Abstract:Acoustic cameras have found many applications in practice. Accurate and reliable extrinsic calibration of the microphone array and visual sensors within acoustic cameras is crucial for fusing visual and auditory measurements. Existing calibration methods either require prior knowledge of the microphone array geometry or rely on grid search which suffers from slow iteration speed or poor convergence. To overcome these limitations, in this paper, we propose an automatic calibration technique using a calibration board with both visual and acoustic markers to identify each microphone position in the camera frame. We formulate the extrinsic calibration problem (between microphones and the visual sensor) as a nonlinear least squares problem and employ a batch optimization strategy to solve the associated problem. Extensive numerical simulations and realworld experiments show that the proposed method improves both the accuracy and robustness of extrinsic parameter calibration for acoustic cameras, in comparison to existing methods. To benefit the community, we open-source all the codes and data at https://github.com/AISLAB-sustech/AcousticCamera.
Abstract:Text-to-image diffusion models have demonstrated tremendous success in synthesizing visually stunning images given textual instructions. Despite remarkable progress in creating high-fidelity visuals, text-to-image models can still struggle with precisely rendering subjects, such as text spelling. To address this challenge, this paper explores using additional conditions of an image that provides visual guidance of the particular subjects for diffusion models to generate. In addition, this reference condition empowers the model to be conditioned in ways that the vocabularies of the text tokenizer cannot adequately represent, and further extends the model's generalization to novel capabilities such as generating non-English text spellings. We develop several small-scale expert plugins that efficiently endow a Stable Diffusion model with the capability to take different references. Each plugin is trained with auxiliary networks and loss functions customized for applications such as English scene-text generation, multi-lingual scene-text generation, and logo-image generation. Our expert plugins demonstrate superior results than the existing methods on all tasks, each containing only 28.55M trainable parameters.
Abstract:Robot audition systems with multiple microphone arrays have many applications in practice. However, accurate calibration of multiple microphone arrays remains challenging because there are many unknown parameters to be identified, including the relative transforms (i.e., orientation, translation) and asynchronous factors (i.e., initial time offset and sampling clock difference) between microphone arrays. To tackle these challenges, in this paper, we adopt batch simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for joint calibration of multiple asynchronous microphone arrays and sound source localization. Using the Fisher information matrix (FIM) approach, we first conduct the observability analysis (i.e., parameter identifiability) of the above-mentioned calibration problem and establish necessary/sufficient conditions under which the FIM and the Jacobian matrix have full column rank, which implies the identifiability of the unknown parameters. We also discover several scenarios where the unknown parameters are not uniquely identifiable. Subsequently, we propose an effective framework to initialize the unknown parameters, which is used as the initial guess in batch SLAM for multiple microphone arrays calibration, aiming to further enhance optimization accuracy and convergence. Extensive numerical simulations and real experiments have been conducted to verify the performance of the proposed method. The experiment results show that the proposed pipeline achieves higher accuracy with fast convergence in comparison to methods that use the noise-corrupted ground truth of the unknown parameters as the initial guess in the optimization and other existing frameworks.
Abstract:The development of Audio Description (AD) has been a pivotal step forward in making video content more accessible and inclusive. Traditionally, AD production has demanded a considerable amount of skilled labor, while existing automated approaches still necessitate extensive training to integrate multimodal inputs and tailor the output from a captioning style to an AD style. In this paper, we introduce an automated AD generation pipeline that harnesses the potent multimodal and instruction-following capacities of GPT-4V(ision). Notably, our methodology employs readily available components, eliminating the need for additional training. It produces ADs that not only comply with established natural language AD production standards but also maintain contextually consistent character information across frames, courtesy of a tracking-based character recognition module. A thorough analysis on the MAD dataset reveals that our approach achieves a performance on par with learning-based methods in automated AD production, as substantiated by a CIDEr score of 20.5.
Abstract:Asynchronous Microphone array calibration is a prerequisite for most audition robot applications. In practice, the calibration requires estimating microphone positions, time offsets, clock drift rates, and sound event locations simultaneously. The existing method proposed Graph-based Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (Graph-SLAM) utilizing common TDOA, time difference of arrival between two microphones (TDOA-M), and odometry measurement, however, it heavily depends on the initial value. In this paper, we propose a novel TDOA, time difference of arrival between adjacent sound events (TDOA-S), combine it with TDOA-M, called hybrid TDOA, and add odometry measurement to construct Graph-SLAM and use the Gauss-Newton (GN) method to solve. TDOA-S is simple and efficient because it eliminates time offset without generating new variables. Simulation and real-world experiment results consistently show that our method is independent of microphone number, insensitive to initial values, and has better calibration accuracy and stability under various TDOA noises. In addition, the simulation result demonstrates that our method has a lower Cram\'er-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for microphone parameters, which explains the advantages of my method.
Abstract:We introduce a novel framework called RefineVIS for Video Instance Segmentation (VIS) that achieves good object association between frames and accurate segmentation masks by iteratively refining the representations using sequence context. RefineVIS learns two separate representations on top of an off-the-shelf frame-level image instance segmentation model: an association representation responsible for associating objects across frames and a segmentation representation that produces accurate segmentation masks. Contrastive learning is utilized to learn temporally stable association representations. A Temporal Attention Refinement (TAR) module learns discriminative segmentation representations by exploiting temporal relationships and a novel temporal contrastive denoising technique. Our method supports both online and offline inference. It achieves state-of-the-art video instance segmentation accuracy on YouTube-VIS 2019 (64.4 AP), Youtube-VIS 2021 (61.4 AP), and OVIS (46.1 AP) datasets. The visualization shows that the TAR module can generate more accurate instance segmentation masks, particularly for challenging cases such as highly occluded objects.
Abstract:The most recent efforts in video matting have focused on eliminating trimap dependency since trimap annotations are expensive and trimap-based methods are less adaptable for real-time applications. Despite the latest tripmap-free methods showing promising results, their performance often degrades when dealing with highly diverse and unstructured videos. We address this limitation by introducing Adaptive Matting for Dynamic Videos, termed AdaM, which is a framework designed for simultaneously differentiating foregrounds from backgrounds and capturing alpha matte details of human subjects in the foreground. Two interconnected network designs are employed to achieve this goal: (1) an encoder-decoder network that produces alpha mattes and intermediate masks which are used to guide the transformer in adaptively decoding foregrounds and backgrounds, and (2) a transformer network in which long- and short-term attention combine to retain spatial and temporal contexts, facilitating the decoding of foreground details. We benchmark and study our methods on recently introduced datasets, showing that our model notably improves matting realism and temporal coherence in complex real-world videos and achieves new best-in-class generalizability. Further details and examples are available at https://github.com/microsoft/AdaM.
Abstract:In this paper, we show that a binary latent space can be explored for compact yet expressive image representations. We model the bi-directional mappings between an image and the corresponding latent binary representation by training an auto-encoder with a Bernoulli encoding distribution. On the one hand, the binary latent space provides a compact discrete image representation of which the distribution can be modeled more efficiently than pixels or continuous latent representations. On the other hand, we now represent each image patch as a binary vector instead of an index of a learned cookbook as in discrete image representations with vector quantization. In this way, we obtain binary latent representations that allow for better image quality and high-resolution image representations without any multi-stage hierarchy in the latent space. In this binary latent space, images can now be generated effectively using a binary latent diffusion model tailored specifically for modeling the prior over the binary image representations. We present both conditional and unconditional image generation experiments with multiple datasets, and show that the proposed method performs comparably to state-of-the-art methods while dramatically improving the sampling efficiency to as few as 16 steps without using any test-time acceleration. The proposed framework can also be seamlessly scaled to $1024 \times 1024$ high-resolution image generation without resorting to latent hierarchy or multi-stage refinements.
Abstract:Motivated by the fact that forward and backward passes of a deep network naturally form symmetric mappings between input and output representations, we introduce a simple yet effective self-supervised vision model pretraining framework inspired by energy-based models (EBMs). In the proposed framework, we model energy estimation and data restoration as the forward and backward passes of a single network without any auxiliary components, e.g., an extra decoder. For the forward pass, we fit a network to an energy function that assigns low energy scores to samples that belong to an unlabeled dataset, and high energy otherwise. For the backward pass, we restore data from corrupted versions iteratively using gradient-based optimization along the direction of energy minimization. In this way, we naturally fold the encoder-decoder architecture widely used in masked image modeling into the forward and backward passes of a single vision model. Thus, our framework now accepts a wide range of pretext tasks with different data corruption methods, and permits models to be pretrained from masked image modeling, patch sorting, and image restoration, including super-resolution, denoising, and colorization. We support our findings with extensive experiments, and show the proposed method delivers comparable and even better performance with remarkably fewer epochs of training compared to the state-of-the-art self-supervised vision model pretraining methods. Our findings shed light on further exploring self-supervised vision model pretraining and pretext tasks beyond masked image modeling.
Abstract:Multiple microphone arrays have many applications in robot audition, including sound source localization, audio scene perception and analysis, etc. However, accurate calibration of multiple microphone arrays remains a challenge because there are many unknown parameters to be identified, including the Euler angles, geometry, asynchronous factors between the microphone arrays. This paper is concerned with joint calibration of multiple microphone arrays and sound source localization using graph simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). By using a Fisher information matrix (FIM) approach, we focus on the observability analysis of the graph SLAM framework for the above-mentioned calibration problem. We thoroughly investigate the identifiability of the unknown parameters, including the Euler angles, geometry, asynchronous effects between the microphone arrays, and the sound source locations. We establish necessary/sufficient conditions under which the FIM and the Jacobian matrix have full column rank, which implies the identifiability of the unknown parameters. These conditions are closely related to the variation in the motion of the sound source and the configuration of microphone arrays, and have intuitive and physical interpretations. We also discover several scenarios where the unknown parameters are not uniquely identifiable. All theoretical findings are demonstrated using simulation data.