Microsoft Research, Redmond
Abstract:Optical flow estimation is a critical task for tiny mobile robotics to enable safe and accurate navigation, obstacle avoidance, and other functionalities. However, optical flow estimation on tiny robots is challenging due to limited onboard sensing and computation capabilities. In this paper, we propose EdgeFlowNet , a high-speed, low-latency dense optical flow approach for tiny autonomous mobile robots by harnessing the power of edge computing. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by deploying EdgeFlowNet on a tiny quadrotor to perform static obstacle avoidance, flight through unknown gaps and dynamic obstacle dodging. EdgeFlowNet is about 20 faster than the previous state-of-the-art approaches while improving accuracy by over 20% and using only 1.08W of power enabling advanced autonomy on palm-sized tiny mobile robots.
Abstract:Reliable measurement of dependence between variables is essential in many applications of statistics and machine learning. Current approaches for dependence estimation, especially density-based approaches, lack in precision, robustness and/or interpretability (in terms of the type of dependence being estimated). We propose a two-step approach for dependence quantification between random variables: 1) We first decompose the probability density functions (PDF) of the variables involved in terms of multiple local moments of uncertainty that systematically and precisely identify the different regions of the PDF (with special emphasis on the tail-regions). 2) We then compute an optimal transport map to measure the geometric similarity between the corresponding sets of decomposed local uncertainty moments of the variables. Dependence is then determined by the degree of one-to-one correspondence between the respective uncertainty moments of the variables in the optimal transport map. We utilize a recently introduced Gaussian reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) based framework for multi-moment uncertainty decomposition of the variables. Being based on the Gaussian RKHS, our approach is robust towards outliers and monotone transformations of data, while the multiple moments of uncertainty provide high resolution and interpretability of the type of dependence being quantified. We support these claims through some preliminary results using simulated data.
Abstract:Deep learning models for semantic segmentation are prone to poor performance in real-world applications due to the highly challenging nature of the task. Model uncertainty quantification (UQ) is one way to address this issue of lack of model trustworthiness by enabling the practitioner to know how much to trust a segmentation output. Current UQ methods in this application domain are mainly restricted to Bayesian based methods which are computationally expensive and are only able to extract central moments of uncertainty thereby limiting the quality of their uncertainty estimates. We present a simple framework for high-resolution predictive uncertainty quantification of semantic segmentation models that leverages a multi-moment functional definition of uncertainty associated with the model's feature space in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). The multiple uncertainty functionals extracted from this framework are defined by the local density dynamics of the model's feature space and hence automatically align themselves at the tail-regions of the intrinsic probability density function of the feature space (where uncertainty is the highest) in such a way that the successively higher order moments quantify the more uncertain regions. This leads to a significantly more accurate view of model uncertainty than conventional Bayesian methods. Moreover, the extraction of such moments is done in a single-shot computation making it much faster than Bayesian and ensemble approaches (that involve a high number of forward stochastic passes of the model to quantify its uncertainty). We demonstrate these advantages through experimental evaluations of our framework implemented over four different state-of-the-art model architectures that are trained and evaluated on two benchmark road-scene segmentation datasets (Camvid and Cityscapes).
Abstract:We propose a framework for predictive uncertainty quantification of a neural network that replaces the conventional Bayesian notion of weight probability density function (PDF) with a physics based potential field representation of the model weights in a Gaussian reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) embedding. This allows us to use perturbation theory from quantum physics to formulate a moment decomposition problem over the model weight-output relationship. The extracted moments reveal successive degrees of regularization of the weight potential field around the local neighborhood of the model output. Such localized moments represent well the PDF tails and provide significantly greater accuracy of the model's predictive uncertainty than the central moments characterized by Bayesian and ensemble methods or their variants. We show that this consequently leads to a better ability to detect false model predictions of test data that has undergone a covariate shift away from the training PDF learned by the model. We evaluate our approach against baseline uncertainty quantification methods on several benchmark datasets that are corrupted using common distortion techniques. Our approach provides fast model predictive uncertainty estimates with much greater precision and calibration.
Abstract:Interpolation in Spatio-temporal data has applications in various domains such as climate, transportation, and mining. Spatio-Temporal interpolation is highly challenging due to the complex spatial and temporal relationships. However, traditional techniques such as Kriging suffer from high running time and poor performance on data that exhibit high variance across space and time dimensions. To this end, we propose a novel deep neural network called as Deep Geospatial Interpolation Network(DGIN), which incorporates both spatial and temporal relationships and has significantly lower training time. DGIN consists of three major components: Spatial Encoder to capture the spatial dependencies, Sequential module to incorporate the temporal dynamics, and an Attention block to learn the importance of the temporal neighborhood around the gap. We evaluate DGIN on the MODIS reflectance dataset from two different regions. Our experimental results indicate that DGIN has two advantages: (a) it outperforms alternative approaches (has lower MSE with p-value < 0.01) and, (b) it has significantly low execution time than Kriging.
Abstract:Spreadsheet formula prediction has been an important program synthesis problem with many real-world applications. Previous works typically utilize input-output examples as the specification for spreadsheet formula synthesis, where each input-output pair simulates a separate row in the spreadsheet. However, this formulation does not fully capture the rich context in real-world spreadsheets. First, spreadsheet data entries are organized as tables, thus rows and columns are not necessarily independent from each other. In addition, many spreadsheet tables include headers, which provide high-level descriptions of the cell data. However, previous synthesis approaches do not consider headers as part of the specification. In this work, we present the first approach for synthesizing spreadsheet formulas from tabular context, which includes both headers and semi-structured tabular data. In particular, we propose SpreadsheetCoder, a BERT-based model architecture to represent the tabular context in both row-based and column-based formats. We train our model on a large dataset of spreadsheets, and demonstrate that SpreadsheetCoder achieves top-1 prediction accuracy of 42.51%, which is a considerable improvement over baselines that do not employ rich tabular context. Compared to the rule-based system, SpreadsheetCoder assists 82% more users in composing formulas on Google Sheets.
Abstract:Generation of maps from satellite images is conventionally done by a range of tools. Maps became an important part of life whose conversion from satellite images may be a bit expensive but Generative models can pander to this challenge. These models aims at finding the patterns between the input and output image. Image to image translation is employed to convert satellite image to corresponding map. Different techniques for image to image translations like Generative adversarial network, Conditional adversarial networks and Co-Variational Auto encoders are used to generate the corresponding human-readable maps for that region, which takes a satellite image at a given zoom level as its input. We are training our model on Conditional Generative Adversarial Network which comprises of Generator model which which generates fake images while the discriminator tries to classify the image as real or fake and both these models are trained synchronously in adversarial manner where both try to fool each other and result in enhancing model performance.
Abstract:Traditional Bayesian approaches for model uncertainty quantification rely on notoriously difficult processes of marginalization over each network parameter to estimate its probability density function (PDF). Our hypothesis is that internal layer outputs of a trained neural network contain all of the information related to both its mapping function (quantified by its weights) as well as the input data distribution. We therefore propose a framework for predictive uncertainty quantification of a trained neural network that explicitly estimates the PDF of its raw prediction space (before activation), p(y'|x,w), which we refer to as the model PDF, in a Gaussian reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). The Gaussian RKHS provides a localized density estimate of p(y'|x,w), which further enables us to utilize gradient based formulations of quantum physics to decompose the model PDF in terms of multiple local uncertainty moments that provide much greater resolution of the PDF than the central moments characterized by Bayesian methods. This provides the framework with a better ability to detect distributional shifts in test data away from the training data PDF learned by the model. We evaluate the framework against existing uncertainty quantification methods on benchmark datasets that have been corrupted using common perturbation techniques. The kernel framework is observed to provide model uncertainty estimates with much greater precision based on the ability to detect model prediction errors.
Abstract:In many sequence learning tasks, such as program synthesis and document summarization, a key problem is searching over a large space of possible output sequences. We propose to learn representations of the outputs that are specifically meant for search: rich enough to specify the desired output but compact enough to make search more efficient. Discrete latent codes are appealing for this purpose, as they naturally allow sophisticated combinatorial search strategies. The latent codes are learned using a self-supervised learning principle, in which first a discrete autoencoder is trained on the output sequences, and then the resulting latent codes are used as intermediate targets for the end-to-end sequence prediction task. Based on these insights, we introduce the \emph{Latent Programmer}, a program synthesis method that first predicts a discrete latent code from input/output examples, and then generates the program in the target language. We evaluate the Latent Programmer on two domains: synthesis of string transformation programs, and generation of programs from natural language descriptions. We demonstrate that the discrete latent representation significantly improves synthesis accuracy.
Abstract:Discrete structures play an important role in applications like program language modeling and software engineering. Current approaches to predicting complex structures typically consider autoregressive models for their tractability, with some sacrifice in flexibility. Energy-based models (EBMs) on the other hand offer a more flexible and thus more powerful approach to modeling such distributions, but require partition function estimation. In this paper we propose ALOE, a new algorithm for learning conditional and unconditional EBMs for discrete structured data, where parameter gradients are estimated using a learned sampler that mimics local search. We show that the energy function and sampler can be trained efficiently via a new variational form of power iteration, achieving a better trade-off between flexibility and tractability. Experimentally, we show that learning local search leads to significant improvements in challenging application domains. Most notably, we present an energy model guided fuzzer for software testing that achieves comparable performance to well engineered fuzzing engines like libfuzzer.