Abstract:Jailbreak attacks exploit specific prompts to bypass LLM safeguards, causing the LLM to generate harmful, inappropriate, and misaligned content. Current jailbreaking methods rely heavily on carefully designed system prompts and numerous queries to achieve a single successful attack, which is costly and impractical for large-scale red-teaming. To address this challenge, we propose to distill the knowledge of an ensemble of SOTA attackers into a single open-source model, called Knowledge-Distilled Attacker (KDA), which is finetuned to automatically generate coherent and diverse attack prompts without the need for meticulous system prompt engineering. Compared to existing attackers, KDA achieves higher attack success rates and greater cost-time efficiency when targeting multiple SOTA open-source and commercial black-box LLMs. Furthermore, we conducted a quantitative diversity analysis of prompts generated by baseline methods and KDA, identifying diverse and ensemble attacks as key factors behind KDA's effectiveness and efficiency.
Abstract:Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of Neuro-Symbolic (NeSy) AI systems, which integrate symbolic reasoning into deep neural networks. However, most of the existing benchmarks for NeSy AI fail to provide long-horizon reasoning tasks with complex multi-agent interactions. Furthermore, they are usually constrained by fixed and simplistic logical rules over limited entities, making them far from real-world complexities. To address these crucial gaps, we introduce LogiCity, the first simulator based on customizable first-order logic (FOL) for an urban-like environment with multiple dynamic agents. LogiCity models diverse urban elements using semantic and spatial concepts, such as IsAmbulance(X) and IsClose(X, Y). These concepts are used to define FOL rules that govern the behavior of various agents. Since the concepts and rules are abstractions, they can be universally applied to cities with any agent compositions, facilitating the instantiation of diverse scenarios. Besides, a key feature of LogiCity is its support for user-configurable abstractions, enabling customizable simulation complexities for logical reasoning. To explore various aspects of NeSy AI, LogiCity introduces two tasks, one features long-horizon sequential decision-making, and the other focuses on one-step visual reasoning, varying in difficulty and agent behaviors. Our extensive evaluation reveals the advantage of NeSy frameworks in abstract reasoning. Moreover, we highlight the significant challenges of handling more complex abstractions in long-horizon multi-agent scenarios or under high-dimensional, imbalanced data. With its flexible design, various features, and newly raised challenges, we believe LogiCity represents a pivotal step forward in advancing the next generation of NeSy AI. All the code and data are open-sourced at our website.
Abstract:Ensuring model explainability and robustness is essential for reliable deployment of deep vision systems. Current methods for evaluating robustness rely on collecting and annotating extensive test sets. While this is common practice, the process is labor-intensive and expensive with no guarantee of sufficient coverage across attributes of interest. Recently, model diagnosis frameworks have emerged leveraging user inputs (e.g., text) to assess the vulnerability of the model. However, such dependence on human can introduce bias and limitation given the domain knowledge of particular users. This paper proposes Unsupervised Model Diagnosis (UMO), that leverages generative models to produce semantic counterfactual explanations without any user guidance. Given a differentiable computer vision model (i.e., the target model), UMO optimizes for the most counterfactual directions in a generative latent space. Our approach identifies and visualizes changes in semantics, and then matches these changes to attributes from wide-ranging text sources, such as dictionaries or language models. We validate the framework on multiple vision tasks (e.g., classification, segmentation, keypoint detection). Extensive experiments show that our unsupervised discovery of semantic directions can correctly highlight spurious correlations and visualize the failure mode of target models without any human intervention.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are being used for a wide variety of tasks. While they are capable of generating human-like responses, they can also produce undesirable output including potentially harmful information, racist or sexist language, and hallucinations. Alignment methods are designed to reduce such undesirable output, via techniques such as fine-tuning, prompt engineering, and representation engineering. However, existing methods face several challenges: some require costly fine-tuning for every alignment task; some do not adequately remove undesirable concepts, failing alignment; some remove benign concepts, lowering the linguistic capabilities of LLMs. To address these issues, we propose Parsimonious Concept Engineering (PaCE), a novel activation engineering framework for alignment. First, to sufficiently model the concepts, we construct a large-scale concept dictionary in the activation space, in which each atom corresponds to a semantic concept. Then, given any alignment task, we instruct a concept partitioner to efficiently annotate the concepts as benign or undesirable. Finally, at inference time, we decompose the LLM activations along the concept dictionary via sparse coding, to accurately represent the activation as a linear combination of the benign and undesirable components. By removing the latter ones from the activation, we reorient the behavior of LLMs towards alignment goals. We conduct experiments on tasks such as response detoxification, faithfulness enhancement, and sentiment revising, and show that PaCE achieves state-of-the-art alignment performance while maintaining linguistic capabilities.
Abstract:Hallucinations and unfaithful synthesis due to inaccurate prompts with insufficient semantic details are widely observed in multimodal generative models. A prevalent strategy to align multiple modalities is to fine-tune the generator with a large number of annotated text-image pairs. However, such a procedure is labor-consuming and resource-draining. The key question we ask is: can we enhance the quality and faithfulness of text-driven generative models beyond extensive text-image pair annotations? To address this question, we propose Knowledge Pursuit Prompting (KPP), a zero-shot framework that iteratively incorporates external knowledge to help generators produce reliable visual content. Instead of training generators to handle generic prompts, KPP employs a recursive knowledge query process to gather informative external facts from the knowledge base, instructs a language model to compress the acquired knowledge for prompt refinement, and utilizes text-driven generators for visual synthesis. The entire process is zero-shot, without accessing the architectures and parameters of generative models. We evaluate the framework across multiple text-driven generative tasks (image, 3D rendering, and video) on datasets of different domains. We further demonstrate the extensibility and adaptability of KPP through varying foundation model bases and instructions. Our results show that KPP is capable of generating faithful and semantically rich content across diverse visual domains, offering a promising solution to improve multimodal generative models.
Abstract:When it comes to deploying deep vision models, the behavior of these systems must be explicable to ensure confidence in their reliability and fairness. A common approach to evaluate deep learning models is to build a labeled test set with attributes of interest and assess how well it performs. However, creating a balanced test set (i.e., one that is uniformly sampled over all the important traits) is often time-consuming, expensive, and prone to mistakes. The question we try to address is: can we evaluate the sensitivity of deep learning models to arbitrary visual attributes without an annotated test set? This paper argues the case that Zero-shot Model Diagnosis (ZOOM) is possible without the need for a test set nor labeling. To avoid the need for test sets, our system relies on a generative model and CLIP. The key idea is enabling the user to select a set of prompts (relevant to the problem) and our system will automatically search for semantic counterfactual images (i.e., synthesized images that flip the prediction in the case of a binary classifier) using the generative model. We evaluate several visual tasks (classification, key-point detection, and segmentation) in multiple visual domains to demonstrate the viability of our methodology. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is capable of producing counterfactual images and offering sensitivity analysis for model diagnosis without the need for a test set.
Abstract:In practice, metric analysis on a specific train and test dataset does not guarantee reliable or fair ML models. This is partially due to the fact that obtaining a balanced, diverse, and perfectly labeled dataset is typically expensive, time-consuming, and error-prone. Rather than relying on a carefully designed test set to assess ML models' failures, fairness, or robustness, this paper proposes Semantic Image Attack (SIA), a method based on the adversarial attack that provides semantic adversarial images to allow model diagnosis, interpretability, and robustness. Traditional adversarial training is a popular methodology for robustifying ML models against attacks. However, existing adversarial methods do not combine the two aspects that enable the interpretation and analysis of the model's flaws: semantic traceability and perceptual quality. SIA combines the two features via iterative gradient ascent on a predefined semantic attribute space and the image space. We illustrate the validity of our approach in three scenarios for keypoint detection and classification. (1) Model diagnosis: SIA generates a histogram of attributes that highlights the semantic vulnerability of the ML model (i.e., attributes that make the model fail). (2) Stronger attacks: SIA generates adversarial examples with visually interpretable attributes that lead to higher attack success rates than baseline methods. The adversarial training on SIA improves the transferable robustness across different gradient-based attacks. (3) Robustness to imbalanced datasets: we use SIA to augment the underrepresented classes, which outperforms strong augmentation and re-balancing baselines.
Abstract:Deep learning based image recognition systems have been widely deployed on mobile devices in today's world. In recent studies, however, deep learning models are shown vulnerable to adversarial examples. One variant of adversarial examples, called adversarial patch, draws researchers' attention due to its strong attack abilities. Though adversarial patches achieve high attack success rates, they are easily being detected because of the visual inconsistency between the patches and the original images. Besides, it usually requires a large amount of data for adversarial patch generation in the literature, which is computationally expensive and time-consuming. To tackle these challenges, we propose an approach to generate inconspicuous adversarial patches with one single image. In our approach, we first decide the patch locations basing on the perceptual sensitivity of victim models, then produce adversarial patches in a coarse-to-fine way by utilizing multiple-scale generators and discriminators. The patches are encouraged to be consistent with the background images with adversarial training while preserving strong attack abilities. Our approach shows the strong attack abilities in white-box settings and the excellent transferability in black-box settings through extensive experiments on various models with different architectures and training methods. Compared to other adversarial patches, our adversarial patches hold the most negligible risks to be detected and can evade human observations, which is supported by the illustrations of saliency maps and results of user evaluations. Lastly, we show that our adversarial patches can be applied in the physical world.
Abstract:Adversarial training is one of the most effective approaches defending against adversarial examples for deep learning models. Unlike other defense strategies, adversarial training aims to promote the robustness of models intrinsically. During the last few years, adversarial training has been studied and discussed from various aspects. A variety of improvements and developments of adversarial training are proposed, which were, however, neglected in existing surveys. For the first time in this survey, we systematically review the recent progress on adversarial training for adversarial robustness with a novel taxonomy. Then we discuss the generalization problems in adversarial training from three perspectives. Finally, we highlight the challenges which are not fully tackled and present potential future directions.
Abstract:Adversarial examples are inevitable on the road of pervasive applications of deep neural networks (DNN). Imperceptible perturbations applied on natural samples can lead DNN-based classifiers to output wrong prediction with fair confidence score. It is increasingly important to obtain models with high robustness that are resistant to adversarial examples. In this paper, we survey recent advances in how to understand such intriguing property, i.e. adversarial robustness, from different perspectives. We give preliminary definitions on what adversarial attacks and robustness are. After that, we study frequently-used benchmarks and mention theoretically-proved bounds for adversarial robustness. We then provide an overview on analyzing correlations among adversarial robustness and other critical indicators of DNN models. Lastly, we introduce recent arguments on potential costs of adversarial training which have attracted wide attention from the research community.