Abstract:State classification of objects and their relations is core to many long-horizon tasks, particularly in robot planning and manipulation. However, the combinatorial explosion of possible object-predicate combinations, coupled with the need to adapt to novel real-world environments, makes it a desideratum for state classification models to generalize to novel queries with few examples. To this end, we propose PHIER, which leverages predicate hierarchies to generalize effectively in few-shot scenarios. PHIER uses an object-centric scene encoder, self-supervised losses that infer semantic relations between predicates, and a hyperbolic distance metric that captures hierarchical structure; it learns a structured latent space of image-predicate pairs that guides reasoning over state classification queries. We evaluate PHIER in the CALVIN and BEHAVIOR robotic environments and show that PHIER significantly outperforms existing methods in few-shot, out-of-distribution state classification, and demonstrates strong zero- and few-shot generalization from simulated to real-world tasks. Our results demonstrate that leveraging predicate hierarchies improves performance on state classification tasks with limited data.
Abstract:A unique aspect of human visual understanding is the ability to flexibly interpret abstract concepts: acquiring lifted rules explaining what they symbolize, grounding them across familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and making predictions or reasoning about them. While off-the-shelf vision-language models excel at making literal interpretations of images (e.g., recognizing object categories such as tree branches), they still struggle to make sense of such visual abstractions (e.g., how an arrangement of tree branches may form the walls of a maze). To address this challenge, we introduce Deep Schema Grounding (DSG), a framework that leverages explicit structured representations of visual abstractions for grounding and reasoning. At the core of DSG are schemas--dependency graph descriptions of abstract concepts that decompose them into more primitive-level symbols. DSG uses large language models to extract schemas, then hierarchically grounds concrete to abstract components of the schema onto images with vision-language models. The grounded schema is used to augment visual abstraction understanding. We systematically evaluate DSG and different methods in reasoning on our new Visual Abstractions Dataset, which consists of diverse, real-world images of abstract concepts and corresponding question-answer pairs labeled by humans. We show that DSG significantly improves the abstract visual reasoning performance of vision-language models, and is a step toward human-aligned understanding of visual abstractions.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose composable part-based manipulation (CPM), a novel approach that leverages object-part decomposition and part-part correspondences to improve learning and generalization of robotic manipulation skills. By considering the functional correspondences between object parts, we conceptualize functional actions, such as pouring and constrained placing, as combinations of different correspondence constraints. CPM comprises a collection of composable diffusion models, where each model captures a different inter-object correspondence. These diffusion models can generate parameters for manipulation skills based on the specific object parts. Leveraging part-based correspondences coupled with the task decomposition into distinct constraints enables strong generalization to novel objects and object categories. We validate our approach in both simulated and real-world scenarios, demonstrating its effectiveness in achieving robust and generalized manipulation capabilities.
Abstract:This paper presents a framework for learning state and action abstractions in sequential decision-making domains. Our framework, planning abstraction from language (PARL), utilizes language-annotated demonstrations to automatically discover a symbolic and abstract action space and induce a latent state abstraction based on it. PARL consists of three stages: 1) recovering object-level and action concepts, 2) learning state abstractions, abstract action feasibility, and transition models, and 3) applying low-level policies for abstract actions. During inference, given the task description, PARL first makes abstract action plans using the latent transition and feasibility functions, then refines the high-level plan using low-level policies. PARL generalizes across scenarios involving novel object instances and environments, unseen concept compositions, and tasks that require longer planning horizons than settings it is trained on.
Abstract:3D visual grounding is a challenging task that often requires direct and dense supervision, notably the semantic label for each object in the scene. In this paper, we instead study the naturally supervised setting that learns from only 3D scene and QA pairs, where prior works underperform. We propose the Language-Regularized Concept Learner (LARC), which uses constraints from language as regularization to significantly improve the accuracy of neuro-symbolic concept learners in the naturally supervised setting. Our approach is based on two core insights: the first is that language constraints (e.g., a word's relation to another) can serve as effective regularization for structured representations in neuro-symbolic models; the second is that we can query large language models to distill such constraints from language properties. We show that LARC improves performance of prior works in naturally supervised 3D visual grounding, and demonstrates a wide range of 3D visual reasoning capabilities-from zero-shot composition, to data efficiency and transferability. Our method represents a promising step towards regularizing structured visual reasoning frameworks with language-based priors, for learning in settings without dense supervision.
Abstract:While large multimodal models excel in broad vision-language benchmarks, they often struggle with tasks requiring precise perception of low-level visual details, such as comparing line lengths or solving simple mazes. In particular, this failure mode persists in question-answering tasks about vector graphics -- images composed purely of 2D objects and shapes. To address this challenge, we propose the Visually Descriptive Language Model (VDLM), which performs text-based reasoning about vector graphics. VDLM leverages Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for a more precise visual description and first uses an off-the-shelf raster-to-SVG algorithm for encoding. Since existing language models cannot understand raw SVGs in a zero-shot setting, VDLM then bridges SVG with pretrained language models through a newly introduced intermediate symbolic representation, Primal Visual Description (PVD), comprising primitive attributes (e.g., shape, position, measurement) with their corresponding predicted values. PVD is task-agnostic and represents visual primitives that are universal across all vector graphics. It can be learned with procedurally generated (SVG, PVD) pairs and also enables the direct use of LLMs for generalization to complex reasoning tasks. By casting an image to a text-based representation, we can leverage the power of language models to learn alignment from SVG to visual primitives and generalize to unseen question-answering tasks. Empirical results show that VDLM achieves stronger zero-shot performance compared to state-of-the-art LMMs, such as GPT-4V, in various low-level multimodal perception and reasoning tasks on vector graphics. We additionally present extensive analyses on VDLM's performance, demonstrating that our framework offers better interpretability due to its disentangled perception and reasoning processes. Project page: https://mikewangwzhl.github.io/VDLM/
Abstract:Recent works such as VisProg and ViperGPT have smartly composed foundation models for visual reasoning-using large language models (LLMs) to produce programs that can be executed by pre-trained vision-language models. However, they operate in limited domains, such as 2D images, not fully exploiting the generalization of language: abstract concepts like "left" can also be grounded in 3D, temporal, and action data, as in moving to your left. This limited generalization stems from these inference-only methods' inability to learn or adapt pre-trained models to a new domain. We propose the Logic-Enhanced Foundation Model (LEFT), a unified framework that learns to ground and reason with concepts across domains with a differentiable, domain-independent, first-order logic-based program executor. LEFT has an LLM interpreter that outputs a program represented in a general, logic-based reasoning language, which is shared across all domains and tasks. LEFT's executor then executes the program with trainable domain-specific grounding modules. We show that LEFT flexibly learns concepts in four domains: 2D images, 3D scenes, human motions, and robotic manipulation. It exhibits strong reasoning ability in a wide variety of tasks, including those that are complex and not seen during training, and can be easily applied to new domains.
Abstract:In order to build artificial intelligence systems that can perceive and reason with human behavior in the real world, we must first design models that conduct complex spatio-temporal reasoning over motion sequences. Moving towards this goal, we propose the HumanMotionQA task to evaluate complex, multi-step reasoning abilities of models on long-form human motion sequences. We generate a dataset of question-answer pairs that require detecting motor cues in small portions of motion sequences, reasoning temporally about when events occur, and querying specific motion attributes. In addition, we propose NSPose, a neuro-symbolic method for this task that uses symbolic reasoning and a modular design to ground motion through learning motion concepts, attribute neural operators, and temporal relations. We demonstrate the suitability of NSPose for the HumanMotionQA task, outperforming all baseline methods.
Abstract:Robots operating in the real world require both rich manipulation skills as well as the ability to semantically reason about when to apply those skills. Towards this goal, recent works have integrated semantic representations from large-scale pretrained vision-language (VL) models into manipulation models, imparting them with more general reasoning capabilities. However, we show that the conventional pretraining-finetuning pipeline for integrating such representations entangles the learning of domain-specific action information and domain-general visual information, leading to less data-efficient training and poor generalization to unseen objects and tasks. To this end, we propose ProgramPort, a modular approach to better leverage pretrained VL models by exploiting the syntactic and semantic structures of language instructions. Our framework uses a semantic parser to recover an executable program, composed of functional modules grounded on vision and action across different modalities. Each functional module is realized as a combination of deterministic computation and learnable neural networks. Program execution produces parameters to general manipulation primitives for a robotic end-effector. The entire modular network can be trained with end-to-end imitation learning objectives. Experiments show that our model successfully disentangles action and perception, translating to improved zero-shot and compositional generalization in a variety of manipulation behaviors. Project webpage at: \url{https://progport.github.io}.
Abstract:Grounding object properties and relations in 3D scenes is a prerequisite for a wide range of artificial intelligence tasks, such as visually grounded dialogues and embodied manipulation. However, the variability of the 3D domain induces two fundamental challenges: 1) the expense of labeling and 2) the complexity of 3D grounded language. Hence, essential desiderata for models are to be data-efficient, generalize to different data distributions and tasks with unseen semantic forms, as well as ground complex language semantics (e.g., view-point anchoring and multi-object reference). To address these challenges, we propose NS3D, a neuro-symbolic framework for 3D grounding. NS3D translates language into programs with hierarchical structures by leveraging large language-to-code models. Different functional modules in the programs are implemented as neural networks. Notably, NS3D extends prior neuro-symbolic visual reasoning methods by introducing functional modules that effectively reason about high-arity relations (i.e., relations among more than two objects), key in disambiguating objects in complex 3D scenes. Modular and compositional architecture enables NS3D to achieve state-of-the-art results on the ReferIt3D view-dependence task, a 3D referring expression comprehension benchmark. Importantly, NS3D shows significantly improved performance on settings of data-efficiency and generalization, and demonstrate zero-shot transfer to an unseen 3D question-answering task.