Abstract:Catastrophic forgetting -- the phenomenon of a neural network learning a task t1 and losing the ability to perform it after being trained on some other task t2 -- is a long-standing problem for neural networks [McCloskey and Cohen, 1989]. We present a method, Eidetic Learning, that provably solves catastrophic forgetting. A network trained with Eidetic Learning -- here, an EideticNet -- requires no rehearsal or replay. We consider successive discrete tasks and show how at inference time an EideticNet automatically routes new instances without auxiliary task information. An EideticNet bears a family resemblance to the sparsely-gated Mixture-of-Experts layer Shazeer et al. [2016] in that network capacity is partitioned across tasks and the network itself performs data-conditional routing. An EideticNet is easy to implement and train, is efficient, and has time and space complexity linear in the number of parameters. The guarantee of our method holds for normalization layers of modern neural networks during both pre-training and fine-tuning. We show with a variety of network architectures and sets of tasks that EideticNets are immune to forgetting. While the practical benefits of EideticNets are substantial, we believe they can be benefit practitioners and theorists alike. The code for training EideticNets is available at \href{}{this https URL}.
Abstract:The scaling of model size and data size has reshaped the paradigm of AI. As a result, the common protocol to leverage the latest models is to steer them towards a specific downstream task of interest through {\em fine-tuning}. Despite its importance, the main methods for fine-tuning remain limited to full or low-rank adapters--containing countless hyper-parameters and lacking interpretability. In this paper, we take a step back and demonstrate how novel and explainable post-training steering solutions can be derived theoretically from {\em spline operators}, a rich mathematical framing of Deep Networks that was recently developed. Our method--coined \textbf{Curvature Tuning (CT)}--has a single parameter that provably modulates the curvature of the model's decision boundary henceforth allowing training-free steering. This makes CT both more efficient and interpretable than conventional fine-tuning methods. We empirically validate its effectiveness in improving generalization and robustness of pretrained models. For example, CT improves out-of-distribution transfer performances of ResNet-18/50 by 2.57\%/1.74\% across seventeen downstream datasets, and improves RobustBench robust accuracy by 11.76\%/348.44\%. Additionally, we apply CT to ReLU-based Swin-T/S, improving their generalization on nine downstream datasets by 2.43\%/3.33\%. Our code is available at \href{}{}.
Abstract:Guidance in image generation steers models towards higher-quality or more targeted outputs, typically achieved in Diffusion Models (DMs) via Classifier-free Guidance (CFG). However, recent Consistency Models (CMs), which offer fewer function evaluations, rely on distilling CFG knowledge from pretrained DMs to achieve guidance, making them costly and inflexible. In this work, we propose invertible Guided Consistency Training (iGCT), a novel training framework for guided CMs that is entirely data-driven. iGCT, as a pioneering work, contributes to fast and guided image generation and editing without requiring the training and distillation of DMs, greatly reducing the overall compute requirements. iGCT addresses the saturation artifacts seen in CFG under high guidance scales. Our extensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet64 show that iGCT significantly improves FID and precision compared to CFG. At a guidance of 13, iGCT improves precision to 0.8, while DM's drops to 0.47. Our work takes the first step toward enabling guidance and inversion for CMs without relying on DMs.
Abstract:Masked Image Modeling (MIM) has emerged as a popular method for Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) of visual representations. However, for high-level perception tasks, MIM-pretrained models offer lower out-of-the-box representation quality than the Joint-Embedding Architectures (JEA) - another prominent SSL paradigm. To understand this performance gap, we analyze the information flow in Vision Transformers (ViT) learned by both approaches. We reveal that whereas JEAs construct their representation on a selected set of relevant image fragments, MIM models aggregate nearly whole image content. Moreover, we demonstrate that MIM-trained ViTs retain valuable information within their patch tokens, which is not effectively captured by the global [cls] token representations. Therefore, selective aggregation of relevant patch tokens, without any fine-tuning, results in consistently higher-quality of MIM representations. To our knowledge, we are the first to highlight the lack of effective representation aggregation as an emergent issue of MIM and propose directions to address it, contributing to future advances in Self-Supervised Learning.
Abstract:Tracking geographic entities from historical maps, such as buildings, offers valuable insights into cultural heritage, urbanization patterns, environmental changes, and various historical research endeavors. However, linking these entities across diverse maps remains a persistent challenge for researchers. Traditionally, this has been addressed through a two-step process: detecting entities within individual maps and then associating them via a heuristic-based post-processing step. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that combines segmentation and association of geographic entities in historical maps using video instance segmentation (VIS). This method significantly streamlines geographic entity alignment and enhances automation. However, acquiring high-quality, video-format training data for VIS models is prohibitively expensive, especially for historical maps that often contain hundreds or thousands of geographic entities. To mitigate this challenge, we explore self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques to enhance VIS performance on historical maps. We evaluate the performance of VIS models under different pretraining configurations and introduce a novel method for generating synthetic videos from unlabeled historical map images for pretraining. Our proposed self-supervised VIS method substantially reduces the need for manual annotation. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed self-supervised VIS approach, achieving a 24.9\% improvement in AP and a 0.23 increase in F1 score compared to the model trained from scratch.
Abstract:Supervised learning has become a cornerstone of modern machine learning, yet a comprehensive theory explaining its effectiveness remains elusive. Empirical phenomena, such as neural analogy-making and the linear representation hypothesis, suggest that supervised models can learn interpretable factors of variation in a linear fashion. Recent advances in self-supervised learning, particularly nonlinear Independent Component Analysis, have shown that these methods can recover latent structures by inverting the data generating process. We extend these identifiability results to parametric instance discrimination, then show how insights transfer to the ubiquitous setting of supervised learning with cross-entropy minimization. We prove that even in standard classification tasks, models learn representations of ground-truth factors of variation up to a linear transformation. We corroborate our theoretical contribution with a series of empirical studies. First, using simulated data matching our theoretical assumptions, we demonstrate successful disentanglement of latent factors. Second, we show that on DisLib, a widely-used disentanglement benchmark, simple classification tasks recover latent structures up to linear transformations. Finally, we reveal that models trained on ImageNet encode representations that permit linear decoding of proxy factors of variation. Together, our theoretical findings and experiments offer a compelling explanation for recent observations of linear representations, such as superposition in neural networks. This work takes a significant step toward a cohesive theory that accounts for the unreasonable effectiveness of supervised deep learning.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are widely deployed in real-world applications, yet little is known about their training dynamics at the token level. Evaluation typically relies on aggregated training loss, measured at the batch level, which overlooks subtle per-token biases arising from (i) varying token-level dynamics and (ii) structural biases introduced by hyperparameters. While weight decay is commonly used to stabilize training, we reveal that it silently introduces performance biases detectable only at the token level. In fact, we empirically show across different dataset sizes, model architectures and sizes ranging from 270M to 3B parameters that as weight decay increases, low-frequency tokens are disproportionately depreciated. This is particularly concerning, as these neglected low-frequency tokens represent the vast majority of the token distribution in most languages, calling for novel regularization techniques that ensure fairness across all available tokens.
Abstract:Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is the bread and butter of Large Language Model (LLM) finetuning. LoRA learns an additive low-rank perturbation, $AB$, of a pretrained matrix parameter $W$ to align the model to a new task or dataset with $W+AB$. We identify three core limitations to LoRA for finetuning--a setting that employs limited amount of data and training steps. First, LoRA employs Dropout to prevent overfitting. We prove that Dropout is only suitable for long training episodes but fails to converge to a reliable regularizer for short training episodes. Second, LoRA's initialization of $B$ at $0$ creates a slow training dynamic between $A$ and $B$. That dynamic is also exacerbated by Dropout that further slows the escape from $0$ for $B$ which is particularly harmful for short training episodes. Third, the scaling factor multiplying each LoRA additive perturbation creates ``short-sighted'' interactions between the LoRA modules of different layers. Motivated by principled analysis of those limitations, we find an elegant solution: a Dropout-free, scaling-free, LoRA with Adaptive Learning rate--coined ALLoRA. By scaling the per sample and per parameter gradients with a coefficient inversely proportional to parameters' $\ell_2$ norm, ALLoRA alleviates those three limitations. As a by-product, ALLoRA removes two hyper-parameters from LoRA: the scaling factor and the dropout rate. Empirical results show that ALLoRA admits better accuracy than LoRA on various settings, including against recent LoRA variants such as Weight-Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation (DoRA). Ablation studies show our solution is the optimal in a family of weight-dependent / output-dependent approaches on various LLMs including the latest Llama3.
Abstract:Accurate anomaly detection is critical in vision-based infrastructure inspection, where it helps prevent costly failures and enhances safety. Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) offers a promising approach by learning robust representations from unlabeled data. However, its application in anomaly detection remains underexplored. This paper addresses this gap by providing a comprehensive evaluation of SSL methods for real-world anomaly detection, focusing on sewer infrastructure. Using the Sewer-ML dataset, we evaluate lightweight models such as ViT-Tiny and ResNet-18 across SSL frameworks, including BYOL, Barlow Twins, SimCLR, DINO, and MAE, under varying class imbalance levels. Through 250 experiments, we rigorously assess the performance of these SSL methods to ensure a robust and comprehensive evaluation. Our findings highlight the superiority of joint-embedding methods like SimCLR and Barlow Twins over reconstruction-based approaches such as MAE, which struggle to maintain performance under class imbalance. Furthermore, we find that the SSL model choice is more critical than the backbone architecture. Additionally, we emphasize the need for better label-free assessments of SSL representations, as current methods like RankMe fail to adequately evaluate representation quality, making cross-validation without labels infeasible. Despite the remaining performance gap between SSL and supervised models, these findings highlight the potential of SSL to enhance anomaly detection, paving the way for further research in this underexplored area of SSL applications.
Abstract:Significant research efforts have been made to scale and improve vision-language model (VLM) training approaches. Yet, with an ever-growing number of benchmarks, researchers are tasked with the heavy burden of implementing each protocol, bearing a non-trivial computational cost, and making sense of how all these benchmarks translate into meaningful axes of progress. To facilitate a systematic evaluation of VLM progress, we introduce UniBench: a unified implementation of 50+ VLM benchmarks spanning a comprehensive range of carefully categorized capabilities from object recognition to spatial awareness, counting, and much more. We showcase the utility of UniBench for measuring progress by evaluating nearly 60 publicly available vision-language models, trained on scales of up to 12.8B samples. We find that while scaling training data or model size can boost many vision-language model capabilities, scaling offers little benefit for reasoning or relations. Surprisingly, we also discover today's best VLMs struggle on simple digit recognition and counting tasks, e.g. MNIST, which much simpler networks can solve. Where scale falls short, we find that more precise interventions, such as data quality or tailored-learning objectives offer more promise. For practitioners, we also offer guidance on selecting a suitable VLM for a given application. Finally, we release an easy-to-run UniBench code-base with the full set of 50+ benchmarks and comparisons across 59 models as well as a distilled, representative set of benchmarks that runs in 5 minutes on a single GPU.