Abstract:With the rapid development of multimodal learning, the image-text matching task, as a bridge connecting vision and language, has become increasingly important. Based on existing research, this study proposes an innovative visual semantic embedding model, Multi-Headed Consensus-Aware Visual-Semantic Embedding (MH-CVSE). This model introduces a multi-head self-attention mechanism based on the consensus-aware visual semantic embedding model (CVSE) to capture information in multiple subspaces in parallel, significantly enhancing the model's ability to understand and represent the complex relationship between images and texts. In addition, we adopt a parameterized feature fusion strategy to flexibly integrate feature information at different levels, further improving the model's expressive power. In terms of loss function design, the MH-CVSE model adopts a dynamic weight adjustment strategy to dynamically adjust the weight according to the loss value itself, so that the model can better balance the contribution of different loss terms during training. At the same time, we introduce a cosine annealing learning rate strategy to help the model converge more stably in the later stages of training. Extensive experimental verification on the Flickr30k dataset shows that the MH-CVSE model achieves better performance than previous methods in both bidirectional image and text retrieval tasks, fully demonstrating its effectiveness and superiority.
Abstract:Submodular optimization is a fundamental problem with many applications in machine learning, often involving decision-making over datasets with sensitive attributes such as gender or age. In such settings, it is often desirable to produce a diverse solution set that is fairly distributed with respect to these attributes. Motivated by this, we initiate the study of Fair Submodular Cover (FSC), where given a ground set $U$, a monotone submodular function $f:2^U\to\mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$, a threshold $\tau$, the goal is to find a balanced subset of $S$ with minimum cardinality such that $f(S)\ge\tau$. We first introduce discrete algorithms for FSC that achieve a bicriteria approximation ratio of $(\frac{1}{\epsilon}, 1-O(\epsilon))$. We then present a continuous algorithm that achieves a $(\ln\frac{1}{\epsilon}, 1-O(\epsilon))$-bicriteria approximation ratio, which matches the best approximation guarantee of submodular cover without a fairness constraint. Finally, we complement our theoretical results with a number of empirical evaluations that demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms on instances of maximum coverage.
Abstract:Submodular optimization with bandit feedback has recently been studied in a variety of contexts. In a number of real-world applications such as diversified recommender systems and data summarization, the submodular function exhibits additional linear structure. We consider developing approximation algorithms for the maximization of a submodular objective function $f:2^U\to\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$, where $f=\sum_{i=1}^dw_iF_{i}$. It is assumed that we have value oracle access to the functions $F_i$, but the coefficients $w_i$ are unknown, and $f$ can only be accessed via noisy queries. We develop algorithms for this setting inspired by adaptive allocation algorithms in the best-arm identification for linear bandit, with approximation guarantees arbitrarily close to the setting where we have value oracle access to $f$. Finally, we empirically demonstrate that our algorithms make vast improvements in terms of sample efficiency compared to algorithms that do not exploit the linear structure of $f$ on instances of move recommendation.
Abstract:Video moment retrieval (MR) and highlight detection (HD) based on natural language queries are two highly related tasks, which aim to obtain relevant moments within videos and highlight scores of each video clip. Recently, several methods have been devoted to building DETR-based networks to solve both MR and HD jointly. These methods simply add two separate task heads after multi-modal feature extraction and feature interaction, achieving good performance. Nevertheless, these approaches underutilize the reciprocal relationship between two tasks. In this paper, we propose a task-reciprocal transformer based on DETR (TR-DETR) that focuses on exploring the inherent reciprocity between MR and HD. Specifically, a local-global multi-modal alignment module is first built to align features from diverse modalities into a shared latent space. Subsequently, a visual feature refinement is designed to eliminate query-irrelevant information from visual features for modal interaction. Finally, a task cooperation module is constructed to refine the retrieval pipeline and the highlight score prediction process by utilizing the reciprocity between MR and HD. Comprehensive experiments on QVHighlights, Charades-STA and TVSum datasets demonstrate that TR-DETR outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Codes are available at \url{https://github.com/mingyao1120/TR-DETR}.
Abstract:Goal-oriented Reinforcement Learning, where the agent needs to reach the goal state while simultaneously minimizing the cost, has received significant attention in real-world applications. Its theoretical formulation, stochastic shortest path (SSP), has been intensively researched in the online setting. Nevertheless, it remains understudied when such an online interaction is prohibited and only historical data is provided. In this paper, we consider the offline stochastic shortest path problem when the state space and the action space are finite. We design the simple value iteration-based algorithms for tackling both offline policy evaluation (OPE) and offline policy learning tasks. Notably, our analysis of these simple algorithms yields strong instance-dependent bounds which can imply worst-case bounds that are near-minimax optimal. We hope our study could help illuminate the fundamental statistical limits of the offline SSP problem and motivate further studies beyond the scope of current consideration.
Abstract:We analyze the performance of the Borda counting algorithm in a non-parametric model. The algorithm needs to utilize probabilistic rankings of the items within $m$-sized subsets to accurately determine which items are the overall top-$k$ items in a total of $n$ items. The Borda counting algorithm simply counts the cumulative scores for each item from these partial ranking observations. This generalizes a previous work of a similar nature by Shah et al. using probabilistic pairwise comparison data. The performance of the Borda counting algorithm critically depends on the associated score separation $\Delta_k$ between the $k$-th item and the $(k+1)$-th item. Specifically, we show that if $\Delta_k$ is greater than certain value, then the top-$k$ items selected by the algorithm is asymptotically accurate almost surely; if $\Delta_k$ is below certain value, then the result will be inaccurate with a constant probability. In the special case of $m=2$, i.e., pairwise comparison, the resultant bound is tighter than that given by Shah et al., leading to a reduced gap between the error probability upper and lower bounds. These results are further extended to the approximate top-$k$ selection setting. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the Borda counting algorithm, compared with the spectral MLE-based algorithm, particularly when the data does not necessarily follow an assumed parametric model.