Abstract:Large scale 3D scene reconstruction is important for applications such as virtual reality and simulation. Existing neural rendering approaches (e.g., NeRF, 3DGS) have achieved realistic reconstructions on large scenes, but optimize per scene, which is expensive and slow, and exhibit noticeable artifacts under large view changes due to overfitting. Generalizable approaches or large reconstruction models are fast, but primarily work for small scenes/objects and often produce lower quality rendering results. In this work, we introduce G3R, a generalizable reconstruction approach that can efficiently predict high-quality 3D scene representations for large scenes. We propose to learn a reconstruction network that takes the gradient feedback signals from differentiable rendering to iteratively update a 3D scene representation, combining the benefits of high photorealism from per-scene optimization with data-driven priors from fast feed-forward prediction methods. Experiments on urban-driving and drone datasets show that G3R generalizes across diverse large scenes and accelerates the reconstruction process by at least 10x while achieving comparable or better realism compared to 3DGS, and also being more robust to large view changes.
Abstract:Different outdoor illumination conditions drastically alter the appearance of urban scenes, and they can harm the performance of image-based robot perception systems if not seen during training. Camera simulation provides a cost-effective solution to create a large dataset of images captured under different lighting conditions. Towards this goal, we propose LightSim, a neural lighting camera simulation system that enables diverse, realistic, and controllable data generation. LightSim automatically builds lighting-aware digital twins at scale from collected raw sensor data and decomposes the scene into dynamic actors and static background with accurate geometry, appearance, and estimated scene lighting. These digital twins enable actor insertion, modification, removal, and rendering from a new viewpoint, all in a lighting-aware manner. LightSim then combines physically-based and learnable deferred rendering to perform realistic relighting of modified scenes, such as altering the sun location and modifying the shadows or changing the sun brightness, producing spatially- and temporally-consistent camera videos. Our experiments show that LightSim generates more realistic relighting results than prior work. Importantly, training perception models on data generated by LightSim can significantly improve their performance.
Abstract:We propose a new method for realistic real-time novel-view synthesis (NVS) of large scenes. Existing neural rendering methods generate realistic results, but primarily work for small scale scenes (<50 square meters) and have difficulty at large scale (>10000 square meters). Traditional graphics-based rasterization rendering is fast for large scenes but lacks realism and requires expensive manually created assets. Our approach combines the best of both worlds by taking a moderate-quality scaffold mesh as input and learning a neural texture field and shader to model view-dependant effects to enhance realism, while still using the standard graphics pipeline for real-time rendering. Our method outperforms existing neural rendering methods, providing at least 30x faster rendering with comparable or better realism for large self-driving and drone scenes. Our work is the first to enable real-time rendering of large real-world scenes.
Abstract:Reconstructing objects from real world data and rendering them at novel views is critical to bringing realism, diversity and scale to simulation for robotics training and testing. In this work, we present NeuSim, a novel approach that estimates accurate geometry and realistic appearance from sparse in-the-wild data captured at distance and at limited viewpoints. Towards this goal, we represent the object surface as a neural signed distance function and leverage both LiDAR and camera sensor data to reconstruct smooth and accurate geometry and normals. We model the object appearance with a robust physics-inspired reflectance representation effective for in-the-wild data. Our experiments show that NeuSim has strong view synthesis performance on challenging scenarios with sparse training views. Furthermore, we showcase composing NeuSim assets into a virtual world and generating realistic multi-sensor data for evaluating self-driving perception models.
Abstract:Realistic simulation is key to enabling safe and scalable development of % self-driving vehicles. A core component is simulating the sensors so that the entire autonomy system can be tested in simulation. Sensor simulation involves modeling traffic participants, such as vehicles, with high quality appearance and articulated geometry, and rendering them in real time. The self-driving industry has typically employed artists to build these assets. However, this is expensive, slow, and may not reflect reality. Instead, reconstructing assets automatically from sensor data collected in the wild would provide a better path to generating a diverse and large set with good real-world coverage. Nevertheless, current reconstruction approaches struggle on in-the-wild sensor data, due to its sparsity and noise. To tackle these issues, we present CADSim, which combines part-aware object-class priors via a small set of CAD models with differentiable rendering to automatically reconstruct vehicle geometry, including articulated wheels, with high-quality appearance. Our experiments show our method recovers more accurate shapes from sparse data compared to existing approaches. Importantly, it also trains and renders efficiently. We demonstrate our reconstructed vehicles in several applications, including accurate testing of autonomy perception systems.
Abstract:LiDAR provides accurate geometric measurements of the 3D world. Unfortunately, dense LiDARs are very expensive and the point clouds captured by low-beam LiDAR are often sparse. To address these issues, we present UltraLiDAR, a data-driven framework for scene-level LiDAR completion, LiDAR generation, and LiDAR manipulation. The crux of UltraLiDAR is a compact, discrete representation that encodes the point cloud's geometric structure, is robust to noise, and is easy to manipulate. We show that by aligning the representation of a sparse point cloud to that of a dense point cloud, we can densify the sparse point clouds as if they were captured by a real high-density LiDAR, drastically reducing the cost. Furthermore, by learning a prior over the discrete codebook, we can generate diverse, realistic LiDAR point clouds for self-driving. We evaluate the effectiveness of UltraLiDAR on sparse-to-dense LiDAR completion and LiDAR generation. Experiments show that densifying real-world point clouds with our approach can significantly improve the performance of downstream perception systems. Compared to prior art on LiDAR generation, our approach generates much more realistic point clouds. According to A/B test, over 98.5\% of the time human participants prefer our results over those of previous methods.
Abstract:Self-driving vehicles (SDVs) must be rigorously tested on a wide range of scenarios to ensure safe deployment. The industry typically relies on closed-loop simulation to evaluate how the SDV interacts on a corpus of synthetic and real scenarios and verify it performs properly. However, they primarily only test the system's motion planning module, and only consider behavior variations. It is key to evaluate the full autonomy system in closed-loop, and to understand how variations in sensor data based on scene appearance, such as the shape of actors, affect system performance. In this paper, we propose a framework, Adv3D, that takes real world scenarios and performs closed-loop sensor simulation to evaluate autonomy performance, and finds vehicle shapes that make the scenario more challenging, resulting in autonomy failures and uncomfortable SDV maneuvers. Unlike prior works that add contrived adversarial shapes to vehicle roof-tops or roadside to harm perception only, we optimize a low-dimensional shape representation to modify the vehicle shape itself in a realistic manner to degrade autonomy performance (e.g., perception, prediction, and motion planning). Moreover, we find that the shape variations found with Adv3D optimized in closed-loop are much more effective than those in open-loop, demonstrating the importance of finding scene appearance variations that affect autonomy in the interactive setting.
Abstract:Rigorously testing autonomy systems is essential for making safe self-driving vehicles (SDV) a reality. It requires one to generate safety critical scenarios beyond what can be collected safely in the world, as many scenarios happen rarely on public roads. To accurately evaluate performance, we need to test the SDV on these scenarios in closed-loop, where the SDV and other actors interact with each other at each timestep. Previously recorded driving logs provide a rich resource to build these new scenarios from, but for closed loop evaluation, we need to modify the sensor data based on the new scene configuration and the SDV's decisions, as actors might be added or removed and the trajectories of existing actors and the SDV will differ from the original log. In this paper, we present UniSim, a neural sensor simulator that takes a single recorded log captured by a sensor-equipped vehicle and converts it into a realistic closed-loop multi-sensor simulation. UniSim builds neural feature grids to reconstruct both the static background and dynamic actors in the scene, and composites them together to simulate LiDAR and camera data at new viewpoints, with actors added or removed and at new placements. To better handle extrapolated views, we incorporate learnable priors for dynamic objects, and leverage a convolutional network to complete unseen regions. Our experiments show UniSim can simulate realistic sensor data with small domain gap on downstream tasks. With UniSim, we demonstrate closed-loop evaluation of an autonomy system on safety-critical scenarios as if it were in the real world.
Abstract:Self-driving vehicles must perceive and predict the future positions of nearby actors in order to avoid collisions and drive safely. A learned deep learning module is often responsible for this task, requiring large-scale, high-quality training datasets. As data collection is often significantly cheaper than labeling in this domain, the decision of which subset of examples to label can have a profound impact on model performance. Active learning techniques, which leverage the state of the current model to iteratively select examples for labeling, offer a promising solution to this problem. However, despite the appeal of this approach, there has been little scientific analysis of active learning approaches for the perception and prediction (P&P) problem. In this work, we study active learning techniques for P&P and find that the traditional active learning formulation is ill-suited for the P&P setting. We thus introduce generalizations that ensure that our approach is both cost-aware and allows for fine-grained selection of examples through partially labeled scenes. Our experiments on a real-world, large-scale self-driving dataset suggest that fine-grained selection can improve the performance across perception, prediction, and downstream planning tasks.
Abstract:Recent work on hyperparameters optimization (HPO) has shown the possibility of training certain hyperparameters together with regular parameters. However, these online HPO algorithms still require running evaluation on a set of validation examples at each training step, steeply increasing the training cost. To decide when to query the validation loss, we model online HPO as a time-varying Bayesian optimization problem, on top of which we propose a novel \textit{costly feedback} setting to capture the concept of the query cost. Under this setting, standard algorithms are cost-inefficient as they evaluate on the validation set at every round. In contrast, the cost-efficient GP-UCB algorithm proposed in this paper queries the unknown function only when the model is less confident about current decisions. We evaluate our proposed algorithm by tuning hyperparameters online for VGG and ResNet on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet100. Our proposed online HPO algorithm reaches human expert-level performance within a single run of the experiment, while incurring only modest computational overhead compared to regular training.