Abstract:Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) from a monocular endoscopy video can enable autonomous navigation, guidance to unsurveyed regions, and 3D visualizations, which can significantly improve endoscopy experience for surgeons and patient outcomes. Existing dense SLAM algorithms often assume distant and static lighting and textured surfaces, and alternate between optimizing scene geometry and camera parameters by minimizing a photometric rendering loss, often called Photometric Bundle Adjustment. However, endoscopic environments exhibit dynamic near-field lighting due to the co-located light and camera moving extremely close to the surface, textureless surfaces, and strong specular reflections due to mucus layers. When not considered, these near-field lighting effects can cause significant performance reductions for existing SLAM algorithms from indoor/outdoor scenes when applied to endoscopy videos. To mitigate this problem, we introduce a new Near-Field Lighting Bundle Adjustment Loss $(L_{NFL-BA})$ that can also be alternatingly optimized, along with the Photometric Bundle Adjustment loss, such that the captured images' intensity variations match the relative distance and orientation between the surface and the co-located light and camera. We derive a general NFL-BA loss function for 3D Gaussian surface representations and demonstrate that adding $L_{NFL-BA}$ can significantly improve the tracking and mapping performance of two state-of-the-art 3DGS-SLAM systems, MonoGS (35% improvement in tracking, 48% improvement in mapping with predicted depth maps) and EndoGSLAM (22% improvement in tracking, marginal improvement in mapping with predicted depths), on the C3VD endoscopy dataset for colons. The project page is available at https://asdunnbe.github.io/NFL-BA/
Abstract:We introduce a novel continual learning problem: how to sequentially update the weights of a personalized 2D and 3D generative face model as new batches of photos in different appearances, styles, poses, and lighting are captured regularly. We observe that naive sequential fine-tuning of the model leads to catastrophic forgetting of past representations of the individual's face. We then demonstrate that a simple random sampling-based experience replay method is effective at mitigating catastrophic forgetting when a relatively large number of images can be stored and replayed. However, for long-term deployment of these models with relatively smaller storage, this simple random sampling-based replay technique also forgets past representations. Thus, we introduce a novel experience replay algorithm that combines random sampling with StyleGAN's latent space to represent the buffer as an optimal convex hull. We observe that our proposed convex hull-based experience replay is more effective in preventing forgetting than a random sampling baseline and the lower bound.
Abstract:Image-based relighting of indoor rooms creates an immersive virtual understanding of the space, which is useful for interior design, virtual staging, and real estate. Relighting indoor rooms from a single image is especially challenging due to complex illumination interactions between multiple lights and cluttered objects featuring a large variety in geometrical and material complexity. Recently, generative models have been successfully applied to image-based relighting conditioned on a target image or a latent code, albeit without detailed local lighting control. In this paper, we introduce ScribbleLight, a generative model that supports local fine-grained control of lighting effects through scribbles that describe changes in lighting. Our key technical novelty is an Albedo-conditioned Stable Image Diffusion model that preserves the intrinsic color and texture of the original image after relighting and an encoder-decoder-based ControlNet architecture that enables geometry-preserving lighting effects with normal map and scribble annotations. We demonstrate ScribbleLight's ability to create different lighting effects (e.g., turning lights on/off, adding highlights, cast shadows, or indirect lighting from unseen lights) from sparse scribble annotations.
Abstract:Facial aging is a complex process, highly dependent on multiple factors like gender, ethnicity, lifestyle, etc., making it extremely challenging to learn a global aging prior to predict aging for any individual accurately. Existing techniques often produce realistic and plausible aging results, but the re-aged images often do not resemble the person's appearance at the target age and thus need personalization. In many practical applications of virtual aging, e.g. VFX in movies and TV shows, access to a personal photo collection of the user depicting aging in a small time interval (20$\sim$40 years) is often available. However, naive attempts to personalize global aging techniques on personal photo collections often fail. Thus, we propose MyTimeMachine (MyTM), which combines a global aging prior with a personal photo collection (using as few as 50 images) to learn a personalized age transformation. We introduce a novel Adapter Network that combines personalized aging features with global aging features and generates a re-aged image with StyleGAN2. We also introduce three loss functions to personalize the Adapter Network with personalized aging loss, extrapolation regularization, and adaptive w-norm regularization. Our approach can also be extended to videos, achieving high-quality, identity-preserving, and temporally consistent aging effects that resemble actual appearances at target ages, demonstrating its superiority over state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Monocular depth estimation in colonoscopy video aims to overcome the unusual lighting properties of the colonoscopic environment. One of the major challenges in this area is the domain gap between annotated but unrealistic synthetic data and unannotated but realistic clinical data. Previous attempts to bridge this domain gap directly target the depth estimation task itself. We propose a general pipeline of structure-preserving synthetic-to-real (sim2real) image translation (producing a modified version of the input image) to retain depth geometry through the translation process. This allows us to generate large quantities of realistic-looking synthetic images for supervised depth estimation with improved generalization to the clinical domain. We also propose a dataset of hand-picked sequences from clinical colonoscopies to improve the image translation process. We demonstrate the simultaneous realism of the translated images and preservation of depth maps via the performance of downstream depth estimation on various datasets.
Abstract:Monocular depth estimation in endoscopy videos can enable assistive and robotic surgery to obtain better coverage of the organ and detection of various health issues. Despite promising progress on mainstream, natural image depth estimation, techniques perform poorly on endoscopy images due to a lack of strong geometric features and challenging illumination effects. In this paper, we utilize the photometric cues, i.e., the light emitted from an endoscope and reflected by the surface, to improve monocular depth estimation. We first create two novel loss functions with supervised and self-supervised variants that utilize a per-pixel shading representation. We then propose a novel depth refinement network (PPSNet) that leverages the same per-pixel shading representation. Finally, we introduce teacher-student transfer learning to produce better depth maps from both synthetic data with supervision and clinical data with self-supervision. We achieve state-of-the-art results on the C3VD dataset while estimating high-quality depth maps from clinical data. Our code, pre-trained models, and supplementary materials can be found on our project page: https://ppsnet.github.io/
Abstract:In this paper, we present GaNI, a Global and Near-field Illumination-aware neural inverse rendering technique that can reconstruct geometry, albedo, and roughness parameters from images of a scene captured with co-located light and camera. Existing inverse rendering techniques with co-located light-camera focus on single objects only, without modeling global illumination and near-field lighting more prominent in scenes with multiple objects. We introduce a system that solves this problem in two stages; we first reconstruct the geometry powered by neural volumetric rendering NeuS, followed by inverse neural radiosity that uses the previously predicted geometry to estimate albedo and roughness. However, such a naive combination fails and we propose multiple technical contributions that enable this two-stage approach. We observe that NeuS fails to handle near-field illumination and strong specular reflections from the flashlight in a scene. We propose to implicitly model the effects of near-field illumination and introduce a surface angle loss function to handle specular reflections. Similarly, we observe that invNeRad assumes constant illumination throughout the capture and cannot handle moving flashlights during capture. We propose a light position-aware radiance cache network and additional smoothness priors on roughness to reconstruct reflectance. Experimental evaluation on synthetic and real data shows that our method outperforms the existing co-located light-camera-based inverse rendering techniques. Our approach produces significantly better reflectance and slightly better geometry than capture strategies that do not require a dark room.
Abstract:In this paper, we develop a personalized video relighting algorithm that produces high-quality and temporally consistent relit video under any pose, expression, and lighting conditions in real-time. Existing relighting algorithms typically rely either on publicly available synthetic data, which yields poor relighting results, or instead on Light Stage data which is inaccessible and is not publicly available. We show that by casually capturing video of a user watching YouTube videos on a monitor we can train a personalized algorithm capable of producing high-quality relighting under any condition. Our key contribution is a novel neural relighting architecture that effectively separates the intrinsic appearance features, geometry and reflectance, from the source lighting and then combines it with the target lighting to generate a relit image. This neural architecture enables smoothing of intrinsic appearance features leading to temporally stable video relighting. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations show that our relighting architecture improves portrait image relighting quality and temporal consistency over state-of-the-art approaches on both casually captured Light Stage at Your Desk (LSYD) data and Light Stage captured One Light At a Time (OLAT) datasets.
Abstract:Multi-task approaches to joint depth and segmentation prediction are well-studied for monocular images. Yet, predictions from a single-view are inherently limited, while multiple views are available in many robotics applications. On the other end of the spectrum, video-based and full 3D methods require numerous frames to perform reconstruction and segmentation. With this work we propose a Multi-View Stereo (MVS) technique for depth prediction that benefits from rich semantic features of the Segment Anything Model (SAM). This enhanced depth prediction, in turn, serves as a prompt to our Transformer-based semantic segmentation decoder. We report the mutual benefit that both tasks enjoy in our quantitative and qualitative studies on the ScanNet dataset. Our approach consistently outperforms single-task MVS and segmentation models, along with multi-task monocular methods.