Abstract:This paper addresses the classical problem of one-bit compressed sensing using a deep learning-based reconstruction algorithm that leverages a trained generative model to enhance the signal reconstruction performance. The generator, a pre-trained neural network, learns to map from a low-dimensional latent space to a higher-dimensional set of sparse vectors. This generator is then used to reconstruct sparse vectors from their one-bit measurements by searching over its range. The presented algorithm provides an excellent reconstruction performance because the generative model can learn additional structural information about the signal beyond sparsity. Furthermore, we provide theoretical guarantees on the reconstruction accuracy and sample complexity of the algorithm. Through numerical experiments using three publicly available image datasets, MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and Omniglot, we demonstrate the superior performance of the algorithm compared to other existing algorithms and show that our algorithm can recover both the amplitude and the direction of the signal from one-bit measurements.
Abstract:Noise, traditionally considered a nuisance in computational systems, is reconsidered for its unexpected and counter-intuitive benefits across a wide spectrum of domains, including nonlinear information processing, signal processing, image processing, machine learning, network science, and natural language processing. Through a comprehensive review of both historical and contemporary research, this survey presents a dual perspective on noise, acknowledging its potential to both disrupt and enhance performance. Particularly, we highlight how noise-enhanced training strategies can lead to models that better generalize from noisy data, positioning noise not just as a challenge to overcome but as a strategic tool for improvement. This work calls for a shift in how we perceive noise, proposing that it can be a spark for innovation and advancement in the information era.
Abstract:This paper introduces a representative-based approach for distributed learning that transforms multiple raw data points into a virtual representation. Unlike traditional distributed learning methods such as Federated Learning, which do not offer human interpretability, our method makes complex machine learning processes accessible and comprehensible. It achieves this by condensing extensive datasets into digestible formats, thus fostering intuitive human-machine interactions. Additionally, this approach maintains privacy and communication efficiency, and it matches the training performance of models using raw data. Simulation results show that our approach is competitive with or outperforms traditional Federated Learning in accuracy and convergence, especially in scenarios with complex models and a higher number of clients. This framework marks a step forward in integrating human intuition with machine intelligence, which potentially enhances human-machine learning interfaces and collaborative efforts.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the problem of detecting anomalies among a given set of binary processes via learning-based controlled sensing. Each process is parameterized by a binary random variable indicating whether the process is anomalous. To identify the anomalies, the decision-making agent is allowed to observe a subset of the processes at each time instant. Also, probing each process has an associated cost. Our objective is to design a sequential selection policy that dynamically determines which processes to observe at each time with the goal to minimize the delay in making the decision and the total sensing cost. We cast this problem as a sequential hypothesis testing problem within the framework of Markov decision processes. This formulation utilizes both a Bayesian log-likelihood ratio-based reward and an entropy-based reward. The problem is then solved using two approaches: 1) a deep reinforcement learning-based approach where we design both deep Q-learning and policy gradient actor-critic algorithms; and 2) a deep active inference-based approach. Using numerical experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithms and show that our algorithms adapt to any unknown statistical dependence pattern of the processes.
Abstract:In this work, we consider a binary sequential hypothesis testing problem with distributed and asynchronous measurements. The aim is to analyze the effect of sampling times of jointly \textit{wide-sense stationary} (WSS) Gaussian observation processes at distributed sensors on the expected stopping time of the sequential test at the fusion center (FC). The distributed system is such that the sensors and the FC sample observations periodically, where the sampling times are not necessarily synchronous, i.e., the sampling times at different sensors and the FC may be different from each other. \color{black} The sampling times, however, are restricted to be within a time window and a sample obtained within the window is assumed to be \textit{uncorrelated} with samples outside the window. We also assume that correlations may exist only between the observations sampled at the FC and those at the sensors in a pairwise manner (sensor pairs not including the FC have independent observations). The effect of \textit{asynchronous} sampling on the SPRT performance is analyzed by obtaining bounds for the expected stopping time. We illustrate the validity of the theoretical results with numerical results.
Abstract:Gibbs sampling is one of the most popular Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms because of its simplicity, scalability, and wide applicability within many fields of statistics, science, and engineering. In the labeled random finite sets literature, Gibbs sampling procedures have recently been applied to efficiently truncate the single-sensor and multi-sensor $\delta$-generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli posterior density as well as the multi-sensor adaptive labeled multi-Bernoulli birth distribution. However, only a limited discussion has been provided regarding key Gibbs sampler architecture details including the Markov chain Monte Carlo sample generation technique and early termination criteria. This paper begins with a brief background on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and a review of the Gibbs sampler implementations proposed for labeled random finite sets filters. Next, we propose a short chain, multi-simulation sample generation technique that is well suited for these applications and enables a parallel processing implementation. Additionally, we present two heuristic early termination criteria that achieve similar sampling performance with substantially fewer Markov chain observations. Finally, the benefits of the proposed Gibbs samplers are demonstrated via two Monte Carlo simulations.
Abstract:This paper investigates distributed detection of sparse stochastic signals with quantized measurements under Byzantine attacks. Under this type of attack, sensors in the networks might send falsified data to degrade system performance. The Bernoulli-Gaussian (BG) distribution in terms of the sparsity degree of the stochastic signal is utilized for modeling the sparsity of signals. Several detectors with improved detection performance are proposed by incorporating the estimated attack parameters into the detection process. First, we propose the generalized likelihood ratio test with reference sensors (GLRTRS) and the locally most powerful test with reference sensors (LMPTRS) detectors with adaptive thresholds, given that the sparsity degree and the attack parameters are unknown. Our simulation results show that the LMPTRS and GLRTRS detectors outperform the LMPT and GLRT detectors proposed for an attack-free environment and are more robust against attacks. The proposed detectors can achieve the detection performance close to the benchmark likelihood ratio test (LRT) detector, which has perfect knowledge of the attack parameters and sparsity degree. When the fraction of Byzantine nodes are assumed to be known, we can further improve the system's detection performance. We propose the enhanced LMPTRS (E-LMPTRS) and enhanced GLRTRS (E-GLRTRS) detectors by filtering out potential malicious sensors with the knowledge of the fraction of Byzantine nodes in the network. Simulation results show the superiority of proposed enhanced detectors over LMPTRS and GLRTRS detectors.
Abstract:In this paper, we consider the problem of change detection (CD) with two heterogeneous remote sensing (RS) images. For this problem, an unsupervised change detection method has been proposed recently based on the image translation technique of Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks (CycleGANs), where one image is translated from its original modality to the modality of the other image so that the difference map can be obtained by performing arithmetical subtraction. However, the difference map derived from subtraction is susceptible to image translation errors, in which case the changed area and the unchanged area are less distinguishable. To overcome the above shortcoming, we propose a new unsupervised copula mixture and CycleGAN-based CD method (COMIC), which combines the advantages of copula mixtures on statistical modeling and the advantages of CycleGANs on data mining. In COMIC, the pre-event image is first translated from its original modality to the post-event image modality. After that, by constructing a copula mixture, the joint distribution of the features from the heterogeneous images can be learnt according to quantitive analysis of the dependence structure based on the translated image and the original pre-event image, which are of the same modality and contain totally the same objects. Then, we model the CD problem as a binary hypothesis testing problem and derive its test statistics based on the constructed copula mixture. Finally, the difference map can be obtained from the test statistics and the binary change map (BCM) is generated by K-means clustering. We perform experiments on real RS datasets, which demonstrate the superiority of COMIC over the state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:This paper proposes a belief-updating scheme in a human-machine collaborative decision-making network to combat Byzantine attacks. A hierarchical framework is used to realize the network where local decisions from physical sensors act as reference decisions to improve the quality of human sensor decisions. During the decision-making process, the belief that each physical sensor is malicious is updated. The case when humans have side information available is investigated, and its impact is analyzed. Simulation results substantiate that the proposed scheme can significantly improve the quality of human sensor decisions, even when most physical sensors are malicious. Moreover, the performance of the proposed method does not necessarily depend on the knowledge of the actual fraction of malicious physical sensors. Consequently, the proposed scheme can effectively defend against Byzantine attacks and improve the quality of human sensors' decisions so that the performance of the human-machine collaborative system is enhanced.
Abstract:In this work, we consider a binary hypothesis testing problem involving a group of human decision-makers. Due to the nature of human behavior, each human decision-maker observes the phenomenon of interest sequentially up to a random length of time. The humans use a belief model to accumulate the log-likelihood ratios until they cease observing the phenomenon. The belief model is used to characterize the perception of the human decision-maker towards observations at different instants of time, i.e., some decision-makers may assign greater importance to observations that were observed earlier, rather than later and vice-versa. The global decision-maker is a machine that fuses human decisions using the Chair-Varshney rule with different weights for the human decisions, where the weights are determined by the number of observations that were used by the humans to arrive at their respective decisions.