Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has attracted significant attention for its high-quality novel view rendering, inspiring research to address real-world challenges. While conventional methods depend on sharp images for accurate scene reconstruction, real-world scenarios are often affected by defocus blur due to finite depth of field, making it essential to account for realistic 3D scene representation. In this study, we propose CoCoGaussian, a Circle of Confusion-aware Gaussian Splatting that enables precise 3D scene representation using only defocused images. CoCoGaussian addresses the challenge of defocus blur by modeling the Circle of Confusion (CoC) through a physically grounded approach based on the principles of photographic defocus. Exploiting 3D Gaussians, we compute the CoC diameter from depth and learnable aperture information, generating multiple Gaussians to precisely capture the CoC shape. Furthermore, we introduce a learnable scaling factor to enhance robustness and provide more flexibility in handling unreliable depth in scenes with reflective or refractive surfaces. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that CoCoGaussian achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple benchmarks.
Abstract:Video monocular depth estimation is essential for applications such as autonomous driving, AR/VR, and robotics. Recent transformer-based single-image monocular depth estimation models perform well on single images but struggle with depth consistency across video frames. Traditional methods aim to improve temporal consistency using multi-frame temporal modules or prior information like optical flow and camera parameters. However, these approaches face issues such as high memory use, reduced performance with dynamic or irregular motion, and limited motion understanding. We propose STATIC, a novel model that independently learns temporal consistency in static and dynamic area without additional information. A difference mask from surface normals identifies static and dynamic area by measuring directional variance. For static area, the Masked Static (MS) module enhances temporal consistency by focusing on stable regions. For dynamic area, the Surface Normal Similarity (SNS) module aligns areas and enhances temporal consistency by measuring feature similarity between frames. A final refinement integrates the independently learned static and dynamic area, enabling STATIC to achieve temporal consistency across the entire sequence. Our method achieves state-of-the-art video depth estimation on the KITTI and NYUv2 datasets without additional information.
Abstract:Open-vocabulary semantic segmentation aims to assign pixel-level labels to images across an unlimited range of classes. Traditional methods address this by sequentially connecting a powerful mask proposal generator, such as the Segment Anything Model (SAM), with a pre-trained vision-language model like CLIP. But these two-stage approaches often suffer from high computational costs, memory inefficiencies. In this paper, we propose ESC-Net, a novel one-stage open-vocabulary segmentation model that leverages the SAM decoder blocks for class-agnostic segmentation within an efficient inference framework. By embedding pseudo prompts generated from image-text correlations into SAM's promptable segmentation framework, ESC-Net achieves refined spatial aggregation for accurate mask predictions. ESC-Net achieves superior performance on standard benchmarks, including ADE20K, PASCAL-VOC, and PASCAL-Context, outperforming prior methods in both efficiency and accuracy. Comprehensive ablation studies further demonstrate its robustness across challenging conditions.
Abstract:In many video processing tasks, leveraging large-scale image datasets is a common strategy, as image data is more abundant and facilitates comprehensive knowledge transfer. A typical approach for simulating video from static images involves applying spatial transformations, such as affine transformations and spline warping, to create sequences that mimic temporal progression. However, in tasks like video salient object detection, where both appearance and motion cues are critical, these basic image-to-video techniques fail to produce realistic optical flows that capture the independent motion properties of each object. In this study, we show that image-to-video diffusion models can generate realistic transformations of static images while understanding the contextual relationships between image components. This ability allows the model to generate plausible optical flows, preserving semantic integrity while reflecting the independent motion of scene elements. By augmenting individual images in this way, we create large-scale image-flow pairs that significantly enhance model training. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance across all public benchmark datasets, outperforming existing approaches.
Abstract:Propagation-based video inpainting using optical flow at the pixel or feature level has recently garnered significant attention. However, it has limitations such as the inaccuracy of optical flow prediction and the propagation of noise over time. These issues result in non-uniform noise and time consistency problems throughout the video, which are particularly pronounced when the removed area is large and involves substantial movement. To address these issues, we propose a novel First Frame Filling Video Diffusion Inpainting model (FFF-VDI). We design FFF-VDI inspired by the capabilities of pre-trained image-to-video diffusion models that can transform the first frame image into a highly natural video. To apply this to the video inpainting task, we propagate the noise latent information of future frames to fill the masked areas of the first frame's noise latent code. Next, we fine-tune the pre-trained image-to-video diffusion model to generate the inpainted video. The proposed model addresses the limitations of existing methods that rely on optical flow quality, producing much more natural and temporally consistent videos. This proposed approach is the first to effectively integrate image-to-video diffusion models into video inpainting tasks. Through various comparative experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed model can robustly handle diverse inpainting types with high quality.
Abstract:Recent studies construct deblurred neural radiance fields (DeRF) using dozens of blurry images, which are not practical scenarios if only a limited number of blurry images are available. This paper focuses on constructing DeRF from sparse-view for more pragmatic real-world scenarios. As observed in our experiments, establishing DeRF from sparse views proves to be a more challenging problem due to the inherent complexity arising from the simultaneous optimization of blur kernels and NeRF from sparse view. Sparse-DeRF successfully regularizes the complicated joint optimization, presenting alleviated overfitting artifacts and enhanced quality on radiance fields. The regularization consists of three key components: Surface smoothness, helps the model accurately predict the scene structure utilizing unseen and additional hidden rays derived from the blur kernel based on statistical tendencies of real-world; Modulated gradient scaling, helps the model adjust the amount of the backpropagated gradient according to the arrangements of scene objects; Perceptual distillation improves the perceptual quality by overcoming the ill-posed multi-view inconsistency of image deblurring and distilling the pre-filtered information, compensating for the lack of clean information in blurry images. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the Sparse-DeRF with extensive quantitative and qualitative experimental results by training DeRF from 2-view, 4-view, and 6-view blurry images.
Abstract:Neural radiance fields (NeRF) has attracted considerable attention for their exceptional ability in synthesizing novel views with high fidelity. However, the presence of motion blur, resulting from slight camera movements during extended shutter exposures, poses a significant challenge, potentially compromising the quality of the reconstructed 3D scenes. While recent studies have addressed this issue, they do not consider the continuous dynamics of camera movements during image acquisition, leading to inaccurate scene reconstruction. Additionally, these methods are plagued by slow training and rendering speed. To effectively handle these issues, we propose sequential motion understanding radiance fields (SMURF), a novel approach that employs neural ordinary differential equation (Neural-ODE) to model continuous camera motion and leverages the explicit volumetric representation method for faster training and robustness to motion-blurred input images. The core idea of the SMURF is continuous motion blurring kernel (CMBK), a unique module designed to model a continuous camera movements for processing blurry inputs. Our model, rigorously evaluated against benchmark datasets, demonstrates state-of-the-art performance both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Abstract:Referring Image Segmentation (RIS) aims to segment target objects expressed in natural language within a scene at the pixel level. Various recent RIS models have achieved state-of-the-art performance by generating contextual tokens to model multimodal features from pretrained encoders and effectively fusing them using transformer-based cross-modal attention. While these methods match language features with image features to effectively identify likely target objects, they often struggle to correctly understand contextual information in complex and ambiguous sentences and scenes. To address this issue, we propose a novel bidirectional token-masking autoencoder (BTMAE) inspired by the masked autoencoder (MAE). The proposed model learns the context of image-to-language and language-to-image by reconstructing missing features in both image and language features at the token level. In other words, this approach involves mutually complementing across the features of images and language, with a focus on enabling the network to understand interconnected deep contextual information between the two modalities. This learning method enhances the robustness of RIS performance in complex sentences and scenes. Our BTMAE achieves state-of-the-art performance on three popular datasets, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method through various ablation studies.
Abstract:Bayesian optimization (BO) has emerged as a potent tool for addressing intricate decision-making challenges, especially in public policy domains such as police districting. However, its broader application in public policymaking is hindered by the complexity of defining feasible regions and the high-dimensionality of decisions. This paper introduces the Hidden-Constrained Latent Space Bayesian Optimization (HC-LSBO), a novel BO method integrated with a latent decision model. This approach leverages a variational autoencoder to learn the distribution of feasible decisions, enabling a two-way mapping between the original decision space and a lower-dimensional latent space. By doing so, HC-LSBO captures the nuances of hidden constraints inherent in public policymaking, allowing for optimization in the latent space while evaluating objectives in the original space. We validate our method through numerical experiments on both synthetic and real data sets, with a specific focus on large-scale police districting problems in Atlanta, Georgia. Our results reveal that HC-LSBO offers notable improvements in performance and efficiency compared to the baselines.
Abstract:In general, hand pose estimation aims to improve the robustness of model performance in the real-world scenes. However, it is difficult to enhance the robustness since existing datasets are obtained in restricted environments to annotate 3D information. Although neural networks quantitatively achieve a high estimation accuracy, unsatisfied results can be observed in visual quality. This discrepancy between quantitative results and their visual qualities remains an open issue in the hand pose representation. To this end, we propose a mesh represented recycle learning strategy for 3D hand pose and mesh estimation which reinforces synthesized hand mesh representation in a training phase. To be specific, a hand pose and mesh estimation model first predicts parametric 3D hand annotations (i.e., 3D keypoint positions and vertices for hand mesh) with real-world hand images in the training phase. Second, synthetic hand images are generated with self-estimated hand mesh representations. After that, the synthetic hand images are fed into the same model again. Thus, the proposed learning strategy simultaneously improves quantitative results and visual qualities by reinforcing synthetic mesh representation. To encourage consistency between original model output and its recycled one, we propose self-correlation loss which maximizes the accuracy and reliability of our learning strategy. Consequently, the model effectively conducts self-refinement on hand pose estimation by learning mesh representation from its own output. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our learning strategy, we provide extensive experiments on FreiHAND dataset. Notably, our learning strategy improves the performance on hand pose and mesh estimation without any extra computational burden during the inference.