Abstract:We propose the DPSM method, a density-based node clustering approach that automatically determines the number of clusters and can be applied in both data space and graph space. Unlike traditional density-based clustering methods, which necessitate calculating the distance between any two nodes, our proposed technique determines density through a propagation process, thereby making it suitable for a graph space. In DPSM, nodes are partitioned into small clusters based on propagated density. The partitioning technique has been proved to be sound and complete. We then extend the concept of spectral clustering from individual nodes to these small clusters, while introducing the CluCut measure to guide cluster merging. This measure is modified in various ways to account for cluster properties, thus provides guidance on when to terminate the merging process. Various experiments have validated the effectiveness of DOSM and the accuracy of these conclusions.
Abstract:Recently, federated learning (FL) has achieved wide successes for diverse privacy-sensitive applications without sacrificing the sensitive private information of clients. However, the data quality of client datasets can not be guaranteed since corresponding annotations of different clients often contain complex label noise of varying degrees, which inevitably causes the performance degradation. Intuitively, the performance degradation is dominated by clients with higher noise rates since their trained models contain more misinformation from data, thus it is necessary to devise an effective optimization scheme to mitigate the negative impacts of these noisy clients. In this work, we propose a two-stage framework FedELC to tackle this complicated label noise issue. The first stage aims to guide the detection of noisy clients with higher label noise, while the second stage aims to correct the labels of noisy clients' data via an end-to-end label correction framework which is achieved by learning possible ground-truth labels of noisy clients' datasets via back propagation. We implement sixteen related methods and evaluate five datasets with three types of complicated label noise scenarios for a comprehensive comparison. Extensive experimental results demonstrate our proposed framework achieves superior performance than its counterparts for different scenarios. Additionally, we effectively improve the data quality of detected noisy clients' local datasets with our label correction framework. The code is available at https://github.com/Sprinter1999/FedELC.
Abstract:The existing federated learning (FL) methods for spatio-temporal forecasting fail to capture the inherent spatio-temporal heterogeneity, which calls for personalized FL (PFL) methods to model the spatio-temporally variant patterns. While contrastive learning approach is promising in addressing spatio-temporal heterogeneity, the existing methods are noneffective in determining negative pairs and can hardly apply to PFL paradigm. To tackle this limitation, we propose a novel PFL method, named Federated dUal sEmantic aLignment-based contraStive learning (FUELS), which can adaptively align positive and negative pairs based on semantic similarity, thereby injecting precise spatio-temporal heterogeneity into the latent representation space by auxiliary contrastive tasks. From temporal perspective, a hard negative filtering module is introduced to dynamically align heterogeneous temporal representations for the supplemented intra-client contrastive task. From spatial perspective, we design lightweight-but-efficient prototypes as client-level semantic representations, based on which the server evaluates spatial similarity and yields client-customized global prototypes for the supplemented inter-client contrastive task. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FUELS outperforms state-of-the-art methods, with communication cost decreasing by around 94%.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) emerges as a distributed machine learning paradigm without end-user data transmission, effectively avoiding privacy leakage. Participating devices in FL are usually bandwidth-constrained, and the uplink is much slower than the downlink in wireless networks, which causes a severe uplink communication bottleneck. A prominent direction to alleviate this problem is federated dropout, which drops fractional weights of local models. However, existing federated dropout studies focus on random or ordered dropout and lack theoretical support, resulting in unguaranteed performance. In this paper, we propose Federated learning with Bayesian Inference-based Adaptive Dropout (FedBIAD), which regards weight rows of local models as probability distributions and adaptively drops partial weight rows based on importance indicators correlated with the trend of local training loss. By applying FedBIAD, each client adaptively selects a high-quality dropping pattern with accurate approximations and only transmits parameters of non-dropped weight rows to mitigate uplink costs while improving accuracy. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the convergence rate of the average generalization error of FedBIAD is minimax optimal up to a squared logarithmic factor. Extensive experiments on image classification and next-word prediction show that compared with status quo approaches, FedBIAD provides 2x uplink reduction with an accuracy increase of up to 2.41% even on non-Independent and Identically Distributed (non-IID) data, which brings up to 72% decrease in training time.