Abstract:The exponential increase in orbital debris and active satellites will lead to congested orbits, necessitating more frequent collision avoidance maneuvers by satellites. To minimize fuel consumption while ensuring the safety of satellites, enforcing a chance constraint, which poses an upper bound in collision probability with debris, can serve as an intuitive safety measure. However, accurately evaluating collision probability, which is critical for the effective implementation of chance constraints, remains a non-trivial task. This difficulty arises because uncertainty propagation in nonlinear orbit dynamics typically provides only limited information, such as finite samples or moment estimates about the underlying arbitrary non-Gaussian distributions. Furthermore, even if the full distribution were known, it remains unclear how to effectively compute chance constraints with such non-Gaussian distributions. To address these challenges, we propose a distributionally robust chance-constrained collision avoidance algorithm that provides a sufficient condition for collision probabilities under limited information about the underlying non-Gaussian distribution. Our distributionally robust approach satisfies the chance constraint for all debris position distributions sharing a given mean and covariance, thereby enabling the enforcement of chance constraints with limited distributional information. To achieve computational tractability, the chance constraint is approximated using a Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) constraint, which gives a conservative and tractable approximation of the distributionally robust chance constraint. We validate our algorithm on a real-world inspired satellite-debris conjunction scenario with different uncertainty propagation methods and show that our controller can effectively avoid collisions.
Abstract:Modern-world robotics involves complex environments where multiple autonomous agents must interact with each other and other humans. This necessitates advanced interactive multi-agent motion planning techniques. Generalized Nash equilibrium(GNE), a solution concept in constrained game theory, provides a mathematical model to predict the outcome of interactive motion planning, where each agent needs to account for other agents in the environment. However, in practice, multiple local GNEs may exist. Finding a single GNE itself is complex as it requires solving coupled constrained optimal control problems. Furthermore, finding all such local GNEs requires exploring the solution space of GNEs, which is a challenging task. This work proposes the MultiNash-PF framework to efficiently compute multiple local GNEs in constrained trajectory games. Potential games are a class of games for which a local GNE of a trajectory game can be found by solving a single constrained optimal control problem. We propose MultiNash-PF that integrates the potential game approach with implicit particle filtering, a sample-efficient method for non-convex trajectory optimization. We first formulate the underlying game as a constrained potential game and then utilize the implicit particle filtering to identify the coarse estimates of multiple local minimizers of the game's potential function. MultiNash-PF then refines these estimates with optimization solvers, obtaining different local GNEs. We show through numerical simulations that MultiNash-PF reduces computation time by up to 50\% compared to a baseline approach.
Abstract:When working around humans, it is important to model their perception limitations in order to predict their behavior more accurately. In this work, we consider agents with a limited field of view, viewing range, and ability to miss objects within viewing range (e.g., transparency). By considering the observation model independently from the motion policy, we can better predict the agent's behavior by considering these limitations and approximating them. We perform a user study where human operators navigate a cluttered scene while scanning the region for obstacles with a limited field of view and range. Using imitation learning, we show that a robot can adopt a human's strategy for observing an environment with limitations on observation and navigate with minimal collision with dynamic and static obstacles. We also show that this learned model helps it successfully navigate a physical hardware vehicle in real time.
Abstract:Effective environment perception is crucial for enabling downstream robotic applications. Individual robotic agents often face occlusion and limited visibility issues, whereas multi-agent systems can offer a more comprehensive mapping of the environment, quicker coverage, and increased fault tolerance. In this paper, we propose a collaborative multi-agent perception system where agents collectively learn a neural radiance field (NeRF) from posed RGB images to represent a scene. Each agent processes its local sensory data and shares only its learned NeRF model with other agents, reducing communication overhead. Given NeRF's low memory footprint, this approach is well-suited for robotic systems with limited bandwidth, where transmitting all raw data is impractical. Our distributed learning framework ensures consistency across agents' local NeRF models, enabling convergence to a unified scene representation. We show the effectiveness of our method through an extensive set of experiments on datasets containing challenging real-world scenes, achieving performance comparable to centralized mapping of the environment where data is sent to a central server for processing. Additionally, we find that multi-agent learning provides regularization benefits, improving geometric consistency in scenarios with sparse input views. We show that in such scenarios, multi-agent mapping can even outperform centralized training.
Abstract:Curriculum learning is a training mechanism in reinforcement learning (RL) that facilitates the achievement of complex policies by progressively increasing the task difficulty during training. However, designing effective curricula for a specific task often requires extensive domain knowledge and human intervention, which limits its applicability across various domains. Our core idea is that large language models (LLMs), with their extensive training on diverse language data and ability to encapsulate world knowledge, present significant potential for efficiently breaking down tasks and decomposing skills across various robotics environments. Additionally, the demonstrated success of LLMs in translating natural language into executable code for RL agents strengthens their role in generating task curricula. In this work, we propose CurricuLLM, which leverages the high-level planning and programming capabilities of LLMs for curriculum design, thereby enhancing the efficient learning of complex target tasks. CurricuLLM consists of: (Step 1) Generating sequence of subtasks that aid target task learning in natural language form, (Step 2) Translating natural language description of subtasks in executable task code, including the reward code and goal distribution code, and (Step 3) Evaluating trained policies based on trajectory rollout and subtask description. We evaluate CurricuLLM in various robotics simulation environments, ranging from manipulation, navigation, and locomotion, to show that CurricuLLM can aid learning complex robot control tasks. In addition, we validate humanoid locomotion policy learned through CurricuLLM in real-world. The code is provided in https://github.com/labicon/CurricuLLM
Abstract:Imitation Learning (IL) strategies are used to generate policies for robot motion planning and navigation by learning from human trajectories. Recently, there has been a lot of excitement in applying IL in social interactions arising in urban environments such as university campuses, restaurants, grocery stores, and hospitals. However, obtaining numerous expert demonstrations in social settings might be expensive, risky, or even impossible. Current approaches therefore, focus only on simulated social interaction scenarios. This raises the question: \textit{How can a robot learn to imitate an expert demonstrator from real world multi-agent social interaction scenarios}? It remains unknown which, if any, IL methods perform well and what assumptions they require. We benchmark representative IL methods in real world social interaction scenarios on a motion planning task, using a novel pedestrian intersection dataset collected at the University of Texas at Austin campus. Our evaluation reveals two key findings: first, learning multi-agent cost functions is required for learning the diverse behavior modes of agents in tightly coupled interactions and second, conditioning the training of IL methods on partial state information or providing global information in simulation can improve imitation learning, especially in real world social interaction scenarios.
Abstract:Learning from Demonstration (LfD) can be an efficient way to train systems with analogous agents by enabling ``Student'' agents to learn from the demonstrations of the most experienced ``Teacher'' agent, instead of training their policy in parallel. However, when there are discrepancies in agent capabilities, such as divergent actuator power or joint angle constraints, naively replicating demonstrations that are out of bounds for the Student's capability can limit efficient learning. We present a Teacher-Student learning framework specifically tailored to address the challenge of heterogeneity between the Teacher and Student agents. Our framework is based on the concept of ``surprise'', inspired by its application in exploration incentivization in sparse-reward environments. Surprise is repurposed to enable the Teacher to detect and adapt to differences between itself and the Student. By focusing on maximizing its surprise in response to the environment while concurrently minimizing the Student's surprise in response to the demonstrations, the Teacher agent can effectively tailor its demonstrations to the Student's specific capabilities and constraints. We validate our method by demonstrating improvements in the Student's learning in control tasks within sparse-reward environments.
Abstract:In this paper, we seek to learn a robot policy guaranteed to satisfy state constraints. To encourage constraint satisfaction, existing RL algorithms typically rely on Constrained Markov Decision Processes and discourage constraint violations through reward shaping. However, such soft constraints cannot offer verifiable safety guarantees. To address this gap, we propose POLICEd RL, a novel RL algorithm explicitly designed to enforce affine hard constraints in closed-loop with a black-box environment. Our key insight is to force the learned policy to be affine around the unsafe set and use this affine region as a repulsive buffer to prevent trajectories from violating the constraint. We prove that such policies exist and guarantee constraint satisfaction. Our proposed framework is applicable to both systems with continuous and discrete state and action spaces and is agnostic to the choice of the RL training algorithm. Our results demonstrate the capacity of POLICEd RL to enforce hard constraints in robotic tasks while significantly outperforming existing methods.
Abstract:Ensuring safe navigation in human-populated environments is crucial for autonomous mobile robots. Although recent advances in machine learning offer promising methods to predict human trajectories in crowded areas, it remains unclear how one can safely incorporate these learned models into a control loop due to the uncertain nature of human motion, which can make predictions of these models imprecise. In this work, we address this challenge and introduce a distributionally robust chance-constrained model predictive control (DRCC-MPC) which: (i) adopts a probability of collision as a pre-specified, interpretable risk metric, and (ii) offers robustness against discrepancies between actual human trajectories and their predictions. We consider the risk of collision in the form of a chance constraint, providing an interpretable measure of robot safety. To enable real-time evaluation of chance constraints, we consider conservative approximations of chance constraints in the form of distributionally robust Conditional Value at Risk constraints. The resulting formulation offers computational efficiency as well as robustness with respect to out-of-distribution human motion. With the parallelization of a sampling-based optimization technique, our method operates in real-time, demonstrating successful and safe navigation in a number of case studies with real-world pedestrian data.
Abstract:Optimal decision-making presents a significant challenge for autonomous systems operating in uncertain, stochastic and time-varying environments. Environmental variability over time can significantly impact the system's optimal decision making strategy for mission completion. To model such environments, our work combines the previous notion of Time-Varying Markov Decision Processes (TVMDP) with partial observability and introduces Time-Varying Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (TV-POMDP). We propose a two-pronged approach to accurately estimate and plan within the TV-POMDP: 1) Memory Prioritized State Estimation (MPSE), which leverages weighted memory to provide more accurate time-varying transition estimates; and 2) an MPSE-integrated planning strategy that optimizes long-term rewards while accounting for temporal constraint. We validate the proposed framework and algorithms using simulations and hardware, with robots exploring a partially observable, time-varying environments. Our results demonstrate superior performance over standard methods, highlighting the framework's effectiveness in stochastic, uncertain, time-varying domains.