Abstract:Usability testing is a fundamental yet challenging (e.g., inflexible to iterate the study design flaws and hard to recruit study participants) research method for user experience (UX) researchers to evaluate a web design. Recent advances in Large Language Model-simulated Agent (LLM-Agent) research inspired us to design UXAgent to support UX researchers in evaluating and reiterating their usability testing study design before they conduct the real human subject study. Our system features an LLM-Agent module and a universal browser connector module so that UX researchers can automatically generate thousands of simulated users to test the target website. The results are shown in qualitative (e.g., interviewing how an agent thinks ), quantitative (e.g., # of actions), and video recording formats for UX researchers to analyze. Through a heuristic user evaluation with five UX researchers, participants praised the innovation of our system but also expressed concerns about the future of LLM Agent-assisted UX study.
Abstract:Information retrieval (IR) is a pivotal component in various applications. Recent advances in machine learning (ML) have enabled the integration of ML algorithms into IR, particularly in ranking systems. While there is a plethora of research on the robustness of ML-based ranking systems, these studies largely neglect commercial e-commerce systems and fail to establish a connection between real-world and manipulated query relevance. In this paper, we present the first systematic measurement study on the robustness of e-commerce ranking systems. We define robustness as the consistency of ranking outcomes for semantically identical queries. To quantitatively analyze robustness, we propose a novel metric that considers both ranking position and item-specific information that are absent in existing metrics. Our large-scale measurement study with real-world data from e-commerce retailers reveals an open opportunity to measure and improve robustness since semantically identical queries often yield inconsistent ranking results. Based on our observations, we propose several solution directions to enhance robustness, such as the use of Large Language Models. Note that the issue of robustness discussed herein does not constitute an error or oversight. Rather, in scenarios where there exists a vast array of choices, it is feasible to present a multitude of products in various permutations, all of which could be equally appealing. However, this extensive selection may lead to customer confusion. As e-commerce retailers use various techniques to improve the quality of search results, we hope that this research offers valuable guidance for measuring the robustness of the ranking systems.
Abstract:Transformer-based models have demonstrated considerable potential for source code modeling tasks in software engineering. However, they are limited by their dependence solely on automatic self-attention weight learning mechanisms. Previous studies have shown that these models overemphasize delimiters added by tokenizers (e.g., [CLS], [SEP]), which may lead to overlooking essential information in the original input source code. To address this challenge, we introduce SyntaGuid, a novel approach that utilizes the observation that attention weights tend to be biased towards specific source code syntax tokens and abstract syntax tree (AST) elements in fine-tuned language models when they make correct predictions. SyntaGuid facilitates the guidance of attention-weight learning, leading to improved model performance on various software engineering tasks. We evaluate the effectiveness of SyntaGuid on multiple tasks and demonstrate that it outperforms existing state-of-the-art models in overall performance without requiring additional data. Experimental result shows that SyntaGuid can improve overall performance up to 3.25% and fix up to 28.3% wrong predictions. Our work represents the first attempt to guide the attention of Transformer-based models towards critical source code tokens during fine-tuning, highlighting the potential for enhancing Transformer-based models in software engineering.
Abstract:As Deep learning (DL) systems continuously evolve and grow, assuring their quality becomes an important yet challenging task. Compared to non-DL systems, DL systems have more complex team compositions and heavier data dependency. These inherent characteristics would potentially cause DL systems to be more vulnerable to bugs and, in the long run, to maintenance issues. Code smells are empirically tested as efficient indicators of non-DL systems. Therefore, we took a step forward into identifying code smells, and understanding their impact on maintenance in this comprehensive study. This is the first study on investigating code smells in the context of DL software systems, which helps researchers and practitioners to get a first look at what kind of maintenance modification made and what code smells developers have been dealing with. Our paper has three major contributions. First, we comprehensively investigated the maintenance modifications that have been made by DL developers via studying the evolution of DL systems, and we identified nine frequently occurred maintenance-related modification categories in DL systems. Second, we summarized five code smells in DL systems. Third, we validated the prevalence, and the impact of our newly identified code smells through a mixture of qualitative and quantitative analysis. We found that our newly identified code smells are prevalent and impactful on the maintenance of DL systems from the developer's perspective.