Abstract:Low-rank approximation and column subset selection are two fundamental and related problems that are applied across a wealth of machine learning applications. In this paper, we study the question of socially fair low-rank approximation and socially fair column subset selection, where the goal is to minimize the loss over all sub-populations of the data. We show that surprisingly, even constant-factor approximation to fair low-rank approximation requires exponential time under certain standard complexity hypotheses. On the positive side, we give an algorithm for fair low-rank approximation that, for a constant number of groups and constant-factor accuracy, runs in $2^{\text{poly}(k)}$ time rather than the na\"{i}ve $n^{\text{poly}(k)}$, which is a substantial improvement when the dataset has a large number $n$ of observations. We then show that there exist bicriteria approximation algorithms for fair low-rank approximation and fair column subset selection that run in polynomial time.
Abstract:The $\ell_2^2$ min-sum $k$-clustering problem is to partition an input set into clusters $C_1,\ldots,C_k$ to minimize $\sum_{i=1}^k\sum_{p,q\in C_i}\|p-q\|_2^2$. Although $\ell_2^2$ min-sum $k$-clustering is NP-hard, it is not known whether it is NP-hard to approximate $\ell_2^2$ min-sum $k$-clustering beyond a certain factor. In this paper, we give the first hardness-of-approximation result for the $\ell_2^2$ min-sum $k$-clustering problem. We show that it is NP-hard to approximate the objective to a factor better than $1.056$ and moreover, assuming a balanced variant of the Johnson Coverage Hypothesis, it is NP-hard to approximate the objective to a factor better than 1.327. We then complement our hardness result by giving the first $(1+\varepsilon)$-coreset construction for $\ell_2^2$ min-sum $k$-clustering. Our coreset uses $\mathcal{O}\left(k^{\varepsilon^{-4}}\right)$ space and can be leveraged to achieve a polynomial-time approximation scheme with runtime $nd\cdot f(k,\varepsilon^{-1})$, where $d$ is the underlying dimension of the input dataset and $f$ is a fixed function. Finally, we consider a learning-augmented setting, where the algorithm has access to an oracle that outputs a label $i\in[k]$ for input point, thereby implicitly partitioning the input dataset into $k$ clusters that induce an approximately optimal solution, up to some amount of adversarial error $\alpha\in\left[0,\frac{1}{2}\right)$. We give a polynomial-time algorithm that outputs a $\frac{1+\gamma\alpha}{(1-\alpha)^2}$-approximation to $\ell_2^2$ min-sum $k$-clustering, for a fixed constant $\gamma>0$.
Abstract:Submodular optimization is a fundamental problem with many applications in machine learning, often involving decision-making over datasets with sensitive attributes such as gender or age. In such settings, it is often desirable to produce a diverse solution set that is fairly distributed with respect to these attributes. Motivated by this, we initiate the study of Fair Submodular Cover (FSC), where given a ground set $U$, a monotone submodular function $f:2^U\to\mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$, a threshold $\tau$, the goal is to find a balanced subset of $S$ with minimum cardinality such that $f(S)\ge\tau$. We first introduce discrete algorithms for FSC that achieve a bicriteria approximation ratio of $(\frac{1}{\epsilon}, 1-O(\epsilon))$. We then present a continuous algorithm that achieves a $(\ln\frac{1}{\epsilon}, 1-O(\epsilon))$-bicriteria approximation ratio, which matches the best approximation guarantee of submodular cover without a fairness constraint. Finally, we complement our theoretical results with a number of empirical evaluations that demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms on instances of maximum coverage.
Abstract:We study the problem of private vector mean estimation in the shuffle model of privacy where $n$ users each have a unit vector $v^{(i)} \in\mathbb{R}^d$. We propose a new multi-message protocol that achieves the optimal error using $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\min(n\varepsilon^2,d)\right)$ messages per user. Moreover, we show that any (unbiased) protocol that achieves optimal error requires each user to send $\Omega(\min(n\varepsilon^2,d)/\log(n))$ messages, demonstrating the optimality of our message complexity up to logarithmic factors. Additionally, we study the single-message setting and design a protocol that achieves mean squared error $\mathcal{O}(dn^{d/(d+2)}\varepsilon^{-4/(d+2)})$. Moreover, we show that any single-message protocol must incur mean squared error $\Omega(dn^{d/(d+2)})$, showing that our protocol is optimal in the standard setting where $\varepsilon = \Theta(1)$. Finally, we study robustness to malicious users and show that malicious users can incur large additive error with a single shuffler.
Abstract:We study the integration of machine learning advice into the design of skip lists to improve upon traditional data structure design. Given access to a possibly erroneous oracle that outputs estimated fractional frequencies for search queries on a set of items, we construct a skip list that provably provides the optimal expected search time, within nearly a factor of two. In fact, our learning-augmented skip list is still optimal up to a constant factor, even if the oracle is only accurate within a constant factor. We show that if the search queries follow the ubiquitous Zipfian distribution, then the expected search time for an item by our skip list is only a constant, independent of the total number $n$ of items, i.e., $\mathcal{O}(1)$, whereas a traditional skip list will have an expected search time of $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$. We also demonstrate robustness by showing that our data structure achieves an expected search time that is within a constant factor of an oblivious skip list construction even when the predictions are arbitrarily incorrect. Finally, we empirically show that our learning-augmented skip list outperforms traditional skip lists on both synthetic and real-world datasets.
Abstract:We introduce efficient $(1+\varepsilon)$-approximation algorithms for the binary matrix factorization (BMF) problem, where the inputs are a matrix $\mathbf{A}\in\{0,1\}^{n\times d}$, a rank parameter $k>0$, as well as an accuracy parameter $\varepsilon>0$, and the goal is to approximate $\mathbf{A}$ as a product of low-rank factors $\mathbf{U}\in\{0,1\}^{n\times k}$ and $\mathbf{V}\in\{0,1\}^{k\times d}$. Equivalently, we want to find $\mathbf{U}$ and $\mathbf{V}$ that minimize the Frobenius loss $\|\mathbf{U}\mathbf{V} - \mathbf{A}\|_F^2$. Before this work, the state-of-the-art for this problem was the approximation algorithm of Kumar et. al. [ICML 2019], which achieves a $C$-approximation for some constant $C\ge 576$. We give the first $(1+\varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm using running time singly exponential in $k$, where $k$ is typically a small integer. Our techniques generalize to other common variants of the BMF problem, admitting bicriteria $(1+\varepsilon)$-approximation algorithms for $L_p$ loss functions and the setting where matrix operations are performed in $\mathbb{F}_2$. Our approach can be implemented in standard big data models, such as the streaming or distributed models.
Abstract:Radial basis function neural networks (\emph{RBFNN}) are {well-known} for their capability to approximate any continuous function on a closed bounded set with arbitrary precision given enough hidden neurons. In this paper, we introduce the first algorithm to construct coresets for \emph{RBFNNs}, i.e., small weighted subsets that approximate the loss of the input data on any radial basis function network and thus approximate any function defined by an \emph{RBFNN} on the larger input data. In particular, we construct coresets for radial basis and Laplacian loss functions. We then use our coresets to obtain a provable data subset selection algorithm for training deep neural networks. Since our coresets approximate every function, they also approximate the gradient of each weight in a neural network, which is a particular function on the input. We then perform empirical evaluations on function approximation and dataset subset selection on popular network architectures and data sets, demonstrating the efficacy and accuracy of our coreset construction.
Abstract:In the online learning with experts problem, an algorithm must make a prediction about an outcome on each of $T$ days (or times), given a set of $n$ experts who make predictions on each day (or time). The algorithm is given feedback on the outcomes of each day, including the cost of its prediction and the cost of the expert predictions, and the goal is to make a prediction with the minimum cost, specifically compared to the best expert in the set. Recent work by Srinivas, Woodruff, Xu, and Zhou (STOC 2022) introduced the study of the online learning with experts problem under memory constraints. However, often the predictions made by experts or algorithms at some time influence future outcomes, so that the input is adaptively chosen. Whereas deterministic algorithms would be robust to adaptive inputs, existing algorithms all crucially use randomization to sample a small number of experts. In this paper, we study deterministic and robust algorithms for the experts problem. We first show a space lower bound of $\widetilde{\Omega}\left(\frac{nM}{RT}\right)$ for any deterministic algorithm that achieves regret $R$ when the best expert makes $M$ mistakes. Our result shows that the natural deterministic algorithm, which iterates through pools of experts until each expert in the pool has erred, is optimal up to polylogarithmic factors. On the positive side, we give a randomized algorithm that is robust to adaptive inputs that uses $\widetilde{O}\left(\frac{n}{R\sqrt{T}}\right)$ space for $M=O\left(\frac{R^2 T}{\log^2 n}\right)$, thereby showing a smooth space-regret trade-off.
Abstract:Selective experience replay is a popular strategy for integrating lifelong learning with deep reinforcement learning. Selective experience replay aims to recount selected experiences from previous tasks to avoid catastrophic forgetting. Furthermore, selective experience replay based techniques are model agnostic and allow experiences to be shared across different models. However, storing experiences from all previous tasks make lifelong learning using selective experience replay computationally very expensive and impractical as the number of tasks increase. To that end, we propose a reward distribution-preserving coreset compression technique for compressing experience replay buffers stored for selective experience replay. We evaluated the coreset compression technique on the brain tumor segmentation (BRATS) dataset for the task of ventricle localization and on the whole-body MRI for localization of left knee cap, left kidney, right trochanter, left lung, and spleen. The coreset lifelong learning models trained on a sequence of 10 different brain MR imaging environments demonstrated excellent performance localizing the ventricle with a mean pixel error distance of 12.93 for the compression ratio of 10x. In comparison, the conventional lifelong learning model localized the ventricle with a mean pixel distance of 10.87. Similarly, the coreset lifelong learning models trained on whole-body MRI demonstrated no significant difference (p=0.28) between the 10x compressed coreset lifelong learning models and conventional lifelong learning models for all the landmarks. The mean pixel distance for the 10x compressed models across all the landmarks was 25.30, compared to 19.24 for the conventional lifelong learning models. Our results demonstrate that the potential of the coreset-based ERB compression method for compressing experiences without a significant drop in performance.
Abstract:We study the space complexity of the two related fields of differential privacy and adaptive data analysis. Specifically, (1) Under standard cryptographic assumptions, we show that there exists a problem P that requires exponentially more space to be solved efficiently with differential privacy, compared to the space needed without privacy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first separation between the space complexity of private and non-private algorithms. (2) The line of work on adaptive data analysis focuses on understanding the number of samples needed for answering a sequence of adaptive queries. We revisit previous lower bounds at a foundational level, and show that they are a consequence of a space bottleneck rather than a sampling bottleneck. To obtain our results, we define and construct an encryption scheme with multiple keys that is built to withstand a limited amount of key leakage in a very particular way.