Abstract:Bed-to-wheelchair transferring is a ubiquitous activity of daily living (ADL), but especially challenging for caregiving robots with limited payloads. We develop a novel algorithm that leverages the presence of other assistive devices: a Hoyer sling and a wheelchair for coarse manipulation of heavy loads, alongside a robot arm for fine-grained manipulation of deformable objects (Hoyer sling straps). We instrument the Hoyer sling and wheelchair with actuators and sensors so that they can become intelligent agents in the algorithm. We then focus on one subtask of the transferring ADL -- tying Hoyer sling straps to the sling bar -- that exemplifies the challenges of transfer: multi-agent planning, deformable object manipulation, and generalization to varying hook shapes, sling materials, and care recipient bodies. To address these challenges, we propose CART-MPC, a novel algorithm based on turn-taking multi-agent model predictive control that uses a learned neural dynamics model for a keypoint-based representation of the deformable Hoyer sling strap, and a novel cost function that leverages linking numbers from knot theory and neural amortization to accelerate inference. We validate it in both RCareWorld simulation and real-world environments. In simulation, CART-MPC successfully generalizes across diverse hook designs, sling materials, and care recipient body shapes. In the real world, we show zero-shot sim-to-real generalization capabilities to tie deformable Hoyer sling straps on a sling bar towards transferring a manikin from a hospital bed to a wheelchair. See our website for supplementary materials:
Abstract:The paper presents REPeat, a Real2Sim2Real framework designed to enhance bite acquisition in robot-assisted feeding for soft foods. It uses `pre-acquisition actions' such as pushing, cutting, and flipping to improve the success rate of bite acquisition actions such as skewering, scooping, and twirling. If the data-driven model predicts low success for direct bite acquisition, the system initiates a Real2Sim phase, reconstructing the food's geometry in a simulation. The robot explores various pre-acquisition actions in the simulation, then a Sim2Real step renders a photorealistic image to reassess success rates. If the success improves, the robot applies the action in reality. We evaluate the system on 15 diverse plates with 10 types of food items for a soft food diet, showing improvement in bite acquisition success rates by 27\% on average across all plates. See our project website at
Abstract:Meal preparation is an important instrumental activity of daily living~(IADL). While existing research has explored robotic assistance in meal preparation tasks such as cutting and cooking, the crucial task of peeling has received less attention. Robot-assisted peeling, conventionally a bimanual task, is challenging to deploy in the homes of care recipients using two wheelchair-mounted robot arms due to ergonomic and transferring challenges. This paper introduces a robot-assisted peeling system utilizing a single robotic arm and an assistive cutting board, inspired by the way individuals with one functional hand prepare meals. Our system incorporates a multimodal active perception module to determine whether an area on the food is peeled, a human-in-the-loop long-horizon planner to perform task planning while catering to a user's preference for peeling coverage, and a compliant controller to peel the food items. We demonstrate the system on 12 food items representing the extremes of different shapes, sizes, skin thickness, surface textures, skin vs flesh colors, and deformability.
Abstract:Tactile sensing is one of the modalities humans rely on heavily to perceive the world. Working with vision, this modality refines local geometry structure, measures deformation at the contact area, and indicates the hand-object contact state. With the availability of open-source tactile sensors such as DIGIT, research on visual-tactile learning is becoming more accessible and reproducible. Leveraging this tactile sensor, we propose a novel visual-tactile in-hand object reconstruction framework \textbf{VTacO}, and extend it to \textbf{VTacOH} for hand-object reconstruction. Since our method can support both rigid and deformable object reconstruction, no existing benchmarks are proper for the goal. We propose a simulation environment, VT-Sim, which supports generating hand-object interaction for both rigid and deformable objects. With VT-Sim, we generate a large-scale training dataset and evaluate our method on it. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method can outperform the previous baseline methods qualitatively and quantitatively. Finally, we directly apply our model trained in simulation to various real-world test cases, which display qualitative results. Codes, models, simulation environment, and datasets are available at \url{}.
Abstract:Garments are important to humans. A visual system that can estimate and track the complete garment pose can be useful for many downstream tasks and real-world applications. In this work, we present a complete package to address the category-level garment pose tracking task: (1) A recording system VR-Garment, with which users can manipulate virtual garment models in simulation through a VR interface. (2) A large-scale dataset VR-Folding, with complex garment pose configurations in manipulation like flattening and folding. (3) An end-to-end online tracking framework GarmentTracking, which predicts complete garment pose both in canonical space and task space given a point cloud sequence. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed GarmentTracking achieves great performance even when the garment has large non-rigid deformation. It outperforms the baseline approach on both speed and accuracy. We hope our proposed solution can serve as a platform for future research. Codes and datasets are available in
Abstract:We present RCareWorld, a human-centric simulation world for physical and social robotic caregiving designed with inputs from stakeholders, including care recipients, caregivers, occupational therapists, and roboticists. RCareWorld has realistic human models of care recipients with mobility limitations and caregivers, home environments with multiple levels of accessibility and assistive devices, and robots commonly used for caregiving. It interfaces with various physics engines to model diverse material types necessary for simulating caregiving scenarios, and provides the capability to plan, control, and learn both human and robot control policies by integrating with state-of-the-art external planning and learning libraries, and VR devices. We propose a set of realistic caregiving tasks in RCareWorld as a benchmark for physical robotic caregiving and provide baseline control policies for them. We illustrate the high-fidelity simulation capabilities of RCareWorld by demonstrating the execution of a policy learnt in simulation for one of these tasks on a real-world setup. Additionally, we perform a real-world social robotic caregiving experiment using behaviors modeled in RCareWorld. Robotic caregiving, though potentially impactful towards enhancing the quality of life of care recipients and caregivers, is a field with many barriers to entry due to its interdisciplinary facets. RCareWorld takes the first step towards building a realistic simulation world for robotic caregiving that would enable researchers worldwide to contribute to this impactful field. Demo videos and supplementary materials can be found at:
Abstract:Household environments are important testbeds for embodied AI research. Many simulation environments have been proposed to develop learning models for solving everyday household tasks. However, though interactions are paid attention to in most environments, the actions operating on the objects are not well supported concerning action types, object types, and interaction physics. To bridge the gap at the action level, we propose a novel physics-based action-centric environment, RFUniverse, for robot learning of everyday household tasks. RFUniverse supports interactions among 87 atomic actions and 8 basic object types in a visually and physically plausible way. To demonstrate the usability of the simulation environment, we perform learning algorithms on various types of tasks, namely fruit-picking, cloth-folding and sponge-wiping for manipulation, stair-chasing for locomotion, room-cleaning for multi-agent collaboration, milk-pouring for task and motion planning, and bimanual-lifting for behavior cloning from VR interface. Client-side Python APIs, learning codes, models, and the database will be released. Demo video for atomic actions can be found in supplementary materials: \url{}
Abstract:Direct contour regression for instance segmentation is a challenging task. Previous works usually achieve it by learning to progressively refine the contour prediction or adopting a shape representation with limited expressiveness. In this work, we argue that the difficulty in regressing the contour points in one pass is mainly due to the ambiguity when discretizing a smooth contour into a polygon. To address the ambiguity, we propose a novel differentiable rendering-based approach named \textbf{ContourRender}. During training, it first predicts a contour generated by an invertible shape signature, and then optimizes the contour with the more stable silhouette by converting it to a contour mesh and rendering the mesh to a 2D map. This method significantly improves the quality of contour without iterations or cascaded refinements. Moreover, as optimization is not needed during inference, the inference speed will not be influenced. Experiments show the proposed ContourRender outperforms all the contour-based instance segmentation approaches on COCO, while stays competitive with the iteration-based state-of-the-art on Cityscapes. In addition, we specifically select a subset from COCO val2017 named COCO ContourHard-val to further demonstrate the contour quality improvements. Codes, models, and dataset split will be released.
Abstract:Object handover is a common human collaboration behavior that attracts attention from researchers in Robotics and Cognitive Science. Though visual perception plays an important role in the object handover task, the whole handover process has been specifically explored. In this work, we propose a novel rich-annotated dataset, H2O, for visual analysis of human-human object handovers. The H2O, which contains 18K video clips involving 15 people who hand over 30 objects to each other, is a multi-purpose benchmark. It can support several vision-based tasks, from which, we specifically provide a baseline method, RGPNet, for a less-explored task named Receiver Grasp Prediction. Extensive experiments show that the RGPNet can produce plausible grasps based on the giver's hand-object states in the pre-handover phase. Besides, we also report the hand and object pose errors with existing baselines and show that the dataset can serve as the video demonstrations for robot imitation learning on the handover task. Dataset, model and code will be made public.
Abstract:We present a novel explicit shape representation for instance segmentation. Based on how to model the object shape, current instance segmentation systems can be divided into two categories, implicit and explicit models. The implicit methods, which represent the object mask/contour by intractable network parameters, and produce it through pixel-wise classification, are predominant. However, the explicit methods, which parameterize the shape with simple and explainable models, are less explored. Since the operations to generate the final shape are light-weighted, the explicit methods have a clear speed advantage over implicit methods, which is crucial for real-world applications. The proposed USD-Seg adopts a linear model, sparse coding with dictionary, for object shapes. First, it learns a dictionary from a large collection of shape datasets, making any shape being able to be decomposed into a linear combination through the dictionary. Hence the name "Universal Shape Dictionary". Then it adds a simple shape vector regression head to ordinary object detector, giving the detector segmentation ability with minimal overhead. For quantitative evaluation, we use both average precision (AP) and the proposed Efficiency of AP (AP$_E$) metric, which intends to also measure the computational consumption of the framework to cater to the requirements of real-world applications. We report experimental results on the challenging COCO dataset, in which our single model on a single Titan Xp GPU achieves 35.8 AP and 27.8 AP$_E$ at 65 fps with YOLOv4 as base detector, 34.1 AP and 28.6 AP$_E$ at 12 fps with FCOS as base detector.