Carnegie Mellon University
Abstract:We study beyond worst-case dimensionality reduction for $s$-sparse vectors. Our work is divided into two parts, each focusing on a different facet of beyond worst-case analysis: We first consider average-case guarantees. A folklore upper bound based on the birthday-paradox states: For any collection $X$ of $s$-sparse vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$, there exists a linear map to $\mathbb{R}^{O(s^2)}$ which \emph{exactly} preserves the norm of $99\%$ of the vectors in $X$ in any $\ell_p$ norm (as opposed to the usual setting where guarantees hold for all vectors). We give lower bounds showing that this is indeed optimal in many settings: any oblivious linear map satisfying similar average-case guarantees must map to $\Omega(s^2)$ dimensions. The same lower bound also holds for a wide class of smooth maps, including `encoder-decoder schemes', where we compare the norm of the original vector to that of a smooth function of the embedding. These lower bounds reveal a separation result, as an upper bound of $O(s \log(d))$ is possible if we instead use arbitrary (possibly non-smooth) functions, e.g., via compressed sensing algorithms. Given these lower bounds, we specialize to sparse \emph{non-negative} vectors. For a dataset $X$ of non-negative $s$-sparse vectors and any $p \ge 1$, we can non-linearly embed $X$ to $O(s\log(|X|s)/\epsilon^2)$ dimensions while preserving all pairwise distances in $\ell_p$ norm up to $1\pm \epsilon$, with no dependence on $p$. Surprisingly, the non-negativity assumption enables much smaller embeddings than arbitrary sparse vectors, where the best known bounds suffer exponential dependence. Our map also guarantees \emph{exact} dimensionality reduction for $\ell_{\infty}$ by embedding into $O(s\log |X|)$ dimensions, which is tight. We show that both the non-linearity of $f$ and the non-negativity of $X$ are necessary, and provide downstream algorithmic improvements.
Abstract:We give a faster algorithm for computing an approximate John ellipsoid around $n$ points in $d$ dimensions. The best known prior algorithms are based on repeatedly computing the leverage scores of the points and reweighting them by these scores [CCLY19]. We show that this algorithm can be substantially sped up by delaying the computation of high accuracy leverage scores by using sampling, and then later computing multiple batches of high accuracy leverage scores via fast rectangular matrix multiplication. We also give low-space streaming algorithms for John ellipsoids using similar ideas.
Abstract:Low-rank approximation and column subset selection are two fundamental and related problems that are applied across a wealth of machine learning applications. In this paper, we study the question of socially fair low-rank approximation and socially fair column subset selection, where the goal is to minimize the loss over all sub-populations of the data. We show that surprisingly, even constant-factor approximation to fair low-rank approximation requires exponential time under certain standard complexity hypotheses. On the positive side, we give an algorithm for fair low-rank approximation that, for a constant number of groups and constant-factor accuracy, runs in $2^{\text{poly}(k)}$ time rather than the na\"{i}ve $n^{\text{poly}(k)}$, which is a substantial improvement when the dataset has a large number $n$ of observations. We then show that there exist bicriteria approximation algorithms for fair low-rank approximation and fair column subset selection that run in polynomial time.
Abstract:A central problem related to transformers can be stated as follows: given two $n \times d$ matrices $Q$ and $K$, and a non-negative function $f$, define the matrix $A$ as follows: (1) apply the function $f$ to each entry of the $n \times n$ matrix $Q K^T$, and then (2) normalize each of the row sums of $A$ to be equal to $1$. The matrix $A$ can be computed in $O(n^2 d)$ time assuming $f$ can be applied to a number in constant time, but the quadratic dependence on $n$ is prohibitive in applications where it corresponds to long context lengths. For a large class of functions $f$, we show how to find all the ``large attention scores", i.e., entries of $A$ which are at least a positive value $\varepsilon$, in time with linear dependence on $n$ (i.e., $n \cdot \textrm{poly}(d/\varepsilon)$) for a positive parameter $\varepsilon > 0$. Our class of functions include all functions $f$ of the form $f(x) = |x|^p$, as explored recently in transformer models. Using recently developed tools from randomized numerical linear algebra, we prove that for any $K$, there is a ``universal set" $U \subset [n]$ of size independent of $n$, such that for any $Q$ and any row $i$, the large attention scores $A_{i,j}$ in row $i$ of $A$ all have $j \in U$. We also find $U$ in $n \cdot \textrm{poly}(d/\varepsilon)$ time. Notably, we (1) make no assumptions on the data, (2) our workspace does not grow with $n$, and (3) our algorithms can be computed in streaming and parallel settings. We call the attention mechanism that uses only the subset of keys in the universal set as LevAttention since our algorithm to identify the universal set $U$ is based on leverage scores. We empirically show the benefits of our scheme for vision transformers, showing how to train new models that use our universal set while training as well, showing that our model is able to consistently select ``important keys'' during training.
Abstract:We study the problem of residual error estimation for matrix and vector norms using a linear sketch. Such estimates can be used, for example, to quickly assess how useful a more expensive low-rank approximation computation will be. The matrix case concerns the Frobenius norm and the task is to approximate the $k$-residual $\|A - A_k\|_F$ of the input matrix $A$ within a $(1+\epsilon)$-factor, where $A_k$ is the optimal rank-$k$ approximation. We provide a tight bound of $\Theta(k^2/\epsilon^4)$ on the size of bilinear sketches, which have the form of a matrix product $SAT$. This improves the previous $O(k^2/\epsilon^6)$ upper bound in (Andoni et al. SODA 2013) and gives the first non-trivial lower bound, to the best of our knowledge. In our algorithm, our sketching matrices $S$ and $T$ can both be sparse matrices, allowing for a very fast update time. We demonstrate that this gives a substantial advantage empirically, for roughly the same sketch size and accuracy as in previous work. For the vector case, we consider the $\ell_p$-norm for $p>2$, where the task is to approximate the $k$-residual $\|x - x_k\|_p$ up to a constant factor, where $x_k$ is the optimal $k$-sparse approximation to $x$. Such vector norms are frequently studied in the data stream literature and are useful for finding frequent items or so-called heavy hitters. We establish an upper bound of $O(k^{2/p}n^{1-2/p}\operatorname{poly}(\log n))$ for constant $\epsilon$ on the dimension of a linear sketch for this problem. Our algorithm can be extended to the $\ell_p$ sparse recovery problem with the same sketching dimension, which seems to be the first such bound for $p > 2$. We also show an $\Omega(k^{2/p}n^{1-2/p})$ lower bound for the sparse recovery problem, which is tight up to a $\mathrm{poly}(\log n)$ factor.
Abstract:The $\ell_p$ subspace approximation problem is an NP-hard low rank approximation problem that generalizes the median hyperplane problem ($p = 1$), principal component analysis ($p = 2$), and the center hyperplane problem ($p = \infty$). A popular approach to cope with the NP-hardness of this problem is to compute a strong coreset, which is a small weighted subset of the input points which simultaneously approximates the cost of every $k$-dimensional subspace, typically to $(1+\varepsilon)$ relative error for a small constant $\varepsilon$. We obtain the first algorithm for constructing a strong coreset for $\ell_p$ subspace approximation with a nearly optimal dependence on the rank parameter $k$, obtaining a nearly linear bound of $\tilde O(k)\mathrm{poly}(\varepsilon^{-1})$ for $p<2$ and $\tilde O(k^{p/2})\mathrm{poly}(\varepsilon^{-1})$ for $p>2$. Prior constructions either achieved a similar size bound but produced a coreset with a modification of the original points [SW18, FKW21], or produced a coreset of the original points but lost $\mathrm{poly}(k)$ factors in the coreset size [HV20, WY23]. Our techniques also lead to the first nearly optimal online strong coresets for $\ell_p$ subspace approximation with similar bounds as the offline setting, resolving a problem of [WY23]. All prior approaches lose $\mathrm{poly}(k)$ factors in this setting, even when allowed to modify the original points.
Abstract:Recently, the question of adversarially robust streaming, where the stream is allowed to depend on the randomness of the streaming algorithm, has gained a lot of attention. In this work, we consider a strong white-box adversarial model (Ajtai et al. PODS 2022), in which the adversary has access to all past random coins and the parameters used by the streaming algorithm. We focus on the sparse recovery problem and extend our result to other tasks such as distinct element estimation and low-rank approximation of matrices and tensors. The main drawback of previous work is that it requires a random oracle, which is especially problematic in the streaming model since the amount of randomness is counted in the space complexity of a streaming algorithm. Also, the previous work suffers from large update time. We construct a near-optimal solution for the sparse recovery problem in white-box adversarial streams, based on the subexponentially secure Learning with Errors assumption. Importantly, our solution does not require a random oracle and has a polylogarithmic per item processing time. We also give results in a related white-box adversarially robust distributed model. Our constructions are based on homomorphic encryption schemes satisfying very mild structural properties that are currently satisfied by most known schemes.
Abstract:Weighted low rank approximation (WLRA) is an important yet computationally challenging primitive with applications ranging from statistical analysis, model compression, and signal processing. To cope with the NP-hardness of this problem, prior work considers heuristics, bicriteria, or fixed parameter tractable algorithms to solve this problem. In this work, we introduce a new relaxed solution to WLRA which outputs a matrix that is not necessarily low rank, but can be stored using very few parameters and gives provable approximation guarantees when the weight matrix has low rank. Our central idea is to use the weight matrix itself to reweight a low rank solution, which gives an extremely simple algorithm with remarkable empirical performance in applications to model compression and on synthetic datasets. Our algorithm also gives nearly optimal communication complexity bounds for a natural distributed problem associated with this problem, for which we show matching communication lower bounds. Together, our communication complexity bounds show that the rank of the weight matrix provably parameterizes the communication complexity of WLRA. We also obtain the first relative error guarantees for feature selection with a weighted objective.
Abstract:Recent works in dimensionality reduction for regression tasks have introduced the notion of sensitivity, an estimate of the importance of a specific datapoint in a dataset, offering provable guarantees on the quality of the approximation after removing low-sensitivity datapoints via subsampling. However, fast algorithms for approximating $\ell_p$ sensitivities, which we show is equivalent to approximate $\ell_p$ regression, are known for only the $\ell_2$ setting, in which they are termed leverage scores. In this work, we provide efficient algorithms for approximating $\ell_p$ sensitivities and related summary statistics of a given matrix. In particular, for a given $n \times d$ matrix, we compute $\alpha$-approximation to its $\ell_1$ sensitivities at the cost of $O(n/\alpha)$ sensitivity computations. For estimating the total $\ell_p$ sensitivity (i.e. the sum of $\ell_p$ sensitivities), we provide an algorithm based on importance sampling of $\ell_p$ Lewis weights, which computes a constant factor approximation to the total sensitivity at the cost of roughly $O(\sqrt{d})$ sensitivity computations. Furthermore, we estimate the maximum $\ell_1$ sensitivity, up to a $\sqrt{d}$ factor, using $O(d)$ sensitivity computations. We generalize all these results to $\ell_p$ norms for $p > 1$. Lastly, we experimentally show that for a wide class of matrices in real-world datasets, the total sensitivity can be quickly approximated and is significantly smaller than the theoretical prediction, demonstrating that real-world datasets have low intrinsic effective dimensionality.
Abstract:Sketching algorithms have recently proven to be a powerful approach both for designing low-space streaming algorithms as well as fast polynomial time approximation schemes (PTAS). In this work, we develop new techniques to extend the applicability of sketching-based approaches to the sparse dictionary learning and the Euclidean $k$-means clustering problems. In particular, we initiate the study of the challenging setting where the dictionary/clustering assignment for each of the $n$ input points must be output, which has surprisingly received little attention in prior work. On the fast algorithms front, we obtain a new approach for designing PTAS's for the $k$-means clustering problem, which generalizes to the first PTAS for the sparse dictionary learning problem. On the streaming algorithms front, we obtain new upper bounds and lower bounds for dictionary learning and $k$-means clustering. In particular, given a design matrix $\mathbf A\in\mathbb R^{n\times d}$ in a turnstile stream, we show an $\tilde O(nr/\epsilon^2 + dk/\epsilon)$ space upper bound for $r$-sparse dictionary learning of size $k$, an $\tilde O(n/\epsilon^2 + dk/\epsilon)$ space upper bound for $k$-means clustering, as well as an $\tilde O(n)$ space upper bound for $k$-means clustering on random order row insertion streams with a natural "bounded sensitivity" assumption. On the lower bounds side, we obtain a general $\tilde\Omega(n/\epsilon + dk/\epsilon)$ lower bound for $k$-means clustering, as well as an $\tilde\Omega(n/\epsilon^2)$ lower bound for algorithms which can estimate the cost of a single fixed set of candidate centers.