Abstract:We investigate the approximation and estimation rates of conditional diffusion transformers (DiTs) with classifier-free guidance. We present a comprehensive analysis for ``in-context'' conditional DiTs under four common data assumptions. We show that both conditional DiTs and their latent variants lead to the minimax optimality of unconditional DiTs under identified settings. Specifically, we discretize the input domains into infinitesimal grids and then perform a term-by-term Taylor expansion on the conditional diffusion score function under H\"older smooth data assumption. This enables fine-grained use of transformers' universal approximation through a more detailed piecewise constant approximation and hence obtains tighter bounds. Additionally, we extend our analysis to the latent setting under the linear latent subspace assumption. We not only show that latent conditional DiTs achieve lower bounds than conditional DiTs both in approximation and estimation, but also show the minimax optimality of latent unconditional DiTs. Our findings establish statistical limits for conditional and unconditional DiTs, and offer practical guidance toward developing more efficient and accurate DiT models.
Abstract:Transformer-based autoregressive sampling has been the major bottleneck for slowing down large language model inferences. One effective way to accelerate inference is \emph{Speculative Decoding}, which employs a small model to sample a sequence of draft tokens and a large model to validate. Given its empirical effectiveness, the theoretical understanding of Speculative Decoding is falling behind. This paper tackles this gap by conceptualizing the decoding problem via markov chain abstraction and studying the key properties, \emph{output quality and inference acceleration}, from a theoretical perspective. Our analysis covers the theoretical limits of speculative decoding, batch algorithms, and output quality-inference acceleration tradeoffs. Our results reveal the fundamental connections between different components of LLMs via total variation distances and show how they jointly affect the efficiency of decoding algorithms.
Abstract:Diffusion Transformer, the backbone of Sora for video generation, successfully scales the capacity of diffusion models, pioneering new avenues for high-fidelity sequential data generation. Unlike static data such as images, sequential data consists of consecutive data frames indexed by time, exhibiting rich spatial and temporal dependencies. These dependencies represent the underlying dynamic model and are critical to validate the generated data. In this paper, we make the first theoretical step towards bridging diffusion transformers for capturing spatial-temporal dependencies. Specifically, we establish score approximation and distribution estimation guarantees of diffusion transformers for learning Gaussian process data with covariance functions of various decay patterns. We highlight how the spatial-temporal dependencies are captured and affect learning efficiency. Our study proposes a novel transformer approximation theory, where the transformer acts to unroll an algorithm. We support our theoretical results by numerical experiments, providing strong evidence that spatial-temporal dependencies are captured within attention layers, aligning with our approximation theory.
Abstract:Diffusion models have revolutionized various application domains, including computer vision and audio generation. Despite the state-of-the-art performance, diffusion models are known for their slow sample generation due to the extensive number of steps involved. In response, consistency models have been developed to merge multiple steps in the sampling process, thereby significantly boosting the speed of sample generation without compromising quality. This paper contributes towards the first statistical theory for consistency models, formulating their training as a distribution discrepancy minimization problem. Our analysis yields statistical estimation rates based on the Wasserstein distance for consistency models, matching those of vanilla diffusion models. Additionally, our results encompass the training of consistency models through both distillation and isolation methods, demystifying their underlying advantage.
Abstract:Diffusion models have demonstrated empirical successes in various applications and can be adapted to task-specific needs via guidance. This paper introduces a form of gradient guidance for adapting or fine-tuning diffusion models towards user-specified optimization objectives. We study the theoretic aspects of a guided score-based sampling process, linking the gradient-guided diffusion model to first-order optimization. We show that adding gradient guidance to the sampling process of a pre-trained diffusion model is essentially equivalent to solving a regularized optimization problem, where the regularization term acts as a prior determined by the pre-training data. Diffusion models are able to learn data's latent subspace, however, explicitly adding the gradient of an external objective function to the sample process would jeopardize the structure in generated samples. To remedy this issue, we consider a modified form of gradient guidance based on a forward prediction loss, which leverages the pre-trained score function to preserve the latent structure in generated samples. We further consider an iteratively fine-tuned version of gradient-guided diffusion where one can query gradients at newly generated data points and update the score network using new samples. This process mimics a first-order optimization iteration in expectation, for which we proved O(1/K) convergence rate to the global optimum when the objective function is concave.
Abstract:Diffusion models, a powerful and universal generative AI technology, have achieved tremendous success in computer vision, audio, reinforcement learning, and computational biology. In these applications, diffusion models provide flexible high-dimensional data modeling, and act as a sampler for generating new samples under active guidance towards task-desired properties. Despite the significant empirical success, theory of diffusion models is very limited, potentially slowing down principled methodological innovations for further harnessing and improving diffusion models. In this paper, we review emerging applications of diffusion models, understanding their sample generation under various controls. Next, we overview the existing theories of diffusion models, covering their statistical properties and sampling capabilities. We adopt a progressive routine, beginning with unconditional diffusion models and connecting to conditional counterparts. Further, we review a new avenue in high-dimensional structured optimization through conditional diffusion models, where searching for solutions is reformulated as a conditional sampling problem and solved by diffusion models. Lastly, we discuss future directions about diffusion models. The purpose of this paper is to provide a well-rounded theoretical exposure for stimulating forward-looking theories and methods of diffusion models.
Abstract:Generative AI has redefined artificial intelligence, enabling the creation of innovative content and customized solutions that drive business practices into a new era of efficiency and creativity. In this paper, we focus on diffusion models, a powerful generative AI technology, and investigate their potential for black-box optimization over complex structured variables. Consider the practical scenario where one wants to optimize some structured design in a high-dimensional space, based on massive unlabeled data (representing design variables) and a small labeled dataset. We study two practical types of labels: 1) noisy measurements of a real-valued reward function and 2) human preference based on pairwise comparisons. The goal is to generate new designs that are near-optimal and preserve the designed latent structures. Our proposed method reformulates the design optimization problem into a conditional sampling problem, which allows us to leverage the power of diffusion models for modeling complex distributions. In particular, we propose a reward-directed conditional diffusion model, to be trained on the mixed data, for sampling a near-optimal solution conditioned on high predicted rewards. Theoretically, we establish sub-optimality error bounds for the generated designs. The sub-optimality gap nearly matches the optimal guarantee in off-policy bandits, demonstrating the efficiency of reward-directed diffusion models for black-box optimization. Moreover, when the data admits a low-dimensional latent subspace structure, our model efficiently generates high-fidelity designs that closely respect the latent structure. We provide empirical experiments validating our model in decision-making and content-creation tasks.
Abstract:Conditional diffusion models serve as the foundation of modern image synthesis and find extensive application in fields like computational biology and reinforcement learning. In these applications, conditional diffusion models incorporate various conditional information, such as prompt input, to guide the sample generation towards desired properties. Despite the empirical success, theory of conditional diffusion models is largely missing. This paper bridges this gap by presenting a sharp statistical theory of distribution estimation using conditional diffusion models. Our analysis yields a sample complexity bound that adapts to the smoothness of the data distribution and matches the minimax lower bound. The key to our theoretical development lies in an approximation result for the conditional score function, which relies on a novel diffused Taylor approximation technique. Moreover, we demonstrate the utility of our statistical theory in elucidating the performance of conditional diffusion models across diverse applications, including model-based transition kernel estimation in reinforcement learning, solving inverse problems, and reward conditioned sample generation.
Abstract:Diffusion models benefit from instillation of task-specific information into the score function to steer the sample generation towards desired properties. Such information is coined as guidance. For example, in text-to-image synthesis, text input is encoded as guidance to generate semantically aligned images. Proper guidance inputs are closely tied to the performance of diffusion models. A common observation is that strong guidance promotes a tight alignment to the task-specific information, while reducing the diversity of the generated samples. In this paper, we provide the first theoretical study towards understanding the influence of guidance on diffusion models in the context of Gaussian mixture models. Under mild conditions, we prove that incorporating diffusion guidance not only boosts classification confidence but also diminishes distribution diversity, leading to a reduction in the differential entropy of the output distribution. Our analysis covers the widely adopted sampling schemes including DDPM and DDIM, and leverages comparison inequalities for differential equations as well as the Fokker-Planck equation that characterizes the evolution of probability density function, which may be of independent theoretical interest.
Abstract:A recently popular approach to solving reinforcement learning is with data from human preferences. In fact, human preference data are now used with classic reinforcement learning algorithms such as actor-critic methods, which involve evaluating an intermediate policy over a reward learned from human preference data with distribution shift, known as off-policy evaluation (OPE). Such algorithm includes (i) learning reward function from human preference dataset, and (ii) learning expected cumulative reward of a target policy. Despite the huge empirical success, existing OPE methods with preference data often lack theoretical understanding and rely heavily on heuristics. In this paper, we study the sample efficiency of OPE with human preference and establish a statistical guarantee for it. Specifically, we approach OPE by learning the value function by fitted-Q-evaluation with a deep neural network. By appropriately selecting the size of a ReLU network, we show that one can leverage any low-dimensional manifold structure in the Markov decision process and obtain a sample-efficient estimator without suffering from the curse of high data ambient dimensionality. Under the assumption of high reward smoothness, our results \textit{almost align with the classical OPE results with observable reward data}. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result that establishes a \textit{provably efficient} guarantee for off-policy evaluation with RLHF.