Abstract:Recently, diffusion models have gained popularity due to their impressive generative abilities. These models learn the implicit distribution given by the training dataset, and sample new data by transforming random noise through the reverse process, which can be thought of as gradual denoising. In this work, we examine the generation process as a ``correlation machine'', where random noise is repeatedly enhanced in correlation with the implicit given distribution. To this end, we explore the linear case, where the optimal denoiser in the MSE sense is known to be the PCA projection. This enables us to connect the theory of diffusion models to the spiked covariance model, where the dependence of the denoiser on the noise level and the amount of training data can be expressed analytically, in the rank-1 case. In a series of numerical experiments, we extend this result to general low rank data, and show that low frequencies emerge earlier in the generation process, where the denoising basis vectors are more aligned to the true data with a rate depending on their eigenvalues. This model allows us to show that the linear diffusion model converges in mean to the leading eigenvector of the underlying data, similarly to the prevalent power iteration method. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the applicability of our findings beyond the linear case, in the Jacobians of a deep, non-linear denoiser, used in general image generation tasks.
Abstract:Deep neural networks trained as image denoisers are widely used as priors for solving imaging inverse problems. While Gaussian denoising is thought sufficient for learning image priors, we show that priors from deep models pre-trained as more general restoration operators can perform better. We introduce Stochastic deep Restoration Priors (ShaRP), a novel method that leverages an ensemble of such restoration models to regularize inverse problems. ShaRP improves upon methods using Gaussian denoiser priors by better handling structured artifacts and enabling self-supervised training even without fully sampled data. We prove ShaRP minimizes an objective function involving a regularizer derived from the score functions of minimum mean square error (MMSE) restoration operators, and theoretically analyze its convergence. Empirically, ShaRP achieves state-of-the-art performance on tasks such as magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction and single-image super-resolution, surpassing both denoiser-and diffusion-model-based methods without requiring retraining.
Abstract:Denoising, the process of reducing random fluctuations in a signal to emphasize essential patterns, has been a fundamental problem of interest since the dawn of modern scientific inquiry. Recent denoising techniques, particularly in imaging, have achieved remarkable success, nearing theoretical limits by some measures. Yet, despite tens of thousands of research papers, the wide-ranging applications of denoising beyond noise removal have not been fully recognized. This is partly due to the vast and diverse literature, making a clear overview challenging. This paper aims to address this gap. We present a comprehensive perspective on denoisers, their structure, and desired properties. We emphasize the increasing importance of denoising and showcase its evolution into an essential building block for complex tasks in imaging, inverse problems, and machine learning. Despite its long history, the community continues to uncover unexpected and groundbreaking uses for denoising, further solidifying its place as a cornerstone of scientific and engineering practice.
Abstract:Recognizing and disentangling visual attributes from objects is a foundation to many computer vision applications. While large vision language representations like CLIP had largely resolved the task of zero-shot object recognition, zero-shot visual attribute recognition remains a challenge because CLIP's contrastively-learned vision-language representation cannot effectively capture object-attribute dependencies. In this paper, we target this weakness and propose a sentence generation-based retrieval formulation for attribute recognition that is novel in 1) explicitly modeling a to-be-measured and retrieved object-attribute relation as a conditional probability graph, which converts the recognition problem into a dependency-sensitive language-modeling problem, and 2) applying a large pretrained Vision-Language Model (VLM) on this reformulation and naturally distilling its knowledge of image-object-attribute relations to use towards attribute recognition. Specifically, for each attribute to be recognized on an image, we measure the visual-conditioned probability of generating a short sentence encoding the attribute's relation to objects on the image. Unlike contrastive retrieval, which measures likelihood by globally aligning elements of the sentence to the image, generative retrieval is sensitive to the order and dependency of objects and attributes in the sentence. We demonstrate through experiments that generative retrieval consistently outperforms contrastive retrieval on two visual reasoning datasets, Visual Attribute in the Wild (VAW), and our newly-proposed Visual Genome Attribute Ranking (VGARank).
Abstract:We study the scaling properties of latent diffusion models (LDMs) with an emphasis on their sampling efficiency. While improved network architecture and inference algorithms have shown to effectively boost sampling efficiency of diffusion models, the role of model size -- a critical determinant of sampling efficiency -- has not been thoroughly examined. Through empirical analysis of established text-to-image diffusion models, we conduct an in-depth investigation into how model size influences sampling efficiency across varying sampling steps. Our findings unveil a surprising trend: when operating under a given inference budget, smaller models frequently outperform their larger equivalents in generating high-quality results. Moreover, we extend our study to demonstrate the generalizability of the these findings by applying various diffusion samplers, exploring diverse downstream tasks, evaluating post-distilled models, as well as comparing performance relative to training compute. These findings open up new pathways for the development of LDM scaling strategies which can be employed to enhance generative capabilities within limited inference budgets.
Abstract:Text-driven diffusion models have become increasingly popular for various image editing tasks, including inpainting, stylization, and object replacement. However, it still remains an open research problem to adopt this language-vision paradigm for more fine-level image processing tasks, such as denoising, super-resolution, deblurring, and compression artifact removal. In this paper, we develop TIP, a Text-driven Image Processing framework that leverages natural language as a user-friendly interface to control the image restoration process. We consider the capacity of text information in two dimensions. First, we use content-related prompts to enhance the semantic alignment, effectively alleviating identity ambiguity in the restoration outcomes. Second, our approach is the first framework that supports fine-level instruction through language-based quantitative specification of the restoration strength, without the need for explicit task-specific design. In addition, we introduce a novel fusion mechanism that augments the existing ControlNet architecture by learning to rescale the generative prior, thereby achieving better restoration fidelity. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the superior restoration performance of TIP compared to the state of the arts, alongside offering the flexibility of text-based control over the restoration effects.
Abstract:Generative diffusion models provide strong priors for text-to-image generation and thereby serve as a foundation for conditional generation tasks such as image editing, restoration, and super-resolution. However, one major limitation of diffusion models is their slow sampling time. To address this challenge, we present a novel conditional distillation method designed to supplement the diffusion priors with the help of image conditions, allowing for conditional sampling with very few steps. We directly distill the unconditional pre-training in a single stage through joint-learning, largely simplifying the previous two-stage procedures that involve both distillation and conditional finetuning separately. Furthermore, our method enables a new parameter-efficient distillation mechanism that distills each task with only a small number of additional parameters combined with the shared frozen unconditional backbone. Experiments across multiple tasks including super-resolution, image editing, and depth-to-image generation demonstrate that our method outperforms existing distillation techniques for the same sampling time. Notably, our method is the first distillation strategy that can match the performance of the much slower fine-tuned conditional diffusion models.
Abstract:We propose a new method for solving imaging inverse problems using text-to-image latent diffusion models as general priors. Existing methods using latent diffusion models for inverse problems typically rely on simple null text prompts, which can lead to suboptimal performance. To address this limitation, we introduce a method for prompt tuning, which jointly optimizes the text embedding on-the-fly while running the reverse diffusion process. This allows us to generate images that are more faithful to the diffusion prior. In addition, we propose a method to keep the evolution of latent variables within the range space of the encoder, by projection. This helps to reduce image artifacts, a major problem when using latent diffusion models instead of pixel-based diffusion models. Our combined method, called P2L, outperforms both image- and latent-diffusion model-based inverse problem solvers on a variety of tasks, such as super-resolution, deblurring, and inpainting.
Abstract:Image denoisers have been shown to be powerful priors for solving inverse problems in imaging. In this work, we introduce a generalization of these methods that allows any image restoration network to be used as an implicit prior. The proposed method uses priors specified by deep neural networks pre-trained as general restoration operators. The method provides a principled approach for adapting state-of-the-art restoration models for other inverse problems. Our theoretical result analyzes its convergence to a stationary point of a global functional associated with the restoration operator. Numerical results show that the method using a super-resolution prior achieves state-of-the-art performance both quantitatively and qualitatively. Overall, this work offers a step forward for solving inverse problems by enabling the use of powerful pre-trained restoration models as priors.
Abstract:Image resizing operation is a fundamental preprocessing module in modern computer vision. Throughout the deep learning revolution, researchers have overlooked the potential of alternative resizing methods beyond the commonly used resizers that are readily available, such as nearest-neighbors, bilinear, and bicubic. The key question of our interest is whether the front-end resizer affects the performance of deep vision models? In this paper, we present an extremely lightweight multilayer Laplacian resizer with only a handful of trainable parameters, dubbed MULLER resizer. MULLER has a bandpass nature in that it learns to boost details in certain frequency subbands that benefit the downstream recognition models. We show that MULLER can be easily plugged into various training pipelines, and it effectively boosts the performance of the underlying vision task with little to no extra cost. Specifically, we select a state-of-the-art vision Transformer, MaxViT, as the baseline, and show that, if trained with MULLER, MaxViT gains up to 0.6% top-1 accuracy, and meanwhile enjoys 36% inference cost saving to achieve similar top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1k, as compared to the standard training scheme. Notably, MULLER's performance also scales with model size and training data size such as ImageNet-21k and JFT, and it is widely applicable to multiple vision tasks, including image classification, object detection and segmentation, as well as image quality assessment.