present a novel framework for expressing users' preferences about agent behavior in a partially observable setting using parameterized belief-state query (BSQ) preferences in the setting of goal-oriented partially observable Markov decision processes (gPOMDPs). We present the first formal analysis of such preferences and prove that while the expected value of a BSQ preference is not a convex function w.r.t its parameters, it is piecewise constant and yields an implicit discrete parameter search space that is finite for finite horizons. This theoretical result leads to novel algorithms that optimize gPOMDP agent behavior while guaranteeing user preference compliance. Theoretical analysis proves that our algorithms converge to the optimal preference-compliant behavior in the limit. Empirical results show that BSQ preferences provide a computationally feasible approach for planning with preferences in partially observable settings.
Abstract:Understanding how robots plan and execute tasks is crucial in today's world, where they are becoming more prevalent in our daily lives. However, teaching non-experts the complexities of robot planning can be challenging. This work presents an open-source platform that simplifies the process using a visual interface that completely abstracts the complex internals of hierarchical planning that robots use for performing task and motion planning. Using the principles developed in the field of explainable AI, this intuitive platform enables users to create plans for robots to complete tasks, and provides helpful hints and natural language explanations for errors. The platform also has a built-in simulator to demonstrate how robots execute submitted plans. This platform's efficacy was tested in a user study on university students with little to no computer science background. Our results show that this platform is highly effective in teaching novice users the intuitions of robot task planning.
Abstract:Stakeholders often describe system requirements using natural language which are then converted to formal syntax by a domain-expert leading to increased design costs. This paper assesses the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in converting between natural language descriptions and formal specifications. Existing work has evaluated the capabilities of LLMs in generating formal syntax such as source code but such experiments are typically hand-crafted and use problems that are likely to be in the training set of LLMs, and often require human-annotated datasets. We propose an approach that can use two copies of an LLM in conjunction with an off-the-shelf verifier to automatically evaluate its translation abilities without any additional human input. Our approach generates formal syntax using language grammars to automatically generate a dataset. We conduct an empirical evaluation to measure the accuracy of this translation task and show that SOTA LLMs cannot adequately solve this task, limiting their current utility in the design of complex systems.
Abstract:Hand-crafted, logic-based state and action representations have been widely used to overcome the intractable computational complexity of long-horizon robot planning problems, including task and motion planning problems. However, creating such representations requires experts with strong intuitions and detailed knowledge about the robot and the tasks it may need to accomplish in a given setting. Removing this dependency on human intuition is a highly active research area. This paper presents the first approach for autonomously learning generalizable, logic-based relational representations for abstract states and actions starting from unannotated high-dimensional, real-valued robot trajectories. The learned representations constitute auto-invented PDDL-like domain models. Empirical results in deterministic settings show that powerful abstract representations can be learned from just a handful of robot trajectories; the learned relational representations include but go beyond classical, intuitive notions of high-level actions; and that the learned models allow planning algorithms to scale to tasks that were previously beyond the scope of planning without hand-crafted abstractions.
Abstract:This paper introduces a new approach for continual planning and model learning in non-stationary stochastic environments expressed using relational representations. Such capabilities are essential for the deployment of sequential decision-making systems in the uncertain, constantly evolving real world. Working in such practical settings with unknown (and non-stationary) transition systems and changing tasks, the proposed framework models gaps in the agent's current state of knowledge and uses them to conduct focused, investigative explorations. Data collected using these explorations is used for learning generalizable probabilistic models for solving the current task despite continual changes in the environment dynamics. Empirical evaluations on several benchmark domains show that this approach significantly outperforms planning and RL baselines in terms of sample complexity in non-stationary settings. Theoretical results show that the system reverts to exhibit desirable convergence properties when stationarity holds.
Abstract:Majority of research in learning based methods has been towards designing and training networks for specific tasks. However, many of the learning based tasks, across modalities, share commonalities and could be potentially tackled in a joint framework. We present an approach in such direction, to learn multiple tasks, in multiple modalities, with a unified architecture. The proposed network is composed of task specific encoders, a common trunk in the middle, followed by task specific prediction heads. We first pre-train it by self-supervised masked training, followed by sequential training for the different tasks. We train the network on all major modalities, e.g.\ visual, audio, text and 3D, and report results on $22$ diverse and challenging public benchmarks. We demonstrate empirically that, using a joint network to train across modalities leads to meaningful information sharing and this allows us to achieve state-of-the-art results on most of the benchmarks. We also show generalization of the trained network on cross-modal tasks as well as unseen datasets and tasks.
Abstract:Talk2BEV is a large vision-language model (LVLM) interface for bird's-eye view (BEV) maps in autonomous driving contexts. While existing perception systems for autonomous driving scenarios have largely focused on a pre-defined (closed) set of object categories and driving scenarios, Talk2BEV blends recent advances in general-purpose language and vision models with BEV-structured map representations, eliminating the need for task-specific models. This enables a single system to cater to a variety of autonomous driving tasks encompassing visual and spatial reasoning, predicting the intents of traffic actors, and decision-making based on visual cues. We extensively evaluate Talk2BEV on a large number of scene understanding tasks that rely on both the ability to interpret free-form natural language queries, and in grounding these queries to the visual context embedded into the language-enhanced BEV map. To enable further research in LVLMs for autonomous driving scenarios, we develop and release Talk2BEV-Bench, a benchmark encompassing 1000 human-annotated BEV scenarios, with more than 20,000 questions and ground-truth responses from the NuScenes dataset.