Abstract:Quantitative analysis of cardiac motion is crucial for assessing cardiac function. This analysis typically uses imaging modalities such as MRI and Echocardiograms that capture detailed image sequences throughout the heartbeat cycle. Previous methods predominantly focused on the analysis of image pairs lacking consideration of the motion dynamics and spatial variability. Consequently, these methods often overlook the long-term relationships and regional motion characteristic of cardiac. To overcome these limitations, we introduce the \textbf{GPTrack}, a novel unsupervised framework crafted to fully explore the temporal and spatial dynamics of cardiac motion. The GPTrack enhances motion tracking by employing the sequential Gaussian Process in the latent space and encoding statistics by spatial information at each time stamp, which robustly promotes temporal consistency and spatial variability of cardiac dynamics. Also, we innovatively aggregate sequential information in a bidirectional recursive manner, mimicking the behavior of diffeomorphic registration to better capture consistent long-term relationships of motions across cardiac regions such as the ventricles and atria. Our GPTrack significantly improves the precision of motion tracking in both 3D and 4D medical images while maintaining computational efficiency. The code is available at: https://github.com/xmed-lab/GPTrack
Abstract:Echocardiogram video plays a crucial role in analysing cardiac function and diagnosing cardiac diseases. Current deep neural network methods primarily aim to enhance diagnosis accuracy by incorporating prior knowledge, such as segmenting cardiac structures or lesions annotated by human experts. However, diagnosing the inconsistent behaviours of the heart, which exist across both spatial and temporal dimensions, remains extremely challenging. For instance, the analysis of cardiac motion acquires both spatial and temporal information from the heartbeat cycle. To address this issue, we propose a novel reconstruction-based approach named CardiacNet to learn a better representation of local cardiac structures and motion abnormalities through echocardiogram videos. CardiacNet is accompanied by the Consistency Deformation Codebook (CDC) and the Consistency Deformed-Discriminator (CDD) to learn the commonalities across abnormal and normal samples by incorporating cardiac prior knowledge. In addition, we propose benchmark datasets named CardiacNet-PAH and CardiacNet-ASD to evaluate the effectiveness of cardiac disease assessment. In experiments, our CardiacNet can achieve state-of-the-art results in three different cardiac disease assessment tasks on public datasets CAMUS, EchoNet, and our datasets. The code and dataset are available at: https://github.com/xmed-lab/CardiacNet.
Abstract:Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an important imaging technology widely used in medical scenarios, such as diagnosis and preoperative planning. Using fewer projection views to reconstruct CT, also known as sparse-view reconstruction, can reduce ionizing radiation and further benefit interventional radiology. Compared with sparse-view reconstruction for traditional parallel/fan-beam CT, CBCT reconstruction is more challenging due to the increased dimensionality caused by the measurement process based on cone-shaped X-ray beams. As a 2D-to-3D reconstruction problem, although implicit neural representations have been introduced to enable efficient training, only local features are considered and different views are processed equally in previous works, resulting in spatial inconsistency and poor performance on complicated anatomies. To this end, we propose C^2RV by leveraging explicit multi-scale volumetric representations to enable cross-regional learning in the 3D space. Additionally, the scale-view cross-attention module is introduced to adaptively aggregate multi-scale and multi-view features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our C^2RV achieves consistent and significant improvement over previous state-of-the-art methods on datasets with diverse anatomy.
Abstract:Performing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction from under-sampled k-space data can accelerate the procedure to acquire MRI scans and reduce patients' discomfort. The reconstruction problem is usually formulated as a denoising task that removes the noise in under-sampled MRI image slices. Although previous GAN-based methods have achieved good performance in image denoising, they are difficult to train and require careful tuning of hyperparameters. In this paper, we propose a novel MRI denoising framework DiffCMR by leveraging conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic models. Specifically, DiffCMR perceives conditioning signals from the under-sampled MRI image slice and generates its corresponding fully-sampled MRI image slice. During inference, we adopt a multi-round ensembling strategy to stabilize the performance. We validate DiffCMR with cine reconstruction and T1/T2 mapping tasks on MICCAI 2023 Cardiac MRI Reconstruction Challenge (CMRxRecon) dataset. Results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, exceeding previous methods by a significant margin. Code is available at https://github.com/xmed-lab/DiffCMR.
Abstract:Echocardiogram video segmentation plays an important role in cardiac disease diagnosis. This paper studies the unsupervised domain adaption (UDA) for echocardiogram video segmentation, where the goal is to generalize the model trained on the source domain to other unlabelled target domains. Existing UDA segmentation methods are not suitable for this task because they do not model local information and the cyclical consistency of heartbeat. In this paper, we introduce a newly collected CardiacUDA dataset and a novel GraphEcho method for cardiac structure segmentation. Our GraphEcho comprises two innovative modules, the Spatial-wise Cross-domain Graph Matching (SCGM) and the Temporal Cycle Consistency (TCC) module, which utilize prior knowledge of echocardiogram videos, i.e., consistent cardiac structure across patients and centers and the heartbeat cyclical consistency, respectively. These two modules can better align global and local features from source and target domains, improving UDA segmentation results. Experimental results showed that our GraphEcho outperforms existing state-of-the-art UDA segmentation methods. Our collected dataset and code will be publicly released upon acceptance. This work will lay a new and solid cornerstone for cardiac structure segmentation from echocardiogram videos. Code and dataset are available at: https://github.com/xmed-lab/GraphEcho
Abstract:Cardiac structure segmentation from echocardiogram videos plays a crucial role in diagnosing heart disease. The combination of multi-view echocardiogram data is essential to enhance the accuracy and robustness of automated methods. However, due to the visual disparity of the data, deriving cross-view context information remains a challenging task, and unsophisticated fusion strategies can even lower performance. In this study, we propose a novel Gobal-Local fusion (GL-Fusion) network to jointly utilize multi-view information globally and locally that improve the accuracy of echocardiogram analysis. Specifically, a Multi-view Global-based Fusion Module (MGFM) is proposed to extract global context information and to explore the cyclic relationship of different heartbeat cycles in an echocardiogram video. Additionally, a Multi-view Local-based Fusion Module (MLFM) is designed to extract correlations of cardiac structures from different views. Furthermore, we collect a multi-view echocardiogram video dataset (MvEVD) to evaluate our method. Our method achieves an 82.29% average dice score, which demonstrates a 7.83% improvement over the baseline method, and outperforms other existing state-of-the-art methods. To our knowledge, this is the first exploration of a multi-view method for echocardiogram video segmentation. Code available at: https://github.com/xmed-lab/GL-Fusion
Abstract:Low-light image enhancement - a pervasive but challenging problem, plays a central role in enhancing the visibility of an image captured in a poor illumination environment. Due to the fact that not all photons can pass the Bayer-Filter on the sensor of the color camera, in this work, we first present a De-Bayer-Filter simulator based on deep neural networks to generate a monochrome raw image from the colored raw image. Next, a fully convolutional network is proposed to achieve the low-light image enhancement by fusing colored raw data with synthesized monochrome raw data. Channel-wise attention is also introduced to the fusion process to establish a complementary interaction between features from colored and monochrome raw images. To train the convolutional networks, we propose a dataset with monochrome and color raw pairs named Mono-Colored Raw paired dataset (MCR) collected by using a monochrome camera without Bayer-Filter and a color camera with Bayer-Filter. The proposed pipeline take advantages of the fusion of the virtual monochrome and the color raw images and our extensive experiments indicate that significant improvement can be achieved by leveraging raw sensor data and data-driven learning.
Abstract:Temporal Action Detection (TAD) is an essential and challenging topic in video understanding, aiming to localize the temporal segments containing human action instances and predict the action categories. The previous works greatly rely upon dense candidates either by designing varying anchors or enumerating all the combinations of boundaries on video sequences; therefore, they are related to complicated pipelines and sensitive hand-crafted designs. Recently, with the resurgence of Transformer, query-based methods have tended to become the rising solutions for their simplicity and flexibility. However, there still exists a performance gap between query-based methods and well-established methods. In this paper, we identify the main challenge lies in the large variants of action duration and the ambiguous boundaries for short action instances; nevertheless, quadratic-computational global attention prevents query-based methods to build multi-scale feature maps. Towards high-quality temporal action detection, we introduce Sparse Proposals to interact with the hierarchical features. In our method, named SP-TAD, each proposal attends to a local segment feature in the temporal feature pyramid. The local interaction enables utilization of high-resolution features to preserve action instances details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, especially under high tIoU thresholds. E.g., we achieve the state-of-the-art performance on THUMOS14 (45.7% on mAP@0.6, 33.4% on mAP@0.7 and 53.5% on mAP@Avg) and competitive results on ActivityNet-1.3 (32.99% on mAP@Avg). Code will be made available at https://github.com/wjn922/SP-TAD.