University of Cambridge, Google DeepMind
Abstract:As implied by the plethora of literature on graph rewiring, the choice of computational graph employed by a neural network can make a significant impact on its downstream performance. Certain effects related to the computational graph, such as under-reaching and over-squashing, may even render the model incapable of learning certain functions. Most of these effects have only been thoroughly studied in the domain of undirected graphs; however, recent years have seen a significant rise in interest in feedforward computational graphs: directed graphs without any back edges. In this paper, we study the desirable properties of a feedforward computational graph, discovering two important complementary measures: fidelity and mixing time, and evaluating a few popular choices of graphs through the lens of these measures. Our study is backed by both theoretical analyses of the metrics' asymptotic behaviour for various graphs, as well as correlating these metrics to the performance of trained neural network models using the corresponding graphs.
Abstract:Recent years have seen a significant surge in complex AI systems for competitive programming, capable of performing at admirable levels against human competitors. While steady progress has been made, the highest percentiles still remain out of reach for these methods on standard competition platforms such as Codeforces. Here we instead focus on combinatorial competitive programming, where the target is to find as-good-as-possible solutions to otherwise computationally intractable problems, over specific given inputs. We hypothesise that this scenario offers a unique testbed for human-AI synergy, as human programmers can write a backbone of a heuristic solution, after which AI can be used to optimise the scoring function used by the heuristic. We deploy our approach on previous iterations of Hash Code, a global team programming competition inspired by NP-hard software engineering problems at Google, and we leverage FunSearch to evolve our scoring functions. Our evolved solutions significantly improve the attained scores from their baseline, successfully breaking into the top percentile on all previous Hash Code online qualification rounds, and outperforming the top human teams on several. Our method is also performant on an optimisation problem that featured in a recent held-out AtCoder contest.
Abstract:This study explores the intersection of neural networks and classical robotics algorithms through the Neural Algorithmic Reasoning (NAR) framework, allowing to train neural networks to effectively reason like classical robotics algorithms by learning to execute them. Algorithms are integral to robotics and safety-critical applications due to their predictable and consistent performance through logical and mathematical principles. In contrast, while neural networks are highly adaptable, handling complex, high-dimensional data and generalising across tasks, they often lack interpretability and transparency in their internal computations. We propose a Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based learning framework, NAR-*ICP, which learns the intermediate algorithmic steps of classical ICP-based pointcloud registration algorithms, and extend the CLRS Algorithmic Reasoning Benchmark with classical robotics perception algorithms. We evaluate our approach across diverse datasets, from real-world to synthetic, demonstrating its flexibility in handling complex and noisy inputs, along with its potential to be used as part of a larger learning system. Our results indicate that our method achieves superior performance across all benchmarks and datasets, consistently surpassing even the algorithms it has been trained on, further demonstrating its ability to generalise beyond the capabilities of traditional algorithms.
Abstract:Positional Encodings (PEs) are a critical component of Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs), providing the attention mechanism with important sequence-position information. One of the most popular types of encoding used today in LLMs are Rotary Positional Encodings (RoPE), that rotate the queries and keys based on their relative distance. A common belief is that RoPE is useful because it helps to decay token dependency as relative distance increases. In this work, we argue that this is unlikely to be the core reason. We study the internals of a trained Gemma 7B model to understand how RoPE is being used at a mechanical level. We find that Gemma learns to use RoPE to construct robust "positional" attention patterns by exploiting the highest frequencies. We also find that, in general, Gemma greatly prefers to use the lowest frequencies of RoPE, which we suspect are used to carry semantic information. We mathematically prove interesting behaviours of RoPE and conduct experiments to verify our findings, proposing a modification of RoPE that fixes some highlighted issues and improves performance. We believe that this work represents an interesting step in better understanding PEs in LLMs, which we believe holds crucial value for scaling LLMs to large sizes and context lengths.
Abstract:In spite of the plethora of success stories with graph neural networks (GNNs) on modelling graph-structured data, they are notoriously vulnerable to over-squashing, whereby tasks necessitate the mixing of information between distance pairs of nodes. To address this problem, prior work suggests rewiring the graph structure to improve information flow. Alternatively, a significant body of research has dedicated itself to discovering and precomputing bottleneck-free graph structures to ameliorate over-squashing. One well regarded family of bottleneck-free graphs within the mathematical community are expander graphs, with prior work$\unicode{x2014}$Expander Graph Propagation (EGP)$\unicode{x2014}$proposing the use of a well-known expander graph family$\unicode{x2014}$the Cayley graphs of the $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z}_n)$ special linear group$\unicode{x2014}$as a computational template for GNNs. However, in EGP the computational graphs used are truncated to align with a given input graph. In this work, we show that truncation is detrimental to the coveted expansion properties. Instead, we propose CGP, a method to propagate information over a complete Cayley graph structure, thereby ensuring it is bottleneck-free to better alleviate over-squashing. Our empirical evidence across several real-world datasets not only shows that CGP recovers significant improvements as compared to EGP, but it is also akin to or outperforms computationally complex graph rewiring techniques.
Abstract:There has been a growing interest in the ability of neural networks to solve algorithmic tasks, such as arithmetic, summary statistics, and sorting. While state-of-the-art models like Transformers have demonstrated good generalization performance on in-distribution tasks, their out-of-distribution (OOD) performance is poor when trained end-to-end. In this paper, we focus on value generalization, a common instance of OOD generalization where the test distribution has the same input sequence length as the training distribution, but the value ranges in the training and test distributions do not necessarily overlap. To address this issue, we propose that using fixed positional encodings to determine attention weights-referred to as positional attention-enhances empirical OOD performance while maintaining expressivity. We support our claim about expressivity by proving that Transformers with positional attention can effectively simulate parallel algorithms.
Abstract:A key property of reasoning systems is the ability to make sharp decisions on their input data. For contemporary AI systems, a key carrier of sharp behaviour is the softmax function, with its capability to perform differentiable query-key lookups. It is a common belief that the predictive power of networks leveraging softmax arises from "circuits" which sharply perform certain kinds of computations consistently across many diverse inputs. However, for these circuits to be robust, they would need to generalise well to arbitrary valid inputs. In this paper, we dispel this myth: even for tasks as simple as finding the maximum key, any learned circuitry must disperse as the number of items grows at test time. We attribute this to a fundamental limitation of the softmax function to robustly approximate sharp functions, prove this phenomenon theoretically, and propose adaptive temperature as an ad-hoc technique for improving the sharpness of softmax at inference time.
Abstract:Neural algorithmic reasoning (NAR) is an emerging field that seeks to design neural networks that mimic classical algorithmic computations. Today, graph neural networks (GNNs) are widely used in neural algorithmic reasoners due to their message passing framework and permutation equivariance. In this extended abstract, we challenge this design choice, and replace the equivariant aggregation function with a recurrent neural network. While seemingly counter-intuitive, this approach has appropriate grounding when nodes have a natural ordering -- and this is the case frequently in established reasoning benchmarks like CLRS-30. Indeed, our recurrent NAR (RNAR) model performs very strongly on such tasks, while handling many others gracefully. A notable achievement of RNAR is its decisive state-of-the-art result on the Heapsort and Quickselect tasks, both deemed as a significant challenge for contemporary neural algorithmic reasoners -- especially the latter, where RNAR achieves a mean micro-F1 score of 87%.
Abstract:We explore graph rewiring methods that optimise commute time. Recent graph rewiring approaches facilitate long-range interactions in sparse graphs, making such rewirings commute-time-optimal $\textit{on average}$. However, when an expert prior exists on which node pairs should or should not interact, a superior rewiring would favour short commute times between these privileged node pairs. We construct two synthetic datasets with known priors reflecting realistic settings, and use these to motivate two bespoke rewiring methods that incorporate the known prior. We investigate the regimes where our rewiring improves test performance on the synthetic datasets. Finally, we perform a case study on a real-world citation graph to investigate the practical implications of our work.
Abstract:Transformers have revolutionized machine learning with their simple yet effective architecture. Pre-training Transformers on massive text datasets from the Internet has led to unmatched generalization for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. However, such language models remain fragile when tasked with algorithmic forms of reasoning, where computations must be precise and robust. To address this limitation, we propose a novel approach that combines the Transformer's language understanding with the robustness of graph neural network (GNN)-based neural algorithmic reasoners (NARs). Such NARs proved effective as generic solvers for algorithmic tasks, when specified in graph form. To make their embeddings accessible to a Transformer, we propose a hybrid architecture with a two-phase training procedure, allowing the tokens in the language model to cross-attend to the node embeddings from the NAR. We evaluate our resulting TransNAR model on CLRS-Text, the text-based version of the CLRS-30 benchmark, and demonstrate significant gains over Transformer-only models for algorithmic reasoning, both in and out of distribution.